The Gothic Genre Starter Look at the images of these characters and describe them. Give me a full description. For example: Image 1: (Name) This is xxxx. He is the most iconic (famous) vampire. This is a traditional image of xxxxx. You have 10 minutes.

Year 7 Gothic Lesson

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Page 1: Year 7 Gothic Lesson

The Gothic Genre

Starter Look at the images of these characters and describe them. Give me a full description. For example: Image 1: (Name) This is xxxx. He is the most iconic (famous) vampire. This is a traditional image of xxxxx.

You have 10 minutes.

Page 2: Year 7 Gothic Lesson

The Gothic Genre

Who are these characters? Describe them.

Image 1 Image 2

Image 3 Image 4

Page 3: Year 7 Gothic Lesson

The Gothic Genre

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

By the end of this lesson you will be able to…

• Introduce you to the theme of vampires.

• To understand how you are going to build your Gothic story.

• Add more words to your Gothic glossary.

Page 4: Year 7 Gothic Lesson

The Gothic Genre


What I would like to do is to focus on the theme of Vampires, creating a short story in the style of diary entries which we will then work on adapting into an


Page 5: Year 7 Gothic Lesson

The Gothic Genre

Task 1

Let’s watch 3 short clips of Vampires and their Hunters through the ages.

In your exercise book, make notes on what you notice about the characteristics these Vampires and Hunters


Be as descriptive as you can. This will help when you start to plan your own character and story.

Page 6: Year 7 Gothic Lesson

The Gothic Genre

Clip 1


This is Nosferatu. The original 1922 movie.

What do you notice about the main character and his hunters?

Write your discoveries in your exercise books.

Page 8: Year 7 Gothic Lesson

The Gothic Genre

Clip 3 http://www.theguardian.com/film/video/2012/nov/14/twiligh


This is The Twilight Saga, Breaking Dawn, Part 2 from 2012.

Again, what do you notice about these Vampires and

their Hunters?

Write your discoveries in your exercise books.

Page 9: Year 7 Gothic Lesson

The Gothic Genre

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

By the end of this lesson you will be able to…

• Introduce you to the theme of vampires.

• To understand how you are going to build your Gothic story.

• Add more words to your Gothic glossary.

Page 10: Year 7 Gothic Lesson

The Gothic Genre

We are slowly starting to build up our knowledge of Vampires, their Hunters and the sort of detail required to create our Gothic story. We are going to create our story in steps, and create part of the story each lesson. This is so that we will be able to create brilliant pieces of work that reflect your intelligence and how much effort you have put in.

Page 11: Year 7 Gothic Lesson

The Gothic Genre

Task 1

You need to decide whether you are going to write as a vampire or the hunter

You can choose to either:

Write your diary entries as if you’re the vampire.

Write your diary entries as if you’re the vampire hunter.

Page 12: Year 7 Gothic Lesson

The Gothic Genre

Task 1

If you’re going to present your ideas in the form of a diary from the perspective of the vampire, you’re going to need to include information about both your character and a vampire hunter. If you’re going to present your ideas in the form of a diary from the perspective of the vampire hunter, you’re going to need to include information about both your character and a vampire.

Page 13: Year 7 Gothic Lesson

The Gothic Genre

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

By the end of this lesson you will be able to…

• Introduce you to the theme of vampires.

• To understand how you are going to build your Gothic story.

• Add more words to your Gothic glossary.

Page 14: Year 7 Gothic Lesson

The Gothic Genre


Using the template I have given you, start to ‘storyboard’ (plan) your story. This needs to have structure and each part of your

story needs to have a connection.

This will NOT be your final plan. We will be looking at how we will be structuring your story in our next lesson and therefore your plan

may change! This is not unusual for writers who always look to improve their work.

Remember to use some of the key terms and features you have

seen and learnt so far.

Homework due by XXth November 2013

Page 15: Year 7 Gothic Lesson

The Gothic Genre


In pairs, write down in your exercise books how vampires have changed over the last century.

Also, remember to add any new words you have learnt

today into your glossary.