PowerPoint Show by Andrew Turn on Speakers

Mountain Villages of Yemen

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PowerPoint Show by Andrew

♫ Turn on Speakers

For nearly two years now, Yemen has been torn by a ferocious war involving rebel forces, extremist groups, government militias, and foreign bombing campaigns.

For the majority of Yemenis who live in the countryside, far from the centers of fighting, life was difficult to begin with, and for many, the war has had little impact.

Reuters photographer Abduljabbar Zeyad recently traveled to western Yemen to photograph the lives of some of these villagers as they work, study, and play, high on Dhalamlam Mountain.

Boys sit on the edge of the roof of their house in the mountains, in the Jafariya district of the western province of Raymah, Yemen, on May 31, 2016.

A boy stands on the roof of a pond in the mountains, in the Jafariya district of the western province of Raymah, Yemen, on June 2, 2016.

A man carries food supplies on a donkey to Dhalamlam Mountain in Yemen on June 2, 2016. 

Young boys swim in a pond in the Yemeni mountains on June 2, 2016.

A cable car operator uses the vehicle's engine to run the cable car that carries people and supplies up to Dhalamlam Mountain on May 20, 2016.

A cable car carries supplies to Dhalamlam Mountain on May 20, 2016. 

A man rides a cable car that carries people and supplies up Dhalamlam Mountain on May 31, 2016. 

Houses dot the mountainside in the Jafariya district of Raymah Province, Yemen, on May 21, 2016. 

A Yemeni beekeeper checks his beehives in the mountains on May 21, 2016.

Men work on a farm on Dhalamlam Mountain on May 21, 2016. 

People shop at a market in the mountains of Yemen on June 3, 2016. 

A Yemeni woman shops at a market in the mountains on May 20, 2016.

A woman walks along a path on Dhalamlam Mountain on June 2, 2016. 

A girl plays on a swing near her house in the mountains in Yemen's western province of Raymah on June 3, 2016. 

A teacher explains a math problem to pupils in a school in Yemen's Jafariya district on May 21, 2016.

A girl sits on the ground on Dhalamlam Mountain on June 1, 2016. 

A man prays at a mosque on Dhalamlam Mountain on June 1, 2016. 

A girl sits on the roof of her house on Dhalamlam Mountain on June 1, 2016.

A woman uses a stone grinder to make flour in her house in the mountains.

A boy carries a gas canister on a road to Dhalamlam Mountain on May 20.

A boy sits on the roof of a house on Dhalamlam Mountain, on June 2, 2016.