CITIZEN FIRST Soft launch of its Citizen FIRST Transportal by Indian Centre for Social Transformation 14 th November 2015

Citizen first 14th november 2015 sixth anniversary softlaunch

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CITIZEN FIRSTSoft launch of its Citizen FIRST Transportal by Indian Centre for Social Transformation

14th November 2015

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WHY? On 14th November 2015, on the occasion of its

Seventh Foundation Day, Indian Centre for Social Transformation (Indian CST,) a registered Public Trust for Charitable purposes, proposes a soft launch of its Citizen FIRST Transportal.

This is a “made in India” Innovative technology platform/program to network like minded to build TEAM India based on Article 51 A (j) of the Indian Constitution to engage in collective action to ensure good governance at all levels of governance- from global to local including National and sub national and corporate governance

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HOW Indian CST will launch its C-G-C Transportal that

empowers public participation in governance by leveraging cloud computing and mobile technologies with proven management principles like crowd sourcing and global good practices

Through this citizen to governance portal both Institutions and individuals will be facilitated to build capacities and skills to make Digital India come true.

Other national programs like Swachch Bharat, Smart Cities, Corruption free India will also be given a fillip by providing one unifying platform for open government using transparent public finance management and professional project implementation

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WHAT IS CITIZEN FIRST? One year Action Program under Article 51 A (j)

of the Indian Constitution to build TEAM India consisting of one lakh volunteers committed to using the TRANSPORTAL across India for good governance

An action Plan to be taken from conception to completion in Twelve Months in Five stages to put in place this Transportal as a user friendly techtool THINK: Conceptualisation(One Month) PLAN: Detailed Planning (Two Months) DO: Execution Phase ( Six Months) CHECK: Gap Analysis Phase ( One Month) ACT: Closure Stage (Two Months)

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Cloud computing TRANSPORTAL to be set up for use anytime, anywhere using any devices

Citizen FIRST - Program of Citizen Engagement in Good Governance Set up a PMO to assist the Citizens (who are the Sovereign ) 24X7 and run this for a

year to make it self sustaining. This program should be capable of being replicated in atleast 500 Urban agglomerations and Rural Bodies of governance.

Monitoring and Evaluation of mega progrms of governance, promoting citizen engagement and & driving prioritised Citizen FIRST Initiatives

Time One Year- 12 Months

Cost Development and Operational costs One Crore p.m. plus 3rd party costs (likely to be

Rs 10 -15 crores for the first year) Budget- Financing to be done by crowd sourcing and sponsorships to be attempted by

offering three types of services namely Free, Paid and premium services. Quality

To be operationalised by the Citizens of Namma Bengaluru for a year before it is scaled up as part of Digital India throughout India and offered to the World as part of a TEAM one World initiative- A Make in India crowd sourcing techtool.

A Model for good governance and development the Country and the World Other cities in India and the World should start looking up to Citizen FIRST and C-

G-C TRANSPORTAL for Citizen Engagement in Good Governance

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WHY A SOFT LAUNCH? A soft launch permits a company to react to

customer demands quickly and effectively, introducing new features which will ultimately make the product successful.

Since the Trust has been working on good governance for the last six years on a shoe string budget, and it needs further finances to sustain its activities of promoting citizen engagement in good governance, with a limited marketing budget, this soft launch is being attempted to allow the Trust to focus on product development of its C-G-C Transportal.

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HOW A SOFT LAUNCH HELPS? To help rollout new features, test or tweak the

redesign (of its six year old VigeyeGPMS TRANSPORTAL).

It allows to quickly retire features/designs which users dislike or find unfriendly.

Changes can also be made to increase the functionality of the C-G-C Transportal to respond to user requests promptly.

Gmail, for example, was soft launched in 2005 and fully launched one year later.

The C-G-C Transportal is slated to be released for beta testing on its new ETAMINE Framework 3.0 on 14/11/2015.

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HOW A SOFT LAUNCH OF CLOUD COMPUTING FOR COLLECTIVE ACTION FOR CITIZENS HELPS Soft launches of hardware infrastructure (IaaS) are usually done in

major metropolitan areas where there is access to a wide variety of demographic groups.

Namma Bengaluru has many RWAs and civil society activists and organisations like BPAC, Janaagraha, NBF, etc etc that need to be brought on a common crowd sourcing platform (PaaS) to give a boost to citizens collective actions.

