I hadn’t planned on releasing this chapter yet. There’s less than fifty pictures and no plot at all. I was just playing the kids when I took all these pictures, kinda ignoring the whole Teal and Lore thing to appreciate just how prettyful Rivers, Oasis, Cinderella and Sweetness are. However, things are changing. I’ve been wanting to change my defaults for ages, but I have genetizised eyes, so it was kinda hard. But, my game has been flipping out for a while, and 20GB of CC is too much and is making my game uber slow. So, I changed the defaults and am in the middle of deleting a load of CC. But, to make the new defaults/genetizised eyes work, I am making a new neighbourhood and am also changing the Daze family’s eyes. So, after this chapter they will all look a little different, but I’m sure it’ll all be chill. I’m just in the mood for a

Daze Of Our Legacy. Chapter 5.5

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The chatpter that's not a real chapter but that has many cute pictures of cute kids.

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Page 1: Daze Of Our Legacy. Chapter 5.5

I hadn’t planned on releasing this chapter yet. There’s less than fifty

pictures and no plot at all. I was just playing the kids when I took all these pictures, kinda ignoring the whole Teal and Lore thing to

appreciate just how prettyful Rivers, Oasis, Cinderella and

Sweetness are.

However, things are changing. I’ve been wanting to change my defaults for ages, but I have

genetizised eyes, so it was kinda hard. But, my game has been

flipping out for a while, and 20GB of CC is too much and is making

my game uber slow. So, I changed the defaults and am in the middle of deleting a load of CC. But, to

make the new defaults/genetizised eyes work, I am making a new

neighbourhood and am also changing the Daze family’s eyes. So, after this chapter they will all

look a little different, but I’m sure it’ll all be chill. I’m just in the

mood for a more Maxis-match (I never thought I’d say that) look.

So, this is not a real chapter, but it’s all I’ve got for a while. I hope

you enjoy it regardless. It’s not the best, as I really was not feeling it, but whatever. ENJOY, and I will

have a proper chapter ASAP.

Page 2: Daze Of Our Legacy. Chapter 5.5

‘You can dance if you want to.’

You can leave your friends behind.

‘Because your friends don’t dance.’

And if they don’t dance.

‘Then they ain’t no friends of mine.’

Safety Dance ftw.

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‘Gads! That’s awful! Sweetness! You are awful!’

Your lack of nice points is showing there, Rivers.

‘But she’s awful!’

She’s three! No worries, Sweetness, I think you rock!

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Upstairs we find the more ignored members of the family. Rock’n’Pop and


‘Oh, hello Alice. Are you talking to me or stalking my

identical brother?’

Bitterness is not attractive, Oasis. Actually, it apparently is. Despite being identical to Rivers, more people seem to

prefer you and your unique brand of emo hotness.

‘For real?’

For real.

‘Wow. That almost makes up for the fact that my family

hates me and I get next to no screen time-’

Sorry Oasis. More interesting stuff happening

somewhere else.

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‘She really does suck!’

Cinderella! Gods you and Rivers are bitches.

‘When you’re as pretty as we are, you can get away with


Throwing my own words in my face.

But really, be nicer to Sweetness. I sense an ironic

plot twist in the future.

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‘Hello little girl.’

‘Listen Mr Paedophile American Bus Driver. I am

Cinderella Daze, future heiress of the Daze legacy.

You will drive me to school and you will do it silently,

else I will feed you to Gregory the cowplant!’

‘Yes Miss Daze.’

Cinderella was a very sweet little girl, you know that?

She was a fairytale princess who no doubt did a lot of

charity work.

‘I’m more of an antihero, and this is no fairytale.’

You got that right. If it was then an ogre would have

eaten you by now.

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While Oasis and Cinderella are at regular school, the

private school has a snow day, letting Rivers catch up

on his homework and pull overly cute faces.

‘I’m just a piece of meat to you, aren’t I?’

So long as it’s Quorn meat. I am a vegetarian.

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Finally a Teal update.

‘Wow, the miracle of birth. Isn’t it great. I’ve always

found a pregnant woman to be a spiritual and beautiful thing. *drool* Can I touch


‘Woah! Hands away from the waste of space you


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‘This is my ticket to dating freedom, so leave it alone.

Once I kick this ball of guts out, I get to date whoever

and whatever I like.’

‘So, can I have your number?’

‘No. I’m gay.’

You can only use that excuse so many times. It didn’t get

you out of marriage.

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‘I won’t date him, but evil plans are forming.’

I feel that her evil side is growing more prominent. She may not be green, but

she’s still a cackling mess of evil.

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Hello Cinderella. Dare I ask how school was?

‘I’m already Head Girl because I am the greatest,

prettiest and most charming girl in the entire school.’

You threatened the head teacher with Gregory, didn’t


‘Maybe a little bit.’

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How about you Oasis?

‘My teachers are worried that I won’t make it to the end of

the year, so they’re not wasting time on my grades.’

Oh. Well…what’s that?

‘Pro-Cinderella propaganda. She’s been handing it out all day to earn votes in the heir


I hate to think what’s going to happen when she doesn’t


‘Don’t you mean “if she doesn’t win”?’


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‘Alice, you are killing me! Why are you not paying

attention to me!?!?!’

Gads! I spend one slide talking to Oasis and I go to

hell for it.

‘No one cares about that emo oddball! I’m where it’s at

and all shall love me.’

You know, Cinders, you’re getting a little annoying.

‘Whatever. At least I’m still pretty.’

Oh, we’ll see about that.


Nothing. Nothing at all. *evil grin*

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Wait…what are emo powers? If they are anything

like the powers my cartoon Emoman* has, then you’re

just going to cut your wrists and cry.

‘*rage* I will destroy you all…with poetry and negative thinking!’


