Food Needs

Food needs

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Food Needs

Food Needs

I started this assignment with the realization that I live alone and work long hours. I have access to food via work and don’t have a definite schedule for dinner. With that said, I tried to estimate as well as I could.

Food Needs Chart For Crop Planting

Crop Servings Per Year Pounds Per Year Number of 100 Square Foot Bed Carrots 104 37.14 1/2.

Onions 2704 131 1 1/2

Garlic 5200 39 1

Peas 52 30.5 4

Green Peppers 156 26.9 1/2.

Spinach 104 28 1 1/2

Tomatoes 78 33.9 1/2.

Cabbage (Nappa) 312 111.4 1

Lettuce, Leaf 52 7.8 1/4.

Broccoli 104 33.5 1

Watermelon 52 19.2 1/4.

Strawberries 208 34.6 1/2.

Grapes 52 27.3 1

Cherries 104 34.66 2

Blackberries 104 25.3 2

Rice 156 10.4 3/4.

Wheat 52 8.6 1 1/2

Corn, flour 168 9.3 1

Black Beans 156 10.2 2

Chickpeas 104 8.8 2

Soybeans 156 12.2 2

Food Needs

Some of the items seem like a lot for a single guy, like the carrots, onions, and garlic. I’ve added a large amount because of their usage in standard recipes, such as stock and soups. Just a side note in cooking they are called arromatics.

Food Needs

Also, I added a large amount of berries for making jams and chutneys. If your interested in a good cookbook for canning and jarring the perseveration kitchen is a good one.

Food Needs

Lastly, I added a large amount of Nappa cabbage so I could make my mothers traditional kimchi recipe. There really is nothing like growing, salting, seasoning, jarring, aging, then finally eating a perfect kimchi.