Death Star By Matt Henderson

Death Star

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A project I did for my Astronomy class.

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Page 1: Death Star

Death Star

By Matt Henderson

Page 2: Death Star

19 Years to build the Death Star

160Kilometers across

1.7 Million personnel on board

Crew of 342,953


25,984 Stormtroopers

167,216 Pilots



Assault Shuttles



10,000Turbolaser Batteries

2,500Laser Cannons

2,500Ion Cannons768

Tractor Beam Projectors

1 Superlaser

2 Planets destroyed

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The DS-1 Orbital Battle Station (Death Star) was created by the Galactic Empire after the end of the Clone Wars

Raith Sienar created plans for a Expeditionary Battle Planetoid, which he turned over to Wilhuff TarkinThese plans were given to Geonosian

Industries and improved on under the watch of Count Dooku and the Confederacy of Independent Systems Construction began in 21 BBY above the

planet GeonosisAfter the end of the Clone Wars and the Declaration of a New Order, the Empire took over construction

The Empire moved the Death Star’s construction to the penal planet Despayre

To construct the Death Star, the Empire used prisoners and Wookiee slaves from the planet Kashyyyk

Construction was completed in 0 BBY

To test this new battle station, the first target selected for the superlaser was Despayre

After three low power blasts, the planet Despayre ceased to exist, along with all the prisoners on the planet

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Don’t be so proud of this technological terror you’ve constructed, the ability to destroy a planet

is insignificant next to the power of the Force – Darth Vader

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Hypermatter Reactor

Main Power Generator Hyperdrive

Central Computer Core

Main Exhaust Port

Thermal Exhaust Port

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Command Triumvirate

High General Cassio Tagge

Admiral Conan Antonio Motti

Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin

"Any attack made by the Rebels against this station would be a useless gesture, no matter what technical data they've obtained. This station is now the ultimate power in the universe. I suggest we use it!" ― Motti

"I find your lack of faith disturbing." ― Darth Vader

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Thermal Exhaust PortThe thermal exhaust port on the Death Star allows for excess exhaust to be released from the

main reactor

This is just a secondary port, the main exhaust port is heavily guarded against attacks

Due to it’s small size, this port was given less protection; it only used ray shielding against laser attacks

Can’t we board it up, or you know put some plywood over it or something? – Darth Stewie

This port was only two meters across, the same size as a womp rat from Tatooine

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Eight tributary beams focus into one super powerful


One shot at full power could take hours to recharge

Estimated to use more than 24 nonillion watts

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Destruction of AlderaanOriginally a threat to Princess Leia,

the Destruction of Alderaan was the first public display of the Death Star

This was also the first time a full power shot had been used

The remains of the planet left a large region of asteroids that became known as The Graveyard

"You may fire when ready." ― Grand Moff Tarkin

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Battle of YavinTarkin and Vader were able to find the Rebellion’s hidden base on the moon

Yavin IV after planting a homing beacon aboard the Millennium Falcon

After discovering the Death Star’s exhaust port vulnerability, the Rebels used snubfighters to skim

along the equatorial trench and fire proton torpedoes into the port While implementing this plan, Darth Vader

took the station’s defense into his own hands

Rebel pilot, Luke Skywalker, successfully fired two proton torpedoes into the exposed exhaust port which destroyed the Death Star

"Attacking that battle station ain't my idea of courage. It's more like suicide." ― Han Solo

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Soon after the Death Star was destroyed, the Empire began construction on a new Death Star, this even more powerful than the last