Traditional medicines cause for animal poaching

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What Is Animal Poaching??

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Animal Poaching is the illegal (Unlawful) taking of wildlife.

Animal Poaching include killing an animal out of season, without a license and with a prohibited weapon.

Killing a protected species, exceeding one's bag limit ; or

Killing an animal while trespassing are also considered to be as animal poaching.

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What Are Traditional Medicines?

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Traditional medicine is the sum total of knowledge, skills and practices based on the theories

These are used to maintain health, as well as to prevent, diagnose, improve or treat physical and mental illnesses.

Traditional medicine that has been adopted by other populations (outside its culture) is often termed alternative or complementary medicine.

These medicines includes parts of plants and animal.

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How Traditional Medicines Effect Animals?

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Traditional Medicines is a health care system in which patients are treated with natural plant, animal, and mineral remedies.

In Traditional Medicines the bones of Tigers have been used in wines, plasters, and manufactured medicines to treat arthritis and other joint ailments.

Decocted rhinoceros horn is used in Traditional Medicines to treat fever, convulsions, and delirium.

Black Bear is used in Traditional Medicines to treat a wide variety of illnesses and injuries, including liver ailments and headaches.

The seahorse, used as a treatment for kidney ailments, circulatory problems, and impotence, has been a feature of TCM for centuries.

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Facts about Traditional Medicines.

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In some Asian and African countries, 80% of the population depend on traditional medicine for primary health care.

Herbal medicines are the most lucrative form of traditional medicine, generating billions of dollars in revenue.

Traditional medicine can treat various infectious and chronic conditions.

Counterfeit, poor quality, or adulterated herbal products in international markets are serious patient safety threats.

More than 100 countries have regulations for herbal medicines

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Who Uses Traditional Medicine?


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In some Asian and African countries, 80% of the population depend on traditional medicine for primary health care.

In many developed countries, 70% to 80% of the population has used some form of alternative or complementary medicine (e.g. acupuncture).

Herbal treatments are the most popular form of traditional medicine, and are highly lucrative in the international marketplace.

Annual revenues in Western Europe reached US$ 5 billion in 2003-2004.

In China sales of products totaled US$ 14 billion in 2005. Traditional medicine revenue in Brazil was US$ 160 million in 2007.

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WWF & WHOWorld Wide Fund & World Health Organisation

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Tightening and Enforcing Legislation It’s one thing to ban or limit trade in a particular species, but another to effectively enforce this—especially in developing countries where training and funds for enforcement are often lacking.

Public Education One of the most powerful tools for addressing illegal and unsustainable wildlife trade is persuading consumers to make informed choices

Supporting Regulations WWF provides technical and scientific advice to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

What WWF is Doing?

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WHO and its Member States cooperate to promote the use of traditional medicine for health care. The collaboration aims to:

Ensure the use of safe, effective and quality products and practices, based on available evidence;

Acknowledge traditional medicine as part of primary health care, to increase access to care and preserve knowledge and resources; and

Ensure patient safety by upgrading the skills and knowledge of traditional medicine providers.

WHO’s Response

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WWF is asking for your help to save wildlife and people from becoming victims of wildlife crime.

Push governments to protect threatened animal populations by increasing law enforcement, imposing strict deterrents, reducing demand for endangered species products and honoring international commitments made under CITES.

Speak up on behalf of those on the frontlines being threatened by armed poachers so they are properly equipped, trained and compensated.

Reduce demand for illegal wildlife parts and products by encouraging others to ask questions and get the facts before buying any wildlife or plant product.

Stop Wildlife Crime

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Presented by:

Divyansh Pagaria(Sultan)

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