Emerging Patterns & Goals Articulation By Shawn Lynch

Emerging patterns

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Page 1: Emerging patterns

Emerging Patterns&

Goals Articulation

By Shawn Lynch

Page 2: Emerging patterns

My process began with taking stock of the land that I have available for the Homestead

site. I am using a 2 acre by 2 acre square of flat farmland in central Michigan, which has

historically been used for corn, soy beans, and wheat.

I then began to focus on possible ways to attain self-reliance and sustainability – which has

become a major goal. This in turn led to numerous items that became my main categories.

Some items overlap into multiple categories but I ultimately I decided to allocate them to

only one category. For example, I have the categories “Animals” and “Food Sources” in

which my chickens could fall in either.

I did not experience much difference between the various iterations of categorizing the

cards. In fact the only real changes came about when certain items could be slotted into a

second category, which led me to re-think the categories. Also, the categories “Security” and

“Income Sources” showed themselves not to be as important to me at this point. I believe

they may be areas that could become relevant in the future, but I left them out for now.

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Main Categories

Food Sources


Energy &Resources

AnimalsIncome Sources




Outside Rooms


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• Main protein source• Rainbow Trout,

Yellow Perch, possible Tilapia

• System housed in Walipini to utilize colder temps

Forest Gardens

• Nuts• Berries• Roots• Various Herbs


• They are strictly pets

• However….they provide the option of “fitting” into this category


• The girls will provide eggs (and entertainment)

• No Rooster at this time (perhaps in the future)

Raised Beds

• Intensive gardening


• Utilizing square foot


• Bed/Crop rotation

• Main source of food

Food Sources


• Egg production

• Possible meat (if needed)

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Chicken Coop

Duck Coop

Goat House

Rabbit Condo

Deer Stables

Main House

Storage Barn / Workshop



In-Law Cottage (future



Animal Housing

People & PlantHousing

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Fire Pit /

Picnic Area

Outside Rooms





Gathering /


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• Ari and Sasha will be the main mousers• And they eat a lot of flies



• Chickens

• Ducks• Pheasants (in the future)


• Rainbow Trout

• Yellow Perch

• Tilapia



• They are strictly pets (but don’t step out of line bunny)


• Entertainment value is thru the roof• Milk production


• Would like to keep a few as pets, but I’m not sure that can legally happen at the moment• Possible food source (if needed)

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Solar Power

Energy &Resources




Rain (collection)


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A Second Reshuffle

Plants Natural ResourcesStructures Animals

I tried re-categorizing my cards, but I really didn’t come up with anything profoundly different. It turned out to be more “re-naming” of my categories and I decided to stick with my originals.

However, it did make me realize that “Plants” would eventually become a sub-category of “Food”. And further categorizing would lead to Plants being labeled as perennial, annuals, etc. So the exercise of re-shuffling does provide a chance to think about each item further.

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As I look at the categories I have created, some overall goals begin to present themselves.

• Being able to produce nearly all my own food

• Creating the ability to produce my own power (off-grid capable)

• Comfort – living the way I want to and providing adequate space and

protection for my animals

• Working toward the development of Home Based income sources and the

ability to work Remotely

• Creating an environment in tune with nature while remaining actively involved

with the rest of society – no hermits!

Some larger goals

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Going through the exercise I did not include much that seemed odd or out of

place. I did leave out “Security” as that doesn’t necessarily have as much to do

with the course as the other categories. I will certainly include that category in the

overall design of the my property, but it felt like the odd man out for this particular


Also left out was “Income Sources”. I began to realize that this would/could

become a future project sometime down the road. It wasn’t what I wanted to focus

on though initially. I feel as though this area will flesh itself out naturally in time.

I really like the idea of using hydroelectric power but my site does not include this

option presently.

What doesn't "fit" or seems out of place?

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I took a “dream big” prospective for the project. I’ve realized that it will be an on-

going process to include all that I may want for the Homestead. There always

seem to be a new idea or better way of engineering a process that I stumble upon.

Overall, I feel this is a beginning that will provide a flexible foundation to continue


It is also a project that will take some time to implement. Some of the follow on

questions I have for myself are:

• What order to implement the plan?

• Cost? How to create a baseline for the project?

• How much Time will be needed to maintain the property?

Some final thoughts…