In which the first five sprogs up and leave and one more child joins the happy family.

Never Mind The Nooboos. Part Two

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Page 1: Never Mind The Nooboos. Part Two

In which the first five sprogs up and leave and one more child

joins the happy family.

Page 2: Never Mind The Nooboos. Part Two

Welcome back to the Havar/DeMarco

household for Part Two of Never Mind

The Nooboos, my attempt at the 26

pregnancy challenge. This chapter was nicknamed "The

Great Skill" as most of the slides are just

the quads skilling. Yeah, fun times.

Anyways, we all want to thank you for

the great comments that the first chapter received. I was not

expecting that! Cheers a bunch. Also,

I'm glad that people liked my tidbits of

English info. So, really, thanks a lot.

P.S. Please arrest this townie for indecency.

Poor Beetroot was scarred for life.

Page 3: Never Mind The Nooboos. Part Two

Firstly, I missed this out in the excitement

of the birthday bonanza last time, but

Regina reached her first LTW of being a

World Class Ballet Dancer. Great.

No. Her new LTW is to graduate 3 kids

from college. AHHH! So, I will later be

playing Admes and the quads through

college, as it seems unfair to pick only 2

of the quads. Oh joy.

I hate you Reg.


Page 4: Never Mind The Nooboos. Part Two

And it's straight in with a skill...


England is made up of nine Government

Office Regions. They also serve as

European Parliament constituencies.

London South-East

South West West Midlands

North-West North-East

Yorkshire and the Humber

East Midlands East

There is an unspoken (or sometimes very

spoken) rivalry between North and

South England. South is posh and North is not. Or so goes the stereotype. I don't

know if it's true. I've never been up North.

Too scary. I'm too Southern for my own


Page 5: Never Mind The Nooboos. Part Two


Cockneys are a strange and obscure

breed. Look down. If you are covered in

buttons, you're a cockney. Or a Sky

remote. Either way you're probably not

working. (Okay, I stole that joke from a

comedian on Mock the Week, but it was too funny not to use)

A cockney is a person born within earshot

of the bells of St Mary-le-Bow in Cheapside, East

London. The name stems from the Old

English 'cocena' meaning 'cock's egg'. And they are nothing like Dick Van Dyke

in Mary Poppins. That man is an arse. Ignore him and his

crap accent.

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The counties of England are as follows; Bedforshire, Berkshire,

Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire,

Cheshire, Cornwall, Cumbria, Derbyshire,

Devon, Dorset, County Durham, Essex, Gloucestershire,

Hampshire (my home), Herefordshire,

Hertfordshire, Isle Of Wight, Kent,

Lancashire, Leicestershire,

Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Northamptonshire,

Northumberland, Nottinghamshire,

Oxfordshire, Rutland, Shropshire, Somerset, Staffordshire, Suffolk,

Surrey, Sussex, Warwickshire,

Wiltshire (the place I am forced by law to

live until I turn 18 next month),

Worcestershire, Yorkshire.

Yorkshire is the largest county, and

Rutland/the Isle of Wight are the smallest depending on the tide.

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The ten largest cities in England are (at the time the book

I'm using as reference was


1)London (duh!) 2)Birmingham

3)Leeds 4)Sheffield

5)Liverpool 6)Manchester

8)Bristol 9)Coventry


Okay, why are most of these cities up

North? No wonder we're facing a

housing shortage down south if all the houses are up there.

*eye roll*

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'Hey Bennie. Done with your skills


'No. I'm just bored.'

'You do realise that Alice will kill you if you don't get back to the bookcase...now.'




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The English are known as "The

Mongrel Race", as so many different

races of people call this island their

home. There are eleven chief sources of the English gene-


It started with the Celts, the natives of


To be continued...

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Next came the Germanic Tribes,

aka the Anglo-Saxons. The Jutes

for the Jutland Peninsula came in

the late forth century. The

Frisians from North Germany came in

the fifth century, as did the Saxons, also

from North Germany. Then

came the Angles of Southern Denmark

in the sixth century.

To be continued...

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Who can forget the Norsemen? All furry and smiley with the

pretty boats.

