Welcome to the second chapter where Gen Z goes through teenhood and hopefully Through the entirety of college. CC courtesy of the fine creators who produced it, either from mts2.com or elsewhere. The game is sims 2, created by EA. The picture is worthy for a cover picture in my opinion.


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Continuation of my Sims 2 Harrington Family Legacy. Sims 2 copyright EA games. custom content used is respective to those creators.

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Page 1: Harrington02

Welcome to the second chapter where Gen Z goes through teenhood and hopefullyThrough the entirety of college. CC courtesy of the fine creators who produced it, either from mts2.com or elsewhere. The game is sims 2, created by EA.

The picture is worthy for a cover picture in my opinion.

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So Zelcynia grew up a short while ago. She had a goal of becoming education Minister for the Isle of Volt, and she really needed a new hairstyle. While she found this style amusing, she wanted something else.

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Berjes looked at his oldest daughter as she was about to leave the table, “Just to let youKnow that your mother and I have discussed opening a business or allowing you to startYour own salon.”

Zethria beamed at her father as she got up from the table, “Thanks Dad.”

As you can see, Zelcynia decided on the hairstyle you see now, not by nodding her head about it, but byChecking herself out in the mirror. Contrary to what may be said, she only did the check out interaction withThis hairstyle.

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“That was a long day.” Zelcynia tossed her homework on the floor and turned to watch 'Thriaalso do the same thing.

“Yes it was a long day, but at least now its over.” The oldest sister grinned as her brother also dropped his homework on the floor. “Hey Zeth, couldn't help notice you have an excellent talent for music last night, great job!”

Zelcynia nodded and patted her brother gently on his arm, “Yes, excellent guitar playing last night. I'm sure you'll have girls all over you if you continue in music.”

Zethren smiled and shrugged, “Thanks you two.”

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“All of you, homework now!” Came the command from the kitchen.

Zelcynia grimaced and sat down to begin her homework without complaint, maybe that was whyShe seemed a bit nerdy at school, but she enjoyed pursuits of knowledge the most.

The twins hemmed a bit but decided to follow suit and sat down to work on their homework.

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Zelcynia watched as the friend dropped the ball she'd thrown yet again and sighed, “Sorry about that.”

“Its not your fault,” The girl supplied, “I'm not very fit as it is.”

The kids kept bringing townies home. I think this was the second day's group.

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“Foolish girl, how dare you irritate and then pick on my brother and me. Feel the burn!”

“AAHH! I'msorryI'msorry!”

The blonde actually did the noseflick thing to Zelcynia too... Sorry for the walls down picture.

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And Zethren randomly noogies a friend that also followed him home.

“Ow! What'd I ever to do you Zeth? This should be a criminal act!”

“Feel the burn man! Haha!”

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“Zethren, it has come to my attention that you could use some help with your homework.”

Zethren nodded at his mother's words, “Sure mom. Its math today.”

You can't really tell in the picture to the right but the page is already done. So much for homework.Also, due to the picture size, you can't tell it but those are fractional equations. <shudder>

“Thank you for the help mom. You didn't need to.”

Qrystal smiled at her son, “I know that dear, but I wanted to help you with it.”

And she did have a want to do it too.

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This came about because of the rainstorm earlier in the day. You see, both Zeth and Zelcy had a wantto go to private school, so I decided earlier to have Qrystal make the call. It rained all afternoon, andby the time Berjes got back home and the HM had arrived, there were puddles here and there in theYard. As well as two old newspapers which hadn't been recycled yet. So he pretty much just walkedinto the garage, dismissed the family as slummy, and walked right out again.

“I wish for peace of mind please. The headmaster's visit scarred me and that really sucked.”

“Coming right up young lad.”

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They all grew into typical college outfits, I let them stay that way for a while.

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One thing I dislike about the picture system is that there is no way to tell by name what came before what in the play of the game. The above pictures for example were I think taken in the girls' second year when I got tired of the hairstyles that they grew into and changed them to look more mature and adultish.

That was only some of what went on during their time in college however. Sure there was the studying and the term papers.

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There were romances, like this one between Zelcynia and one of the other dormies that blossomed into engagement.

There were also fights in the dorm, not so much between mascots as there were fights between room mates. You see, someone had a want to influence someone to flirt, and hence was how these fights usually started. Notice the sisters' differing expressions with Zethren being in both fights. Zethria is all “My poor brother, will he survive?” while Zelcynia seems excited, “Go bro! Kick her useless...”

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There was also plenty of opportunities to go elsewhere, like downtown for instance. In Zethria's case, she went multiple times mostly because I was looking for a certain someone not seen in any of these pictures here.

