LESSON PLAN 9 1st version School: EP N° 27 Class: 6th year (EPB) Teacher: Vanina Falleni Trainee teacher: Wanda Fernandez Theme: People and possessions Lesson objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: To talk about possession. (Yes/no questions) Date: Thursday, 24th September. Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Alternative Language Skills Resource s Warm Up The teacher says: Hello! How are you? What´s the weather like today? Yes, it is cold. And is it sunny? Yes, it is sunny. What day is today? Fine, thank you. It is ……… Fine? So so? Is it cold? Is it hot? Is it cloudy? Is it Tuesday? Is it Wednesday? Oral Speaking Blackboa rd and chalk

Unit 4-lesson-7-interrogative

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Page 1: Unit 4-lesson-7-interrogative


1st version

School: EP N° 27

Class: 6th year (EPB)

Teacher: Vanina Falleni

Trainee teacher: Wanda Fernandez

Theme: People and possessions

Lesson objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

● To talk about possession. (Yes/no questions)

Date: Thursday, 24th September.

Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Alternative Language Skills Resources

Warm Up The teacher says: Hello! How are you?

What´s the weather like today?Yes, it is cold. And is it sunny?Yes, it is sunny.What day is today? Pointing to a calendarWhat month?Yes, it is September

So, Today is Thursday, 24th September.

Fine, thank you.

It is ………


Fine?So so?

Is it cold? Is it hot?

Is it cloudy?

Is it Tuesday? Is it Wednesday?

June, July, August?Good

Oral Speaking

Blackboard and chalk

Page 2: Unit 4-lesson-7-interrogative

Writing on the blackboard.

Link in Ok, let’s see.What did we see last class?Look at page 30.Do you remember this text? (pointing at the text given the previous class)What is it about?

Hablaba sobre lo que tenían los personajes.

¿Qué vimos la clase pasada?


Oral Speaking

Copies and book

Meeting new Language

Teacher gives students a copy with a text which has interrogative sentences about what the footprints’ characters have got.

Teacher points at the text in the copy

Have a look. What do you think the text is about?And, Is it a story or a dialogue?

Listen.(Teacher reads aloud the text.)

Listen again and underline the objects.

(Teacher reads the text again.)

Parece que hace preguntas sobre lo que tienen los personajes del libro

Es un diálogo..


Yes, a dialogue.



Noticing Teacher writes the following sentences on the board: ¿Tenemos que copiar, seño? No.

Oral Speaking

Blackboard and chalk

Page 3: Unit 4-lesson-7-interrogative

Have you got a watch?Yes, I have

Have you got a Frisbee?No, I haven’t.Has Emily got a camera?Yes, she has.

Has Sam got a camera?No, he hasn’t.

Has Rusty got a torch?No, he hasn’t

Teacher points at the question mark and she asks students: is it affirmative, negative, or a question?

What’s the difference between Has got and have got?Are these sentences different?What’s the difference?Why?

Estamos preguntando, seño.

El has got lo usamos cuando preguntamos con she, he y it y el have got cuando preguntamos con you.

El has got lo usamos para preguntar con la tercera persona.

Y ¿sobre qué estamos hablando?


Cuál es la diferencia entre has got y have got?

Very good!

Experimenting (Teacher gives students a copy to work in their folders) (see activity 1 and 2 below)

ACTIVITY 1Work in pairs.Answer the questions which appears in the activity.Ask you partner about what

¿Qué tenemos que hacer? Speaking and writing


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he/she has got.Write the answers in your copy.

Then, start with ACTIVITY 2Answer the questions.

Teachers corrects orally and asks for the students’ copies to be hanged in before the lesson finishes.T says: please give your copies. Write your name and surname in them.

¿Completamos la actividad respondiendo con las respuestas que escribió en el pizarrón?

¿Tenemos que entregar las fotocopias?

Tienen que responder las preguntas de la actividad de la forma en que estuvimos viendo en el pizarrón.


Have you finished?We correct the activity in five minutes, ok?



Round Up What have we done today?

Well, go on working next class.

See you on Tuesday! Have a nice weekend!Bye bye.

Bye byeVery good!


Oral Speaking

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1st version

School: EP N° 27

Class: 6th year (EPB)

Teacher: Vanina Falleni

Trainee teacher: Wanda Fernandez

Theme: People and possessions

Lesson objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

● To identify owners of possessions.

Date: Tuesday, 29th September.

Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Alternative Language Skills Resources

Warm Up The teacher says: Hello! How are you?