There were the Vikings from

Norway, Sweden and Denmark, who

arrived in the ninth century. And the

Normans of North France in the

eleventh century.

To be continued...

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In the eleventh century, encouraged

by William the Conqueror our then king, Jews began to arrive in England to aid trade. Most were expelled in 1290 by Edward I, and they

did not return in large numbers until

the late 17th century (when Charles II

was king).

To be continued...

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'Wow Trixie, we get a break from skilling!'

'To sleep, Beetroot. It's not like we get to play

or anything.'

'So? It's a break! A real break!'

'You're an idiot!'

'An idiot with a future!'

Yeah, some of the kids will be having lives after the challenge.

Admes will be giving a guided tour of the Bon

Voyage destinations soon, Beetroot will have a Queen Bee

Challenge and Carrie will be founding a

legacy. Others will follow, but not for a while. Trixie is just

green because she gets nothing but a

motherloaded mansion and eternal life.

'Fine, I'll be nice.'


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Taking a well deserved break from

that insane skill-a-thon, let's check in with the youngest

Havar, Carrie, and her daddy Klaus.

'Where Dada gone?'

She is so cute.

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'A he he he! Dada siwwy. Awice, look

how siwwy Dada is!'

Nawww! It's wrong to have favourites,

but I do. Carrie is just the cutest thing ever.

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'Wuv Dada.'

'Love Carrie.'

'Cawwie nebber gunna leave Dada.

She stay here for ebber and ebber.'


She is such a daddy's girl. I don't think she

even remembers Regina.

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Having fun being a kid?

'Not really. This would be much

more fun if I had friends.'

Whatever. You grow up soon


'Can't you give the quads an hour off to

play with me?'




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I didn't want to do this, but Bennie snuck off from

skilling again to play rock, paper,


'I win again! Admes, you suck!'

'Anger. Rising. Must. Kill.'

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Headmaster came, whooped a lot and

then allowed Admes, Trixie, Bennie, Brian

and Beetroot in.

Major aspiration points for Regina and


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'Look Alice! A point!'

Cheers Admes.


The French arrived in the seventeeth

century, mostly those huguenots fleeing

Louis XIV.

To be continued...

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'Another one!'

Enough, Admes. Go annoy your parents.

Cleaning. (okay, I'm getting all confused

now by who has what. So, if I slip up

and type the same skill more than once

for the same sim, forgive me. I'm a bit


By 1770 there were 14,000 black people in England, many of

them working as servants. The first,

however, were West Indian planters'

slaves. Black African legionnaires manned Hadrian's wall in AD

250, though there is no evidence they

remained in England.

To be continued...

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Fleeing poverty and famine between

1830-1850, the Irish arrived in England.

To be continued...

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After WW2 157,000 Poles moved to

England, as their homeland was in a

poor condition after Nazi rule.

To be continued...

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West Indians first arrived in England

in 1948, coming into Tilbury Docks

on HMS Empire Windrush.

To be continued...

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In the nineteenth century small scale Asian immigration

started with servants and businessmen

from the Indian subcontinent. This

increased in the 20th century, and in 1972 over 28,000 African

Asians fled to England from

Uganda, expelled by Idi Amin.

To be continued...

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Our newest import is Eastern Europeans,

especially from places like Poland

and Romania, causing the bigots of

England to bust a lung complaining

about it. Since 2004 over 350,000 have registered for work


And that is the Mongrel Race.

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Want to know where not to go in England

if you value your life or wallet? Here are

the top ten crime hotspots in England.

1)Nottingham (Ever since Robin Hood left

it's been bedlam) 2)North East Lincolnshire

3)Kingston upon Hull

4)Manchester (No surprises there)

5)City of Westminster

6)Islington 7)Middlesbrough

8)Bristol 9)Peterborough

10)Liverpool (Again, no surprises there)

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Not content with having one house, there

are in fact 13 Royal Palaces. Greedy bunch

aren't they, the monarchy?

The monarch's official London residence is Buckingham Palace,

and has been since 1837.