Oh, look, there's a genuine simself! The queen of Smoothies, playing poker while on a time clock again?

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What was I after exactly? Well, it wasn't Marina Smoothie. It was a vampire count whom I had my sights on, but even though I had tried with both girls, neither got along very well with the Count past cordial territory. So I'm not sure who it was that I had influencing the Count to bite their father, but that's my plan as of right now.

At this time, I believe it was Zethria's fault that led to the vamping of her father, more on that later however. There is Professor Butters Marius seen playing pool. The red dude is some cool-skinned CAS townie I injected into the hood a while ago.

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So Qrys had a want to become a vampire, Berjes gave in and bit her. Its different in Sims 3, even vampires dont get true immortality there anymore. In that respect, Sims 2 is better.

I tried this same thing with my first legacy and it didnt go over so well with the founders, now however, with these two vamped. The trick is to cure them so that they can die naturally, because as of yet, neither they or their kids has spun a want toward being cured.

I cannot speak for the trio however...

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Because of the trio's inability to interact with the gypsy, or so I thought at the time, I had Qrys buy the vampro-D potions because there were some who simply could not make up their minds about whether to stay vamped or not and Zelcy kept getting these wants to become a vampire when she was already one.

There were also troubles with want panels, where Zelcy would have a want to get cured and at same time also a fear of getting cured, but I'm kind of getting ahead of myself.

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There were a few love triangles as well, but shown here is the one Zethren managed to keep away from the dorm for the most part, Diane Kim. Most of these triangles started as influenced flirts which led to division and much fighting as we will see in a bit.

I must caution that most of these slides are kinda not organized due to a great deal of time having passed since last story update and my tendency to hit and miss with pictures.

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Somehow, one event led to another, and Aiyana flirted with a dormie's friend from a suggestion by Zelcy and attracted the hate of Zethria and Zethren. There are a few lost pictures where Aiyana get aspiration sucked out of her and she gets her snobbery handed back to her at least 10-15 times total by the trio.

The more persistent problem [source of amusement really] was the dormie at right. Shelby was influenced to flirt with some other dormie that Zelcy liked by Zethria, and for some reason, Zethria also got disliked by Shelby. Needless to say, as the trio had full body points, most times the dormie mentioned here certainly got their rear pounded to the ground.

One of the key points in playing this bunch is that family helps and protects each other. “You mess with my brother, you're also talking to me.” Every time someone lost a fight, one of the other two would smack the offender down.

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Zelcynia's off and on vampiration was irritating, she did have a want to bite her beau Glen Thorne, then she had a conflict of wants with curing him. When she did cure him, she either bit him again or influenced one of the other dormie vamps to do so. Glen Thorne has remained a vampire since he was last bitten.

As for Zethren, he rolled a want to be a vampire, then after he was bitten, rolled to be cured. Then every so often he would roll these wants for Zelcy to be cured, but so far I've refused to grant that want on his sister's behalf.

Zethria's been the most staunch against vampirism and magic that I've seen so far. Even to the point of rolling a want to cure the Good witch of being a witch, for most part though, Zethria has never rolled up any positive wants for vampirism, having also rolled a want for Zelcy to be cured, when her baby sister had a fear of being cured.

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I didn't know this before earlier, but these custom eyes go wonky with this sort of expression here. The pupils just seem to go vertical like feline eyes but just keep going seemingly. A weird bug I guess.

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Perhaps it is best if this takes up most of the slide. The lady here whom Zethren is sitting beside is Washu Curious. She is the second alien child of Pascal Curious, from what I think is my first version of Strangetown. She is one of my favorite sims due primarily to the large eyes she has courtesy of Pascal.

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Washu is a sim from the version of Strangetown that brought forth the sim Bardiel Hawklyn and his wife which likely contributed to the Viperion Legacy crash in 08.

I named her Washu after the Washu from the Tenchi anime series. Her role in this legacy will mostly be of bystander.

“But-but, I get along with him so well!”

I know dear, you fell for him rather easily enough, maybe a closet 2+ bolt romance. Yet at the time, I didn't want more problems on top of already mounting issues.

“So that's why you-”

Yep, and like her namesake, Washu learned things very fast. By the time this was written, she had maxed all her skills and maxed most of the badge-able skills that could be done without an actual business lot.

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“Here is what you requested Zethren.”

“Thank you Washu. No doubt you've heard some of the fighting over the phone. Both my little sister and I would love to see Shelby's ghost because honestly, she keeps annoying and irritating us and its getting worse.”

