Controller Testing “You’re doing it wrong” Jonathan Mukai-Heidt

Controller Testing: You're Doing It Wrong

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Talk for RubyKaig 2014

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Controller Testing

“You’re doing it wrong”

Jonathan Mukai-Heidt

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Let’s talk controller tests

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Almost no one knows how to test controllers

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Many, many, many different projects

Two years consulting at Pivotal Labs

Kicked around NYC start up scene

Freelance software developer

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Controller Testing Hall of Shame

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Wait, testing… why?

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Catching regressions

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Developing code in isolation!!!

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Driving modular, composable code!!!

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Back to the Hall of Shame

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Stub all the things

describe "#show" do subject { -> { get :show, id: id } } let(:id) { '77' } let(:pizza) { Pizza.new }

context "with an existing pizza" do before { Pizza.should_receive(:find).with(id).and_return(pizza) } it { assigns(:pizza).should == pizza } end

context "with a non-existent pizza" do before { Pizza.should_receive(:find).with(id).and_raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) it { should raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) } endend

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Everything is integration

As a userGiven there is a pepperoni pizzaWhen I visit the pizza index pageAnd I click on "pepperoni"Then I should see the pepperoni pizza

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No tests at all…

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Often the things that really matter are untested

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Controllers often have a “big action” and “small details”

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“Big” concerns should be the same!

Fetch or create/update a resource

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“Small” concerns are actually very important

Require authentication?

Who is authorized?

What formats?

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I was also confused

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One day…

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Rails controllers (+ responders) are awesomely declarative

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What do we really mean when we say declarative

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Imperative / Declarative

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Describe the properties we want

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No logic (really!)

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Imperative“When deleting a user, if the current user is an admin user, then allow the deletion; if the current user is not an admin, do not allow the deletion to finish.”

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Declarative“Only admin users can delete another user.”

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Imperative“When a request for a resource comes in, if the request is for JSON, then fetch the resource and render it from the JSON template; if the request is for HTML, then fetch the resource and render the HTML template; if the request is for another format like PDF, return an error.”

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Declarative“This controller returns a resource represented as JSON or HTML.”

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Ruby is imperative but it lets us write declarative code

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Look at how declarative Rails controllers can be

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# let's us do things like

before_filter :authenticate_user!, except: :show

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# ...or...

before_filter :load_some_model, except: [:new, :index]

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# Using Authority gem

authorize_actions_for SomeResource

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# Using CanCan gem

load_and_authorize_resource :some_resource

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Rails 4 + Responders

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# quickly declare formats

respond_to :html, :json

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def new respond_with(@pizza)end

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def create respond_with(@pizza = Pizza.create(pizza_params))end

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…and so on…

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Little to no logic in controllers

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And this is great!

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But it’s not what 90% of the controllers I come across look like

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Because of muddying these nice declarative controllers with business logic

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Business logic belongs in modelsYou’ve heard this many times already

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What do we really care about in controllers?

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Presence of resourceWhat resource are we working with

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Tests should help us write better code

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Declarative controller? Declarative tests!

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What does it look like in action?

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Shared examples cover the “small” details

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“Big” actions can be simple…

# e.g. a show actionit { should assign(:some_resource) }

# e.g. a create actionit { should change(Pizza, :count).by(+1) }

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describe CommentsController do let(:current_user) { users(:claude) } let(:blog_post) { blog_posts(:top_ten_pizzas) }

describe "#new" do subject { -> { get :new, blog_post_id: blog_post } }

context "with a logged in user" do before { sign_in(:user, current_user) }

it "should not redirect to the login page" do response.should_not be_redirect end end

context "with an unauthenticated user" do it "should redirect to the login page" do response.should be_redirect_to(sign_in_path) end end endend

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Authentication shared example

shared_examples_for "an action that requires a login" do before { sign_out :user } it { should respond_with_redirect_to(sign_in_path) }end

