Beyond Sugar The Sweetest Poison 2/04/12

Beyond Sugar, Sweetest Poison at the Root of Disease

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Beyond Sugar, Sweetest Poison at the Root of Disease

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Page 1: Beyond Sugar, Sweetest Poison at the Root of Disease

Beyond SugarThe Sweetest Poison


Page 2: Beyond Sugar, Sweetest Poison at the Root of Disease

Sugar, the Sweetest PoisonWe love sweets. We enjoy sweets just as we need sweetness in our lives. Sweets give us a pleasant energy lift, at least for a moment. Centuries ago sweets were rare. We enjoyed them only a few times a year. Now we find sugar everywhere in soft drinks and prepared foods. We often crave sweets. And most of us have some kind of sugar addiction.

What do we mean by sugar?When we say “sugar”, we usually mean granulated Table sugar. However there are so many kinds of sugars these days, we need to be very clear. In this book, the word “sugar” includes these things ending in “ose”:

1. Sucrose (Table sugar) a simple sugar made from cane sugar or beets. 2. Fructose, a simple sugar in fruits, plants and honey.3. Maltose, a complex sugar in barley and malt syrups. 4. Lactose, a complex sugar in milk.5. Dextrose, a refined simple sugar from corn, sugar cane or beets.6. Glucose, a simple sugar in fruits, vegetables and grains.

By “sugar” we mean the syrup form as well as granular form. It includes the raw unrefined as well as the refined forms. This

includes high fructose corn syrup, agave nectar, coconut sugars, molasses and even honey. ALL are detrimental to your health.

Sugar by Any Name is Harmful to Health. In this chapter we’ll look at the exponential rise in sugar consumption. We will study the relationship between sugar and many common diseases. We’ll see what happens in the body when we consume sugar. We’ll learn the difference between high-glycemic Table sugar and its cousin Fructose, fruit sugar, which is low-glycemic but even more harmful.

“Sugar” means any combinations or blends of sugars ending in “ose” as

they’re ALL equally harmful to the body.


Page 3: Beyond Sugar, Sweetest Poison at the Root of Disease

Our Sugar Consumption is on the Rise

This graph shows our average sugar consumption per person per year has gone from 1 pound

in the year 1700 to 165 pounds in 2010!

We have a big sweet tooth.We eat sugar at every meal, hidden in our soft drinks, ice creams and prepared foods. 300 years ago, average sugar consumption per person was about one pound per year. Now the average is 165 pounds per year. Since sugar is an addictive toxin, this increase is clearly reflected in our declining health statistics. See graph below.

Graph shows daily caloric intake from sugar-sweetened drinks in the U.S. has nearly tripled since 1977.


Americans eat more sugar than other countries.Americans are only 5% of the world's population, yet we eat 33% of the world’s sugar, over 10 million tons annually.

Page 4: Beyond Sugar, Sweetest Poison at the Root of Disease


Sugar is a Root Cause of DiseaseWe’ve known sugar is a factor in every major disease since 1900. Dr. Otto Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1930 for discovering the connection between sugar and cancer. Yet this connection is not widely discussed.

In the 1950’s Dr. Coda Martin showed a clear link between sugar and disease. He says:

“Refined sugar is lethal when ingested by humans because it provides only that which nutritionists describe as “empty” or “naked” calories.

It lacks the natural minerals which are present in the sugar beet or cane. In addition, sugar is worse than nothing because it drains and leaches the body of precious vitamins and minerals through the demand its digestion, detoxification and elimination makes upon one’s entire system.” Dr. Coda Martin Read article

We love sweets! Sugar contributes to nearly every major disease. See Dr. Ritamarie’s article.

Sugar leeches away precious vitamins and

minerals In the body, to keep a life-sustaining ph.

Sugar compromises immune function. Dr. Kenneth Bock, an M.D. and expert in nutritional health, says that two cans of soda (24 teaspoons sugar) reduce the efficiency of white blood cells by 92 %, and this effect lasts up to five hours. White blood cells are a key in your immune system. When it is weakened, you’re body is vulnerable to disease.

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Our blood ph is a matter of life and death. No matter what we eat, our body must maintain a constant blood pH level of 7.4. Even a small deviation from that balance causes death. According to Nancy Appleton, Phd, author of “Healthy Bones”, when we eat sugar, the body robs calcium from teeth and bones to neutralize the acid and protect the blood ph.