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That box was a cowplant, which actually was not the cause of Shelby's demise. Because Shelby was a vampire like Zelcynia, the dormie roasted to death in the sun, only moments from the cowplant kind of death. Zelcynia here actually was cheering or going to cheer at Shelby's demise.

Also, this is right around when Zethren returned from his final exam and I was distracted already with this going on, so there was no final complete picture for him.

Most of the fighting started from middle of sophmore year on and just got really bad from there on. It distracted me from picture taking of the skill maxing and all that, so something had to be done. Problem was, the “see Shelby's ghost” want had disappeared from Zelcy and Zethren's panels by the time this actually took place. Oh well, an annoyance was gone. Or so I thought at least.

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You see, after Shelby died, apparently both Zethren and Zelcy felt that death was too good for Shelby. They felt that she needed a reminder of why not to mess with the Harringtons. Both of them wanted to make her a Zombie, then kill her by cowplant and drink the remains; however, Zelcynia had an additional want, to kick Shelby's tombstone.

Anyway, Zethren did the honors and called to rez Shelby, but I'm not quite certain exactly why I let the zombied Shelby drag herself off the lot, likely it was due to a number of factors, but I think I just wanted the two to move on if possible.

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“Finally that <truckhorn> is gone.” Zelcynia finishes milking the strange plant and eagerly swallows the strange glowing mixture while the dorm mate who replaced Shelby looks on in something similar to amusement. Zelcynia didn't notice him as she headed into the building, the glow fading from her body as she sought out her nemesis' urn in order to break it into little pieces.

You might recall for those who read my Viperion Legacy that I had a slightly different situation happen, so then it wasn't as interesting as this development since I'd never had a fued go to this length before in my time simming. Go ahead and read on.

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The hallway was quiet except for the quiet chatting of her two siblings by the fireplace as Zelcynia gazed at the urn that held the remains of her hated dead enemy.

The hallway suddenly seemed devoid of sound as the resident female vampiress advanced toward the lone coffee table that was in the foyer. The scarlet eyes targeted on the small container of ashes as unseen memories played behind Zelcynia's eyes. The sneering and jeering remarks of faceless comments during the exchanges that had violently taken place. All of those things pressed the expression on the young beauty's face into a furious cauldron of anger while her fingers wrapped around the handles of the urn. The only thing she saw was rage.

She wasn't seeing the aghast faces of her siblings as they silently watched their sibling tremble with boiling stress. Zelcynia never saw the cold smile of payback that was chiseled into her features or the way Zethria frowned resignedly at what was about to take place.

Both her older siblings had shared in the conflict between her and Shelby, they understood what she needed to do. Neither of them liked that fact, but they had supported their young redheaded sister to the hilt, even Zethria, who was the nicest of the three; so the twins watched their sister perform her action quietly, discreetly returning to hushed conversation.

In the middle of the open foyer, the redhead stopped and raised the urn high above her head and threw the fragile container to the marble floor hard. The urn smashed upon impact, shattering into useless clay shards and scattering the ashes over a small area of the floor. The area remained overshadowed by Zelcynia as she clenched her fist and let out a soundless scream filled with repressed emotion, only after that did she speak.

“You are dead Shelby, may your ashes never rest in peace again.”

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“Yes, I'd like a taxi back to the Isle of Volt please.” Zethren told the person on the other end of the phone.

Zelcynia was standing near the hallway when she overheard her only brother on the phone and watched as he finished up the conversation. Zethren was an adult now, she could sense it as his demeanor and look in his eyes shifted. “Why Zeth?” She asked through the growing pit of sadness in her eyes and stomach.

Zethren looked at his younger sister only for a moment before he turned his head from the emotions he saw there. “Sister dear, you, Zethria, and me are finished with University. There is nothing left for us here, we've had our share of battles fought and won. Both your sister and I have dealt with things on your behalf, we've protected and assisted you as best we've been able to.” He gazed toward the distant unseen horizon as he started walking slowly toward the door. “It is time for you and me to plan out how we deal with the unknowns that the future will bring.”

Zelcynia watched through rapidly moistening eyes as her brother disappeared out the door with his suitcase, the mask that had been on her face an hour before fading into the past as the sound of the taxi that had come for her brother fled into the distance.

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“It's okay dearest sister,” cooed Zethria as she gently placed a hand on Zelcy's shoulder to turn the redhead to face her. The expression that greeted the oldest sister immediately caused Zethria to gather Zelcynia into her arms.

The vampiress leaned into the embrace and shuddered as the dam of emotion broke and flooded onto her sibling's shoulder. Any speech or words said at that moment was lost as the sisters shared a long moment devoid of speech in what words have a very hard time expressing the depth of feeling and emotions.

