www.friendsofthefoxriver.org Gary Swick, President Andrew Paxson, Vice President gswick@ friendsofthefoxriver.org

Biggest bang for the water quality

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69th SWCS International Annual Conference “Making Waves in Conservation: Our Life on Land and Its Impact on Water” July 27-30, 2014 Lombard, IL

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Page 1: Biggest bang for the water quality


Gary Swick, PresidentAndrew Paxson, Vice President

gswick@ friendsofthefoxriver.org

Page 2: Biggest bang for the water quality

Biggest Bang for the Water Quality Protection Buck

. An Environmental Action initiative that helps municipalities meet EPA

regulations while developing a Watershed of Caretakers.

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Water Quality Protection Whose ResponsibilityPublic Opinion - 84%

60s - Izaak Walton League

70s - The Fox

Clean Water Act I - Point Sources

Mandated, Enforced, Funded

Clean Water Act II - Non-point Sources

NPDES - unfunded, mandated, regulated

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Fox River Water Quality History:Decline & Recovery


1820s – early 1970s


“The Fox”

1972-Clean Water Act

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Hypoxic Zone


Dissolved Oxygen

Coming IEPA Permitting Pressure

Asking what are you doing?

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National Pollution Discharge Elimination System

Non-point sources of runoff



Mandated - Impaired Waters

Regulated ? - Self-reported

Funded ? - MS4

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Biggest Bang for Your Buck ???WWTP Upgrades


Combined Sewers

Fox River Study Group

Implementation Plan

Green Infrastructure

Dam Removal

Watershed Education

Watershed Watchdogs

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Fox River Study Group

Total Daily Maximum Load Alternative


Dissolved Oxygen

Stake Holders -

Municipalities, WWTP, NPG, State agencies

4 Stage Plan


Dam Removal, Green Infrastructure, BMPs,

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Green Infrastructure Components

• Two Basic Categories:

• Natural / restored green infrastructure

• Rivers, streams, wetlands, woodlands, etc.

• Man-made green infrastructure

• Stormwater detention basins, greenways, rain gardens, etc.

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Green Infrastructure Plan

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Storm sewer conveyance

Open channel conveyance

Traditional detention facility with concretelow flow channel

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Recommended BMPs for the Elgin Area

Low Impact Development

Retrofitting existing detention basins

Structural WQ devices at storm outfalls

Water Quality Inlets

Pet Waste Management

Street sweeping

Streambank stabilization

Rain Garden / Rain Barrel Programs

Stream corridor restoration / management


Source: Tyler Creek Watershed Plan

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Why remove them?

• Dollar for dollar, dam removal is the most cost effective way to restore a river.

Hofmann Dam on the Des Plaines River

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16 Dams on the Fox River 13 in Illinois 2 recently removed 1 more planned for removal

80+ Dams on Fox Tributaries

The Fox River WatershedDams

Data Source: ISWS & USEPA BASINS Data

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Creating a Watershed of Caretakers





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Prairie landscape makes way for agriculture

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AdvocacyOpen Space


IEPA Assistance

Legal Action


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The Fox RiverWatershed Monitoring Network

Environmental Education for Action

Providing Data for Decisions

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Creating a Watershed of Caretakers

It’s fun!

It’s education at its finest!

It’s necessary action for an endangered


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Citizens and Families


Home Schools


Wanted: Watershed Watchdogs

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Become a Watershed WatchdogWagging

Identify whats not normal. Sniff, listen & look.


Attract attention. Investigate.


Demand respect. IEPA.


if you must protect Legal Action

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Citizen Science

Water Quality Monitoring

350 Groups

1350 Efforts

Total in the US - 1750

Many other initiatives



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Why Watch a Stream?

Check its health

Identify changes in conditions (trends)

Collect data for decision making

Prepare for action

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Why Watch a River?*The Frog Parable*

Drop into Boiling Water –

It will jump out!

Put in cool water and gradually heat it….


Boiled frog legs!!

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What is River Monitoring?SAMPLING INDICATORS

CHEMICAL - Temp., pH, DO

PHYSICAL - Habitat, Flow


Hey, is this a healthy place?

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The Fox RiverWatershed Monitoring Network

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Biological Monitoring

Or ……

What Stream Life Tells Us About Water Quality

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• Two pair claws on each of three jointed legs

• Two pair of developing wing pads present on thorax

• Two distinct “tails” called cerci, which are actually sensory feelers

• Color: Tan, brown, gold, or black

L th i t 1 i h

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Very Intolerant



Very Tolerant

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Join Students and Professionals in the……Fox Map Project GPS Collecting & GIS Mapping Dat

Linking Land Use to Water Quality

To protect the

Fox River Watershed

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Educational Continuum





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Education -------> Action

Outreach Educator ---> Teachers

Teachers ------> Students

Peer Teachers ---------> Students

Students ------> Data ----> Trend Analysis------> Action

Students -----> Literacy -----> Educators

Students -----> Stewards ----> Engaged Citizenry

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Measurable Success!Effective Education

Stewardship Ethic

Water Quality LiteracyCommunity Service

Sense of Place

Education for Environmental Action

Local ProtectionEngaged Citizens

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Biggest Bang for Your Buck ???WWTP Upgrades


Combined Sewers

Fox River Study Group

Implementation Plan

Green Infrastructure

Dam Removal

Watershed Education

Watershed Watchdogs

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Water Quality Protection - Cost/ResidentRain gardens - $12-$40 / sq ft (typical range of 50-350 sq ft)

Example: $30 x 200 = $6000

Private drainage systems - $40-$60 /ft of pipe (typical

range of 200 ft) Example: $50 x 200 = $10,000

Public storm sewer improvements - $200-$1000 / ft of pipe Example: $500 x 60 ft frontage = $3000

Watershed Education - $3 / Student. $3 x 2 students = $6

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Co$t to Community10,000 population/2000 Households

Rain gardens - $12-$40 per square foot typical range of 50-350 sq ft

Example: $30 x 200 = $6000 x 2000 = $12,000,000

Private drainage systems - $40-$60 / foot of pipe typical range of

150 - 300 ft Ex: $50 x 200 = $10,000 x 2000 = $20,000,000

Public storm sewer improvements -$200 - $1000 / ft of pipe Example: $500 x 60 = $3000 x 2000 = $6,000,000

Watershed Education - $3/Student. 2 students/ household$3 x 2000 students = $6000

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Fox River Watershed Monitoring Network

Train the Trainers

Outreach Educator

Free service @ $3/student

@ capacity

Utilizing MS4 funds

Council of Governments

Sustainable Initiative

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Water Quality Education BenefitsFriends of the Fox River Outreach Educators

Prep & In-Stream Support

Teachers & Students

Data & Trend Analysis

Curriculum Connections

Personal / Community Impacts

Water Quality Protection Literacy

Citizens, Advocacy, Education - BMPS, Biodiversity, Connections

Water Quality Protection Action - Policy, Ordinances, Home Care, Stewardship

Residential, Ordinances, Policy

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“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

-Margaret Meade

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Gary Swick, PresidentAndrew Paxson, Vice President

gswick@ friendsofthefoxriver.org