WHAT AFTER THE DEMOCRACY? Searching basic principles of human life on the Earth Milan Malej The book tries to start the way toward searching fundamental principles of human life on the Earth and his proper symbiosis with the nature. It describes and analyses big human problems, of which consequences carries first of all the entire nature. Big accents lay on searching proper (clean and renewable) energy sources and proper food harvesting, together with new economic mechanisms, which will enable also compensation of damage, done to the nature and poor world. The book shows the characteristics of a new society system, which will be able to prevent all injustices upon people and nature, which will not depend on politic any more and which will control all decisions with help of these fundamental principles and from them derived rules. As examples, proper ways of our behaving in the fields of production, energy and food harvesting are described. The book wants to stir up in people different ways of consideration, which will exceed the captivity into known frames and patterns of consumption, profitability, exploiting and politic. In this document the Table of Content is distributed to the beginnings of particular chapter descriptions to get a little better overview what exactly they include. CHAPTER DESCRIPTIONS Part one – PAIN 1

What after Democracy?

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Page 1: What after Democracy?

WHAT AFTER THE DEMOCRACY?Searching basic principles of human life on the Earth

Milan Malej

The book tries to start the way toward searching fundamental principles of human life on the Earth and his proper symbiosis with the nature. It describes and analyses big human problems, of which consequences carries first of all the entire nature. Big accents lay on searching proper (clean and renewable) energy sources and proper food harvesting, together with new economic mechanisms, which will enable also compensation of damage, done to the nature and poor world.

The book shows the characteristics of a new society system, which will be able to prevent all injustices upon people and nature, which will not depend on politic any more and which will control all decisions with help of these fundamental principles and from them derived rules. As examples, proper ways of our behaving in the fields of production, energy and food harvesting are described.

The book wants to stir up in people different ways of consideration, which will exceed the captivity into known frames and patterns of consumption, profitability, exploiting and politic.

In this document the Table of Content is distributed to the beginnings of particular chapter descriptions to get a little better overview what exactly they include.


Part one – PAIN

The book starts with descriptions and pointing of large human problems, as they are seen by other authors. I try to see them connected to their deep roots. After that shocking chapters about pollution in the oil production areas and about the possible consequences of searching energy substances have been added and supported by many satellite photos.

These are the reasons to demand different human behavior and organization of his global communities and societies. The idea of a system, which could lead into the solution of the mentioned problems is given before the detailed analysis of concrete fields of human activity. The idea of the new system starts at the thought of George Monbiot about "the guard who guards the guard". It is represented as a list of fundamental steps, which will try to lead people through changing of property relations to the collaboration instead the competition. It is not really essentially that exactly the presented system will be the right. Such attempts have been already unsuccessfully done in the human history, but failed because of corruptible human decisions. The most essential is the kernel of these new relations in the form of technologically realized control, which will not be possible to avoid or violate.


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Albert Arnold Gore - The Inconvenient TruthYann Arthus Bertrand - HomeBurning forests in Tasmania with napalm

POVERTY, HUNGER, DEATH...MurderersInfluence of individual

WHY THIS WAY?About human freedomAbout world wealthAbout pollution of the EarthAbout energyAbout warsAbout violenceAbout control mechanisms

The chapter begins with description of few samples, how today an average person can get with the least effort the basic information about destroying the world. The most effective is the visual information, so with taking accents from two successful movies and some shocking photos the chapter tries to appeal to readers to watch films (again). Additionally more hidden information about destroying forests on Tasmania is shown – but this can be applied mostly to the entire problem of deforestation.

Next part touches the mortality of people because of poverty and hunger. It takes the reasons for such consideration from next parts of the book – the exploiting of natural goods from the side of rich countries maintains these conditions – so we, who are using benefits based on this exploiting, are indirectly responsible for these deaths, too. The shocking is calculation, how many lives of poor people has everyone from us on his consciousness. This part also tries to calculate on my own example the influence of a rich individual to the conditions in poor countries. Considering energy consumption is still easy, but taking in account all products, which have roots there is almost impossible because of not existing traceability of materials and products... But the fact is that we are causing all together that entire poverty...

The third part of the chapter tries to estimate roughly why these injustices are happening. The common to all of them is that they are caused because of large human freedom. As bigger and bigger business projects are in play the deciding freedom increases and it is less legislated and more under influence of possible corruption.

LOCAL CONSEQUENCES OF EXPLOITING FOSSIL FUELSEcuadorNigeriaColombiaCaspian region (Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan)Aral and Balkhash LakeRussiaKuwait War

Next two chapters are intended to show that the beginning short and shallow information and starting conclusions are very serious. On the base of different Internet sources and of my own


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recorded satellite photos we look into situations and conditions of local people and nature in places, where the largest oil exploiting is happening. Already these consequences are frightful, not considering that these are only the focal points and that 90 % of this golden waste pollutes the entire Earth in all its layers. The chapter reveals large pollution due numerous oil spills, depositing waste oil in natural environment and into flowing waters, burning natural gas, local social, geographical and environmental consequences and political backgrounds...

(LOCAL) CONSEQUENCES OF SEARCHING ENERGYThe accidents of catastrophic extentThe earthquakes in geothermal areas

ACOUSTIC GEOLOGICHAL RESEARCHINGSlaughter under the sea (and on the land too?)The reasons for tsunamis and their developmentThe forces and pressures on the sea floorResearching forward – the resonanceLiquefactionSEATOS 2005The current resultsSlow earthquakesSearching of fossil fuels near Sumatra west coast and in wider IndonesiaComparison of earthquake sequences in years 2004 and 2009Improving system for warning against tsunamisConclusion

This chapter shows first some big accidents, which happened mostly because of (imprudent) drilling for the energy. Important problems are also the permanent earthquakes in geothermal areas, which have large potential to cause delayed big seismic events.

Researching how these earthquakes happen led to the unknown equipment with which the companies search the energy substances in Earth’s underground. Consequently the largest part of this chapter is devoted to the question, if only the geological researching can cause such events as Indonesian tsunami in 2004. Many people would say – you fool... But considering many factors and data together and making some (not quite scientific) calculations, most of them wouldn’t say again – it is not possible... The most important finding is that the science is well aware of this danger and demands many ways of observing intermediate phenomena, but the politic and capital insist to hide these influences...

