What should a Computer Science Intern Learn from Mathematics?


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What should a Computer Science Intern Learn from


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Welcome to All Participants

Prof NB VenkateswarluProfessor, AITAM, Tekkali

[email protected]/nbv

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Let Me first Congratulate all the Organizers.

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Remember I am only going to share my experiences.

I am neither mathematician nor Computer Scientist.

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I got enlightenment about Computer Science after reading the book

Computational Geometry, Preparata, Springer Series.

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Also, I want to remind you I am not going to be a fool by promising that I can talk about whole mathematics useful for Computers.

Only an Iota of it I shall expose.

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According to ACM 2001Committee

A computer Science students should posses a certain level of mathematical sophistication such as:

• Ability to formalize concepts• Work from definition• Think rigorously• Reason correctly• And construct a theory

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Your Intermediate Example on Simple Pendulum

• Why do we draw the line?.• To forecast g value at our place

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Fitting Line – Least Squares Approach

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A Pattern Recognition Problem

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Computer Graphics – Drawing a Line

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An Image Processing Example: IP and CG are


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Examples in Robotics: Kinematics and Dynamics

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Estimating 3D information Two Snaps – Binocular Vision

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Triangulation – A GPS example

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Standard Deviation?. What for?

• Example of Production Process• Analyzing an examination Center• A companies share

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Newton Raphson Method

• Sqrt() function of C language

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What is a Determinant?.

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What are actually Eigen Values and eigen vectors?.

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Minimization Problems

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Childhood Game

A man with Tiger, Goat, and gross packet wanted to cross a river. The boat can carry two people at a time. What are the steps he has to follow?.

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Tower of Honoi

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Queens Problem

Do They Hit each other?.

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Recall “Stallin” Cinema

• If a fellow helps 3 people, and those three helps 3 each, and further they help three more, how many

1+3 + 3*3 + 3*3*3 + 3*3*3*3 + …… 3^r = = ½ * 3^(r+1) -1 If r=16 the sum is 6,45,70,031

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MLM (Multi Level Marketing)

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Deadlocks in Networks

• Same as accidents on Roads

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Search Engineer – To Divert the Internet Traffic to Our Site

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Click Based Charging – AdWords of Google and Yahoo

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Atomic Blasts. What For?.

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Tsunami Warning Systems.

• How many models?. About 120 models.

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