Windsor Castle is the biggest occupied castle

in the world. Booya! In Windsor you also

have Frogmore House, the site of Queen

Victoria and Albert's mausoleum.

The Palace of Holyrood House is in Edinburgh, Scotland

Infamous for being the place where Mrs Blair

conceived one of her sons, Balmoral Castle is in Aberdeenshire.

The Queen's Christmas retreat is in Norfolk, in

the form of Sandringham House.

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Clarence House, London, is the

official residence of the Prince of Wales.

Surely he should live in Wales, but

whatever. St James's Palace in

London is the sovreign's 'senior

palace'. Another London

palace is Kensington Palace.

In Surrey there is Hampton Court

Palace, which rings a bell for me, but I cannot remember

why. The Banqueting Hall

in London was part of the old Whitehall

Palace. In Northern Ireland

there is Hillsborough Castle, County

Down. And the smallest

Royal Palace is Kew Palace at Richmond.

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Regina finally manages to get her

gold Gardening badge. Previously the

garden was Klaus's domain, but he's off

elsewhere, leaving her to BECOME A



What? It could work.

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So cute. Admes started playing piano,

and Carrie went straight to him to dance. Adorable!

She is my favourite, so I'm allowed to

dote on her. Plus, she skills really slowly, so she wouldn't get

any screentime otherwise.

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I couldn't talk about England without

mentioning the rain. We complain when it

rains, and complain when it doesn't. Rain is

England. England is rain. We are one and the same. It was said

by George Axelrod that "In England all they ever do is talk about

the weather. But no one does a damn thing

about it".

In England, the wettest month is November,

with 3.4 inches of rain, while the driest months

are March and June with only 2 inches. The

wettest place in England is the Lake

District, who get 130 inches of rain a year!

Yeah, and every summer recently at

least part of the country floods really badly.

Fun times. For me at least, because I love puddles and rain and

all that! FUN!!

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Stonehenge is one of the most famous

landmarks in England, and is about a stone's throw from my

house. Located in the county of

Wiltshire, it is a circle of stones,

each weighing in at 4 tons adn dating back to 2100 BC.

Somehow the stones were transported

250 miles from the Preseli Mountains in South Wales to their

location in Wiltshire. Parts of

the stones were scavenged for

building materials in the Middles Ages,

but it is now a National Heritage


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Admes grows up later, so we have to

fulfil a few spam wants to make sure

he is plat.

'I like lemons!'

Good for you kid. You know what

they say. When life gives you lemons,

squirt citric acid in people's eyes and

take what you really want.

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'Hey sport.'

'Who are you?'

'Funny, Admes. Now, if you want me to buy

your lemonade, be nice.'

'Yes mummy.'

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How is it?

'Eh. It's okay.'

Charming. Poor Admes.

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But, like he cares. BIRFDAY TIEM!!

'I want a car, and a pony, and a house,

and a boyfriend, and a yellow submarine...'



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But, like he cares. BIRFDAY TIEM!!

'I want a car, and a pony, and a house,

and a boyfriend, and a yellow




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'See, when I was a kid, I met this boy,

Alexander Goth. We got along really


Who am I to argue with fate? Admes, you will have your



What a sweetie!

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The whole family assembles to say

goodbye to Admes as he heads to college

with all of the skilling scholarships

and the good grade one. The

Havar/DeMarco Greek house is gunna be extremely well off.

Admes got settled at college quickly with

his sweetheart Alexander. You'll see them both again later.

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Carrie is growing up so later after Admes, because I refused to

let her grow up before she got

another skill point, and she skills so

slow that it was the wee hours of the

morning before she was ready to age...

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But it was so worth the wait!

Hey cutie.

'Hello Alice.'

Like Trixie, she has ten nice points. Oh


'I like everything and everyone because

they are pure awesometastic awsomeness.'

And she apparently talks like I do in real life. Cooltasticness!


I love her!

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Isn't this nice? Everyone skilling



Yes Beetroot.

'Why are they all staring at me?'

Because you're so insanely gorgeous

and they're jealous.

'Okay then.'

It's true. Carrie may be cutest, but

Beetroot is gunna be a knock out when

she's older.

