The Hues Legacy Chapter Ten “Orange You Glad I Didn’t Say Banana?” by meadowthayer


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The Hues Legacy

Chapter Ten“Orange You Glad I Didn’t Say Banana?”

by meadowthayer

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Welcome back to The Hues Legacy, a joint legacy between me, Haleigh/meadowthayer, and Roxanne/Taube.

In the last chapter you saw as Lime and his three siblings – Emerald, Forest, and Shamrock – went to college and graduated with honors.

You also saw how his siblings lives turned out.

In this chapter, we’ll see how Lime’s life turned out back home with his fiancé Ericka Jayapalan and his parents Rose and Jim.

And without further adieu…

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“Oh Lime, I’m so glad you’re home. I’ve been needing someone to do the hula with!”

“Glad to see you too Mom.”

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It wasn’t too late when Lime got home, so I went ahead and had him invite Ericka over and have her move in.

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After a make-over, Ericka looks absolutely stunning! She also has the same lifetime want as Lime!

Personality: Aspiration: RomanceSecondary Aspiration: FamilyLifetime Want: Become Hall of Famer

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“So, did you go to school with my son, Ericka?”

“No ma’am, I never went to college. I used to be a gardener. I met your son the same way you met your husband, through the crystal ball.”

“Oh right. I keep forgetting that’s a family tradition around here. Well, welcome to the family.”

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Time for Rose, Jim, Lime, and Ericka to go on a family vacation to Twikkii Island!

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The first thing everyone did when they arrived was work on a tan! Though, Lime got the sunburn from hell*.

*More on this later.

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After their day at the beach, they hit up the ancient ruins for a bit and then enjoyed some pineapple surprise before relaxing in the hot springs.

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So, apparently sims can woohoo in saunas. I had absolutely no idea about this until Jim, being the romance sim he is, rolled a want to woohoo in the sauna.

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Their second day was spent exploring the pirate ship, where they all learned a sea chantey!

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“Rose, I am starting to think that I may be pregnant. I’ve been having all of these food cravings and I haven’t been sleeping well.”

“Well dear, it’s quite possible. We’ll get you a pregnancy test when we get back home. I do hope you are so you can make me a Grandma again!”

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Now for the reason they’re really in Twikkii Island. I was hoping Lime’s sunburn would be gone before the wedding, but either way it was still a gorgeous wedding!

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Lime and Ericka make a gorgeous couple and I’m really glad I decided to send them to Twikkii Island to have a beach wedding.

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Can you honestly tell me that these guys aren’t one of the cutest couples you’ve ever seen?

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Unfortunately, the vacation came to an end and everyone headed back home to Rainbowville. Peach however was thrilled to have her family back home. She didn’t like her stay at the doggy daycare.

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Rose went the entire vacation without using her MP3 player, but as soon as she gave Peach some love, she popped her headphones in and started rocking out.

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Well hello there Neon, torturing your great-grandson now are we? That’s not very nice.

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Looks like the cuddling under the stars tradition hasn’t been lost yet!

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This for some reason makes me think of me and my boyfriend, because sometimes he likes to be the “girl” in the cuddling. Lol.

However, I think Ericka and Lime look cuter (and more comfortable) doing it than me and my boyfriend.

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Ericka brought home a little souvenir from their vacation! That’s right, the next generation is officially on the way!

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Tonight, Neon has decided to let her son, Sky, do the torturing. Sky woke Ericka up about a million times during the night. I guess since this used to be his bed.

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I hope you’re carrying a baby with the family eyes in there Ericka!

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After work one day, Ericka went into labor.

She gave birth to a baby boy with skintone one, brown hair, and brown eyes. His name is Orange. I’m really sad he doesn’t have the family eyes.

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Ericka is a phenomenal Mom considering she’s a primary romance aspiration.

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The family adopted a new puppy! A boy dog named Maize.

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Maize was one of the puppies that grew up after one day, and he was constantly growling at everything. But when he went upstairs and growled at poor little Orange, I decided I didn’t want to deal with him and called the pet adoption agency back up to come and get him.

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Lime has completed his first lifetime want! His second lifetime want is to become a celebrity chef.

*You’ll notice that Lime still has his sunburn. This is why I called it the sunburn from hell. It’s been almost a week since he got sunburnt, and it hasn’t gone away yet.

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Ericka is pregnant again! I had her get pregnant right away since the first baby didn’t have the family eyes.

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Speaking of, Tonight is Orange’s birthday! And boy, did he grow up cute! He’s very handsome and I see some of everyone in him.


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Ericka loves her son, and actually enjoys teaching him his toddler skills.

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I’m really hoping that Ericka has a baby with the rainbow eyes soon so I don’t have to make her have a jillion kids.

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So, I googled the issue I was having with Lime’s sunburn, and using the “BatBox” I was able to fix it! Yay no more sunburn!

Let’s face it, Lime is much cuter when he’s not bright red.

