VISUAL INVENTORY Tianyu Wu April 12, 2015

Visual inventory

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VISUAL INVENTORY Tianyu Wu April 12, 2015


To create a well website, there are three mainpoints need to focus, which are concept, color andtone.In this presentation, there are several exampleswill be provided to design.

1. Concept

Concept is the main point in a website, a goodwebsite need to capture the user’s attention. Agood concept is divided to nice navigation,appropriate background image, and the clearstructure of the website. There are severalExamples to show them.


A clear navigationand unique websitestyle is necessary, thenavigation and styleare simple andinteresting, it candraw more attentionto the website, andalso easy to follow.


A nice background image can let the visitor easily to know the concept of thewebsite, also can increase the beauty of the website. A nice look of the website,also can increase customer’s interest to visit the website.


There is an examplefor a online-shoppingwebsite, it is a reallynice structure, A nicestructure can help thecustomer easily to findwhat they want. It isalso can let thecustomer like to visitthe website.

2. Color

Color is necessary and must be careful for the site design.In my part, there are decisions for me to choose dark or lightcolor. Color is the basic part in the site design. Choose a niceColor can increase a lot for the site design.


A dark color, such asthis one, it is clear andsimple, the dark coloris calm, and easy todesign.


A light color, such asthis website, it is clearlyand bright, light colorcan bring positiveattitude for people, thelight color can makepeople more like to read.


Multicolor is also a goodchoice for use, such ascartoon or children’swebsite, it is moreinteresting and funny.

3. Tone

Tone is important for a website, a good tone will let the visitor more likely to visit. It is can also make the site look playful, comfortable and contemporary.


There is a niceexample forcoffee website,the tone for thisis pretty well, thetone like coffee,so the toneshould has somerelationship withthe content.


Such tone like this is also well, it is beautiful and comfortable, it can be used as a somewhatserious and informative tone.


This example is uselight design, theheader is a logo witha creative tagline, andalso have nicestructure todemonstrate thecontent.


All in all, there are three important parts in website, which is concept, color and tone,If can deal with them and design well, the website will be beautiful and nice.