Post Production Diary- After filming everything we needed to film we began to edit the initial rough cut. This was organised and completed by Miles, who was labelled editor of the production. Miles used software inside and outside of school in order to compile the footage together, however all members of the group contributed towards post production. Day 1: Date- 23/11/16 On the first day of post-production we reviw3ed footage to see what clips we would include (based on quality) within the rough cut. This was done for both the title sequence footage and the footage for the opening sequence. We made sure all shots were visually appealing to audiences and matched the genre for our production. We initially established the idea of fear with art through vague paintings, the defining the drawing which linked directly to the narrative. This was put into order by me; Michelle then imported the audio and theme music we needed. This was selected by using two potential audio clips we had previously looked at and deciding which one best suited the genre of our opening sequence as well as visual elements. We also allocated roles in the following order: Miles – Imported the initial clips and put it all together in timeline Michelle – Imported music and put it into place Bailee – Put the title sequence in order Chris – Put the kidnapping shots in order Day 2: Date- 24/11/16 On our second day of post-production, we had moved on from the title sequence and began to edit the conversation as well as the kidnapping scene. Within this, we all had individual tasks as shown below:

Post production diary

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Post Production Diary- After filming everything we needed to film we began to edit the initial rough cut. This was organised and completed by Miles, who was labelled editor of the production. Miles used software inside and outside of school in order to compile the footage together, however all members of the group contributed towards post production.

Day 1:

Date- 23/11/16

On the first day of post-production we reviw3ed footage to see what clips we would include (based on quality) within the rough cut. This was done for both the title sequence footage and the footage for the opening sequence. We made sure all shots were visually appealing to audiences and matched the genre for our production. We initially established the idea of fear with art through vague paintings, the defining the drawing which linked directly to the narrative. This was put into order by me; Michelle then imported the audio and theme music we needed. This was selected by using two potential audio clips we had previously looked at and deciding which one best suited the genre of our opening sequence as well as visual elements. We also allocated roles in the following order:

Miles – Imported the initial clips and put it all together in timeline

Michelle – Imported music and put it into place

Bailee – Put the title sequence in order

Chris – Put the kidnapping shots in order

Day 2:

Date- 24/11/16

On our second day of post-production, we had moved on from the title sequence and began to edit the conversation as well as the kidnapping scene. Within this, we all had individual tasks as shown below:

Miles – Went through title sequence, cut down sequence, added stabiliser to shots that needed

Michelle – Cut down kidnapping clips, matched up the audio

Bailee – Edited audio, matched up audio with Michelle

Chris – Cut down kidnapping clips, put them into place

This allowed us to work quickly and efficiently as a team, as well as everyone contributing different aspects (eg shortening clips and matching audio)

Day 3:

Date- 28/11/16

This was the finishing day of editing the rough cut, in which we finalised all previous work and made sure everything was of a high standard. This included features such as minimal colour correction, as well adding titles in order to make our production as conventional and aesthetically pleasing to audiences as possible. This was collectively completed at school by all group members, allowing everyone to contribute their ideas.


Overall I am very pleased with the team work demonstrated by everyone within the group as we all worked well in the post-production stages, meaning everyone found our draft as of high quality as possible. Our rough cut was completed to the best of our ability however we still need to change minor things such as the length of the title sequence and some shots that were not as high standard as originally planned. The aspect of designating member’s individual tasks worked well as it allowed the rough cut to be generated quicker whilst still having everyone’s ideas involved.