*Emoman is a creation of mine, from back in the days when I was in GCSE Maths

class. Rather than learning the pointless rules of

trigonometry, I drew a little cartoon guy with a top hat, a cape and an emo fringe who

looked a lot like my bestfriend Jamie. His

sidekick was a spunky little girl called Suicide Girl. It

was a warming and heartfelt series.

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‘Hey, Cinderella, look! Your fans!’

‘What? Where? I am not prepared! What am I talking

about? I’m prefect from duck till dawn!’

Anyone want to adopt her and take her off of my

hands? Please!

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‘NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Not the Chanel coat! And this

scarf is Dior! It’s hand washable only! HAND


Anyone at all? I’ll actually pay you to take her away

from me!

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I forgot about the headmaster visit and as an exhausted and

preggers Teal went to offer him a tour, Rock’n’Pop

decided to attack a passing wolf. I don’t think it earned us any extra points, but the

headmaster seemed to enjoy it.

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The real shock?

The scrawny runt that is Rock’n’Pop beat the crapola

out of Mr Wolf.

I guess that the laws of nature don’t transfer to


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And here we join the eldest three Daze children in a

marathon snowman building contest. Rivers is in the lead, but Oasis is catching up fast.

Cinderella seems to have stalled at the gate, but with

her spunk and moxie I’m sure that she may yet be able to catch up with the leaders.

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And it’s a win for Oasis.

‘That’s such a crap snowman. I mean, evil

snowmen? That is so last year! Everyone’s about the

pretty nice ones now. That’s what the readers want.’

‘Like you would know.’

‘What was that?’

‘I’m going to bury you under six feet of snow.’

‘I’d like to see you try.’

Me too.

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Yeah, I was all excited, then I realized that when I move

the family to another neighbourhood, I’ll loose the pets, so there is little point in

getting excited.

Next time they get cats, FYI. I hates dogs. Cats ftw.

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It’s only one puppy, a girl named Twee Pop, which is a

subgenre of the Alternative Rock genre according to

Wikipedia (or Wrongipedia as it is affectionately known

to me).

Twee Pop sounds funny.

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Cute dog interactions spam.

I really did mean it when I said that I was not feeling

this chapter and that none of the pictures really had any point. Had this been a real

chapter, few of these pictures would have made it in.

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Finally, an appearance from the cowplant victims. Ghosts = much fun. Yes, I am one of

those freaky players who likes ghosts…until they get

my simself’s kids taken away so that I have to bring

back one of my older kids to adopt them, making my

children my grandkids and creating some weird incesty

type crap.

Yes, I am still pissed about that from the original

Pokecy, all those years ago. How dare Sully have mine and Arcanine’s kids taken

away just because he scared the one who looked like Jay



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‘Oh noes! Alice, do not take a picture of-’

*click* Huh? Sorry. I don’t speak Manchester. *walks

off whistling*

What? Did you really think I could go an entire chapter without making fun of his


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We…we didn’t get into private school, did we, Lore?


No, we didn’t.

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This is not going to help with his crazy plot to make Teal

love him again, is it? Actually, this is likely to

spur him on, slightly, if the damage is permanent.

At least he’s still pretty, huh?

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‘Ach! Vat seems to be ze problem?’

Well, overly stereotypical Freudian shrink, he is afraid

that his Romance sim wife is going to cheat on him, which

she probably is, he is the proprietor of a secret lab

filled with potions and brainwashing paraphernalia

amongst other things, his eldest child is a womanizing hottie with a mission to save

the world, he has another son who is a physical clone of

the first but who hates life, has a Manchester accent and who is a total emo because I

pay him no attention and everyone seems to forget

him, then there’s the daughters. One’s a pussy egotistical tyrant and the

other’s a hippy who sees the good in everything. On top

of all that, the twins just got rejected from private school.

‘ACH! Manchester accent? I’m out of here!’

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‘But not before I make him cluck like ze chicken.’

Well…thanks. I guess.

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I realised that because I made Cinderella drink one of

the cowplant victims, she was a few days younger than

her twin. We cannot be having that, so we kill

another innocent (yeah right) townie and have little Oasis

take a hit of immortality juice. Let’s just hope it’s not


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‘More! Now!’

Woah! Pace yourself. You can have all the immortality

you want when you’re a spare rotting in the Sim Bin.

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Because I can.

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‘If only the answers to all the family problems were

on this brick.’

But then what would I write about?

‘Happiness and rainbows and cute little furry animals

and princesses!’

How about jealousy and anger and rabid little dogs

and prissy stuck up bitches? That is more my style.

Happily ever afters? I don’t roll that way.

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‘Now this is a snowman!’

Cinderella finally finishes, a full day after the other two

competitors. Is she slow, or just a total idiot? You decide.

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‘Hey there kiddo. You have better be a fugly reject, else

I’m going to hate you forever and ever and ever and make

your life hell.’

Teal? Are you going to let her talk to the baby like that?

‘What? Can I date yet?’

Poor unborn foetus.

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‘*sad face*’

That seems a little out of character Sweetness.


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‘There, all better. Happy happy happy.’

I sense that just below the surface, she’s as twisted as

the rest of them.

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Teal = cuteness.

Nuff said.

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Because I haven’t had one this legacy, a smustle

montage, featuring Rivers.

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Keg means only one thing!

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Yup. Rivers becomes a teenager! And Pablo is here

to blow his horn…wait…that came out wrong.

And wrong is how I like it.

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And that is where I will leave you, because that is the last

picture I took before my computer crashed and I had

to start this whole malarkey.

Next time there will be new defaults and a new

neighbourhood and new pets, but the same old Daze

family. Hopefully it won’t be too long, but only time will

tell and time hates me, so we’ll see.

I love you all, and not just because I’m drunk.