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Cute Apartment Life interaction that everyone raves

about. I could leave it as this, sweet and

loving, but that's not my style...

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'Oi, Klaus, sniff my armpit!'

Nice Genie.

'I do what I do.'

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There is no denying that their flame still

burns strong. In their hands ACR is a

menace. With Admes gone, they waste no

time making Baby D.

'Go, now!'


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'Yum, that butler is a beast!'

Pregnancy hormones cause

poor Genie to go insane.



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'ALICE!!! We all got A+ today!'

Great. Now get lost. I don't care. I'll just tally it for points.

Now homework and then skilling!!!


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I loved him, and he betrayed me by

glitching and not giving us points for a marvellous meal,

meaning that Carrie did not get into


Evil pirate headmaster.

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Had you all forgotten about

Reepie the womrat too?

Well, at least Bennie hasn't.

But, he is still alive, thank heavens.

Reepie will still be here for baby Z. Or


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YAY!!! Perma-plat Klaus!

What now?

'I want to be a City Planner.'


And, as luck would have it, that job

never comes up on the computer

anymore. Ack!

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And the butler started a fire, that

Carrie blissfully ignores.

'You told me to clean up.'

FIRE!!! Carrie, you're a bit dim,

aren't you?


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Mechanical and Bennie is the first

quad to earn his freedom.

In Avebury, Wiltshire, there is a

stone circle from 3000BC, named the

Avebury Stone Circle (inventive name). It is the largest stone circle in the world,

consisting of two circles enclosed by a third, bigger circle. It encompasses 28 acres

of land and part of the village of

Avebury. While it may once have been

made of up to a hundred stones, it now has only 27.

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Trixie is a close second to finish with


A ring of 38 stone boulders exists in

Cumbria, known as Castlerigg Stone

Circle. It is 100ft in diameter and set into

the natural amphitheatre of the

Keswick Hills.

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'So...this is being a kid then Trix?'

'I guess so.'

'It's kinda boring.'

'I know.'

'Shall we go back inside and watch the

others skill?'

'Sounds like a plan.'

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Carrie maxes her first skill, Creativity.

The Rollright Stones in Oxfordshire consists of 77

weathered stones in the King's Men

circle, the King's Stone and the

Whispering Knights stones. Over recent centuries the King's

Stones has been chipped at to make

lucky charms.

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'KLAUS! Alice got me pregnant again.'

'You mean...they're not my kids?'

'Idiot! I mean she clicked "Try For A Baby". We already

have six kids. What do we need more


'I like babies!'


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'Hello baby! Alice, any names planned?'

Demitri for a boy, Donna for a girl.

'Nice. Hello Demitri or Donna.'

I had wanted twins, a boy and a girl, to name Doctor and

Donna, after Dr Who and my favourite of

his companions. *pout*

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Brian finishes up with Body.

Long Meg and her Daughters are said to be a coven of witches turned to stone by the

Scottish wizard Micheal Scott. It is

also said that he cast another spell to make

the stones uncountable, however today there is dispute that 27 remain out of what may have once

been 70. Long Meg is 12 foot high red

sandstone, and stands outside a circle of her


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'Alice! What is it?'

A pool table to replace the train set.


I know!

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As both Klaus and Regina have a lot of time off, they abuse

the pool table, and not in a Romance

Sim way.


Sorry. I have a filthy mind. What can I


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'Pouty pout.'

Aww Klaus! This is why I love him. He is

so uber adorable, especially when

compared to Genie.

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Don't get me wrong, Genie has her moments too.

'Oi, move that hand mister! They are for

the baby!'

He he he!

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'So, just after the baby is born the

quads will be moving out, and we'll have to

have more babies.'

'Klaus, stop sounding so happy.'

'I like babies.'

'Yes, I see that "Have 10 Kids" want in

your panel.'

'Do you regret our kids?'


Nice Genie. You're lucky they're all inside skilling.

'Whatever. I don't like kids or


Family secondary aspiration. Who

would know?

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'You'll eventually come to love them.'


'Look! Stars!'

'*sigh* Simple minds are easily


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Welcome to homework club.