Sugar Leeches Nutrients from the Body.

How much sugar is in our food? To find out: Search the GI database:


Sugar depletes the bones of calcium, causing osteoporosis. Dr. Rick Allen says: “Sugar depletes the body of phosphorus, and without adequate phosphorus for transport, bone marrow doesn't get the calcium it needs, so the body pulls calcium from bones.”

Sugar leeches valuable vitamins and minerals from the cells. In order to digest glycemic sugars, the body needs B-complex vitamins. The body must rob its own resources to find it. Vitamin B-complex is taken from the central nervous system. Over time, eating sugar can cause Vitamin-B deficiency. This leads to nervousness, poor memory, fatigue, anxiety, depression, indigestion, poor appetite, craving sweets, neurological disorders, sore muscles, headaches, insomnia and dizziness.

Dr. Scott Olson, author of “Sugarettes” says: “Sugar is responsible for more deaths than cigarettes.” Find Book

What’s a sugar rush? It’s the organs on overdrive to balance blood sugar.Dr. Carolyn Dean says a sugar rush is the glycemic effect on the pancreas and adrenal glands as they try to keep the blood sugar levels in balance. As sugar is quickly absorbed into the blood, it stimulates the pancreas to overwork to produce insulin and normalize blood sugar levels. The rapid release of insulin causes a sudden drop in blood sugar. In response, the adrenals overwork to try to maintain blood sugar levels. This begins a see-saw effect of high and lows that ultimately leads to organ burn-out and disease.

“Suicide By Sugar” by Nancy Appleton

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Sugar Accelerates Ageing - The rapid release of glucose into the bloodstream and fluctuating insulin levels destabilizes the body balance and contributes to accelerated ageing. Old age shows up as exhaustion of the glands such as pancreas, adrenals, thyroid, pituitary and sex organs. The body loses its ability to manage the imbalances caused by blood sugar, stress and accumulated toxins. Read More

Depression and mood imbalances are often

related to blood sugar.

The Glycemic Index (GI) measures how fast sugar enters the blood. When we eat sweets we get a rush of energy,

and later we ‘crash’. More Info

A Lifetime of Blood Sugar Imbalances Invites Chronic Disease. Glycemic sugars and fructose sweeteners disrupt the natural body balance by creating large spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels. When blood sugar and insulin are unstable over time, the body can no longer maintain balance. After decades of abuse, an insulin resistance can surface as diabetes, obesity, hypertension, stroke, etc. While the cause is sugar, the disease that manifests will depend on your weakest point.

Sugar and Depression – Sugar destabilizes blood sugar levels, often triggering emotional imbalance, depression, moods and mental problems. Sugar can affect neurological patterns that may lead to psychosis or violent behavior. Sugar suppresses a key brain hormone called BDNE which maintains healthy neurons, memory, and promotes new nerve growth. Low BDNF levels appear in both depression and schizophrenia, and can lead to permanent brain damage. Sugar consumption triggers a cascade of chemical reactions in the body that promotes chronic inflammation, disrupts the immune system and wreaks havoc on the brain. It is often necessary to first eliminate sugar in order to heal psychological problems. An estimated 26% of Americans suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder each year. Approximately 20 million or 9.5% of the US adult population has a Mood Disorder. More

Recent Study Correlates Depression to Sugar

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Sugar’s Central Role in Tooth Decay. - When we eat sweets, oral bacteria form a plaque which consumes the sugar as they multiply in the mouth. Plaque is a kind of glue that contains acid which eats away the tooth enamel. When we remove refined sugar and flours from the diet, cavities are reduced. Some healthy fermented sugars, such as Erythritol and Xylitol actually block the growth or oral bacteria.

Allergies Linked to Sugar - According to Nancy Appleton, PhD, author of Suicide by Sugar, a person can become allergic to anything if they abuse it by eating it frequently in combination with sugar. In fact, most people are already allergic to sugar and other sweeteners, caffeine, alcohol, wheat, dairy, chocolate, corn and anything that is often consumed together with sugar or that is overcooked.