Variously referred to as Silicon valley and IT capital of India, Bengaluru (that has already entered the english lexicon as a verb), is now well positioned to offer software as a service (SaaS ) with its myriad start ups and IT companies.

Indian CST’s unique offer of Data Analytics as a Service (DaaS) with Mu Sigma as one of its technology partners and the unique Citizen as a Serviceseeker (CaaS) with apps like Vigeye (launched by CVC on 9/12/2010 as an anti corruption tool for empowering citizen to report corruption cases) makes this soft launch meaningful.

Beta testing will be done for the Transportal first in Bengaluru which is a proven ground for test marketing due to its cosmopolitan nature

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WHAT IS A SOFT LAUNCH? A soft launch is the initial release of Indian CST’s C-

G-C Transportal to a limited audience. The TRANSPORTAL would facilitate Citizen-

Government-Citizen interactions through a single window for all governance related matters.

Soft-launching is a method for gathering data on the product's usage and acceptance in the market place before making it generally available across the world.  

Indian CST is choosing the soft launch option for its unique C-G-C Transportal to fine-tune it before it can be implemented worldwide as a TEAM ONE WORLD effort.

It may be recalled that Indian CST has already signed a MoU with Gabon – Sub Saharan Africa’s third highest GDP country in the presence of the First Citizen of Gabon His Excellency the President at New Delhi on 30/10/2015

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FIRST FIVE COMPONENTS OF CITIZEN FIRST EMPOWERMENT TOOL F – Financial Improvement programs I- Image make over by implementing ICT in

public funded projects for active citizen engagement

R- Responses to Citizens grievances to be redressed as per citizen’s charter and be measured continually for citizen satisfaction improvement reports

S- Secure India/Safe city/Swachch Bengaluru to be integrated with SDGs

T- Traffic Travails and Safety improvement including Time to travel to be measured on real time

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JUSTIFICATION Namma Bengaluru lost out in the race to

become a SMART city! The Garden city is slowly turning into a

garbage city!! The finances of the city government are

found to be in shambles with no money in its 936 bank accounts!!!

Over one lakh projects started in the last few years are still meandering with many found to be fake !!!!

Traffic chaos has increased travel time causing it to choke most of the time!!!!

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Service levels as per citizen’s charter, An operational Online Grievance Redressal System, Publication of at least first monthly e-newsletter

and Online publication of municipal budget expenditure

details for the last two financial years on website. The Books of accounts have NOT been audited and

published. BBMP has not adopted National Municipal

Accounting Manual even though the same was adopted in the State in 2006 consequent to KMABR being promulgated.

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WHERE BENGALURU LOST OUT… Institutional Systems and Capacities (15

points): This covers imposition of penalties for delays in service delivery and improvement in internal resource generation over the last three years;

Self-financing (30 points): This would be reflected in payment of salaries by urban local bodies up to last month, Auditing of accounts up to FY 2012-13, Contribution of internal revenues to the Budget for 2014-15 and Percentage of establishment and maintenance cost of water supply met through user charges during 2014-15.

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CHAOTIC BENGALURU – WHERE NAMMA BENGALURU IS AT PRESENT! Past track record (30 points): Percentage of JNNURM projects completed which were

sanctioned till 2012, Percentage of City level reforms achieved under JNNURM

and extent of capital expenditure met from internal resources.

Inspite of Indian CST’s Project Management System being available since 2009 , BBMP officials did not enter all the data and monitor the JnNURM works

Some records of over 1,00.000 projects are available online. The GPMS system has been discontinued from 01/10/2015

after it unearthed a big scam in three zones as far as engineering projects being implemented was concerned.

Proper monitoring of JnNURM projects with GPMS could have lead to earning some additional points of this score.

