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AND MODERN CANADA by: Emmanda Zhang

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- Title

- Table of contents - Ancient Egypt: title, information, picture - Ancient Mesopotamia: title, information, picture-Ancient Greece: title, information, picture- Ancient China: title, information, picture - Modern Canada: title, information, picture- Bibliography

- The end!

Lets get started!!!!

!! :D

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The ancient Egyptians wore very light clothes made from linen, which was made from the flax plant that they grew along the Nile during the annual flooding season. Once the flax plant is fully grown the Egyptians would harvest all the plants that they grew and soak then in water to soften. Once soften they would separate each strand of flax into fibers and beat them. After the flax has been properly prepared the would spin the fibers into thread, which would then be woven into clothe.


In ancient Egypt all men from poor to rich to royal all wore a wrap-round skirt that was tied up around-waist level-with a belt, but the length on the other hand varied depending on what was “in” at the time. For example during the old kingdom every male wore the skirt very short, probably because of the heat and the lack of material + skill making the cloth, and producing the fabric/plant. But as for the middle kingdom the men wore it up to their calf's, and during the new kingdom the most fashionable way to were the skirt was to have it pleated. To represent their class and their wealth the richer man would buy the best quality linen which was very fine and transparent. Along with buying better linen they would also wear as much jewelry as they could afford and decorate the clothes to stand out from the poor people. Another thing that they did was wearing fancy head dresses.

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Clothes-women :

In ancient Egypt the females-like the men- all wore their clothes the same way, but instead of having a skirt tied up at the waist like the men, they wore straight-full length-dresses with one or two shoulder straps. During the New kingdom time having their clothes pleated and draped was the most fashionable way to wear their clothes. Just like the men the richer and royal Egyptian women all wore the finest quality, transparent linen and decorated their clothes, and wore jewelry and headdresses.Clothes-

children:As for the children there isn’t much to it, the kids weren’t given clothes to were until they were around the age of six. After that they would wear the same clothes as the men and women.


In ancient Egypt the Egyptians mostly went barefooted most of the time, unless it was a special occasion or if their feet wore going to get hurt. Like their clothing the rich and the poor wore different kinds of sandals made of different material. The poor would wear sandals made of papyrus or palm, while the rich would wear ones made of leather.


In ancient Egypt they wore jewelry to show their wealth and statues (just like they did with their clothes and shoes), but also because they because they wanted to be more attractive to the gods. They would wear all sorts of jewelry, from rings, pendants, earrings and bracelets to decorated buttons, necklaces and neck collars. The richer Egyptians wore jewelry made from all sorts of precious stones and gold, while the ordinary and poor people wore jewelry made from coloured pottery beads.


In ancient Egypt both men and women wore makeup. They used black kohl, a very fine and pigmented powder to line their eyes, and darken their lashes and brows. Along with darkening a few of their features they also used blue or green powdered minerals for eye shadow.. Along with the kohl and blue and green pigments they would also dye their lips and nails with henna dye. Just like the jewelry this was also a thing that they did to makes their self's more attractive to the gods.

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In ancient Mesopotamia the people wore clothes made out of linen and sheep wool. The reason why they used both linen and wool is so they could be warm during winter an cool during the summer, but along with wearing linen to be cool they also wore it because it was very durable and soft, and the more they washed it the softer it would become, but not only that if they dyed the linen the colour wont fade.


During the early times in Mesopotamia the men all wore loincloths that barley covered anything but over time the Mesopotamians started to gain more knowledge and skill of making clothes and the men then started to wear wrap-around skirt and robs. They wore the wrap-around skirts with a bare chest during all the hot season and a sheepskin rob during the winter. The rob that they wore during the winter times had the wooly side on the out side and was kept in place with a belt and was pined on the right shoulder.Clothes-

women: As for the women they wore rods that that covered their solder to their ankle with the right arm uncovered. Like the men the women would also were a sheepskin rob during the winter. Although all classes wore the same style of clothes the richer/royal men and women wore clothes made of better material with really bright vibrant colours and complicated patterns.