Cancer Linked to Sugar - New studies show a link between high blood sugar and cancer risk. (graph) Research by the Journal of the American Medical Association used data from a Korean Cancer Prevention Study (KCPS) of over 1.2 million Koreans between the ages of 30 and 95. Read More

During a 10 year study, researchers found that death rates from cancer were 29% to 23% higher for people with high blood glucose levels. A second study in Sweden yielded similar results. 1,284,900 new cases of cancer are diagnosed each day. 11 million Americans have cancer now, and 1,500 Americans die from cancer each day. Another article

Dr. Johanna Budwig (1908 – 2003), German biochemist, cancer expert and seven time Nobel Prize nominee, claimed over 90% success rate with her cancer patients. On the renowned Budwig cancer diet, sugar is absolutely forbidden.

New Discoveries Link Cancer to Sugar

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Diabetes Directly Linked to Sugar Imbalance - Diabetes is a set of conditions in which the body cannot regulate blood sugar levels. Blood sugar is regulated by several hormones including insulin from the pancreas, which secretes enzymes that digest food. Type 1 diabetes is when the body can’t make insulin. Type 2 diabetes develops when insulin levels are so high that the body resists it. Diabetes is among of the top five most common diagnoses in the US. 24 million Americans have diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes has TRIPLED in the past 30 years.

Obesity is a metabolic imbalance linked to sugar.

Obesity is related to sugars. Americans eat 165 lbs. of sugar per person per year

and 65 lbs. HFCS high-fructose corn syrup.

Arthritis, Osteoporosis and Sugar – Recent research shows that the slow weakening of the bones caused by the loss of calcium is related to sugar consumption. The body leeches calcium from the bones to counterbalance a glycemic rush, and to maintain a constant blood ph. 2.1 million Americans have Rheumatoid Arthritis. Read More

Obesity Caused by Sugar and Fructose – According to the WHO over half of Americans are overweight and 31% or 38.8 million people - are obese. Obesity rates in children have risen 50% in recent years.

Obesity is Not caused by Over-eating. New research says obesity is caused by a metabolic imbalance created by sugars and fructose. When we eat fructose, a natural plant sugar, our body stores fat and shuts down the normal feedback that tells us when we’re full. So the brain thinks it is hungry, setting up a “vicious cycle”. Fructose is even more harmful than sugar, says Dr. Robert Lustig, Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology at UofC in San Francisco. High-fructose corn syrup in soft drinks and processed foods is largely responsible for our obesity epidemic today. Read More

Obesity, Diabetes and Arthritis Point to Sugar

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Heart Disease and Sugar – Studies indicate that sugar increases the risk of heart disease. About 80,700,000 people in the USA have some form of cardiovascular disease. Research by the Archives of Internal Medicine shows a link between heart disease and consumption of glycemic carbs. A clinical study by Diabetologia showed that whole, complex, high-protein carbohydrates such as beans, have a positive effect on long term treatment of diabetes. A report from the American Heart Association in the journal Circulation suggests that a high-sugar diet creates fat deposits that are predominantly bad cholesterols.

High Cholesterol Related to Sugar – Studies show that high cholesterol HDL and triglyceride concentrations are related to blood sugar levels, and that high cholesterol can be reversed by eliminating sugar and fructose sweeteners. Over 100 million Americans are said to have high cholesterol. Researchers say that statin drugs have no effect on death rates. Perhaps we can solve the problem with dietary control of sugar and fructose? Read More

Graph shows no relationship between cholesterol and death from heart disease in 15 countries. More info

Asthma Linked to Sugar - Childhood asthma has doubled since 1980, and now affects nearly 9% of children. Poor eating habits, such as consumption of candy and sugary foods, are primary factors blamed for the increase, says Sonja Kierstein, PhD, of the Nestle Research Center in Lausanne, Switzerland. Read More

Kierstein and colleagues hypothesize that a high sugar diet may invite allergic inflammation in the bronchial tubes. Inflammation can cause a narrowing of the airways and mucus production, resulting in asthma. Read more

New Studies Link Heart Disease to Sugar

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Hyperactivity, ADD and Sugar - The link between hyperactivity and sugar is a complex debate, as a direct causal link cannot be applied in all cases. Hyperactivity appears to be influenced by a combination of factors such as sugar consumption, a learning disability, an unstable home life, food allergies, food additives, cigarette smoke, caffeine in soft drinks and heavy metal exposure. Many doctors recommend that all children, especially those with hyperactive tendencies, be taken off sugar and corn syrup. Read more

