What have I learnt from audience feedback?


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What have I learnt from audience feedback?

Page 2: Emmaquestion3

There are many things that will appeal the audience to our text...As the age and gender of our audience is young females, the fact that our artist is young and female will help them associate with the artist. Also, the setting and what's happening within the narrative also represents the life of a young teenage girl. For example, going on holiday and feeling lost is what most people of the given age group will experience when going to university or when going on holiday for the first time without their parents. The audience will also associate with the fashion of our artist, this is appealing as teenagers always look up to music stars for generic fashion advice.

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The branding of the artist also appeals the audience, as sometimes people base their music tastes around images and the branding of artists (eg: people liking Katy Perry and Rihanna because they share a similar image). So if our artist shares the same branding image as another, we will have a wider audience that would be a fan of our artist.

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Psychographic Profiling.According to Young and Rubicam's Cross-cultural Consumer Characteristics, there are four categories of audience: Mainstreamers, who males up 40% of the market. Aspirers, people who're motivated by status. Succeeders, people who've already climbed the ladder and want to keep control of what they have. Reformers, the group who want the world to be a better place.Our target audience are mainstreamers, as our genre is pop, the most popular music genre. Mainstreamers tend to seek security in conformity and thus tend to be well know brand names. People who tend to listen to pop music often have friends who also enjoy the same kind of music, therefore they seek security in music as it brings them closer to their friends.As our artist has a more unique style, our target audience will also follow the trends set by the artist. For example, wearing different clothes to that of someone who would be a rock fan. Our target audience would wear bright and individualistic clothing, while still conforming to trends set by everybody else. They would all be students and interested in different kinds of music. They would go to music gigs, buy CD's and have friends with similar music interests.

Our secondary audience would be... Gender, males who like pop music. Race, still any. Age, above 25 who enjoy youthful music and bright style. Social Status: Any.

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We used questionnaires to find out basic information on our target audience, we handed them out to people of our target age [16-25] to establish how many people watch music videos.

Asking our target audience what they like in a music video helped us learn what to include in our when it came to making it. This helped us be more successful in story boarding.

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Asking this helped us see the amount of people viewing would be in our age group, this is helpful because it made our final feedback more reliable.

This was helpful because if people’s friends like the same music as them, it helps expand the target audience and fans of an artist. Because all share with their friends, it would assure a larger audience.

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This was helpful because it showed us what elements our target audience most enjoyed in a video and made is know what to incorporate into ours.

Knowing our target audiences favourite genre was the most helpful as it gave us inspiration in what genre’s and sub-genre’s to follow.

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Because our target audience is 16-25 year olds, our audience feedback showed us that the favourite genre was pop, so we used the pop genre. Also, because we have a young target audience we thought we could appeal them with a young artist to whom they could relate. The feedback also told us that our target audience like a mix of performance and narrative, so we decided to include this in our video.

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To get our final audience feedback, we screened our video infront of our class (who all fit the target audience) and let them fill in a questionnaire full of positive feedback and constructive criticism. This is an example of a filled in questionnaire.

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The results of our feedback were varied. The positive parts on our feedback are shown in the amount of people who would view it again.

These two question graphs are positive as 15/16 people would watch the video again, which shows it was successful. The second graph shows that only 2/16 people didn’t think the video matched the genre, therefore we were successful in matching the genre of music to our music video.

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This shows that people like different element of our video, but the most popular was the mise-en-scene, this is positive to use as this is the aspect we focused on most. To make our artist fit our theme and to make her look bright and youthful, like her brand image.

This shows that most of the people would recommend to a friend. Showing they liked it and would be willing to make more fans by showing it to a friend.

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Most of the completed questionnaires said it was ‘entertaining’ and ‘funny to watch’. I think this is positive because the audience is young, and that age group often appreciate humor and comedy.

Most people also said they like ‘the masks’ which is good because they are a prime element in making our video follows the theme.

[You can find a video of our feedback on our blogger page]

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Most of the people who answered our questionnaire said that our video could be improved by ‘sorting the lipsyncing’ out. I completely agree with this, as we found it a difficult task to match the video with the lyrics. If we was to do it again, we would spend a lot more time in syncing the two up.

Another negative the was frequently mentioned was the ‘editing was bad at points’ again I totally agree. For example the runner disappears off the screen due to bad scaling, if we had more time to make it, we would have made sure there were no sloppy mistakes.

Therefore, I found all the audience feedback helpful and fair.