'More like a forced labour camp.'

Shh Trix. Like her mother, she is good

at hiding her nice points.

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'So, boys, I called this meeting as I'm

worried. We're the only ones so far with

no real future. Admes will have a travel

show with his boyfriend, Carrie gets

her legacy and Beetroot is having her 60 kids in that Queen

Bee thing. What do we get? Nothing.'

'Umm...Trix, I'm cool with fading into


'Same here Bennie. I'm happy being

ignored after all those inappropriate squeals.

I don't mind getting married and getting a

big house.'

'Well I do! I want more and will get


'Whatever Trix. Let's go play football


'Right behind you Bennie.'

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And finally Beetroot catches up with her

siblings and gets her last skill,


National Character.

"The English, of any people in the

universe,have the least of a national character; unless

this very singularity may pass for such."

-David Hume, Of National Character


I will be continuing to delve into the

English Character, so to be continued...

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'The captain is home!'

Since we couldn't find the job he wanted, Klaus

became a Deep Sea Fisherman because

it pays well.

'I like fish!'

You smell like fish!

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'Admes! You came home!'

'Yeah, I wanted you and Mum to meet

someone special before I got too

caught up in my studies.'

'Who? A girl?'

'Kinda. It's my boyfriend.'


'Dad? Are you okay? You're all

blue in the face!'

Give him a moment. He'll get over it.

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'Sure, that's what being gay is all

about. Cross-dressing.'


'Dad, he was being sarcastic! Neither

Alex or I wear women's clothing.'

'Well, there is that maid's uniform...'

'ALEX! Not now!'

He he he!

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'So, will we be getting grandbabies




'Not for a while. Alex is a family sim, so

wants them eventually, but first

we're going to do those travel guides

for Alice, and graduate college and


'Good, I'm too young to be a grandma.'

Whatever. Note how Alex has buggered

off to leave his beloved at the mercy

of the sharks.

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Here we go, here we go, here we go!


Sorry Genie. Push the sprog out. Come on! PUSH IT OUT


'Stop watching Scrubs while you


Sorry again.


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'Kids, please tell your father that I

hate him.'

'But Mum-'

'Shh...which ever one you are! TELL


'It's Bennie. And yes Mum.'

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It's another girl, little Donna, named after Donna Noble, a recent companion of Dr Who, played

by one of my favourite comedy

actresses Catherine Tate. My Donna is

the first girl to have green eyes. She has skin tone 3 and red hair also, which is


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I thought you hated Klaus?

'Eh, if I hate him then I don't get dream


Good point. They somehow manage to

whack out a few dream dates while watching Donna.

Poor traumatised kid.

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So, what's the verdict?

'She's cute!'

Huzzah! I can't wait until she grows up.

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Speaking of growing up, here go

the quads, ready to fly the coop and leave Regina to

have moar babies.

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Trix looks as cute as ever.

'Thanks Alice.'

And seems to have found her nice points.

She rolled Knowledge.

'Seems pointless now that I have all my

skills maxed.'

That it does.

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Beetroot is also gorgeous.

'And brainy.'

She too rolled Knowledge.


Yes, college.

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Benjamin turned out to be a pale clone of

his mother.

'I like people!'

And my introverted introvert turned out to

be a Popularity sim. That's just not right.

College reroll I guess.

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And Brian was a healthy mix of both

parents, though he has his mother's eyes.

'They're MY eyes!'

Sorry. He rolled Family.

'I like babies!'

I guess that in this family that's a good


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And off they all go to college, leaving only

4 family members behind.

Kinda sad really.

And this is the end of another part.

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From left to right, back to front that is

Klaus, Donna, Regina and Carrie.

Points are as follows:

Dream Dates: 8 (8 points)

Maxed Skills: 36 (108 points)

A+ Report Cards: 12 (6 points)

LTWs: 2 (6 points) Family Friends: 14

(7 points) Good Birthday: 11

(11 points)

Total: 146 points

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And here are the college students.

Bellatrix, Beatrix, Admes and his

boyfriend Alexander Goth, Brian and


See ya'll next time for more baby fuelled