Epilepsy and Sugar – Studies show that a sugar-free diet reduces the incidence and severity of epileptic seizures. The Epilepsy Foundation endorses a ketogenic diet consisting of fat, protein and total abstinence from sugar. More

Gluten Intolerance, IBS, Celiac and Gut Diseases Related to Sugar.A stressful lifestyle of random sweets, snacks and poorly combined meals is an invitation to digestive problems. A toxic intestinal tract attracts harmful bacteria, chronic inflammation and a variety of gut diseases. Sugar and refined carbs can ferment into a sticky glue that creates toxic alcohol and acetic acid in the gut. Sometimes it is not enough to eliminate sugar or refined grains from the diet, and a total bowel cleanse is required to remove the sticky plaque. After the cleanse, a diet free of sugar and refined flours can begin the healing process. Gluten intolerance affects 180 – 200 million Americans. IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome affects 1 out of 5 adults. Read more

Candida Linked to Sugar – An overgrowth of yeast such as candida represents a general imbalance of flora in the digestive tract that can lead to other diseases. Candida is linked to sugar, refined flours, antibiotics, stress, birth control pills and alcohol. Read More

Sugar in soft drinks taken with meals can create a toxic combination in the body

that promotes gut problems and disease.

Latest Research Points to Sugar in Digestive Diseases, Hyperactivity and Epilepsy

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Alzheimer’s Disease called Diabetes 3 - Researchers find that when blood sugar and insulin are not correctly regulated in the brain, there is a strong link to Alzheimer’s disease. More “There is increasing evidence that insulin problems are a possible trigger for Alzheimer’s disease.” says Dr. Emmett Blahnik. More New data shows that Metabolic Syndrome, obesity and diabetes together increase the risk of Alzheimer’s by up to 65%. 5.3 million Americans have Alzheimer’s now. More info

Alzheimer’s disease is on the rise. It is projected to reach over 12 million cases by 2050. View video

Metabolic Syndrome and Sugar – This syndrome is a combination of high risk factors such as hypertension, high blood sugar, inflammation, high cholesterol, high triglycerides and obesity. Metabolic syndrome has been directly linked to high sugar consumption. Read more

Hypertension, High blood pressure related to sugar.Studies on rats show that sugar consumption is a key factor in animal hypertension and high blood pressure. More

Acid Reflux Related to Sugar and Refined Grains – Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease known as GERD or Heartburn is caused by stomach acid that moves up into the esophagus. It is one of the top eight diagnoses in the US, said to affect 33% of adults. It is our most expensive chronic gut disorder, costing nearly $10 b per year. Acid reflux can be caused by refined foods such as sugars and grains. Other factors may be stress, spicy or acid foods, random meals, incompatible food combining, gluten intolerance and toxic build-up in the intestines.

Recent Studies Link Sugar to Acid Reflux, Alzheimer’s and Hypertension

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Skull Candy, a potent metaphor for sugar.

78 Ways Sugar Ruins Your Health1. Sugar can suppress the immune system.2. Sugar can upset the body's mineral balance.3. Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, concentration difficulties, and crankiness in children.4. Sugar can cause drowsiness and decreased activity in children.5. Sugar can adversely affect children's school grades.6. Sugar can produce a significant rise in triglycerides.7. Sugar contributes to a weakened defense against bacterial infection.8. Sugar can cause kidney damage.9. Sugar can reduce helpful high-density cholesterol.10. Sugar can promote an elevation of harmful cholesterol.11. Sugar may lead to chromium deficiency.12. Sugar can cause copper deficiency.13. Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium.14. Sugar may lead to cancer of the breast, ovaries, prostate, rectum.15. Sugar can cause colon cancer, with increased risk in women.16. Sugar can be a risk in gall bladder cancer.17. Sugar can increase blood glucose levels18. Sugar can weaken eyesight.19. Sugar raises the level of a neurotransmitter called serotonin, which can narrow blood vessels.20. Sugar can cause hypoglycemia.21. Sugar can produce an acidic stomach.22. Sugar can raise adrenaline levels in children.23. Sugar can increase the risk of coronary heart disease.24. Sugar can speed aging, causing wrinkles and gray hair.25. Sugar can lead to alcoholism.26. Sugar can promote tooth decay.27. Sugar can contribute to weight gain and obesity.28. High intake of sugar increases the risk of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.29. Sugar can cause a raw, inflamed intestinal tract in persons with gastric or duodenal ulcers.30. Sugar can cause arthritis.31. Sugar can cause asthma.32. Sugar can cause candidiasis (yeast infection).33. Sugar can lead to the formation of gallstones.34. Sugar can lead to the formation of kidney stones.35. Sugar can cause ischemic heart disease.36. Sugar can cause appendicitis.37. Sugar can exacerbate the symptoms of multiple sclerosis.38. Sugar can indirectly cause hemorrhoids.39. Sugar can cause varicose veins.40. Sugar can elevate glucose and insulin responses in oral contraception users.

