WILLIAM V.S. TUBMAN UNIVERSITY Tubman Town, MARYLAND COUNTY MAILING: P.O. BOX 3570 HARPER, MARYLAND COUNTY, REPUBLIC OF LIBERIA, WEST AFRICA Monrovia Office: 15 th & Tubman Boulevard, Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.tubmanu.edu.lr Office of the President TO: Tubman University Community FROM: Elizabeth Davis-Russell, EdD, PhD President and Professor SUBJ: Update Date: December 23, 2014 As Liberia combats the deadly Ebola virus, it is my hope that you are all safe and doing well in your individual activities. On behalf of the University administration, may I also extend to you warmest Season’s greetings; and to update you of happenings at the University towards the resumption of academic activities. Tubman University (TU) as part of a delegation of the Association of Liberian Universities (ALU) has been in consultation with the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Health to have universities reopened in early 2015. As part of this effort a meeting with H.E. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf- President of the Republic of Liberia is being scheduled. It is anticipated that a definite time for reopening will be determined in the meeting with Her Excellency President Johnson-Sirleaf. While we await the clearance from the GOL to reopen, TU as an institution has already developed several documents towards reopening. The documents are to guide our activities and protect our community from the Ebola virus when school resumes. Attached I am transmitting these documents for your awareness and guidance. Please be informed that the documents were designed based on TU original plan to resume academic activities in January, 2015. As soon as a definite time for reopening is determined, you will be apprised and a revised version of the Academic Calendar and Return Protocol shall be circulated. In view of theses happenings, some personnel/units/departments/divisions are expected to officially return to campus by January 5, 2015 to support planning activities for reopening. Included are: Office of the President; all Vice Presidents; all Deans; all Department Chairpersons; Department of Administration and Campus Operations; Department of Human Resources and Compliance; Department of Finance and Budget; Department of Academic Support Services; Director of Financial Aid; Director of Public and Media Relations; Director for Counseling Services; the University Clinic; and the Director for Institutional Research. Vice Presidents may expand the list by recalling some units/offices/personnel within their divisions that may be crucially needed by this time. Any personnel who is unable to return by the time specified herein should please provide reasons why. Otherwise said personnel would be considered to have abandoned his/her assignment with the University. Thanks.

Update to tu community

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MAILING: P.O. BOX 3570 HARPER, MARYLAND COUNTY, REPUBLIC OF LIBERIA, WEST AFRICA Monrovia Office: 15th & Tubman Boulevard, Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia

EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.tubmanu.edu.lr

Office of the President

TO: Tubman University Community

FROM: Elizabeth Davis-Russell, EdD, PhD

President and Professor

SUBJ: Update

Date: December 23, 2014

As Liberia combats the deadly Ebola virus, it is my hope that you are all safe and doing well in your

individual activities. On behalf of the University administration, may I also extend to you warmest

Season’s greetings; and to update you of happenings at the University towards the resumption of

academic activities.

Tubman University (TU) as part of a delegation of the Association of Liberian Universities (ALU) has

been in consultation with the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Health to have

universities reopened in early 2015. As part of this effort a meeting with H.E. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf-

President of the Republic of Liberia is being scheduled. It is anticipated that a definite time for

reopening will be determined in the meeting with Her Excellency President Johnson-Sirleaf.

While we await the clearance from the GOL to reopen, TU as an institution has already developed

several documents towards reopening. The documents are to guide our activities and protect our

community from the Ebola virus when school resumes. Attached I am transmitting these documents

for your awareness and guidance. Please be informed that the documents were designed based on

TU original plan to resume academic activities in January, 2015. As soon as a definite time for

reopening is determined, you will be apprised and a revised version of the Academic Calendar and

Return Protocol shall be circulated.

In view of theses happenings, some personnel/units/departments/divisions are expected to officially

return to campus by January 5, 2015 to support planning activities for reopening. Included are:

Office of the President; all Vice Presidents; all Deans; all Department Chairpersons; Department of

Administration and Campus Operations; Department of Human Resources and Compliance;

Department of Finance and Budget; Department of Academic Support Services; Director of Financial

Aid; Director of Public and Media Relations; Director for Counseling Services; the University Clinic;

and the Director for Institutional Research. Vice Presidents may expand the list by recalling some

units/offices/personnel within their divisions that may be crucially needed by this time. Any

personnel who is unable to return by the time specified herein should please provide reasons why.

Otherwise said personnel would be considered to have abandoned his/her assignment with the

