Bernice is unaware of what her best friend is going through over the road. She is full of thoughts for the future. Gracie has agreed to meet her to talk.


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Page 1: 7.42

Bernice is unaware of what her best friend is going through over the road. She is full of thoughts for the future. Gracie has agreed to meet her to talk.

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They meet at the beach and have a long talk walking alone the shore. The bottom line is Bernice had done enough to convince Gracie to give her a second chance.

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Gracie had just wanted to be clear that she was looking for a serious relationship. Bernice now knew that was what she wanted too. It was time to introduce Gracie to her friends.

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Teresa wasn’t answering her phone, so Bernice organised dinner with Ambrose and Frank instead. Bernice was struck by how Gracie had brought wine with her and was trying really hard. Frank on the other hand was being a bit weird.

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While Bernice cleared the dishes after dinner Ambrose struggled to keep conversation going. She spent ages explaining her job as a musician and how Frank was involved… but he didn’t sat more than a few words. Ambrose couldn’t understand why her boyfriend was being so quiet. Had she done something wrong?

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Frank decided to leave early, much to Bernice’s relief. While Ambrose saw him out she quickly filled Gracie in on Frank.

As far as Bernice was concerned, he was a bit of a sleaze. She had been too preoccupied with her own problems to warn Ambrose off when Frank had first made a move.

Now she wasn’t sure how to break it to her innocent friend that Frank was only looking for fun, and that this couples dinner date had probably been a step too far.

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Gracie advised to stay quiet. If Bernice attacked Frank’s character Ambrose would have to defend him, and that might ruin their friendship. Better to let him break Ambrose’s heart , he was bound to anyway and that way she would learn an important life lesson but still have her friends to support her.

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Ariette had heard the shouting from the Bailey household last night on her evening ride with Peps. This was a chance to repay Teresa's kindness following the death of Harry.

She invited her over on some pretext and then wouldn’t take no for an answer when Teresa said she didn’t want to talk about it, and soon the truth came tumbling out.

In a horrible way, Ariette was in luck. There were many parallels between Teresa giving up Emma, and her giving up Annette. The women sat and talked about their experiences for hours. It was good for both of them.

Ariette felt afterwards that she had finally bonded with Teresa. She had a friend at last.

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Alfred was glad to see Warren, even though he had let himself in without knocking – something Alfred normally found intolerably rude. It had been a while and he hadn’t been out of the house for over a week, But Warren wasn’t there to invite him out for a drink.

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Warren needed some advice, so he’d come to the neighbour who knew his wife the least. He explained everything that had happened in their house recently and asked Alfred what he should do. Alfred replied that although this Emma girl was no blood relation to him or his son, it was his wife’s daughter. Megan’s half-sister. Whatever the circumstances Warren should swallow his pride and try to make her welcome. For all their sakes.

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Warren saw the truth in Alfred’s words. He heard the loneliness in his voice, he was probably jealous of him having a family at all. He rushed home to apologise to Teresa.

Emma had to come and live with them. He would find a job. The two of them would never have secrets again… somehow they had averted disaster and had come out a stronger couple than ever.

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No. 2The Bailey Family.Warren , Teresa , James and Megan

No. 6Jen Potter and Angus McKirrick

No. 1Trinity and Belladonna Darkstone

No. 5Alfred Hennrick

No. 4Bernice Kasitova and Ambrose Merrihall

No. 3The Williams FamilyMarley, Aimee and Malika

No. 7Ariette and Annette Vickers

Deasil Street

More changes to the Bailey household.

A whole new future opens up for Megan at the Poeson place…

Find out next time on Deasil Street!

Next Time…