41. Sugar can lead to periodontal disease.42. Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis.43. Sugar contributes to saliva acidity.44. Sugar can cause a decrease in insulin sensitivity.45. Sugar leads to decreased glucose tolerance.46. Sugar can decrease growth hormone.47. Sugar can increase total cholesterol.48. Sugar can increase systolic blood pressure.49. Sugar can change protein structure, interfering with protein absorption.50. Sugar causes food allergies.51. Sugar can contribute to diabetes.52. Sugar can cause toxemia during pregnancy.53. Sugar can contribute to eczema in children.54. Sugar can cause cardiovascular disease.55. Sugar can impair the structure of DNA.56. Sugar can cause cataracts.57. Sugar can cause emphysema.58. Sugar can cause arteriosclerosis.59. Sugar can cause free radical formation in the bloodstream.60. Sugar lowers the enzymes' ability to function.61. Sugar can cause loss of tissue elasticity and function.62. Sugar can cause liver cells to divide, increasing the size of the liver.63. Sugar can increase the amount of fat in the liver.64. Sugar can increase kidney size, producing pathological changes in the kidney.65. Sugar can overstress the pancreas, causing damage.66. Sugar can increase the body's fluid retention.67. Sugar can cause constipation.68. Sugar can cause myopia (nearsightedness).69. Sugar can compromise the lining of the capillaries.70. Sugar can cause hypertension.71. Sugar can cause headaches, including migraines.72. Sugar can cause an increase in delta, alpha and theta brain waves, which can alter the minds ability to think clearly.73. Sugar can cause depression.74. Sugar can increase insulin responses in those consuming high-sugar diets compared to low sugar diets.75. Sugar increases bacterial fermentation in the colon.76. Sugar can cause hormonal imbalance.77. Sugar can increase blood platelet adhesiveness increasing risk of blood clots.78. Sugar can increase the risk of Alzheimer Disease. From www.justlikesugarinc.com

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Fructose and Your HealthWhat is fructose? Fructose is a natural sugar extracted from fruit. Fructose is about 70% sweeter than sugar. Fructose can be granulated like table sugar. Or it can be in syrup form such as agave nectar, coconut syrup, honey and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). High-fructose corn syrup has been getting a lot of bad publicity lately. Some say that good old-fashioned sugar is healthier than HFCS. Unfortunately that is not true. Both Fructose and Sucrose are harmful About fructose

Common sources of fructose: Soft drinks, packaged and prepared foods, breakfast cereals, candy, fruit drinks, energy bars, raisins, dates, figs, prunes, grapes, mangos, pineapples and bananas.


Fructose has a lower glycemic index than sugar, because it is metabolized in the liver. However the liver can only metabolize small amounts of fructose per day: 20 – 25 grams (5-6 teaspoons). High fructose consumption can cause slow metabolism and de-novo lipogenesis, or the conversion of sugar into high cholesterol fats. More Fructose Info.

We eat natural fructose in fruits, but these are in small doses surrounded by fiber which slows down the absorption rate. This is nature’s way of protecting us from fructose. But when we extract concentrated fructose and consume it in quantity every day, it can create big problems. Read “Fructose is not the Answer” by Nancy Appleton, Phd.

High fructose consumption is harmful to your health.

