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Teenage love story board

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Teenage Love TrailerSTORY BOARD

Page 2: Teenage love story board

This picture will be shown in the very start of the trailer to indicate the audience about the rating of the movie and also give a my trailer a realistic effect and make it look like an actual trailer.

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The character of the nerd girl, Aniqa will be introduced in the very start where she will be writing in her diary about her feeling of hat happened at the library. Mid-shot will be used and then a close-up of the diary will be shown point of view shot will be used. Aniqa’s voice will be in the background and light music which will pick up pace gradually. The lighting will be bright.

Page 4: Teenage love story board

The long-shot of the of the library will be shown. Bright lighting. A close-up of Murtaza (nerd boy) will be shown and then the reaction of will be shown. The technique of shot reverse shot will be used here. Then a mid shot of Murtaza will be used to show the scene where Murtaza passes a teddy bear to Aniqa. The shot showing Aniqa and the teddy bear will first focus on the teddy bear and from that it will focus on Aniqa and defocus the teddy bear.

Page 5: Teenage love story board

The close-up of the diary will be shown again to remind the audience that the scene shown before a flashback. Panning will also be used here. The a transition effect will be used to smoothly land into the other parts of the movie.

In the next scene a mid shot of Jannat and hassan will be shown. This scene does not requires much camera movements as it is a brief an simple scene therefore the mid-shot will continue till the end.

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In the next scene where Mariam and Kinza will be conversing, 180 rule will be used to indicate the audience that a conversation is going on between them only.

After that when they come outside to show the expressions of both the girls long shot will be used.

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A mid-shot of Eiman and Ayesha will further describe the situation. Then again the camera will show Kinza and Mariam and panning of the camera will take place as the characters move.

A mid-shot with a low angle will be used for Mashal. The lighting will again be bright here as she is in her room.

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The shot of the chat will be shown. And then a close-up of the footsteps of mashal will be shown. Panning from her feet to her face will take place. A long shot of mashal slowly coming down the stairs will be shown.

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A shot from the car and showing mashal coming out from the gate will also be used and then when she sits in the car the close-up of her friend, Laraib will be shown. Over here shot-reverse shot will be take place to show the conversation of the two. The lighting here will be dark and as it is mid night.

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The poster of the movie will appear in the end followed a dialogue by mashal at the gate. Close-up of mashal will be shown.