CHALLENGES FOR THE NEW WORLD ORDERThe vision for the futureThe Guard

All these previous described problems and situations show us in how frightful situations can lead us our greed upon materials and energy. It is clear that large changes will have to happen. In the ways they function now the democratic systems will not be able to make them. We just see that the Earth won’t sustain such exploiting any more for a longer time. Through the censorship of politically-capitalistic oligarchs we get only the limited information. But these news are only drops in the ocean of alarming Earth’s state.


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But we still don’t know exactly, how to go forward. We just see that we need an unavoidable control upon our own free will. This is called by G. Monbiot “The guard who guards the guard”. And this entire book is devoted to search for this first guard...


Control systemWhat will we achieve with such project control?Reasons for predomination of the man upon the man and upon the nature

The pain has been caused also by seeing, what I personally contribute to this destruction of nature and other people. From it arose the fundamental characteristics of a politically-social system which could prevent all this pollution, exploiting and big unfair differences. Basically it admits that we share the Earth with other living species and that it is not our property. Because of our intelligence we have duty to care about it and not to exploit and destroy the Earth, nature and also not the other people. Any profit intention can’t be the reason for any injustice.

The property is important in the sense that we care for things and knowledge, which have been already created, but not in the sense of personal wealth. The system admits many theoretical ideas, brought to the surface by Marxism, and which are also advocated by many of today’s global thinkers. To prevent the malfunctions of these ideas again the system would have to have the previously mentioned guard included. It is called here the control system. It should be realized philosophically and technically in a preventive way. No one would be able to avoid or violate its rules and laws. The people on the most important political and economic positions and the human organizations will be on the decision level equal to any individual on the Earth. We soon see that the modern information technology is already the tool to realize it.

This control system will enable checking of all human intentions in advance and prevent any avoiding, misusing and violating of accepted rules in all fields and levels of human activity. This will be a tool, which will offer equal possibilities to anyone and protect the environment and nature against too large human freedom and greed. It will enable managing with people's intentions on the Earth with limited political activity or without it at all.

We also soon see that we must begin from different starting points, if we want to imagine such a system, and that we must understand the real reasons, why all these “democratic” injustices are happening. These reasons are the objects of discussions in the next part of the book.


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The second part contains analysis of reasons, which led into today's situation. This is the fundament if we want to understand the expressed demand for new societies. The historical and situation discussions are done upon living space, food, sexuality, energy, decisions, human activity, learning process, material goods, terrorism and globalisation of democracy. The chapters include also the considerations, what tasks the new system should do to prevent today’s unwished situations. For example the chapter about food expresses the right of everyone to get healthy food. The solutions connected with appropriate legislation and taxing for redirection to sources of healthy food are also shown. I think that very valuable parts of this chapter are analyses about actual added value of food products and the parallelism between the food production and the unprofitable systems.

LIVING SPACELimitationsWhat the life isExceeding NatureFood Industry


The chapter states first the limitations in space, energy and food, over which the human population can’t go. With fast development of human intellect and communication capabilities the instincts and feelings have been more and more suppressed and survival based on easier acceptable visible and audible information from material sources. With intelligence the man also exceeded the nature and thought that everything, he was doing, was right, because the nature didn’t respond immediately.

The conquering and destroying nature didn’t show any consequences because the number of people was small, comparing with entire nature. But the changes in natural living communities happened anyway. The gained habits of acquiring natural surfaces for agriculture and other activities remained till today, when the survival needs have been exchanged with economic values. Today man acquires not only the natural living space, but also of the other people – all with the goal of increasing profits.

Acknowledging this, some tasks of the new society system will be necessary, among them the control of the population growth and diminishing damage, done by the man till now to the nature.


Accessibility of healthy foodAttempts to keep food qualityReplacing artificial food productionEnergy from the plantsLocality

GENETIC MODIFIED (GM) PLANTSSoyaConsequences of growing GM soya


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Soya in human foodIs this all?

LIMITING OF UNHEALTHY FOOD CONSUMPTIONLimiting of tobacco usageWhat about foodApplying smoking ban principles upon the foodTaxing of the unhealthy foodThe same prices for same types of healthy and unhealthy foodRedirecting to the production of healthy foodPaying damage done to the land

VALUE – REDUCED TAX Taxing the products and the work todayTaxing of the production chainThe actual added value of the foodThe principle of the value – reduced taxThe height of the value – reduced taxReduced value of other productsInternationalization of value reducingSafeguard mechanisms


Non profitable systemsDependence on the foodThe idea matures


This chapter is one of the most important in the book. Some consequences of the artificial food production we have seen already in first part. The second important shown fact is that the genetic plant modifications are done mostly that the plants would not be sensitive to poisons, sprayed over the agriculture surfaces for depriving other living species there. All this is well hidden before eyes of ordinary people.

Further we research the possibility that we limit the intake of harmful substances in our food similarly, as we have in many cases already limited their intake from the smoking sources. No one has right to poison us smoking near us in public places. Applying this principle on food points to much more complicated situation with many more harmful substances, complex control mechanisms and larger financial sources for realizing all together. One of these mechanisms is a transparent information system for traceability of all basic crops, ways of their harvesting and adding, removing or changing substances in them through the entire production process till the customer. A question appears, what a taxing system would assure only control, or also preventing harmful substances in the food, maybe support production of healthy food and suppress production of poisoned one, or even pay the damage, done to the fertile land in the past?

Researching these possibilities a visionary idea appeared as the opponent of value-added tax. With value-reduced tax should be burdened all food products, in which the nutritive substances lose their natural characteristics, or they are removed from used crops. Also crops, which grow artificially, have been already robbed of natural components... But many other products are candidates for such taxing, too.


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The last part of the chapter compares our need upon the healthy food with other needs upon our security, to which we have already admitted their legality – as solidarity in health and pensioning insurance systems is. The need for healthy food is even more fundamental as the healthy old age. From the system of food production the intentions upon profits should be removed, too.


The intention and way of selectingSafetyLimitations of the exploring

TODAYTraditional connectionWasting of the energyKeeping of the familyRest

TASKS OF THE SYSTEMGoal of sexualityEducationLegalization of the prostitution

This field of our life has also been found as a significant driver toward today’s exploitation of natural material goods. During the history the material safety became important at selecting partners and the personal qualities also object of exchanging for safety and trade for the unnecessary material goods.

Because the humans kept some natural instincts, connected with visible attractiveness of our sexual partners, these above average and rare body characteristics became targets of larger and larger amounts of material goods, necessary and not necessary for the individual safety. The average individuals learned in this way to buy more healthy and attractive persons. And when the latter felt their qualities, the vicious cycle of gaining material goods has been closed. In the history this was happening on the account of other people and today it happens on the account of the nature. This cycle could be broken with applying some rules of the new society system, and one of them could be of course the limitation of personal property to the appropriate value for all people.