As for the shoes the Mesopotamians wore back then were simple leather that was wraped around their foot, like a moccasin.

emmanda zhang
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During ancient Mesopotamia both the men and women wore earrings and necklaces during there day to day lives, but during celebrations they would wear even more jewelry. Headdresses were very popular, and every one from the queen to the ladies of the court to the average woman worn them. There were all sorts of designs on each headdress .some of the designs that a headdress would have included animals, leaves and flowers. The headdresses were probably one of the most important Part of the wardrobe, they represented what class the person wearing it is and were worn also for religious reasons. For example the headdress that the queen worn would have ringlets of gold with animals and leaves on it and the ladies of the court would wear ones with beech leafs. Some of the types of stone that were used as jewelry are lapis lazuli, carnelian and topaz. The lapis lazuli stone was the most prized stone it was in the headdresses, clothing and statues. The carnelian is a reddish-brown stone that was also often in the jewelry that they worn. Topaz is the other tone that was used for jewelry. This stone is mostly a straw-yellow and win coloured but it can also be white grey

Makeup :

In Mesopotamia the women would use antimony as eyeliner and mascara, and red henna to dye their lips red. Along with the antimony they would also use led to darken their eyes.


During the Early Daynasti Years all the men would have a clean shaved face + head and as for the girls the most stylish way to have their hair is to have their hair long but done up in fancy intricate styles. As for the Old Akkadian Period the men would either have long curly hair or be clean shaven, and the women would have interesting hairstyles with nets of medal or bone. If not one of these they would just have their hair in a tight bun. Then around 100 B.C the style was to have tight curls, this was the same for both male and female.

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The people in ancient Greece wore fabrics made of wool and linen that was imported.

Clothe about:

The clothes that the people n Greece wore were very simple, they were made to function simple and was able to be styled and restyled to match the occasion or fashion. The outfit basically just consisted of a large square or rectangle sheet of fabric, a pin and sometimes shoes/hats. The way that they would put the fabric on is they would fold the sheet around their body and pin it together at the side seams and shoulder, as well as belting it at the waist.


- Chiton: this style of wearing the toga was manly worn by the Greek men, and was made of lighter linen material to match the environment, for the men often worked outdoors. The way the men would wear this style is by draping it over one or two shoulders. When it is dapped over ne shoulder-Usually the left-it was known as an exomie. This type of style was mostly made/worn for horseback riding, work and exercise.

- Peplos: this style of tunic was worn by the women and was usually made out of heavier/thicker material. Along with that this particular cloth is rectangular and draped pulse fastened with different kinds things from buttons to pins to brooches. This style of clothing was worn at full-length.

- Himation: the himation is a thick warm cloak that was worn over the tunic for warmth. It was usually made of wool, and was a really important piece of clothing especially for men.

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Footwear:Although the Greeks had shoes they rarely wore them. If they won't going to a special occasion or business meeting they barely wore shoes but if they are they would wear let her sandals or boots. Some Greeks end up not wearing shoes for their entire life!


The ancient Greeks had all kinds of different jewelry bejeweled with all sorts of precious gems and stones. For example necklaces, earrings, pendants, pins, bracelets, armbands, thigh bands, rings, wreaths, and even more. As for the jewels they used things like emeralds, pearls garnets, carnelians, banded agates, sardonyx, chalcedony, and rock crystal. Jewelry were a big part of a Greek family, for each piece of jewelry is passed down from generation to generation, but occasionally it will be given to the gods as a offering.

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In ancient china statues and wealth was everything. There were rules about what you could wear and if you broke them you would be punished. The wealthy, royal and people with high statues all wore clothes made of silk because back then that was the highest quality material you could get. Along with material the colour was also a very important part of Chinese fashion. There were many rules on what colours you could and couldn’t wear. For example only the emperor could wear clothes with the colour yellow in it and the poor could only wear the colour blue and the shade black. Along with symbolizing there were also certain times when you could wear certain colours. An example would be, white was only worn during a funeral and red was worn to weddings to bring luck/represent and happiness.


