Working with Agencies Getting the biggest bang for your buck$...

Working with agencies: getting the biggest bang for your bucks. North West Regional Group: Working with agencies, 14 Jan 2015

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Working with AgenciesGetting the biggest bang for your buck$...

What are we going to be discussing?

1. When to get an agency involved

2. How to get best value (on a small budget!)

3. DIY 1: Taking charge of your brand

4. DIY 2: Creating a communications plan

5. Success stories

When to involve an agency

When to involve an agency

• Not at the last minute! Plan ahead and

identify what help you might need and when.

• Assisting with important tasks that your

organisation finds difficult and/or inefficient.

• During (re)branding or the development of a

Communications Plan.

• When seeking to reach new audiences.

• When investing in major communications.

• When you can afford it!

Getting best value

Getting best value from an agency

• Paying agencies to think can be expensive.

Getting them to do stuff is more affordable.

• Find an agency that fits your ‘culture’.

• Don’t be shy about discussing discounts!

SLAs can save money over the long-term.

• Provide clear briefs and prepare content.

• Ask the agency to create templates and

guidance for aiding everyday tasks in-house.

• Most important: ask questions and learn!

Taking charge of your brand

Taking charge of your brand

• Brands are like personalities – every

organisation has one, good or bad.

• Don’t focus on everything your organisation

does – focus on what it does best.

• Study the brands of other organisations.

• Involve everyone in the process.

• Be different – blending in is boring.

• Keep it simple! Say a few things, loud and


Communications Plan

Why do you need a communications plan?

• To make your communications more

efficient, effective and consistent.

• Clear and precise – not vague and rambling!

• Help you reach the right people and make

them do something.

• Manage who’s doing what and when.

• Reach beyond the ‘usual suspects’ to new

audiences (geographically and socially).

Drafting YOUR one-page communications plan…

1. Message: What is the purpose of your

organisation? And what do you do best?

2. Audiences: Who are you in touch with

now? Who would you like to be more in

touch with?

3. Benefits: What benefits do you offer each

of the audiences you’ve listed? Why should

they be interested in your group?

Drafting YOUR one-page communications plan…

4. Channels: How do you currently

communicate with your target audiences?

What new ways could you try out?

5. Publicity: What stories about your

organisation might people be interested in?

Success Stories

Galloway & Southern Ayrshire Biosphere

• Big new public/voluntary sector partnership.

• A first for Scotland… pressure to get it right!

• Lots of different issues and audiences.

• A huge area spanning different communities.

• A real need to involve local people from the

bottom up.

• Crowded marketplace for “yet another”

environmental body.

• Limited resources to make it all happen.

Galloway & Southern Ayrshire Biosphere

What they did…

•Identified things they needed help with:

branding and coordinating who does what.

•Made a list of target audiences.

What we did…

•Branding in consultation with stakeholders.

•Communications Plan for working together.

•Templates for designing ‘stuff’.

The Meadows, Salford

• University of Salford, Red Rose Forest and

local Friends Group.

• Urban green space with huge potential… but

under-used due to fear of crime.

• Re-branding the ‘place’ and making it safe

and welcoming.

• Forging bonds between locals and students

– uniting “them and us”.

The Meadows, Salford

What they did…

•Made a list of what the space could be used

for – “more than just a park”.

•Willingness to try something different.

What we did…

•Brought everyone together.

•Created an aspirational vision.

•Invested in a statement of ‘care’.


Thanks for listening!

Paul Mahony, Creative Director

[email protected]

0161 236 3432

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North West Regional Group

14 January 2015



North West Regional Group

Working with