A part of the chapter is devoted to some today’s problems, which arise from traditional and religious norms on one side and from increased sexual curiosity on the other. Enormous quantities of human energy could be saved, if the partners were prepared in having some relations also with other. The families with their education and survival roles could function forward normally and in this sense also the tasks of the new system should be developed.

ENERGYGreenhouse effectWhat to reduce therefore?The nature of the work todayUsing of redundant energy



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TAKS OF THE SYSTEMProduction of quality productsThe quantity of packagesAssuring foodSatisfaction at the occupation

This introduction energy chapter doesn’t discuss energy from the view of fossil fuels or renewable sources. It tries to show that the largest reasons for excessive energy consumption lay in our behaving. Already on the personal level we became the machines for wasting energy. Cheap and easily accessible food gives too large amounts of calories which have to be spent by excessive recreation and work. Energy wasting we behave in the society organization and in all types of production, too. Already everyone. Much energy could be saved also with disabling survival and discomfort pressures at everyday work and with assuring right amounts of physical and intellectual creative work for everyone. This chapter finds the necessities of producing quality long lasting products with less material rotation, limiting freedom of packaging them and assuring the right quantities of enough healthy food for

DECISIONSSize of investment and degree of controlDecisions above valid rules

HOW DO WE DECIDE TODAY?Simple decisionsComposed decisionsComplex decisionsDeciding in sportDeciding in democracyDemocratic legal authority

This chapter shows how democratic decision procedures contribute to the excessive energy and time consumption, to the depletion of natural resources and to creating new and new injustices to other people. At the bigger projects and investments less legislation is used or is available. Decisions are more political. That leads toward deciding above the valid rules. The chapter describes in what traps can fall the deciding process in democratic structures and what happens, if it is redirected to legal authorities. Often large delays accompany the final court decisions. They only enlarge the damage done by one or both opposing parties in the process before. If we consider the poor understandig of problems and false decisions of the judges, are the things only worse…

All this is nothing special and unknown. It happens everywhere. But we don’t need such deciding procedures. They must be fast, accurate, fair, and before all – preventive and not accidentally curative. This chapter is one of those which ask the title question: Is the democracy capable to solve these problems at all?

HUMAN ACTIVITYFreedom of activity

ENJOYING IN ACTIVITYCompetitionMeditationNarcotics


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The chapter discusses typical human activities where we feel the comfort or discomfort at the activity itself. We typically feel discomfort at activities, which we must do, for example, because of our survival. This discomfort enables that other people can carry out the additional pressure on us. Thus our discomfort still increases. We try to search then the compensations in other activities, and exaggeration there leads to additional energy and material consumption and to still larger tiredness and decaying of the body. The tasks of the system should be preventing discomfort on our working places and thus enabling peaceful regeneration.

LEARNING PROCESSThe family and institutional educationBasic types of relation among children and parentsThe letter


This is extremely important part of our life especially for today’s and future generations. We will have to cross the barrier of the consumer mentality. Extremely important and endangered will be the teachers. The chapter tries to find out how the children behave in dependence on their family's backgrounds, including those, who find themselves on the society bottom. We have to ask ourselves, if we have right to accept better schooling for those children from rich families and worse education for that ones, whose parents are less capable to earn the money. In the time of writing the book I had the opportunity and honour to read a confidential letter of family friend’s daughter, who succeeded to lift up from the bottom… I still hope that she will allow its publishing, when she will read the entire book content…

The chapter accents at the end the necessity to direct the learning process inside and outside the families into connection with the nature, relationships with people and into correct understanding of economy and principles of a new necessary society system.

MATERIAL GOODSValidating of products through timeThe natural source and energy conversionsWhat when the fossil energy will be exhausted?


Servicing of quality productsOverloading Testing products Cooperation

CONSUMABLE GOODSPackaging (protection) of consumable goodsReally my waste?Consuming of high technologyDirtiness of packageEnvironmentally unburdening production of consumable goods


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The chapter about material goods is connected to the excessive energy consumption and pollution problems. The result of discussion is a demand for production of long lasting and quality products and introducing of different kinds of consumable packaging materials and forms. The mentioned control system could be a good tool to assure that the production will be used really only because of human and environmental needs and not because of the capital concentration.

First the chapter explains, how through the history the man’s behaving, which has today so frightful consequences of robbing and destroying nature, has been developed. The first used natural energy was from renewable sources, but this way of exploiting nature continued when the fossil sources have been found and they seemed endless for that first taken quantities.

The chapter tries to find solutions for production of lasting products and consumable goods, which should go in directions of long lasting quality, using only standardized and recyclable materials, applying at development the cooperation and not the competition… Acceleration of consumption with misleading advertising won’t be allowed. Each product will have equal possibilities to be presented to people through an independent information system. The unnecessary products, which only boost our self-importance, will be forbidden or controlled by preventive rules.

Special attention gets the packaging which would have to be used several times before recycling. Dangerous substances could be sold only to the professionals in exactly necessary quantities. In certain fields gaining profits from the production will have to be strongly supervised, and where the people depend on the products, the profits will have to be disabled.

TERRORISMWhat happened and still happens in Europe?Still a lot of examplesThe failures of neo-colonialismReality of destroying western civilization

The terrorism is shown from view of its deep reasons of robbing Earth and causing social differentiation in the exploited countries. The chapter discusses this today’s phenomenon from the side of history. The terrorism roots begun to grow in the form of conquering foreign distant countries from the side of west European monarchies.

Huge quantities of precious stones and metals have been found in lands, where the domestic population wasn’t aware about their values and power in the Europe. For small gifts the property relations have been established upon profitable land, because the natives didn’t know the terms of state and legislation. They were chased away or killed. The colonies have been actually economically and militarily occupied. Many natives were forced into slavery or poorly paid work, or even kidnapped and brought in other countries.

The new technologies and machines demanded more education of domestic workers and they brought back from colonizing countries also the knowledge about meaning of the robbed goods there. Instead that the resistance to the robbing would be expressed on the level of states, the corrupted officers leave it to the illegal groups. From terrorist attacks they gain direct profits in the form of the military support. Using well armed units they continue to suppress their own people and take still larger profits for themselves. Frightful civil conflicts


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have been caused with such politic of colonizing countries, leaving then the colonies without any compensation.