Page 14: Beyond Sugar, Sweetest Poison at the Root of Disease

Fructose is linked to and increase in Uric Acid, causing Arthritis and Hypertension. Its biochemical breakdown in the liver produces an increase in the waste product uric acid, a primary cause of gout (a type of arthritis). Uric acid is linked to high blood pressure and hypertension. In a recent study it was found that lowering uric acid actually reversed hypertension. Our epidemic of hypertension may be linked to fructose consumption.

Fructose, Glucose and all Sugars are Health Hazards. Fructose causes the liver to overwork. Glucose causes insulin levels to spike, leading to insulin resistance, type-2 diabetes and obesity. There are no healthy high sugar foods.

The Risks of High Fructose Consumption


Fructose in large quantities can cause big problems. It increases the risk of hypertension (high blood pressure) and type 2 diabetes. It can raise total blood cholesterol levels, LDL-“bad” cholesterol levels, and triglyceride levels, especially in diabetics. It can cause fatigue, insulin resistance and obesity. It can cause fructose intolerance (DFI), which is a condition said to be found in nearly one third of the population, meaning they unable to completely absorb fructose. This causes flatulence, intestinal cramps, bloating, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Fructose may actually cause symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and may be an underlying cause of some cases of IBS due to poor absorption of fructose. More info

Fructose has a High Conversion to Fat. When we eat fructose or HFCS, 30% of it is converted to fats. The fats created are low-density lipoproteins, VLDL’s, or the bad cholesterol fats.

High Fructose Corn Syrup, ‘Corn Sugar’ or HFCS

is a health risk.

Page 15: Beyond Sugar, Sweetest Poison at the Root of Disease


The Bitter Truth about Sugar and Fructose Recommended Video with over 1,400,000 views

Dr. Lustig says: “The hepatic metabolic pathways demonstrate that fructose is a dose-dependent chronic hepatotoxin. (Liver toxin) Fructose is capable of promoting hepatic and skeletal muscle insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, dyslipidemia, hepatic lipid deposition, and inflammation; similar to the dose-dependent toxic effects of ethanol.

Furthermore, the central pathways outlined above demonstrate that fructose is capable of promoting hypothalamic leptin resistance and activation of the reward pathway, resulting in an abnormal drive to continuous consumption, also similar to ethanol. Indeed, fructose may be described as “alcohol without the ‘buzz’”. The metabolic and central similarities between fructose and ethanol are striking. Other stimulators of the nucleus accumbens have led to disease and societal deterioration, and thus have required education, regulation, and in some instances, interdiction.

America attempted ethanol interdiction (prohibition) in the 1930’s, but was unsuccessful; it will be even harder to restrict fructose consumption….Until Yudkin’s prophecies of 1972 are taken seriously and the public is made aware of the specific dangers of the fructose fraction of our current Western diet, our current vicious cycle of consumption and disease will continue.” Read Article

Translation: Fructose is a liver toxin like alcohol. It can promote high cholesterol, insulin resistance, fatty liver deposits, inflammation and can lead to diabetes. It provokes cravings to eat more and more in a vicious cycle of consumption and disease in our society.

Robert H. Lustig, MD, author of “The Bitter Truth” Video is a Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology at U of C in

San Francisco. He is a neuro-endocrinologist with specific interests in

energy balance. View Video

“Fructose is a Metabolic Disaster in the Body”.Robert H. Lustig, MD

Page 16: Beyond Sugar, Sweetest Poison at the Root of Disease


Dr. Gangemi says: “…Agave nectar is not made from the sap of the yucca or agave plant but from the starch of its giant pineapple-like root bulb. The principal constituent of the agave root is starch, similar to starch in corn.

…Agave starch is subjected to an enzymatic and chemical process that converts the starch into a fructose-rich syrup, which is anywhere from 70% to 90 % fructose.

That’s right, the refined fructose in agave nectar is much more concentrated than the fructose in HFCS. This is one of the biggest health food misconceptions currently on the market.” From “Corn Sugar or High Fructose Corn Syrup – A Name Change Doesn’t Make it Good for You” Read entire article

Obesity trends have been linked to increased consumption of fructose

sweeteners such as agave and HFCS.

