Four Advocacies Worth Supporting in These Troubled Times

Four advocacies worth supporting in these troubled times

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Four Advocacies Worth Supporting in These Troubled Times

Instead of uniting together in the elusive quest for an enlightened, brighter and peaceful future for the sake of the younger generations to come, a lot of misguided people that are blinded by their archaic beliefs, illogical ideologies and

unreasonable bigotry are hellbent on bringing about the destruction of those who oppose their one-sided views.

Gang members are corrupting the minds of the youth as they paint the city streets red with the blood of their enemies and there is no end in sight for the senseless wars waged around the world especially in the ravaged wasteland of countries in the Middle East and Africa.

Although these dark and desolate times can really dishearten us as we abandon all hope and wave the

proverbial white flag in defeat, giving up is not an option because an r&d fund and some form of financial

assistance given to the right organization and advocacy can ignite the change that will turn things around for the



Everything is not too late and with that said, here are just a few advocacies that should be started, supported and strengthened in countries around the world.

● Free Education for Marginalized Communities

● Most people in poverty-stricken countries especially in depressed areas

resort to a life of crime because they have no choice and the only way to put food on the table is to give in to the temptation of

blood money.

● Criminals are getting younger and younger nowadays and the only way to

stop this alarming mental and psychological decay of the misled youth is

to get them back in school.

Sadly, most of them cannot afford to go to school and that is

why free education for unfortunate people should be

prioritized by the world government. 25




Break the Monopoly

The greedy and capitalistic captains of industry who control billion-dollar conglomerates and international corporations have the global economy in a vise-like stranglehold and this leads to the lopsided and grossly unfair distribution of wealth as the rich get richer and the poor are left scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Doling out a government grant for sme and giving smaller businesses the fighting chance to compete with bigger companies will help tip the balance a little in favour of the common man and the underdogs.

The Search for Alternative Sources of Energy

Protecting the environment and conserving our natural resources is a serious challenge and a neglected

responsibility that falls on every single one of us but there are a lot of ignorant people who choose to turn a blind eye on the

damning effects of climate change and global warming.

Finding different sources of power and renewable energy like Tesla coils, windmills and

hydrothermal plants is a must to lessen our dependence on oil

and other fossil fuels.

Instead of focusing on our cultural, religious and ethnic differences that only breeds contempt, discord and hatred

for one another, we should embrace the strength in our diversity as we pool our various resources, intellectual

capacity and concentrated efforts towards the greater good of mankind.

Push for a New World Order Under One Government

With that said, just like how an sme grant gives people with a common goal the capacity to pursue their interests, we need a centralized government to usher in a new world order that will

unite us all in peace and harmony.