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I have some crazy romance sims in this house. In addition to Ericka’s love for her sun, Rose adores her Grandson too. 3 of her 6 wants almost always have to do with Orange. The other 3 have to do with woohoo.

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“Guess who’s home, and awesome?”

Ericka, you got fired. You’re not that awesome.

“I got fired because of your bad chance card choice.”


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I decided to get another boy puppy in the hopes that this one is better behaved than Maize was. This one is named Timberwolf which is a shade of gray.

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Time for Ericka to go into labor! She gave birth to a baby girl with black hair? And brown eyes. Her name is Tangerine. Also, please note that Sky is photobombing BOTH pictures.

*So, I was really confused as to where the black hair came from so I googled Ericka Jayapalan, and according to a post on livejournal, she has naturally black hair. Yay…

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Orange loves Peach. Any free chance he gets you can find him snuggling her.

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So far Timberwolf has been a much better dog. Peach seems to like him as well.

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It’s time for Orange’s birthday again! And he grew up into a very cute child. He’s definitely grown into his face a little more. I have faith that all his brothers and sisters will be cute too.

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Ericka is pregnant again and I wanted to get a cute picture of Orange rubbing her belly. However, Ericka had other plans. Even though they have a high relationship she kept rejecting her son’s attempts to rub her belly.

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The next night it was time for Tangerine to grow up! She aged into a beautiful toddler, I think she looks a lot like Ericka. I’m very sad that Ericka’s not a natural red head though.


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Careful where you get your belly bumps at Ericka, you almost hit your son in the face.

Also, what’s that in your hand? *zooms in* Okay, that’s strange. Also, why is that an engagement ring and not a wedding ring?

*I googled it and apparently it’s a glitch when sims get married on a community lot.

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“Mommy, are you going to like the new baby more than me?”

“Of course not honey, I don’t pick favorites.”

“Then why can’t I rub your belly?”

“…well…just…because I said so.”

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Peek-a-boo is one of my favorite actions between sims and their toddlers. It’s so cute. Tangerine looks so sad in the first picture though, but it’s still so freaking adorable!

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So, I’m not sure if I’ve some how got a behavior mod in my game, or if I’ve just never noticed this before, but apparently if you click on a child while they’re in bed you have the option to “Read to sleep.”

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Lime has achieved his second lifetime want! Next, he wants to become hall of famer again. Guess he realized that his first goal was a better fit for him.

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Ericka is going into labor with baby number three! OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH. It’s a baby girl with black hair and the family eyes! Yay! Her name is Coral.

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Timberwolf has aged into an adult dog. He looks like a mini-pin or a chihuahua. He’s really cute though, and it looks like Tangerine agrees since she went to hug him the second he grew up.

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Tonight we have a double birthday! Tangerine and Coral are growing up!

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And little Coral is beautiful. I had my doubts before I put some custom content on her, but once she was dressed and given cuter hair, she is really beautiful!


Tangerine remains really cute, and I think she looks a lot like her mother.

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Lilly has finally made an appearance in my game. And within her first hour, she scared every single person that was old enough to be scared at least once, if not more.

And take a look at her face, she looks so pleased with herself.

Her husband, Sky, is pretty bad too. But at least he doesn’t have a huge grin on his face after terrifying everyone.

Lilly even made her daughter Rose wet herself from scaring her.

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I wanted to get a cute picture of Orange and Tangerine hugging, and it looks like poor Orange is just bad with people because even though he had a decent relationship with his sister, she refused to hug him.

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Lime has become Hall of Famer again (and as you can see in the background, Ericka finally found a position in the athletic field again.)

His next lifetime want is to have 50 dream dates. Something I don’t really feel the desire to do.

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So I had completely forgotten the fact that I had Peach and Timberwolf try for a puppy. So it was a bit of a surprise when the “A new pet is on the way” dialog box popped up.

Anyway, it’s a boy puppy named Slate which is another shade of gray.

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Because I was still so excited about Coral’s arrival with the rainbow eyes, I redecorated the living room with some coral colored wallpaper to celebrate!

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Roxy and I decided to try for one more baby with the rainbow eyes so we could have a choice again, and so when Ericka got her bump I decided to see if she’d let Tangerine rub her belly, and sure enough she did! Poor Orange…

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So, Rose has officially topped herself at weirdest and worst times to rock out to her MP3 player.

While her husband was taking a shower, she thought she would stand right next to the tub and rock out to her MP3 player.

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So, I happened to catch Rose and Jim dancing and since nobody else was home I decided to watch them dance on the slow speed. (Yes, I was that bored.) And I have to say I constantly found myself laughing at the dance moves they were doing. It looked so strange since they’re elders.

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Soon after their dance session though, they decided to do the hula together. As per Rose’s request I’m sure.

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Birthday time again! Tonight Orange is becoming a teenager and Coral is become a child! They both aged nicely, don’t you think?

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And Coral is stunning still, which was to be expected. I’m very pleased with how she’s turned out, so even if baby four doesn’t have the eyes, I’ll be fine with Coral being our heiress.