Agave has been billed as a healthy sweetener. Embraced by health conscious buyers and raw food lovers, agave has become the sweetener of choice for millions. Agave is a fructose sweetener. Consumed in small quantities along with the whole food fiber, fructose is natural. But extracted fructose has been linked to liver problems, insulin resistance, high triglycerides and obesity.

Agave Nectar contains More Fructose than High-Fructose Corn Syrup.

Say a fond farewell to agave nectar.

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How Much Fructose Can I Eat Per Day?Dr. Lustig and Dr. Mercola say the maximum fructose per day for health should be 20 grams.

How much is that?

20 grams of fructose is about 4 ¼ teaspoons. (1 teaspoon of fructose weighs 4.75 grams.)So 20 grams per day would be about 2 apples, 3 bananas, 2 pears, 9 dates or 1 tsp raw honey. Look at the chart and do the math.

Fruit portionGrams of Fructose

1 Lime 0.01 Lemon 0.61 cup cranberries 0.71 date 2.61/8 cantalope 2.81 cup raspberries 3.01 Kiwi 3.41 slice pineapple 4.01 grapefruit 4.31 tangerine 4.81 peach/nectarine 5.81 orange 6.11/2 papaya 6.31 banana 7.11 cup blueberries 7.41 apple 9.51 pear 11.8¼ cup raisins 12.31 cup grapes 12.41/2 mango 16.21 cup dry apricots 16.41 cup dry figs 23.0 Raisins, dates and dried fruit

are loaded with fructose.

Limit Fructose intake to 20 grams per day. That’s 4 ½ tsp granulated fructose, or

fresh fruit per the chart.

Fruit juice has as much sugar as soft drinks. Worse the “sugar”

in juice is Fructose. We can only absorb 20 - 25 grams of

Fructose per day.


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Fructose sweeteners are NOT recommended for desserts. We recommend fresh whole fruit, not fruit juice.

There are healthier sweeteners for desserts!

If you can only eat 20 grams Fructose per day,

Don’t use it on snacks and juice. Get it from Real Fresh Fruit.


Page 19: Beyond Sugar, Sweetest Poison at the Root of Disease

Cure Sugar Addiction by Breaking the Cycle:1. Notice the sugar content in the food you buy. Find out if it contains sugar. 2. Just Say No Thank You: Refuse foods with sugar in them.3. Read the Labels. Look at the carbohydrate content.4. Eat Homemade Food without Sugar: When eating out, go for veggies. 5. Use Sugar Substitutes such as Chicory root fiber, Stevia and Xylitol.6. Eliminate Alcohol as it is made from sugar.7. Stay away from pure carbs such white flour, white bread, prepared cereals and potatoes.8. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits. These are the building blocks of health.9. Avoid Sweet Fruits: Avoid bananas, mangoes, papayas, grapes, apricots, dried fruits, raisins, dates.10. Drink clean water. Your body is 70 – 90% water. Drink quality filtered water and avoid chlorinated tap water. 11. Eliminate soft drinks and fruit juices. They are loaded with sugar and fructose. 12. Observe Your Cravings: When you feel like eating something sweet, grab a tart apple, a celery stick, or a cup

of herb tea. Engage yourself in other activities that help you to re-focus and increase your body awareness. 13. For more information, look at the Body Ecology Diet to re-train and re-balance the body.14. Learn what sugary foods to avoid: GI of common foods.

Symptoms of Sugar Addiction: If you have two or more of these symptoms, you may be addicted to sugar:1. Restlessness: When you don’t get your sweet fix, you start feeling restless.2. Moods, Anxiety, depression: You go for sweets when you’re feeling down.3. Diet: You manage your energy with sweets, soft drinks, coffee and carbs.

When you miss a treat you feel anxious, depressed, headachy or foggy-brain.

“I’m not addicted to sugar, as long as I get my daily dose.”

Sugar Addiction: Symptoms and How to Cure it.


Page 20: Beyond Sugar, Sweetest Poison at the Root of Disease

Soft drinks and fruit juices are hidden sources of sugar and fructose.


Page 21: Beyond Sugar, Sweetest Poison at the Root of Disease

By Jane Barthelemy, MBA, CBP, CRM, Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, Reiki

Master, opera diva, chef, jewelry designer, author, teacher, speaker.


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