The holy war against West is not a fiction. It is a true warning that the exploiting countries and their inhabitants will have to change their behavior totally. And this actually means the destruction of today’s western relations.

GLOBALISATION OF THE DEMOCRACYConsuming of logotypesConsuming machineWhy then to change?Property in poor countriesOperating of multinational companiesThe principles of society systemsThe principles of material globalisationExpanding of democratic principlesThe example of human rightsExpanding principle of territory jurisdiction

First the chapter asks and answers the question, why it would be worthy to advocate changes in our societies. Many modern global thinkers advocate expansion of west ruling models to the entire globe. Democratic decision systems inside particular countries work (well), but intermediate relations and toward other countries they leave control entirely to the few intentionally founded international organizations and multinational companies. Politics don’t care that these organizations would behave in poor countries democratically and fair, too. It is more difficultly to implement democracy in larger environments, if we want to keep all its positive properties. First of all the correct, transparent and fair presentations, discussions and consent decisions must be assured.

On the example of human rights we show what and how shall be democratically expanded and what not at all. The state political systems don’t have right to intervene in other countries, except if “their interests are endangered”. Mostly the “interests” are hiding the intentions of robbing poor countries. The intervention means a war. The politics take this principle very seriously, till they have profits. If a multinational company doesn’t respect human rights in a poor country, this is not their business, because the things would have to be managed by the corrupted local government. But the multinationals are actually parts of their parent countries and they should behave everywhere and all the time according to rules, laws and control of parent and hosting country. They should not infringe the laws on any side. But also the actions against nature and people of hosting countries, which are made in the frame of company anywhere (on the Earth) should be objects of control of both countries, because the company is a part of parent country and it operates in the hosting country.

This is one additional proof that we need unavoidable rules, to which also the democratic and other traditional ruling systems will be subordinated. The democratic countries can’t teach other about the rules which are being violated the most by themselves.


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The third part includes consideration, how the control system would prevent violations of the rules. An example of human interventions into the environment is selected to present it. Then we talk of the preventive control of the human expansion. We consider it from the views of quality food, predomination upon the nature and according to the problems of increasing older population. Lowering population depends on the exchange of energy sources, too. But we leave it to the next part of the book. We must still learn many facts about today’s energy exploiting and possibilities of saving it.


This introduction chapter in the preventive control describes ways of inducing the damage to the nature. He is not capable to predict consequences of his acting, especially not on deeper, more hidden levels. We cannot forecast appearing of the natural processes in the future. The big guilt for that carries the science, to which also the fair oriented politics believe. But the science is equally dependent and financed by capital and it adapts or hides its researching results in favour of the capital.

When a man comes into conflicts with other people or with the nature, he decides to make the reprisal actions, which on the first level compensate or prevent damage, done to him by others. In the same way he handles with the nature. Because he is not capable or willing to predict, the conflicts complicate and the damage increases. After time the necessary arbiters are not capable to understand the problems in depth and they decide also on the directly seen levels and on the base of delivered evidences. The affected parties (also the nature) and their advocates are forced to defend with searching much deeper and more expensive evidences, because the visible level talks in favour of capital. One immediate task of the system is elimination of all material and financial interests from the process of judgment. The courts in today’s form can decide on small problems, but also considering the predefined control procedures.

To prevent complications of the problems, the certain tasks toward right managing of a problem or project should be done already before. We must act during the development of dangerous situation, or still better, before such situation begins to develop at all. The idea that every intended important human action will have to go through a filter, where the intention will be compared with real possibilities, will be explained in next chapters on the example of human interventions into environment. Otherwise the preventive control should be applied on many fields of human activity, where the profits are gained on the account of others and of the nature, as:

Execution of existing law systems Introducing and executing of system rules Violation of human rights and rights of other living sorts Man's interference into environment Production and consumption of healthy food Production and consumption of material goods and products Expansion of human population Planning and returning parts of the Earth to wild life Production, storing, destroying and using weapon


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Priority decision levelsThe phases of the intention execution

The chapter accents first the central role of water at linking of other substances and creation of life. It enables and keeps the balance among many natural processes. Leaving human waste and additional energy into waters, air and soil disturbs and destroys these balances and living creatures, cooperating in these balances. Human waste represents numerous different substances, from which are many chemically and biologically extremely reactive. The damage to organisms appears immediately, but mostly are such events in complex natural environment well hidden and we see them too late. Thousands and thousands of (similar and equal) waste sources disable the exact determination, who is responsible for the particular damage. And many times particular exhausts seem neglectible to the extent of the entire nature. But the entire sum of all of them then during period of two centuries has made its own...

The democratic courts are not capable with their legal slow procedures to find culprits for particular events, because there are so many of them. But we are all the culprits. We all use the benefits of modern life. But also the direct controllers – inspectors, who would have to react fast, have many times tied hands because of other contradictive parallel legislation. They are also very protected officers and sensitive for corruption. It is nothing easier than to look away or hide a complaint in the lowest drawer... Time is passing and the other dirtiness covers evidence. But the profits and bank accounts are increasing...

It is simply obvious that the environment protection should be dependent on other mechanisms and that the prevention of harmful impulses into environment is necessary. But at today’s organization of human societies and their governments it is simply impossible to prevent thousands of small exhausts. It is obvious that both will have to change, if we have some serious intention to save the nature.

First, fast reactions between waste and natural substances and organisms demand extremely fast actions to neutralize poisons. This doesn’t tolerate any intermediate levels at today’s inspectors. Only special units, trigerable on direct information from people or from automatic electronic sensors can neutralize some harm of an already happened exhaust. Today’s fire brigades are not equipped and qualified for such actions because we simply tolerate most of these exhausts.

But we see on this example that far more effective would be the real prevention. Therefore any human action, which could have such consequences at leaving it to man’s free will, would have to be an object of preliminary control. The steps of this control would have to be equal in all cases. They should not depend on free human (inspector’s) decisions. The rules regulating these procedures would have to be exact, fast and transparent. There seems to be no other solution as programming them into the computers.

PARTITION OF THE ENVIRONMENT ON THE PLANETThe human urbanized areasThe not populated areasIntermediate not urbanized areas


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For realization of the system rules, the environment on the Earth must not be exposed to free human decisions. No one must not be able to enforce his own interests what to do in the nature - what to build and where, how to regulate the life of other living species, or where to move for our own entertainment. To achieve this aim, the space on the Earth will have to be divided into parts or areas, in which different intensity of human activity will be allowed and assured.