During the ancient times in China there were a lot of restrictions for the poor, even fashion wise. They were only allowed to wear clothes made of hemp, which is a rough material made of plant fibers. Although hemp was very rough it was very durable, which was very good for working in the fields. If any low ranking people were caught wearing silk with was made for only rich people they would be punished. Over time when the Mongols ruled China the poor people got a step up from their uncomfortable clothes, because the Mongols brought cotton with them. The cotton was like a miracle to many of the poor people because it was cheap, warm and soft. Hair

:Hair was very important to the people in ancient china and is never cut. The reason why is because they believed that the hair is a precious legacy from they parents and that it should never be cut or damaged. In fact cutting your hair short was considered a punishment and was used for prisoners, the only exception to having short hair is if you are a monk. The men would tie their hair up in a knot an the top of the head and cover it with a piece of cloth or a hat. As for the women they would put it in a updo with intricate designs and pins, but were only allowed to do this once married.

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In Canada there are all sorts of materials that are used in the making of clothes. What ever material there is out there, we use it! From fur, cotton, denim and polyester to satin, silk, cashmere, rubber and leather. During the winter Canada gets really cold so we often use cotton, cashmere, fur and polyester clothes to keep warm and rubber to keep dry. During spring and fall the weather is still pretty cold and wet so we often wear the same things as we do in winter but just a little bit more lighter so we wear a mix of leather, denim, cotton, polyester and rubber. As for the summer it can get really hot so we would wear lighter and more breathable material like silk (for rich people), cotton (thin) and polyester.


In Canada there are many different things that people con wear even for guys. During the colder times they would wear cotton or polyester hoodies, runners, toque, long sleeve shirts, socks and track pants. As for the summer it’s pretty much the same, but with a few added options. They would wear t-shirts, runners, hoodies, shorts, track pants, long sleeve shirts and socks. Clothes-

girls:If the guys have a lot of options in what to wear the girls they have a lot. During the winter the average wardrobe for a girl would be tights, jeans, combat boots, rain boots, yoga pants, sweaters, scarf, mittens, earmuffs, hoodie and toque. In the spring and fall they would wear is tights, jeans, scarf, sweater, hoodie, boots, runners, yoga pants and hat. As for the summer the average wardrobe would be tank top, thin hoodie, dress, skirt, t-shirt, flats, runners, combat boots and tights.

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In Canada you are allowed to express your self any way you want and a lot of times people did it through their makeup. In Canada you can see people with all sorts of makeup from full face to very little and bright colours to neutral. But the basic look that you would tend to find here would be very natural and minimal. People would mainly just put on mascara, lipstick and blush to liven their face a little and go.in Canada people have all sorts of kinds of makeup there is lipstick, blush, eye liner, mascara, concealer, foundation, eye shadow and lip gloss.

Types of clothing brands:

- Pink- Lululemon - American eagle- Aritzia- Addidas - H&M- ivivva

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"Ancient China Clothing." Ducksters. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 May



"Ancient Greece Jewelry." ancientgreece. N.p., n.d. Web. 11

May 2014. <http://www.ancientgreece.com/s/Jewelry/>.

"Ancient Greek Clothing." Ancient Greek Clothing. N.p.: n.p.,

2012. N. pag. Print.Dlott, Ann Marie. "Ancient Mesopotamia." ablemedia. © 2001 AbleMedia. All rights reserved., n.d. Web. 11 May 2014.

"The Egyptian Clothing." Historyonthenet. Copyright ©

Historyonthenet 2000-2014 All rights reserved, 10 July

2012. Web. 11 May 2014.


m>.Laura, and Denby. "Ancient Mesopotamia-Fashion." Mesopotamia Fashion. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. Print.


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Thank yo!!! :D