With Davy the DOG Chelsey Gibson Hey Guys! Are you ready to see what you really know? Let’s GO!

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With Davy the DOG

Chelsey Gibson

Hey Guys! Are you ready to see what you really know? Let’s GO!

Alright, I want you to give me the name of this animal and the class it came from. Get Ready Get SET. Start THINKING!

Alright, Let’s see if you can name this one. Go ahead and give it a try!

GOOD JOB! Now, Let’s see if you can get this one! It’s kind of Hard!

GEE, you guys are really good! This one is super hard, GOOD LUCK!

WOW! How did you guys know that one? I don’t know if there are any more questions I can ask you, because you answered my hardest one! Let’s do two more and see if you can finish the game with all of them right.

Hey, look it’s my little brother DONNY! He’s so cute! Anyways, you know the drill; what is he and what class did he come from?

GREAT JOB, GUYS! Now, let’s introduce something new: Graphs! Graphs are a away of recording data and can be used with the animal models you have been using! Take a look!