One of possible partitions of the entire space on the Earth could be done this way:

The human urbanized areas: It means peoples' residence space, industrial places and agriculture surfaces for intensive and directed food production. It includes also all necessary communication, traffic, communal and energy transport infrastructure.

The not populated areas: These are parts of the space on the Earth, where other living species live as much as possible their natural life. In this environment the most of human individuals don't have permanent access.

Intermediate not urbanized areas: These parts of the environment serve for human activity, which is connected with nature. Here is probably also the space for harvesting of entirely natural and healthy food.

The chapter discusses this environment partition from view of possible human activities, producing and depositing waste and from the view of exploiting natural sources there.


Destroying of not populated or not urbanized environmentPoisoning from the urbanized areaImport into urbanized area


Control from the side of all affectedBuilding contractors


Assuring the necessary material

If we want to build rules, which will prevent endangering of environment and people there, every plan for changing environment must go through procedure, which will independently check according to previously accepted rules if its realisation is possible. Still more, the plans should include already some (technical) documentation and also this demands a certain work, which could be spared, if already the intention of changing environment has been checked. Therefore we define the intention of the intervention into environment. On the highest level of its control different questions will check if the intervention eventually could:

destroy directly parts of not populated or not urbanized environment. poison parts of not populated or not urbanized environment. pump natural substances (goods) from parts of not populated or not urbanized



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If this procedure gives successful positive answers, the creation of entire documentation is allowed and the next control phases are executed. This means accurate checking of the plans and the cooperation of all affected parties. If this procedure is successful, too the licensed contractors get the permissions for buying necessary materials in the quantities from the plan. They are responsible for quality realisation of the plan. They should recognize the eventual situations, which could cause violations of these rules, too. The further supervision of the plan execution shall be naturally done too...

CONTROL UPON THE HUMAN MULTIPLICATIONExpanding of agriculture surfacesHuman expansion in numbersEnlargement of large nationsDemographical problemsLooking over the state borders


Fundamental goalsConsidering other factorsLocality levelsVegetarian nutrition


Pensioning problemThe solutionOther facts

The simple fact is: in last 50 years the human population increased for 200%. There are many connected reasons for that, which have changed during history, too. But the driving force, which took the hard work from man’s shoulders, and enabled cheap access to many sources, is the oil. The number of inhabitants increased mostly in countries, where people are used to live more humbly and more under religious influence. New conditions didn’t cause additional gathering of material goods, but exploiting these benefits by more people. The laws of natural dispersion and grown laziness of western population caused also that many people of these big nations got and accepted low paid work in west countries. But we feel that as the demographic problem now.

The largest reason that we first have to stop the human expansion and then also lower our population is the necessity to exchange the artificially produced food with natural. That might demand a temporary increase of field surfaces with healthy soil. While there is already 1/3 of Earth’s land used for agriculture and mostly poisoned, for new fields we don’t have a lot of space. From this view the fields of healthy food will have smaller harvest and they can feed less people. This is also connected with local production and increasing accent to vegetarian food. With this we will get fresher food on the same surface as today is being used for feeding stock. We don’t need such quantities of natural food, and from this view the fields could even enable feeding more people...

One of ideas of the new system is also to return parts of the Earth entirely to the wild life, without human ownership and without possibility for people to do any economic activity there. This will also limit the fields and our living space and we will be forced to lower our


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population. The wild surfaces are necessary as the warranty that human living space will not spread over the borders still enabling the symbiosis of man's biological food harvesting with the nature. We must keep sufficient extent of natural filters for cleaning our own waste, too. It is nothing else than keeping the conditions for our own survival.

In many countries the number of older people increases. Because of intergeneration solidarity represents the financing them already a problem of younger. The chapter looks through three different situations where have the states failed in collecting and using taxes. In the times, when the population grew the states didn't use the collected taxes correctly and their debts to older generation appeared. The solution can be through the eyes of new system rules, limited property and other non-profit systems, setting the basic pensions to the same level, but increase the other security factors for older. We should not build decreasing of the population on the account of older.


This part of the book is devoted exclusively to the energy. How we produce and consume it today and how much do we know that this isn’t correctly. Everything in our lives begins and ends at the energy. Our food and health, our work and entertainment depend on the cheap fossil fuels. But our interest here will be focused to the misleading politic advertising of particular crumbles from the energetic cake. For example is it so difficultly to take a pencil and multiply some simple numbers to get the land surface needed potentially for the entire human energy from the bio fuel sources?

The bio fuels we get from genetic modified plants. That means that the fields are totally poisoned. How do you think, the Earth will look like after exchanging all of our energy to bio fuels? One third of the Earth’s land is used already now for industrial agriculture. The human population will live then only in third dimension – in colossal skyscrapers. Don’t believe? Namely, the rest two thirds of Earth’s land will have to be used for growing energetic plants. There will be no mountain, no forest and no desert. You will see no rabbit and no bear. Only people, concrete, cows, soya and oil rape... The energy can be rescuing remedy for the humanity, but also to send all of us into the hell, instead into paradise...


Global growth of population and energy consumptionEnergy consumption by sectorsGrowth of population and energy consumption by regions and sectorsLoses at energy conversion


How to get the pure energy?Photovoltaic cellsReflector solar power plants

THE RENEWABLE SOURCES, WHICH ARE NOT THIS...Geothermal energyWood bio mass



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Returning forests to the wild lifeTrading with emissions of green house gasesTrading with natural filters and with damage because of toxic emissions

LOWERING POPULATION FROM THE VIEW OF EXPLOITING ENERGYEastern mass productionWestern mass consumption

This chapter first in different tables presents data and comments the world energy production and consumption according to regions, number of inhabitants, energy consumption and its growth and sectors of human activity.

More than half of primarily produced energy is thrown away as the warmth of ineffective machines at conversion to the driving force or producing electricity. We have already seen the pollution and other problems because of exploiting fossil fuels, so we ask the question of exchanging the sources of the entire human energy production to the cleanest and entire renewable – to the solar energy. This of course pulls behind other questions on transferring much more electricity at right time to right places, ways if its storing and exchanging engines for the traffic. At all conversions we will have again big losses, so the organization of human society will also have to contribute to the lower energy consumption. For example the transport will be possible in the hours when enough energy will be available. Vehicles will be supplied directly on electrified main roads and they will store energy for local movement only.