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As is To be

Finance: Rs 2000 crores Image Make over thru

ICT: Not a Smart City Response to calls of

Citizens: Deccan Herald news item of 21/9/2015

Swachch Bharat: Garbage City

Traffic: Sh. MA Saleem Addl CP traffic says average travel speed has reduced from 21 Kmph to 10 kmph in 20 years

Integrate receipts and payments to make collections cross Rs 3000 crores

To be an Intelligent city, an Information or Infocity or a Data city

On line system to ensure compliance as per citizen charter

Swachch Bengaluru Leads Bharat

Travel time To be Improved by 50%

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Current status To be done

Data in different silos No comprehensive physical

survey of existing properties based on GIS data

No involvement of citizens to confirm property tax and other payments on line by uploading receipts in their possession

No publication of a list of likely property tax defaulters asking them for proof of payment if they have paid dues

Immediately have a third party audit to locate parked funds from FMS with Property Tax and double Payments

Have an urgent bank reconciliation of all old accounts done even as they are being closed with Canara Bank being the lead.

have an integrated database of all revenue collection including the taxes on properties within the jurisdiction of BBMP

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FINANCIAL MISMANAGEMENT IN BBMP “Though the Palike spends around Rs. 5 lakh a

month on FBAS, it has become a mere data entry software. Even a balance sheet cannot be printed through this system” - Mr A. L. Shivkumar, Chairman of Standing Committee on Accounts of the Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) (during 2011).

When FBAS (2000) predates NMA Manual (2004) and KMAB Rules (2006), why is this still being continued even till date, when all other Municipalities have adopted this by 31 March 2013

Why is IFMS being used when its Job Code has NO statutory backing?

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ULBS HAD TO FOLLOW A PROCESS FOR FINANCIAL REFORMS… BUT BBMP??? Establish committee to implement improved financial

management reforms Appoint CAs for providing hand holding support Implement training programs Prepare inventory of assets and liabilities, value assets &

liabilities and finalize opening balance sheet Reengineer business processes to align with accrual-

based accounting system Adopt and implement an accrual-based accounting

system Appoint an external auditor Publish financial statements along with audit reports Implement transparent, multi-year budget, commence

preparation of outcome budgets Institute internal audit, and internal control procedures

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Current status To be done

Implementation and sequencing of the financial management reforms will have to take into account the administrative capacity, political will and financial constraints of individual states, ULBs and all urban civic service providers.

In BBMP there is NO such unification process being followed at present.

Involving all corporators in a SMART initiative for a Smart City in second round

Launch a campaign to stop Open defecation and littering in Bengaluru

Commence work on a Data City- the World's First

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As is To Be

Sahaya What is the

average time taken for redressal of grievances addressed in BBMP Sahaya portalstakeholders to be done

Satisfaction survey among

new KPO to be set up Response time to be

measured and made public on real time basis

Citizen charter to be complied with

Continual improvement and integration of all channels of complaints

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Swachch Bengaluru Continuation of the online grievance

redressal and escalation mechanism like CVCMARK! & GPMS

To integrate SDGs with local programs to attain sustainability at the global levels

Be able to pin point what areas need attention and deployment of scarce resources

Sustain Bengaluru

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TRAFFIC: TRAVEL TIME TO BE IMPROVED BY 50% According to Sh. MA Saleem Addl CP traffic average

travel speed has reduced from 21 Kmph to 10 kmph in 20 years

Propose to improve to 12 kmph All aspects of Traffic to be improved upon

Engineering Education Enforcement Environment Efficiency Economy

How to measure speed of travel? Take Data from Metro, BMTC, Ola, Uber, Autos, 5 citizens

from each of 198 wards for Origin Destination study

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WHAT A SMART CITY MEANS… Citizen expectation of SMART city to be planned for

fulfillment in five years1) 24X7 supply of Power and Water2) Effective waste collection and disposal system3) Efficient Public Transportation4) Good Air Quality5) Citizen Oriented Governance6) Smart Policing and very low crime rate7) Disaster and Emergency Readiness infrastructure8) Over 75% planned housing and roads9) Availability of jobs10) Good education, health and recreation infrastructure

Citizen need these whether called formally SMART or Not!

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TEAM BUILDING T for Transparency and Technology E for Efficiency and Empowerment A for Audit trail and Accountability M for Measurement and Mutual


To involve all 198 corporators Mayor to coordinate responsible

information sharing between all departments by using a TRANSPORTAL like Vigeye GPMS FMS made available free to BBMP

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Come let us Join hands and commit ourselves to abide by Article 51 A (j) of the Indian Constitution

…. to strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavour and achievement

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Any Questions?

If interested in joining CITIZEN FIRST program, pl contact or mail

[email protected] Register and Log into http://

