Media Studies - Picture Analysis Beyonce Knowles The use of black and white in this image is important as it draws our eyes to Beyonce straight away. Her body positioning is strange which could suggest she is a unique artist also her shoes are very high which could suggest she has a very high profile and is Take That The picture is in black and white which draws our eyes to the people within the shot. The smiling faces could suggest they are a well known and successful group and they are all good friends as they are having a laugh together. It also suggests that their music is an upbeat and enjoyable as they seem to be enjoying

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Media Studies - Picture Analysis

Beyonce Knowles

The use of black and white in this image is important as it draws our eyes to Beyonce straight away. Her body positioning is strange which could suggest she is a unique artist also her shoes are very high which could suggest she has a very high profile and is successful in what she does. She is making direct eye contact with the camera, this makes it feel as though she is looking directly at us and selling herself as an artist.

Take That

The picture is in black and white which draws our eyes to the people within the shot. The smiling faces could suggest they are a well known and successful group and they are all good friends as they are having a laugh together. It also suggests that their music is an upbeat and enjoyable as they seem to be enjoying themselves rather than having a serious look. The bright light in the top left corner of the frame could suggest they are aiming for success and are following the right path.

Mumford & Sons

The band members are dressed very smartly in waistcoats and shirts which suggest they are a successful band. The old instruments suggest the genre of music or type of music which they play such as Irish folk rock band. The old fashioned type of frame could suggest there characters as enjoying the older type of music and re-creating that image in the modern world.

Page 2: Image Analysis

Taylor Swift

The wallpaper used in the background makes her come across as innocent, vulnerable and young as an artist because it comes across as a childlike feature. The use of the guitar gives away the genre of music which she does which is country as it’s a typical instrument for that genre of music. She seems to be looking in the distance, it looks as though she is daydreaming or looking/searching for something.


Dark background helps to draw the viewer straight onto him without any other distractions, which could suggest he’s very successful as his doesn’t need anything to improve or help his image. The camera looks as though it’s looking up to him which makes him look dominant which could also link to his success in the music industry. It looks as if he’s making direct eye contact with us, which could mean he’s trying to communicate with us through the image and his music.


The clearness of her eyes draws us in and suggests her innocence as an artist. Direct eye contact with the camera suggests she is trying to communicate with us.

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Little Mix

Smiles on their faces show they have recent success and are happy together. Body stance also suggests a look of success as they come across as powerful and strong. The girls are colour co-ordinated with their outfits which suggest they are up to date with fashion and their outfits also suggest what their target audience is which is a young age group such as teenagers who are into the new music and styles.

Jessie J

The use of black and white helps us to solely concentrate on Jessie rather than what’s going on around her. Mickey Mouse head piece gives off a childlike appearance and also a look of innocence; it could also suggest her target audience as being young children, teenagers and young adult’s happy expression suggesting she is a fun and bubbly character. High key lighting also suggests her happy demeanour and could emphasise success as an artist.

The Saturdays

Plain background so there is nothing else to concentrate other than the women within the frame. Revealing outfits, this may be to attract the male audiences. Making direct eye contact with the camera, it’s as though there communicating with their audience. Contrast between light and dark which could suggest they are all unique. The black dresses could suggest they have something to hide.

Page 4: Image Analysis

Rizzle Kicks

Low angle shot of the boys makes them appear dominant and powerful. High key lighting is used this could suggest the type of music in which they perform, which is rap and singing, it could also show their target audience as being young. The caps show a look of innocent and youth. Clear sky could suggest they are new to the music industry and are just getting the hang of things.