Then we calculate the necessary surfaces for entire global energetic system, for building it with photovoltaic cells or with reflection solar power plants. According to today’s known prices of equipment production and installation the price of the entire GES is calculated.Today’s exploiting touches also two sources, which many assume as renewable sources for the future – geothermal and wood bio mass energy. For both of them much data have been found. They show that their exploitation pollutes the environment extremely with energy carriers themselves and with investments a lot of other energy into exploiting, Finally they don’t renew as it is claimed by their advocates. But many facts about both will be described in the continuation…

A part of the chapter is devoted to Kyoto agreement. Trading with emissions is one of the worse solutions for global warming. Using these rights by rich countries instead by the poor pushes the environment still further to its limits. Instead this, the trading with natural filters and damages would have to be introduced…

The chapter still continues the series of questions, started in the third part – how the reduction of the human population would influence the energy consumption and with this the possibility of building the global energetic system.

FINANCING OF GLOBAL ENERGETIC SYSTEMArguments for equal treatment of all fossil fuelsWho should be taxed?

BUT IS THIS ALL?Value reduced taxOnly for intermezzo – managing with the waste and ecological valueUnprofitability of the energy production


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The chapter sets first the question, where to get money for building GES. The only alternative is not from those, who would get from it the largest benefits, but from those, who already got the largest wealth from robbing Earth’s natural goods. There are arguments, which demand that the fossil fuel prices should be set according to the damage, caused with their consumption and not according to the largest profits of the state. Therefore the electricity from fossil fuels should be about twice as expensive…

It has sense that we don’t demand from poor countries the same taxes on fuel consumption, because the rich ones pushed them in such situation. The rich need to pay the real debts back to poor, too. Considering the possible percent of taxed world energy and today’s European taxation of gasoline and diesel, we calculate the annual income for redirection to renewable sources of about 10.000 billion US$. The money for GES price could be gathered in 12 years.

But this is not all. Some additional solutions have been shown already in the chapter about food. The arguments for equal treatment of all fossil fuels call upon value-reduced tax. With the robbing Earth we lower the values of natural sources. Therefore we must take care for the substitutions too. VRT is the right solution also for financing GES. From capital enforced dependence on energy leads our consideration in the field of non-profit systems. A kind of safety should be assured in the form of non-profitable energy production. All these could lower the production prices of fossil fuels and assure larger part of their selling prices for transition to renewable energy sources.


Hydroelectric power plant efficiencyComparison with reflector solar power plantsMeaning for the life

EXPLOITING OIL AND NATURAL GASMeasures to estimate destroying of the natureSize of areas, poisoned with acquiring oil

INFLUENCE OF OTHER MODERN ENERGY SOURCESWind power plantsBio fuelsWood bio massGeothermal energyEnergy from the sea

RENEWABILITY OF THE ENERGY SOURCESClassification of energy sources according to the energy carrierRenewability of similar energy sourcesThe renewability of the geothermal energy deserves some more attentionRenewability in the light of consequences of acquiring and using energy


This chapter tries to show and compare with transforming all human needs upon energy to particular type of energy converters their influence to the nature on the entire Earth. We did this for reflection and photovoltaic cell power plants. We can’t compare different energy sources otherwise as with calculation how big natural area do they need for the production of the same amount of energy. We could do this also for smaller energy quantities, but in this way we also get the feeling, what this means for the entire planet. We compare the hydro and reflection solar power plants also with observing of building costs. But from ecological view


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it is far more important that we see the size of affected or destroyed Earth’s surface and possibilities, where these surfaces can lay. The following table shows the results of this entire investigation:

Potential surfaces needed for entire human energy production from one sourceEnergy source Area (km2) Type of surface Level of destructionReflection solar > 150.000 Mirrors. Necessary

intermediate space increases the surface.

Partly cooled land. Big animals chased away.

Photovoltaic 750.000 Photovoltaic cells. Panels can be put close together.

Land with little light under panels. The environment keeps the warmth due the bad photovoltaic effectiveness.

Hydro 7.500.000 Accumulation lakes. 3/4 of the Europe!

The surface of entirely flooded and destroyed nature is still larger.

Oil production > 500.000300.000 Esimated land of oil fields

in selected countries.

Poisoned with oils spils, waste deposits and gas burning. Life is chased away, balances destroyed. Rivers carry the waste permanently into the oceans.

Wind 1.000.000 High wind turbines in grid of 500 m distances among.

Land and life under is not significantly influenced.

Bio fuels > 100.000.000 Fields with energetic plants. Entirely destroyed nature and poisoned land. 2/3 of Earth’s land!

Wood bio mass > 100.000.000 Surfaces with cut natural accretion.

We destroy the soil without returning natural substances. 2/3 of Earth’s land!

Geothermal (apparent)

830.000 With the same average energy flow, as the production in Geysers area is. Geothermal power plants in grid of 2 km.

Land and nature affected with gases from geothermal water. Big danger of drinking water pollution exists. Permanent earthquakes happen and we deplete the underground warmth reservoirs.

Geothermal (*)(possible)

200.000 Surfaces available at geological faults, also undersea.

At sustainable exploiting we cover only 2,5 % of the entire needed energy (*).

Tidal 10.000.000 High tidal surfaces at sea coast. For one Europe! 10 km wide basins demand 1 million km of such coast.

Entirely destroyed specific natural habitats and season nesting places for migratory birds.

Sea wave (WEC snakes)

1.600.000 Sea surfaces with big waves near the coast, not more than 1 km wide. 40 convertors pro km2.

Difficult passable for ships.

Other real relevant dataEarth 149.000.000 Entire land surfaceAgriculture 50.000.000 Entire agriculture surfaces.


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35.000.000 Feeding animals for meat production.

Poisoned with support for GM plants

Deforestation 150.0005.000.000

Annually! In 33 years half of Europe!

Cut and burned surfaces. For tree plantations and industry food production. The land is poisoned and depleted as at bio fuel or GM plant production.

Coast length 750.000 km Rounded common costline of countries, which have at least 1000 km of coast.

At the end the chapter discusses the renewability of all energy sources. The special attention is given to the geothermal energy (*). We look also to the renewability from consequences, which appear because of production and consumption energy, and make the conclusion, which sources would be sensible to expand on the global level.


We came to the point, where we must decide for the way of solving our troubles. In our associations to the natural healing possibilities we must find the methods of healing diseases instead only covering symptoms. We shall exchange the rescuing of the endangered life with a systematic method which can heal our chronically affected health and return all vital function to a human body.