Everything the sisters had been through together here.

The times they stuck up for each other when skill wasn't enough. The memories of relishing the beatdowns of those would would dare pick on them.

When one of them needed help, one of them was always there.

What else could one ask from a family?

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Zethria listened with the patience of a sister as Zelcynia recounted and remembered some of the times through the past few years.

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The memories of being vamped and bitten, not to mentioned cured repeatedly. All of it was frustrating for someone who just wanted to remain as she was and wanted to be.

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Through all of this, the elder sister Harrington of the first generation, listened to her sister speak, coming to realize that she had been right to stay and allow her sister to vent.

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The Memories of University Life

For Zelcynia Harrington

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The Memories of University Life

For Zethren Harrington

For fairness purposes

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The Memories of University Life

For Zethria Harrington

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Zethria hugged her sister a final time before stepping back, “Listen 'Cynia,” She began firmly. “We will likely all meet back at Mom and Dad's for at the very least, a few days; so hang in there okay?” The blonde waited for her sister's accepting nod before stepping over to the phone.

“Yes sir. I want to catch the next taxi to Volt Isle please.”

“K, thank you.” Zethria put the phone handset back on the receiver and felt a change of perspective come over her.

Hearing Zelcynia's embarrassed giggle, the blonde glanced down and sighed, “Yes, a change of clothes will be in order.”

With her head held high, seemingly looking toward some unknown place on the horizon, Zethria Harrington left the dorm that she had called home for over three years of her life.

Leaving one last individual to exit the building.

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Zelcynia Harrington looked at the phone on the wall with a feeling approaching resignation. She would have to do it whether she liked it or not, whether she wanted it or not; the change would be imposed regardless.

Giving in, she picked up the phone and dialed the taxi company's number. “A car to take me back to Volt Isle please.” She listened to the person explain that there would be a car ready to pick her up in an hour. “Ok.” She returned the phone to it's place on the wall and waited.

The change came without warning upon her,shifting pathways in her mind for more maturity and character strength. Upon glancing down, she frowned and decided that a shopping trip would be in order when she got back home.

Home, the word struck at the young vampire's heart like a hammer, and she cast her eyes upon a spot in the distance and looked pleadingly at the unknown horizon even as she walked out of the dorm, into the taxi and set about on the rest of her life.

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I wish to apologize for the first part of this update being a bit lacking in quality and plot wordage. I certainly enjoyed playing these three especially in the second half of college, where I had a decent grip finally on their personalities.



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ZelcyniaWant panel had the most anti-Shelby wants I've seen. Mostly her wants are game hobby related and also to buy a vacation house.

She is engaged to Glen Thorne who is also a vamp [she bit him].

LtW is Education Minister


She liked watching fights and really cares about those she loves, also enjoys the thrill of “rare” styles, like vampirism.

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ZethrenWant panel has often had at least one wish to see Zelcy cured from vampirism. Other then that, there's a wish to be a zombie among other hobby related wants.

He is engaged to Diane Kim, has been for a long time actually.

LtW will not be done, focus will be on political career branch.


Cares for his little sister enough that he is willing to at least sample what she wants, but refrains from commiting to a similar weird path.

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ZethriaWant panel centers around music and arts for the most part.

She is engaged to Paul H. who has one of the custom gray skins that I have downloaded in the past from mts2.com.

Her LtW is still 6 pets in top career spots


She looks after her siblings and dislikes them involved in fights. She's a very kind and considerate person, forgives easily but will certainly defend herself and those she loves.

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Admittedly, with everything thats been going on up till this point, I haven't had too much time to really focus on Sims 2 or Sims 3 lately. As I said earlier, I had a blast focusing on this family and actually I have houses to build now, and simselves to incorporate.

Besides that, I do have several other things that do take up time, but I really do hope to not be away from this as much as I was. Perhaps I need to learn from the mistakes I made with my first legacy and focus on this one even if I do manage to find a backup of the Viperions somewhere.

Perhaps I should extend a heartfelt thank you to the one person who inspired me with her own writing and updates to attempt to push past this massive boredom block I had and get this update out.

Thank you Cait [RegacyLady at Boolprop.com] for your likely unknown assistance with your own creations from Sims 2.

There are other people who have assisted in various ways. Thank you.LadyLarkRuneMarina [Smoothiequeen]Professor ButtersDocSupremeNerdLucyPepperAnd others...

Just a reminder That this is a 26 generation gargatuan legacy.That's what it is supposed to be anyway.

Let's see if I can get halfway. UNTIL THE NEXT TIME!