I was right about Orange as a toddler, he has definitely grown into his looks. And even though he has a big nose, it looks good on him.

Primary Aspiration: PleasureSecondary Aspiration: Romance

I also found it amusing that he rolled both of his parents primary aspirations for one of his.

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Looks like we’ll be finding out soon enough what the last baby of generation four is going to look like!

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And by soon enough, I mean the very next sim day (and as far as this chapter goes, the very next slide!)

Ericka gave birth to another girl with black hair, pale skin, and the rainbow eyes! I used boolprop to make sure that she wasn’t a clone of Coral, and she’s not which makes it even more exciting. Her name is Lemon.

Also, I just realized that most of kids this generation have very fruity names – Orange, Tangerine, and now Lemon. It’s funny too since they are actually listed on wikipedia as being a color.

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Slate has aged into an adult dog! He actually has an interesting mix of both of his parents, but he’s still cute either way!

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Tangerine has maxed out all of her skills.

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Rose and Jim still can be found cuddling on the front porch.

Today’s discussion is apparently about grilling teddy bears. Interesting. I don’t think I’d want to be invited over for that barbecue.

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Orange is now an overachiever!

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Time for little Lemon to become a toddler!

She aged nicely, though I think her eyes are just a little too close together. She looks a lot like her big brother.


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Lemon is also a dog freak it would seem. She can is snuggling them anytime they come close enough for her to reach.

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Coral has maxed out all of her skills now too!

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Ericka has finally achieved her lifetime want! Next, she wants to graduate three children from college. Unfortunately, that’s not going to be possible right now since this is a joint legacy.

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Due to a lucky chance card, and maybe partially glitchy, Orange got promoted even though he was already as far up as you can go as a teenager.

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It’s time for Tangerine to become a teenager now too!

She aged into a lovely teenager, though I definitely think she favors her mother.

Primary Aspiration: FamilySecondary Aspiration: Knowledge

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Lemon prefers sleeping in the dog bed over her crib. Which is fine with me, because she looks so adorable doing it.

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Since Coral has maxed out all of her skills, she spends time with her baby sister on the activity table.

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Unfortunately, Rose’s time has come. But for some reason, when the hula girls showed up all I could imagine Rose thinking was “Yay hula!” or “Finally some of my own people!”

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It took him forever but Orange has finally maxed out all of his skills.

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Tangerine is now an overachiever!

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Time for the youngest generation four kid to become a child! She aged nicely, though I still think her eyes look too close together. But I have faith they’ll look better on her as a teenager.

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At some point in time, Peach became an elder dog! I missed the dialog pop up though.

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“Hi Mister Headmaster. My name is Coral. Do you like the turkey? Turkey is my favorite. I requested the butler make it for you. Also, because it’s my birthday. I’m going to grow up when you leave, isn’t that cool?”

“Why thank you Miss Coral, it just so happens to be my favorite as well. And happy birthday!”

Despite Coral talking a mile a minute, the headmaster was impressed and all of the kids have successfully been accepted into private school.

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After the headmaster left, Coral went up to her birthday cake with everyone around to watch. She aged into a stunning teenager. She definitely has her mother’s nose though.

Primary Aspiration: PopularitySecondary Aspiration: Knowledge

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Coral has become a Crime Scene Investigator, and also an overachiever.

I’m slightly mad since she’s in high school and she got a job as a CSI, and I have a degree in it and I can’t find a job with it to save my life!

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Looks like Tangerine is mad too, though for something else I assume. I happened to notice they were enemies, and right when I was trying to get them to work on their relationship, they got into a fight.

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So I had the girls play Don’t Wake The Llama, use the bubble blower, hang out with the family, and study anger management on the bookcase.

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“You know young girl, you look just like my deceased wife, Rose.”

Jim, that’s because that IS the teen version of Rose. One of your grandchildren brought her home from school.

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That same night, Jim passed way to join his REAL wife in sim heaven.

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Lemon has now maxed out all of her skills!

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So, the girls got their relationship up high enough to share a hug, but as you can see, Tangerine is still angry for some reason.

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It’s time for our youngest generation four child to become a teenager! That’s right, it’s Lemon’s birthday!

She aged wonderfully! She definitely has the Hues nose, but she’s still really cute. And she just made my decision for who I like better very difficult.

Primary Aspiration: KnowledgeSecondary Aspiration: Pleasure

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Also tonight is Ericka and Lime’s birthdays!

They grew up into stunning elders I have to say. Though, unlike his mother, Lime got a gigantic nose as an elder. But hey, who cares? He’s still cute!

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Here are the two beautiful girls that Roxy and I have to choose between for heiress!

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That concludes this chapter, and my turn! I hope that you enjoyed it and I apologize if it was too long! But, they gave me a lot of photo


Anyway, it is now time to pass the family back to Roxy/Taube, but I am excited to see where she takes the family next!

So stay tuned to find out if we chose Coral or Lemon and see how everyone’s lives turn out on Roxy’s game!

Until next time,Haleigh/meadowthayer