20 Organic & Fat Burning Foods For Weight Loss

20 organic foods for weight loss

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Page 1: 20 organic foods for weight loss

20 Organic & Fat Burning

Foods For Weight Loss

Page 2: 20 organic foods for weight loss

Apricot – Boosts your metabolic rate

This is the food which is low in calories and fat. This food increases your metabolic rate and keeps you in normal weight.

Apricots provide vitamin A, vitamin C, carbohydrates, minerals, dietary fiber [High Fiber Foods], iron and calcium. Also, apricot helps in maintaining good health.

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Apples – Low fat and low calorie fruit

Apples can be very beneficial for weight loss. Generally apples are low in fat and calories and contain minerals, vitamins, fiber and also low in sodium. All these can help for weight loss in different ways.

Fiber in the apples fills your stomach quickly and also limits the quantity of food you have eaten.

Another great benefit of eating apples is; they have high water content and are a great source of detoxification.

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Beets – A fiber rich food fights against fat

These are the most attractive vegetables in a diet garden. Beets are helpful to flush water from your system to fight against water retention. Beets are the fat fighting vegetables in these modern days.

As beets are rich in fiber in half-soluble and half-insoluble mode, they play a great role in fighting against fat. Beets also help in protecting against heart attacks, certain cancers like colon cancer and birth defects.

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Grapefruit – A super food for dieters

By eating half a grapefruit with each meal, you will lose nearly 3.6 pounds and those who consume grapefruit juice for three times in a day will lose 3.3 pounds in a week.

This has the ability to recharge your metabolism and also supplies a nutritional boost.

It will not only help you in losing your weight, but also helps in fighting against cold symptoms, heart disease and certain types of cancer.

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Cabbage – A quick weight loss food

Eating cabbage soup can help you in quick weight loss. Taking cabbage soup for seven days can cause you to lose weight.

This vegetable is very low in calories and has plenty of nutrients.

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Carrots – Rich in beta-carotene act as a fat substitute

Eating large amount of carrots can result in weight loss.

Beta carotene in the carrots can act as a fat substitute by supplying as a thickener in sauces, soups, breads, and casseroles.

Carrots contain fiber, in which half-soluble fiber helps to lower the blood cholesterol levels.

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Cauliflower – Low fat and low calorie food

This is a party platter vegetable, naturally low in calories and fat.

So, don’t feel shy to eat.

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Cucumber – A great diuretic

This diuretic product encourages the removal of fluids from your body. When you use this in right quantities, it will accelerate the metabolism, eject with the misused fluids and stimulates the removal of fat cells.

This diuretic has one great feature: it breaks the large fat deposits into tiny ones, which can be easily washed out from your body.

Through this process, most of the fat cells were removed from your body and at the same time your body will lose the excess water.

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Lettuce – The food rich in iron and magnesium

The minerals in lettuce will directly enter into your pique. The pique protects your body from illness.

The pique makes use of these minerals and composes them stronger and directly transforms them to the tissues and cells.

Also, it increases the process of metabolism and wash out the fatty cells.

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Onions – A great addition to your diet

Similar to garlic, onions also contain oils and minerals which will help in breaking the fats and increasing your metabolism.

Onions have greater power than garlic, so it is a great addition to your diet.

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Pumpkin – The vegetable rich in fiber

Pumpkin is a greatest weight loss food for everyone.

Pumpkin contains high quantities of fiber and contains only 40 calories.

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Radishes – Cleans the mucus membrane of the body

Radishes contain improved levels of magnesium and iron.

These are the minerals which help to melt the fat in the cells.

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Sardines – Makes you feel full and stimulates your metabolism

Sardines are boon to everyone who wants to lose weight.

Sardines are full of proteins, which helps in stabilizing the blood sugar, makes you feel full and also stimulates your metabolism.

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Spinach – The food rich in fiber

Spinach provides you twice the amount of fiber when compared to other greens.

Also, it is a good source of iron and full of minerals and vitamins.

Use spinach when you are preparing the salads.

This will be healthier and maintains your weight loss routine.

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Zucchini – A low calorie food

Zucchini supplies only 15 calories for 100 grams.

This is a versatile and negative calorie stuff that can be steamed, baked and fried or you can prepare it in any way that you want.

So, add this food in your diet which helps in weight loss effectively.

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Asparagus – A natural weight loss food

This is a natural weight loss food and is an ideal food for young women during their menstrual cycle. Folic acid in this food helps to prevent neural-tube birth defects.

This food is also a good source of vitamin E. It contains an oxidant called glutathione which is considered to protect against cancer.

This food is preferred for the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism.

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Garlic – Helps reducing unhealthy fats and cholesterol

Garlic is also a natural diuretic which acts as a fat burning food. The mustard oils in garlic generate a cleansing action in your body.

During this process a large amount of peristalsis will be generated and it also helps in washing out the excess fat.

So, eat garlic and acquire slim body. Garlic has anti-bacterial effect on your body.

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Chili pepper

There are many benefits of chili pepper, ranged from relieving arthritis pain to lowering the levels of cholesterol in your body.

They increase the metabolism thus resulting in weight loss.

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Green tea – A great slimming solution

There are many health benefits with green tea. It consists of high quantities of anti-oxidants, improves your heart health, supports digestion, regulates your body temperature and blood sugar levels.

Your metabolic rate will be improved by drinking green tea and it also improves fat oxidation thus assisting you in losing weight.

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Celery – A calcium rich food

This consists of high amounts of calcium in an about to use form. This form of calcium will ignite your endocrine system. The hormones in your body will break up the accumulated fat build up.

High levels of iron and magnesium in celeries will also help in cleaning your system.