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Alternative Health


Women’s Son and



Copywriting Career

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Alternative Health Saves

AWAI Member’s Son and Launches

Successful Copywriting Career

By Guillermo Rubio

Just over three years ago, AWAI member Eileen Coale was at the end of her rope.

Her son had been chronically ill for a year and a half, and the doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong with him.

Finally, she turned to alternative health for an answer. Within weeks, her

son’s health improved dramatically.

At that moment, Eileen became a believer. Now her entire family turns to

alternative health to beat illness and help prevent disease. In fact, she’ll only take her kids to the doctor for tests and diagnosis.

Since then, Eileen has focused solely on writing for the alternative health market. It’s her passion. And she’s found a lot of success doing it.

Here are Eileen’s tips for becoming a health copywriter clients eagerly want to hire again and again:

Health-Writing Tip #1: Immerse yourself. Read and learn as much as you can about alternative health. A few publications Eileen

recommends are Vitamin Retailer magazine, Nutraceuticals World, and NutraIngredients.com. Also, get seeded onto some of the alternative

health mailers’ lists, so you’ll start getting promos and catalogs in the mail.

Health-Writing Tip #2: Work for established, reputable

companies. Established companies know the ins-and-outs of FTC and FDA requirements. Plus, it’s simply much easier to deal with

companies that have been around the block a few times, since they have a good idea of who their audience is, the kinds of appeals that

work, and how to fully take advantage of your copy (significantly increasing your chances of bigger royalty checks).

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Health-Writing Tip #3: Appeal to your prospect’s strongest

emotions. In alternative health, some of the strongest emotions include fear, frustration, despair and hope. Eileen experienced all of

these emotions firsthand during her son’s health ordeal. These are the same emotions you should be using in your health copy. For example,

if a prospect has had to deal with chronic arthritis for years, he’s probably feeling despair. He’s also feeling fear that his condition will

never improve, yet hopes there’s a solution he hasn’t heard about yet. The key here is not to dwell too long on the negative emotions.

Acknowledge them and quickly move to hope and the solution. Remember, the ultimate goal is to help people lead healthier lives and

show them there is an effective alternative to dangerous drugs and surgery.

Health-Writing Tip #4: Live the lifestyle. Eileen lives a healthy lifestyle. This helps give her copy a passion, energy, and sincerity that

can’t be duplicated any other way. As you start immersing yourself,

start acting on some of the research and advice you read. Try out some herbal supplements for any health issues you’re experiencing or

want to help prevent. Eat healthy. Exercise.

Health-Writing Tip #5: Get hip to the FTC and FDA. The health

market can be a regulatory minefield. Familiarize yourself with health legalese. These rules change constantly, so you have to be constantly

educating yourself. Visit the FTC’s website to see what the rules are. You can also get information about dietary supplement

structure/function claims on the FDA’s website.

Writing for the health market isn’t just lucrative. As Eileen demonstrates, it

can provide a lifetime of health and a disease-free body. And that … is priceless.

For more information on how you can get a healthy body (and a healthy bank account) by becoming a health copywriter click here

For more great free information on how to take your copywriting career to the next level please visit www.ProCopyWritingTactics.com

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