Knitting Tanies receive R 15000 May 2015 Cloud Chatter From time to time, we have published excellent photos of the littleeee ones receiving knitted garments. Well with winter around the corner, the R 15 000 donated to the ladies who have worked so hard will allow then to knit many more garments for the needy. See on the left is PE Annemarie (2nd from the left) and the recipients of the donation from Sesego Cares. BELOW: Sesego Cares donated R50 000 towards the media strategic plans for the Rotary Family Health days. Our Rotaract club members accepted the cheque on behalf of Rtn Sue Paget.

Cloud chatter may 2015

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Knitting Tanies receive R 15000

May 2015



From time to time, we have published excellent

photos of the littleeee ones receiving knitted


Well with winter around the corner, the R 15

000 donated to the ladies who have worked so

hard will allow then to knit many more

garments for the needy.

See on the left is PE Annemarie (2nd from the

left) and the recipients of the donation from

Sesego Cares.

BELOW: Sesego Cares donated R50 000

towards the media strategic plans for the

Rotary Family Health days.

Our Rotaract club members accepted the cheque

on behalf of Rtn Sue Paget.

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Our Rotaract members at the

golf day selling blankets at

the Sesego Cares Golf Day

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Kanthan in Japan with Ganadian

- celebrating African Day

Sesego Cares celebrates 10

years in Humanitarian

Service. Our club and D9400

is substantially supported

with funds, TOMS Shoes and

many other items for the

carious projects.

Sue Paget

with Baby



Dr Sarah Britten seen

above and right is in

Japan exhibiting her

beautiful artwork—

paintings done with


Sarah has kindly

donated a lipstick

painting of a rhino and

baby for Discon and the

funds raised will be

donated to the Save

the Rhino project.

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Secretary Trevor


and AG /club

member, Belinda

Alport at Assembly

Belinda Alport &

Annemarie Mostert

at the Assembly on

23 May

A painting donated by club member

Liana van der Walt for fund-raising purposes

DGDN Jankees

Sligcher and

PDG Mark Doyle

at Assembly

Left: Dr Cecile

Gericke – our new

member who will be inducted in the next

few weeks.

We also welcome Ida van den Bergh as our

new member.

Welcome to the club Dr Cecile and Ida.

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Sesego Cares celebrated 10 years and

Cornelia Raath-Lotter, the TOMS

administrator and also E Club member

came to visit us at the Houghton Golf


Rotarian Tara Ison with

Dewald Mostert at Golf day

Our club Secretary, Trevor Watson-Thomas

was awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship from

the RC of Mafikeng where he has a member

before he joined our club.

Congratulations Trevor...we are proud of you.

Please remember to book your seat at the 5th Annual District Conference in

White River.

Date: 18-21 June 2015

There is an outstanding line-up of speakers: Justin Cohen; Ryan Hogarth;

Douglas Kruger; Johan Jooste and ….Vusi Thembekwayo.

You will also witness amazing Rotary projects; learn about membership

achievements; Foundation stories etc.

The evening events are filled with fun and you will be dancing the night


DG Annie Steijn will also induct DGE David Grant as the incoming DG

(effective 1 July 2015).

PLEASE BOOK URGENTLY! Ask Shirley for the registration form:

[email protected]

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2nd Floor – Sandton City Office Tower

Cnr 5th & Rivonia Road

Johannesburg, 2196

Tel: +27 11 056-4179/4182

Mobile: +27 82 949 0348

Email: [email protected]


NPO 084-530

05 May 2015

Mrs Annemarie Mostert

Chief Executive Officer

Sesego Cares

Unit 22, Building 8, Visio Med

269 Beyers Naude Ave

Northcliff 2195

Dear Mrs Annemarie Mostert

On behalf of the Bongi Ngema-Zuma Foundation, I would like to thank Sesego Cares, together with its business affiliates for the valuable contribution of Toms towards Ukukhanya Kwe-Africa Primary School Project which was held on the 18th April 2015. Your generous support helped us to continue executing our strategy and to achieve BNZ Foundation’s mission “to create awareness of diabetes and to support people living with the condition”.

Three Pillars that govern our strategy:

1. HEALTH -with specific focus on diabetes and other non-communicable diseases;

2. EDUCATION - the foundation considers education as the cornerstone for growth in any developing country —as a re-

sult, it is fully involved in promoting actions and partnerships that will have a positive impact in the lives of young people while they are still in school;

3. EMPOWERMENT AND DEVELOPMENT of people from rural and peri-urban areas with a special focus on

vulnerable communities including women, children and the aged. The donation included: School uniforms, Computers, Stationery, School garden and other necessities such as blankets, groceries and toiletries. Furthermore, the donation did not only

benefit indigent learners, It also benefitted the whole community of Molweni. It is through the generous support of companies like you who make it possible for our organization to continue on its mission and to make the communities aware that diabetes can be managed.

Your support which is a vote of confidence in our mission has buoyed the BNZ Foundation and we are looking forward to a continuous positive relationship as we continue improving the lives of fellow South Africans.

Warm regards


Madam Bongi Ngema-Zuma

First Lady of the Republic of South Africa

Patron & Founder

Madam Bongi’s signature has been omitted for security reasons.

PDG Shirley Downie offered the shoes to Madam Bongi, to-

gether with 1000s of books from the centre. Thanks to Sesego

Cares for their involvement.

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As this Rotary year comes to an end, we

enter a new exciting year!

President Elect Ravi Ravindrin has chosen ‘ Be a Gift to the World’ as his

theme. This certainly describes what we do...give gifts of love, items,

knowledge, experience and many other gifts to our communities.

Annemarie Mostert – President

Kanthan Pillay – Immediate PP and Treasurer

Trever Watson-Thomas – Secretary and President Elect

PDG Mark Doyle – Foundation Officer

Leon Pittalo – Community Service

Rudi Viljoen – New Generations

PDG Shirley Downie – Public Relations

Vacant: Membership

Other positions within the Club:

Liana van der Walt – Fellowship

Henry Matthews - Almoner

Other positions held by Members of the Club:

Mark Doyle: Polio Plus Director for D9400

Sue Paget: Country Manager of Rotary family Health days

Shirley Downie: Rotary International Public Image Coordinator and

trainer; Special Aide to DGDN Jankees Sligcher; Discon Chairperson 2018.

Belinda Alport: International Director D9400

Annemarie Mostert, Kanthan Pillay, Dr Sarah Britten and Charlotte Khoza: National Media

Officers Rotary Family Health Days.

Each year we are allocated a District Governor

Representative and we are privileged to have PP

Steve Margo. (RC Randburg).

Our Assistant Governor is Brian Humphries (RC


We look forward to seeing them at our events and






PDG Mark

will be looking

after our

club’s Polio

portfolio but I

promise you

that this is not


swanning it on

a cruise!!!

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Our club sponsored a few youngsters to

attend the RYLA camp in Magoboeskloof—

known as the Warriors.

They certainly had a lot of fun. They made

new friends and learnt so much on the

camp. The pictures tell the story better!

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