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Interview for Troy Adams

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An interview with Troy Adams

hen his single “Stone Heart” stormed to the charts back in August 2011 Troy

Adams was virtually unknown, despite playing his local pubs and clubs for two

years in his hometown Manchester. We met up with the very lovely and

charming Troy at his home to talk to him.

Interviewer: Hi Troy how are you today?

Troy: I`m great thanks how are you?

Interviewer: we`re good thanks! So Troy, we are interested to know your background Did

you come from a musical family?

Troy: Yes my Dad plays piano, he`s not a professional pianist but he played for years and he

always gets the piano out at Christmas for a sing- song. My sister plays a bit of guitar its fun

listening to her play and helping her. Seeing her where I used to be and watching her grow is

very rewarding for me. It`s just my mum who doesn`t play. We used to drive her mad some

days when we were all in the house practicing over each other and she was trying to relax (he

laughs to himself and picks up his guitar and starts to play softly)

My parents helped me write my first song when I was younger and kept me going when I was

on the brink of giving up. They told me to keep going and helped me when I was feeling

down. My family have helped me a lot.

Interviewer: Do you think that your sister will ever play with you?

Troy: No, no (Troy shakes his head profoundly) I love my sister to bits but we`d get on each

other’s nerves and she also has very different music taste to mine

Interviewer: Who were your musical influences growing up?

Troy: I had big influences from bands like Bon Jovi, Queen, Blink 182, and Bruce

Springsteen. Avril Lavigne in a great musician. I used to listen to her music and try to play

along. Def Leppard, were definitely the biggest influence in my music and when I was

learning how to play the drums. If a one armed drummer (Rick Allen) can play then I was

sure I could too! It gave me the motivation to keep going and learn to play.

Interviewer: What was the first song you ever wrote called?

Troy: The first song I ever wrote was called “Jack and the beanstalk” . I think it was just

about how everyone seemed to tower above me. They were bigger and stronger and everyone

seemed to always be against me so it was all about my struggle.

Interviewer: What inspired you to write the song “Stone heart”

Troy: Well I was in a relationship where I felt like I was doing all the work. She could be

cold towards me sometimes and I felt she had a heart of stone ,hence “Stone Heart”


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Interviewer: Do you write all your music yourself and how does the writing process go?

Troy: Yes, I write all my own music, I write in different ways .It can be I start with a little

piece of guitar or sometimes I start out with a phrase or words and then I get out my guitar

and try out a few different ways of playing along with it.

Interviewer: What was it like to support Avril Lavigne on tour?

Troy: Oh it was amazing Like I said, Avril was my idol when I was younger and I supported

her music so to be playing with her was a huge honour, it’s like she`s returning the favour.

Interviewer: Do you have any pre-stage rituals?

Troy: Not really. Usually if my family are coming to the gig they come backstage and wish

me luck and talk to me. When they`ve gone to their seats or if they`re not there I do some

warm up singing, whilst having a honey and lemon drink for my voice. Then I practice my

drumming for the songs where I play drums, and I talk to my band.

Interviewer: What is it like being on a real stage performing in front of thousands of people?

Troy: I get really nervous beforehand and the butterflies start flying. But once I get into it, it

is great. I love to see all the faces smiling at me and people dancing and singing along.

Interviewer: Are you planning on playing any festivals this year

Troy: yes I`m playing V vest ,T in the park, T4OTB, which should be a lot of fun.

Interviewer: Is it strange to have been the person watching at these festivals and to now being

the artist playing the gig?

Troy: Yes extremely, but it`s amazing knowing people are coming to gigs to watch me and

It’s great to know that I`m inspiring the younger generations of artists. It would be great to

know that I`m still playing in 10 years time and to hear an interview like this with an

upcoming artist who says that my songs and music have inspired them to become what they


Interviewer: Any Crazy fan stories?

Troy: I got mistaken for Zac Effron once. A young girl came up to me and asked me for my

autograph. I was a bit confused as I was pretty much a no-body at the time but I signed it my

name and then the girl asked me was I not Zac Effron to which I said no. My family found it


Interviewer: What job would you have had or gone into if you hadn`t being following your

music career?

Troy: Well I had a love of Classical civilisation and history (the study of Roman and Greek

history) when I was at high school. I did start a degree at university in Archaeology which

was great! I loved it, I wanted to be an Archaeological diver when I finished. But I had to

choose between my music or university so in the end I chose to pursue my music career. I

had to quit university, which was a shame but It was definitely worth it. Who knows maybe

someday I’ll go back and finish my degree!

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Interviewer: What do you like to do in your free time?

Troy: mainly just relaxing and chilling out and I`m a big fan of reading so most of the time

you`ll find me on my sofa just with a pile of books reading. I love scuba diving so I do that

when I have any other free time as it was one of my main interest and what I wanted to as a

job, so I keep it up now as a hobby. I also enjoy playing video games on my PS3.

Interviewer: Have you ever been star stuck and if so who?

Troy: I once bumped into Emma Watson. I was just stunned when I saw her, I kept

apologizing for bumping into her but she was lovely and said it was ok and it didn`t matter. I

think she`s an awesome actress.

Interviewer: When will your album be out on sale?

Troy: Well we`re currently in the process of recording the new album, and we`re half way

through it.. I`m not rushing to get it done though as when I release it I want it to be the best it

can be for myself and the fans you know? But me and the record label are hoping for it to be

out around June. I`ve written all the songs but it`s just now the process of recording them all

and making them the best they can be. I can`t wait to share my first album with everyone.


Interview: What are you up to tonight?

Troy: Well it`s my night off tonight so me and some of the band are going out for some

drinks and celebrate our success so far.

Interviewer: Thanks Troy. Its been great talking to you and we wish you the best of luck in

the future. See www.Indi-go.Rocks.co.uk for details on how you can get tickets for all the

upcoming festivals Troy is playing at this summer.