Allergy At A Glance

Allergy at a glance

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Allergy At A Glance

Page 2: Allergy at a glance

Symptoms of Milk Allergy

Individuals who are suffering from milk allergy must strictly avoid milk, any food that contains milk and milk products in order to prevent allergic reactions such as hives, wheezing, and vomiting. Avoiding these types of food may be difficult due to the fact that various products may contain milk without you knowing. Food allergies and food intolerance are sometimes mixed up. Affected individuals may experience symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, bloating, abdominal cramps, and flatulence. Labels must always be checked before you use an item.

Moreover, check the labels before buying a product as well. Occasionally, manufacturers change the recipe of their product and add an ingredient that may trigger you allergy.

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Insect Sting Allergy

The entire body may experience severe allergic reactions called anaphylaxis. Various insects such as bees, wasps, fire ants, hornets, and yellow jackets can cause allergic reactions. Carrying an epinephrine is important. It can reverse life-threatening reactions upon administration.

To prevent anaphylaxis with future stings, allergy shots are recommended. Allergy shots are recommended to individuals with insect sting allergy. In the future, it can prevent the occurrence of anaphylaxis. Swelling and redness of the affected area can be extensive and may last for a week or two. These symptoms are commonly accompanied with nausea, fatigue, and low-grade fever.

Page 4: Allergy at a glance

Food Allergy Intolerance

There is a great chance that everyone may acquire food allergies and food intolerances. A person may experience unpleasant reactions after eating certain kinds of food. They just discover that they have an allergy afterwards.

Because food allergies are hereditary, one out three individuals says that he modifies his diet since one member of the family is believed to have a food allergy or they actually have a food allergy. However, there are approximately 5% of children reported to have food allergies. Among other types of allergies, 4% of the cases of food allergies are on teens and adults.

Moreover, people are often mistaken with the difference of food allergies and food intolerances. This affects the difference of clinically diagnosed food allergy and the public perception of the problem. A food allergy is characterized by the body's hypersensitivity to a certain type of food. The immune system releases histamine that causes an allergic response. Although it may resemble with the symptoms of food allergy, the symptoms of food intolerance is not because of the immune system. The immune system is only responsible for the allergic reactions due to food allergies. For example, if a person is allergic to milk, he experiences adverse reactions due to the ingestion of milk. On the other hand, a person who is lactose intolerant experiences the inability to digest or absorb milk.

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Sulfite Allergy Explained

Sulfites, a group of sulfur-based compounds, may be added to food as enhancers and preservatives. Sulfite sensitivity occurs in one out of a hundred individuals in the US. Sulfite sensitivity has an unknown cause. It may also be acquired regardless of age.

Mild to life-reactions reactions may be experienced by sulfite sensitive people. Foods such as apples and lettuce do not contain sulfites. This is because on 1986 the FDA banned the use of sulfites on fruits or vegetables which can be eaten raw. Sulfites used in food preparation are mandated by law to be listed as part of a product label. Adding sulfites to cooked and processed foods are being done by certain manufacturers. Sulfites naturally occur in wine and beer.

It is essential for people with sulfite sensitivity to avoid products which contain sulfites. Label reading is an important habit to develop by sulfite sensitive individuals. When eating out, it is best to inquire from the person cooking your meals if sulfite was used at any time during preparation.

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Pollen Allergies Facts

Plants produce tiny round or oval pollen grains used for reproduction. These grains are so minute; it cannot be seen by the naked eye. In some species, the plant uses the pollen from its own flowers to fertilize itself. Other types of plants should be pollinated with others of their own species.

Cross-pollination, or a plant’s fertilization and forming of seeds, the pollen must be transported from one flower to another of the same species. Flowering plants either depend on insects or wind transport for pollination. Allergic reactions are commonly caused by plain-looking plants that do not have showy flowers such as trees, grasses and weeds. The pollens produced by these plants have to be suitable for air transport, therefore they must be small, light, and dry.

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About the Author

The editor writes evaluations, feedback, & informative contents on the subject of hypersensitivity. Would you like to learn more regarding Allergy Symptoms? Get replies straight from the writer who basically encountered several allergic reactions since childhood.