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Authentication shared example in action

describe CommentsController do let(:current_user) { users(:claude) } let(:blog_post) { blog_posts(:top_ten_pizzas) }

before { sign_in(:user, current_user) }

describe "#new" do subject { -> { get :new, blog_post_id: blog_post } }

it_should_behave_like "an action that requires a login" endend

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describe "#create" do subject { -> { post :create, blog_post_id: blog_post, comment: params } }

let(:params) { { body: "What a great post. I loved the part about shared examples." } }

before { sign_in :user, current_user }

context "with an authorized user" do let(:current_user) { users(:bob) }

it "should respond with created" do response.should respond_with 201 end end

context "with an unauthorized user" do let(:current_user) { users(:mallory) }

it "should respond with 404" do response.should respond_with 404 end endend

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“Malicious Mallory”

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Authorization shared example

shared_examples_for "an action that requires authorization" do before { sign_in :user, users(:mallory) } it { should respond_with 404 }end

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Authorization shared example in action

describe "#create" do subject { -> { post :create, blog_post_id: blog_post, comment: params } }

let(:params) { { body: "What a great post. I loved the part about shared examples." } }

before { sign_in :user, users(:bob) }

it_should_behave_like "a non-navigation action that requires a login" it_should_behave_like "an action that requires authorization"end

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Presence of Resource

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Presence shared example

shared_examples_for "an action that requires" do |*resources| resources.each do |resource| context "with an invalid or missing #{resource}" do let(resource) { double(to_param: "does-not-exist", reload: nil) } it { should respond_with 404 } end endend

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Presence shared example in action

describe PizzaController do describe "#show" do subject { -> { get :show, id: pizza, format: format } } let(:pizza) { pizzas(:pepperoni) }

it_should_behave_like "an action that requires", :pizza endend

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Response shared example

shared_examples_for "an action that returns" do |*acceptable_formats| acceptable_formats.each do |acceptable_format| context "expecting a response in #{acceptable_format} format" do let(:format) { acceptable_format } it { should_not respond_with_status(:not_acceptable) } end end

(%i(html js json xml csv) - acceptable_formats.collect(&:to_sym)).each do |unacceptable_format| context "expecting a response in #{unacceptable_format} format" do let(:format) { unacceptable_format } it { should respond_with_status(:not_acceptable) } end endend

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Response shared example in action

describe CommentsController do let(:current_user) { users(:claude) } let(:blog_post) { blog_posts(:top_ten_pizzas) } let(:format) { :html }

before { sign_in :user, current_user }

describe "#show" do subject { -> { get :show, id: comment, format: format } } let(:comment) { blog_post.comments.first }

it_should_behave_like "an action that returns", :html end

describe "#create" do subject { -> { post :create, blog_post_id: blog_post, comment: params, format: format } } let(:params) { { body: "What a great post. I loved the part about shared examples." } }

it_should_behave_like "an action that returns", :html, :json endend

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Your test is like a check list

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But what about…Likes/Bookmarks/Ratings

Bulk creates

Merging records

Actions that touch several models

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“Skinny controller, fat model”

Ever since I began Rails work people have been saying this

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5/6 projects suffer from bloated controllers

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Use it!

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There is no resource too small

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Models are cheap, especially ones not tied to the DB

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An illustrative example

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Password ResetClient wanted to overhaul a legacy password reset workflow

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Suspend your dis-belief, they are not using Devise yet

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Too simple to break out into a model?

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Requirements always change“Ah but wait, we want to tell users if they put in their e-mail wrong.”

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Of course requirements change again“If the user is locked out of their account, we shouldn’t send a password reset.”

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Suddenly, a fat controller

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ActiveModel makes it simple

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Think nouns (resources), not verbs

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HTTP gives you all the verbs you need

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FootworkNo gem!

This will vary from project to project

Figure out how your project will handle these situations

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Hence the controller checklist

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The rewards are great!

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Easier to test

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Drives good design

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Keep controllers simple

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Logic goes in models where it belongs

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No confusion about where things go (bulk creates, likes, etc)

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Uniform controllers == less dev time

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Thanks!Get in touch!

Jonathan Mukai-Heidt



[email protected]