Planting the Seeds of the Future Project PSF-Ethiopia 1 Global Health Competition Team 3 Vanessa Gaioso Hunter Howell Loraine Kanyare Tsuguhiko Kato Irene Tami

2010 team 3

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Planting the Seeds of the FutureProject PSF-Ethiopia


Global Health Competition

Team 3

Vanessa GaiosoHunter Howell

Loraine KanyareTsuguhiko Kato

Irene Tami

Assessment – Oramiya Region

• Population: 27,158,471 (2007 Census)

• 48% Muslim 31% Orthodox, and local religions

• 85% Oromo

• 89% Rural

• Chronic drought

• 51% total coffee production in the country

• 24% engage in non-farm related jobs

• Child mortality 178 death per 1,000 live birth

• 6.4 births per a woman

• 4.8 per household

• Life expectancy 42 years

• 31 hospitals

• 242 health centers

• 3,758 health posts


Assessment (cont’d)

• Children under 5:• 41% stunted• 9.6% malnourished.• 34.4% underweight

• 32% Access safe drinking water

• Infectious Diseases: • Malaria• Food or water borne diseases

(Bacterial, Protozoal diarrhea, hepatitis A&E, and typhoid fever

• Respiratory infections

• Education • Literacy Rates-62% Men, 30%

Women• 62.5% enrolled in primary school• 10% enrolled in secondary

school• High dropout rate especially

among girls

• 44% affected Poverty• Governance and institutions• Public Policy and Budget

Allocation• 50% of Budge on Military• 6% on Health Care.


Potential Barriers

• Geographic area (Rural)

• High illiteracy rate esp. among women

• Drought

• Access to clean water & associated hygiene practices

• High mortality rate

• Centralized government

• Military conflicts & displaced population



1) Improve Nutritional Status of Children Under Five Years

2) To develop Self Sustaining and Gender Sensitive Interventions that Integrate Agriculture, Education, and Income Generation

3) Utilize Alternative Technology for Water Purification, Hygiene, & Extremely Nutritious Leaf Protein Concentrate


Malnutrition Status41 % are stunted (children < 5 y-o)\

9.4% children malnourished34.4%children underweight50% women underweight


-Parasitic Diseases/ Diarrhea- HIV/AIDS-Hepatitis

-Typhoid fever

Nutrition IntakeFood Shortage,

5 person per householdFood delivery-no gas, truck

Education(Literacy rate 62% men – 30% women)

Behavior & Caring Practices

↓ Hygiene ↓ Education

↓ Latrines

Health Services↓ sanitation↓ safe water

↓ immunization coverage

Household Food Security

Rural women spend time caring wood,

child, waterMilitary Conflicts

Unequal Distribution of ResourcesCentralized Government, Gender Inequality, Poverty,

Agricultural resources (timing/quantity of rain season, erosion of land)


Direct Causes

Indirect Causes

Fundamental Causes

Based in UNICEF Model

Pilot Study

• Duration – 1 year (pilot), 2 years (replication)

• Location – Borana zone in Oromiya 11%Urban, 2 million, about 4,000 households,

• Sample size – 400 households




• Tri-location Educational Sessions -schools, market places, local health centers etc

• 2 training levels -> community and local trainers

Health Professional, Community Worker Training

• Rapid Malnutrition Assessment and triage

• Health education

• De-worming/partnership with other NGOs

• Solar Water Purification

• Leaf concentrate process, storage and advantages to community



Community Education

• Microfinance opportunity – High grain prices sometimes not affordable for farmers –Bioengineered drought resistant sorghum seeds loaned out for subsistence farming – First harvest after 3 months

• Women of Ethiopia traditionally weave beautiful baskets for daily use, Coffee –cash crop Partnership with Coffee Grower Association to purchase – small baskets woven by local women to package retail coffee to market for export & tourists -Income generating opportunity

• Expert to teach – leaf concentrate process, storage and advantages to community Highly Nutritious Leaf Protein Concentrate – (rich in beta carotene, iron, & high quality protein) – Effective in combating malnutrition, esp anemia & vitA deficiency prevalent in children & pregnant women in developing countries

- Easily combined with variety of local available foods to make culturally acceptable dishes.

• Water purification – teach low tech water purification techniques - combine of the sun's ultra violet rays and heat to kill pathogenic germs - that spread much diarrheal in Africa

• Reinforce hygiene (hand washing, vegetables, construction of latrines/



Pilot Study Time Frame


Activity Feb Mar Apr May June

July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan-Marc

Establish logistics (office sites and transportation)Identify key personnelGoverntment contacts for buy-inCommunity Based Participation (informed consent)- Problem Identification

•Hire local experts•Trainer training – medical professionals- triage malnutrition cases, women – handicraft (illustrated training material or pamphlet), men – sorghum cultivation & storage(6 weeks)

•Meet community leaders•Identify intervention sites•Purchase the intervention supplies•Partner with coffee farmer association-purchase woven basket local women•Community Assessment (local hospital chart-weight for height, observation of visible severe wasting & nutritional edema)

•Community malnutrition awareness education (9 months)•Microfinance-first seeds delivery•Weaving – income generation women •Solar water purification training•Combat children malnutrition with leave extract.

• Continuous evaluation

•Continue intervention

Microfinance-crop returnQuarterly assessment and spontaneous director site visit

Community leader involvement in microfinance project

Quarterly assessment and spontaneous director site visit

Test effectiveness of the intervention

Illustrative Budget

Training = XXX

Office overhead = $200 * 12=

Experts for training = XXX*10

Incentive= Goats and chickens

Sorghum= $300 per metric tons

Director Salary = XXX

Administrative personnel =XXX

Expert Salary (local experts,leader women experts)

= 10 * XXX

Transportation (vehicles, trucks, and repair)


Refreshments = XXX

Thank you