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The title sequence of ‘Dexter’ starts with an extreme close up of a mosquito sucking blood, which immediately indicated that blood and gore could be involved. The title sequence uses various other close up shots to represent blood, death and gore (all of which are almost always present in horror films). These include close ups of a knife cutting bacon, to represent flesh being cut; a man cutting himself shaving, to show the blood which stands out against the white sink; a knife slicing an orange, to bring in the idea of murder and violence; shoe laces and floss being tied tightly around the persons hands, to indicate being tied up and helpless; and a t-shirt pulled over the mans face to represent a body bag and bring in the idea of death even further. The only vibrant colours used in the scene are the bright red colour of the blood, but apart from that the mise en scene is very dull and dismal, which is quite representative of horror films, which are often set in dull, colourless houses or dark forests. The text used for the ‘Dexter’ title is dark red (like blood) and also has what looks like blood splatter around it, which makes it unpleasant and more like a horror film, it is also set onto a dirty, clinical looking background. The music for the title sequence is not in a minor key like most horror films music, and in any other context the music could be quite happy or bright, but in this film it sounds disturbing and dark when put together with the close up clips. The sequence is very suggestive of what the ‘Dexter’ series will be about, but doesn’t give any actual insight into the storyline, which keeps the viewers thinking about what could happen, like many horror films where the title sequence gives the feeling of mystery.