Homeopathy heals with information. The extremely diluted medicals can contain only a few molecules of original substances (or even any trace of them). These substances many times in their natural forms work as poisons and cause diseases. The “memory” nature of the remedy carrier causes that small parts of its substance keep on oscillating with these frequencies. The art and science of traditional homeopathy is to find the match between unknown poison and healing substance, and therefore the disease symptoms are used. The researchers of homeopathic effects shown that the remedies with exact measured oscillations have similar effects to the energetic points and paths of the body and to the autonomous nervous system as traditional methods of eastern medicine, for example the acupuncture. Then they exposed the patients to different electromagnetic fields. The particular direct EM frequencies caused the same symptoms. They found the other frequencies which neutralized the allergic responses. Some chemicals don’t act catastrophically destroying to body tissues. But they influence with their frequencies to the energetic body paths and disturb functioning of certain body organs. Finding the neutralizing electromagnetic frequencies they succeeded to heal the effects of chemical, nutritive or technological sources. The homeopathic remedies act with their frequencies equally neutralizing.

The tests shown that the energetic points in body meridians can synchronize to disturbing frequencies which differ in the certain range from their natural endogen frequencies. If differences are not too big, the synchronized oscillation of the energetic point remains somehow entrained also when the source frequency disappears. Disturbing frequencies can appear again in this range and the entire energetic path will follow them without returning to


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natural frequency. The healing effect comes with selecting the remedy with neutralizing frequencies which must be very close to the natural frequency of the affected energetic point.

* * *The human population behaves somehow similarly as the body of individual. In it spread the tumours and emit poisons through the entire body and out of it into the nature. They control the life of our population and don’t allow that the information about their real acting would come in front of eyes of entire population.

The information and possibilities, which the population gets from politic and capital set the people into unnatural situations and behaving. We follow to these imposed patterns that boost the comfort and enjoying. We simply lost our natural frequency of symbiosis with the nature and other parts of our societies. The suggested misleading information leads us in the not natural life style. The lack of true information pulls us off the responsibility to reestablish and maintain our balance with the nature. We move with enforced rhythm and make big efforts to become one of these cancerous tumours on the planet and enjoy the life on the account of others and of the nature, as the real tumours live on the account of body tissues.

One of the main tasks of this book is to find the right information in the right form about acting of these tumours in the human population and about consequences in societies and in the nature. Tuning these information to the natural feelings of human beings will cause that the humanity will start searching solutions and deciding in benefit of its own survival. Therefore we begin our systematic healing with recognizing and accepting the most simple and natural ways of sharing our lives without feeling pain from others and causing harm to them.


Local authorityBehaving rulesOrganization of cooperationMarket controlWhat had already happened in the past?Misusing informationSocial capitalFaster development of science, technology and economyNow we came to the question how to achieve this control and responsibility?

LOOKING INTO THE AGE OF CONSENTDebt of the poor nationsFair tradeWorld parliamentComparison with the United Nations

One different way of ruling in a new world order has been presented by Internet website Alliance for responsible, plural and united world. The main accent in the entire system lays on responsibility. The chapter compares these principles with ideas of this book in different fields of applying authority. The most interesting solutions we get at discussion about market control, social capital and too fast development, but all the time we have in mind the question


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how to achieve this control and responsibility. The principles advocated in this book give the solutions, because they don’t leave responsibility to free human will.

The next comparison is done with the world parliament and its supporting institutions, described in the book The Age of Consent of George Monbiot. The discussion accents the questions of real debt between rich and poor nations and of fair trade, if we keep exploiting of natural goods in the same way. The world parliament should be a place, where the people from entire world meet and discuss. It should operate first of all on the global level, protecting people and the nature. Every local problem should be solved with having in mind the general global solutions without depriving people and nature at home and on the other side of the world.


The world parliament should be a place, where the firm base for the fair world will begin to be built. Many try to define a constitution document for this global organization, but it is important that WP itself begins to act differently as the UN – according to some higher principles and also takes care that these principles will be developed forward and accepted with wide consensus of human population.

For this purpose I believe that we would have to begin with a set of basic principles and rules of the future world order, or of human life on the Earth. Here should be defined and agreed, how the humankind should behave (on the Earth), without presumption which political, economical or religious system will prevail. This doesn't represent any pressure or terror upon mentality, but simply a definition of so simple natural norms that could not be refused. In this point seems me very important that the (simply and clearly defined) basic principles can be much easier understood as the whole, as immediately created (without this base) more complicated rule system. Therefore also the interacting adjustment of basic principles and rules will be easy. Creation of more accurate rules would be easier, if the programming of the basic rules into computer technology would enable simultaneous verification, if the new rules comply with already existing.

To start this way toward the fair world I propose in the last chapter a few examples of these principles and from them derived rules. They touch the fields, which are also discussed much in the book - the human material production, energy and his food.

LOOKING FOR BASIC PRINCIPLES OF THE FUTURE WORLD ORDERIntroductionViolations of legislationPreventive decision controlRule structureStart with basic principles

PREVENTING POLLUTION WITH NOT RECYCLABLE MATERIALSExplanationLong lasting quality productsConsumer productsThe proposed basic principle

TRANSITION TO RENEWABLE ENERGY Proving the necessity of repay damage done to the poor


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Possible characteristics of the renewable energy systemThe proposed main principle

RIGHT TO HAVE HEALTHY NUTRITIONHosting in the natural environmentThe right to nutritionThe natural right to lifeThe natural biotopesThe proposed basic principle

In introductory part of this chapter the reasons and ways for designing the preventive decision control system are shortly described once again. For all three developed principles the explanations are written and connections to other human activities are listed. Success of preventing pollution depends on production of quality long lasting products from large percent of recycled materials and on complete change of packaging phylosophy. Transition on renewable energy includes not only technical problems, but it must cooperate also with repairing the historical and economical injustices, done to the poor nations because of robbing their fossil energy and raw materials. Assuring healthy food demands repayment of the damage, done to the nature with industrial food production. Shortly these principles are stated as:

One of basic tasks of new world order is to diminish, as much as possible, the pollution of the Earth with artificial, not recyclable and not necessary human products and with protection materials for their transport. Every possible effort must be done from all included that the development, production, usage and recycling of the products will not cause the harm in the nature. As much as possible of needed materials for new products we will get from old products and waste. As little as possible materials will be newly acquired from the nature. Every possible effort must be done that we produce as little as possible unnecessary products. The materials for them must come exclusively from recycling.

