Women’s role in Sami culture

Women's role in sami culture

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  1. 1. Womens role in Sami culture
  2. 2. ~ Origins ~ Indigenous group called Finno-Ugric inhabiting the Artic area of Sapmi. Northernmost indigenous people of Europe Traditional languages classified as the Uralic language family Pursued a variety of lifehoods
  3. 3. ~ Marriage ceremonies ~ Men need to follow guidelines to marry a Sami woman. Reindeers were given as wedding presents or the wifes dowry. It was believed that reindeers affected every aspect of life.
  4. 4. ~ Place in society ~ Women have a lot power. Primary caretakers Sami culture contains a matriarchal element. They contribute to their familys survival.
  5. 5. Sami feminist movement Female reindeer herders wanted to have the same rights as their male counterparts. Many women refused to identify themselves as feminists. Creation of Sarahkka in 1988. The Saami womens movement has examined gender equality and indigenous political issues. Saami women are active in the media and political arenas.
  6. 6. ~ Religion ~ Christianity is the cause of Sami women oppression. Teaches women to subjugate Sami women held at a low esteem because of Christianity The importance of Sami women was noticeable in the Sami shamanistic religion, before Christianity arrived. He had only been a good Christian so long as his livehood with Dr. Meers depended on it" "these people called Christians taught that a man must marry only one wife." SOURCE Emecheta, Buchi. "A Man Needs Many Wives." The Joys of Motherhood: A Novel. New York: G. Braziller, 1979. 224. Print.
  7. 7. Religious rites and ceremonies Most important rites in the Sami culture are based on bear ceremonies. Bears are thought to have a heavenly origin. They were sacrificed and a feast was organized to celebrate its killing. The skull of the bear was preserved and holds a symbolic aspect. Many small dramas were connected with Ob Ugrian bears.
  8. 8. Prayer session at church Traditional Sami baptism
  9. 9. ~ Gender roles ~ Traditionally: Men were responsible for herding, hunting, making boats sleds and tools. Women cooked, made clothing and thread and cure meat. Modernization has caused the womens loss of power in the family. ''One thing was sure : he gained the respecct and even the fear of Nnu Ego." SOURCE Emecheta, Buchi. "A Man Needs Many Wives." The Joys of Motherhood: A Novel. New York: G. Braziller, 1979. 224. Print.
  10. 10. Effects of modernization Refers to: Norwegianization, Christian influences, and a loss of traditional Saami culture. Women were the most affected by the change to a mainstream society. Women were forced to quit most of their activities
  11. 11. Dress code
  12. 12. Pictures of women
  13. 13. Traditional Sami women clothing
  14. 14. ~ Sources ~ Sami woman. http://www2.robertharding.com/preview/RM/RH/VERTICAL/775-553.jpg, N.p, N.d Web. 05 May 2015 Sami woman.Digital image. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/JkOklBhxQ9w/UXgRLYbOYeI/AAAAAAAAAmA/lq_X3z0kz_8/s160 0/Sami+People.jpg, N.p, N.d Web. 05 May 2015 Traditional clothes.Digital image. https://fr.pinterest.com/briankesinger/sami/, N.p, N.d Web. 05 May 2015 Sami map. Digital image. https://s-media-cache- ak0.pinimg.com/736x/8e/44/a3/8e44a3cf8c7e0671538d3cfa0c256570.jpg, N.p, N.d Web. 05 May 2015 Sami reindeers. http://i.imgur.com/SMALF.jpg, N.p, N.d Web. 05 May 2015 Sami woman.Digital image. http://www.mooncalendarblog.co.uk/wp- content/uploads/2013/03/wpid-Photo-20-Jul-2010-1838.jpgN.p, N.d Web. 05 May 2015 Sami origins.Digital image. https://fr.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=sami%20origins, N.p, N.d Web. 05 May 2015 Sami origins. Digital image. https://fr.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=sami%20origins, N.p, N.d Web. 05 May 2015 Sami origins. Digital image. https://fr.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=sami%20origins, N.p, N.d Web. 05 May 2015 Sami origins. Digital image. https://fr.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=sami%20origins, N.p, N.d Web. 05 May 2015 Sami origins. Digital image. https://fr.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=sami%20origins, N.p, N.d Web. 05 May 2015 Sami origins. Digital image. https://fr.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=sami%20origins, N.p, N.d Web. 05 May 2015 Sami origins. Digital image. https://fr.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=sami%20origins, N.p, N.d Web. 05 May 2015 Sami religion. Digital image. https://fr.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=sami+religion, N.p, N.d Web. 05 May 2015 Sami religion. Digital image. https://fr.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=sami+religion, N.p, N.d Web. 05 May 2015 Sami religion. Digital image. https://fr.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=sami+religion, N.p, N.d Web. 05 May 2015 Sami religion. Digital image. https://fr.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=sami+religion, N.p, N.d Web. 05 May 2015 Sami religion. Digital image. https://fr.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=sami+religion, N.p, N.d Web. 05 May 2015 Sami origins. Digital image. https://fr.pinterest.com/briankesinger/sami/, N.p, N.d Web. 05 May 2015 Sami origins. Digital image. https://fr.pinterest.com/briankesinger/sami/, N.p, N.d Web. 05 May 2015 Sami origins. Digital image. https://fr.pinterest.com/briankesinger/sami/, N.p, N.d Web. 05 May 2015