Weather Forecast ing

Weather: my report in earth science

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Page 1: Weather: my report in earth science

Weather Forecasti


Page 2: Weather: my report in earth science

Weather *Is a term that encompasses phenomena in the atmosphere of a planet. *It is also normally taken to mean the activity of these phenomena over short periods of time usually no more than a few days.

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To produce a short-range forecast is indeed a big task involving the four steps. Included in these are:ObservationCollection and Transmission of Weather DataPlotting and Analysis of Weather DataPrognosis or Forecast

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*From the weather patterns, a number of methods are used to know the future state of atmosphere, a job called weather forecasting.

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FORECAST? (weather forecasting)

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A weather forecasting is

simply a scientific

estimate of future weather


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*Weather condition is the state of the atmosphere at a given time expressed in terms of the most significant weather variables. *The significant weather variables being forecast differ from place to place.

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*In forecasting the weather, a Meteorologist must at least know something about the existing weather condition over a large area before he can make a reliable forecast. *The accuracy of his forecast depends largely upon his knowledge of the prevailing weather conditions over a very wide area.

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*The forecast decision is based on various forecasting tools. *The basic tool of weather forecaster is the WEATHER MAP.

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*The WEATHER MAP depicts the distribution patterns of atmospheric pressure, wind, temperature and humidity at the different levels of the atmosphere. *There are two types of the basic weather map namely: the surface map and the upper – air maps.

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Five standard level/steps of the upper air maps that are constructed twice daily at twelve -hourly interval.

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*Observation*Collection and Transmission of Weather Data*Plotting and Analysis of weather Data*Analysis of Weather Maps, Satellite and Radar Imageries and Other Data /Prognosis or forecast*Formulation of Forecast

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Plotting and Analysis Of Weather Data

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Analysis Of Weather Maps, Satellite And Radar Imageries And Other Data/Prognosis or Forecast

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Formulation Of The Forecast

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*The surface maps are made four times daily at twelve- hourly interval. The distribution patterns of rain or other forms of precipitation and cloudiness can also be delineated.

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Numerical Weather

Prediction*Is the science of predicting the weather using “models” of the atmosphere and computational techniques.

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TECHNIQUES *Persistence *Use of a barometer*Looking at the sky*Now casting *Use of forecast models *Analog techniques

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Weather Elements:

*Temperature *Atmospheric Humidity*Atmospheric Pressure*Wind

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Weather Instruments:

*Temperature thermometerMinimum thermometerThermographThermometer Shelter or Screen

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Atmospheric Pressure:

*BarometerMercurial barometerAneroid barometer

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Surface Wind Velocity and Direction:

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Wind vane (weather vane) AnemometerAerovaneSling-psychrometerhygrothermograph

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*Hygrometer*Precipitation*Rain Gauge*clouds

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Special Instruments to Measure Upper-

Air Data:

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*Pibal/Theodolite (Pilot Balloon Theodolite)*Radiosonde*Wind-finding radar*Weather surveillance radar*Satellite imagery

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Weather Satellite Data: Modern

Tool for Weather Analysis

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*Polar-Obtaining Satellites*Geostationary Meteorological Satellite (GMS)

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What Causes


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