One of basic tasks of new world order is to reach human independence from not renewable resources of energy for the entire world equally. Every possible effort in the sense of reaching world wide consensus for still necessary research, financing and equipment production must be done by all influential world organizations and individuals. Every possible effort in the sense of not blocking this task and necessary actions must be done by organizations (some governments, corporations), which will not support directly the building of the renewable energy system.

One of the most basic tasks of the new world order is to return the human food production into the frames of the natural possibilities for growing healthy organisms and for renewing surfaces for their harvesting. Because of harmful and destroying influence of artificial fertilizers, preparations for destroying pests and weeds (pesticides and herbicides) and substances for prolonging duration of food products on the health and life of people and nature, and because of diminishing of natural living space, separating its particular parts, tearing of the natural connections among them and consequent extinction of many living species, the humanity must achieve such way of assuring its most basic need upon the food, which will prevent all these negative influences of today’s industrial agriculture.


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FORMATION OF BASIC RULESThe basic rules for preventing pollution with not recyclable materialsThe basic rules for transition to renewable energy sourcesThe basic rules for assuring healthy food

The basic rules are first of all in the clear form defined principles themselves. We need these forms without additional explanations to compare the accordance of other rules with them and not at last to program them into computers. Mostly these principles can’t be expressed as single rules, but they are dissected into several basic rules. Then the rules are decomposed to series (groups) of simple questions, which together will give the answer if a project from one of these fields can be realized.

At first principle the questions go for entire products and their materials in directions of used natural or recycled materials and of possibility to recycle them again, respectively to use the entire parts of product again. The special attention is given to the time period, in which the product will have to be used.

Second principle generates the rules and questions in direction of how particular energy source or energetic object, exploiting this source, influences to the environment and nature, and how it affects the rights of local and global human population.

Caring for healthy food demands answers for the particular parts of planned or used fields in connection with planned crops. How do they exhaust and/or renew the soil and influence to neighbour areas and living species there. The particular crops will have to go through examination of changing natural substances in soil and in crop itself.

Again, these are only the examples, and some of them will be probably unnecessary and other additional will be developed during the process of realizing the principles of our life on the Earth.


In conclusion part we open two questions which will maybe help to persist the impression of the book for a while.

The conclusion of the discussion about pensions was that the next generation shouldn't be burdened with larger taxes or more work to get enough funds for larger number of pensions. We can generalize it to the entire intergeneration relations. Today's working generation is burdened with creating conditions, in which the robbing of natural materials goes on with increased intensity. Some natural sources have been driven in some regions near to the complete destruction. This represents for our children large burdening, because they will have to take care for acquiring energy from other sources and for recycling of already used materials. And our generation is not prepared to help a lot at this. Isn't this the same as in the case of former mentioned pensions? From our parents we demand something, but we are not prepared to give the similar to our children. Insincerity of our behavior shows in the readiness of taking from someone else according to our own needs. We do this in any occasion regardless to the possibilities of that someone. It shows in unreadiness to give to someone according to our possibilities in any occasion and regarding to his needs. And it is sad, that we implant this insincerity with behavior of the families and with functioning of the society system also forward to our children.


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The second touches the increased consciousness, with which the people (will in the future) act fairly and carefully to the others and to the nature. The consciousness, which would avert the greed and competition on the account of others and of the nature, and which wouldn't set its own satisfaction in front of other's discomfort, would have to grow in enough critical mass of people. The individuals try to reach this consciousness in themselves, among friends and acquaintances. These efforts don't have too large and before all too quick effect. From all other sides the politic, media and requests of our professions and lives fill up us with quite opposite. But, do we have enough time to achieve such consciousness before the Earth will be totally robbed out and our civilization destroyed in the intermediate conflicts? Regarding to the experiences we can say that the consciousness level is rising slowly through the entire life of an individual. This happens more due his own negative experiences with his environment and society system as because of the learning and belief in experiences of others. In the opposite way seemingly positive material experiences of the system decrease our consciousness. From the quantity and intensity of one and the other influences depends, what we will achieve. In any case there is no warranty that this level of consciousness in enough critical mass of people will rise at all, and when this will happen. This high consciousness level will undoubtedly help in the way of formation principles and rules for fair society. But because of the time deficiency, in which we went astray because of leaving our lives to the human free will and decisions, it is necessary to increase this consciousness level mostly at those groups of people, which have today the possibilities and power of deciding. With proposed principles, rules and ways of changing our living styles we will also brake the influence of capital to raising of this consciousness.


Appendices include some necessary data in the forms of facts, tables or calculations, which are taken because of better readability out of particular chapters, but they explain additionally the discussed matter.

A.The intensities and pressures of sound in sea and air give values of these physical parameters in the logarithmic decibel scale. The equipment for acoustic research produce the highest given pressures. It is important to imagine how large are the actual forces to animals’ sense organs and other tissues at using this equipment. It can be the reason for a possible seismic event.

B.This appendix shows the influence of an air gun to the rock layers on the sea floor. It calculates approximate pressure changes between two rock layers because of acting of the air gun field on the sea surface. Important is to understand that rock can’t slip only because of this influence and cause an earthquake.

C.The pressures of seismic waves show that a strong earthquake generates much larger pressure changes, as the static pressure between two rock layers is. This means that the negative pressure half periods can cause the layer’s slip.


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D.The timing and regional-coloured tables of detected earthquakes on the north and east border of Australian tectonic plate on December 2004 and on September 2009 in the times of two big earthquakes, followed by tsunamis, have been created. They are the base for the conclusion in chapter 1.3. The big earthquakes in this area increase seismic activity in the entire area and can cause catastrophic events thousands kilometers away, too.

E.It shows the Earth's energetic balance. We see how big are the natural energy flows and how much contributes the man with production and burning fossil fuels, biomass and forests for agriculture. The participation in released human energy is small also according to natural fluctuations. But the increased quantity of greenhouse gases in atmosphere which hinder the warmth radiation of the Earth is much more important. The appendix includes a non classical explanation of this phenomenon. It seems that CO2 is not the main reason and the research will demand more than just this appendix.

F.This appendix calculates and shows in four different situations the behavior of a warmth reservoir in hot rocks of the Earth's crust. The temperature reduction appears with energy depletion. The times of renewing it depend on the distance of the well from the hot energy source. It finds that only the places, where the rock is heated by very near heat sources (geological faults with magma present or rocks on the bottom of thinner crust) are appropriate for renewing in acceptable times of 30 to 50 years, or for sustainable exploiting.