It takes courage SlideShow by Vusa

It Takes Courage

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Page 1: It Takes Courage

It takes courage

SlideShow by Vusa

Page 2: It Takes Courage

It takes courage…

to refrain from gossipwhen others delight in it,

to stand up for the absent person

who is being abused.

Page 3: It Takes Courage

It takes courage…

to live honestlywithin your means,and not dishonestly

on the means of others.

Page 4: It Takes Courage

It takes courage…

to be a REAL man or a TRUE woman,

to hold fast to your idealswhen it causes youto be looked upon

as strange and peculiar.

Page 5: It Takes Courage

It takes courage…

to be talked about,and remain silent,

when a word would justify youin the eyes of others,

but which you dare not speakbecause it would injure


Page 6: It Takes Courage

It takes courage…

to refuse to do somethingthat is wrong

although everyone elsemay be doing it

ith attitudes as carefreeas a summer song.

Page 7: It Takes Courage

It takes courage…

to live accordingto your own convictions,

to deny yourselfwhat you cannot afford.

Page 8: It Takes Courage

It takes courage…

to love your neighboras yourself!

Page 9: It Takes Courage

It takes courage !!!