What´s the weather like today?Yes, it is cold. And is it sunny?Yes, it is sunny.What day is today? Pointing to a calendarWhat month?Yes, it is September.

So, Today is Tuesday, 29th September.Writing on the blackboard.

Fine, thank you.

It is Tuesday


Fine?So so?

Is it cold? Is it hot?

Is it cloudy?

Is it Monday? Is it Tuesday? Is it Wednesday?

June, July, August?Good

Oral Speaking

Blackboard and chalk

Page 8: Unit 4-lesson-7-interrogative

Link in Ok, let’s see.What did we see last class?Look at page 30.Do you remember this text? (pointing at the text given the previous class)What is it about?

Hablaba sobre lo que tenían los personajes.

¿Qué vimos la clase pasada?


Oral Speaking

Copies and book

Meeting new Language

Teacher gives students a copy with a text.

Teacher points at the text in the copy

Have a look. What do you think the texts are about?And, are they stories or dialogues?

Listen.(Teacher reads aloud the text.)

Listen again and underline the objects.

(Teacher reads the text again.)

Seño, hay dos textos. Uno habla sobre un chico –Oliver- y el otro sobre una chica –Daisy-.

Son dos historias..


Yes, they are stories.



Noticing Teacher writes the following sentences on the board:

1. Whose is the Frisbee?It’s Oliver’s.

2. Whose is the

¿Tenemos que copiar, seño? No. Oral Speaking

Blackboard and chalk

Page 9: Unit 4-lesson-7-interrogative

computer?It’s Daisy’s.

3. Whose are the stickers?They´re Oliver’s.

4. Whose are the key kings?They’re Daisy’s.

Teacher points at the question mark and she asks students: is it affirmative, negative, or a question?

Look at sentences again.

What’s the difference between question 1-2 and 3-4?

Are these sentences different?What’s the difference?Why?

Estamos preguntando, seño.

Pregunta de quien el frisbee y responde que es de Oliver.

Las dos primeras empiezan con It’s y las dos que le siguen con They’re.

El It’s lo usamos para preguntar en singular y el they’re para preguntar en plural.

Y ¿sobre qué estamos hablando?


Very good!

Cuál es la diferencia entre It’s and they’re?

Very good!

Experimenting Teacher says “now, let´s play a game. I will call a student at the front of the class and he or she will pick up a flashcard from a pile. Then, he/she shows it to the rest of the class.

Teacher asks students: Whose is the….?

¿Qué tenemos que hacer?

El lápiz es de …… Good!

Speaking and writing


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Whose are the ….. ?

Then, teacher gives students a copy to work in their folders. (see activity 1 below)

ACTIVITY 1Answer the questions which appears in the activity.Write the answers in your copy.

Teachers corrects orally and asks for the students’ copies to be hanged in before the lesson finishes.T says: please give your copies. Write your name and surname in them.

It’s ……/ they’re (name)´s.

¿Completamos la actividad respondiendo con las respuestas que escribió en el pizarrón?

¿Tenemos que entregar las fotocopias?

Recuerden que decimos el nombre con el apóstrofe al final para indicar pertenencia.

Very good

Tienen que responder las preguntas de la actividad de la forma en que estuvimos viendo en el pizarrón.Yes!

Have you finished?We correct the activity in five minutes, ok?



Round Up What have we done today?

Well, go on working next class.

See you on Thursday! Bye bye.

Usamos el Whose para preguntar sobre las pertenencias.

Vimos como preguntar en singular y plural.

Bye bye


Very good!

Oral Speaking


Page 11: Unit 4-lesson-7-interrogative

FINAL TASK1st version

School: EP N° 27

Class: 6th year (EPB)

Teacher: Vanina Falleni

Trainee teacher: Wanda Fernandez

Theme: People and possessions

Lesson objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1-  Talk about people´s possessions2-  Produce a short text about people’s possessions.

Date: Thursday, 1st October.

Stage Teacher´s activities Students´activities Alternative Language Skills Resources

Warm up The teacher says: Hello!How are you?

What’s the weather like today?Yes, it is cold. And is it sunny?Yes, it is sunny.What day is today? Pointing at a calendarYes, it is Thursday2nd. What month?So, it is Thursday, 1st OctoberWriting on the blackboard.

Fine, thank you.

It is Thursday.


Fine?So so?

Is it cold? Is it hot?Is it cloudy?

Is it Tuesday? Is it Wednesday? Is it Thursday?  July? August? September?



Link-in Ok. What did we talk about last class?Open your folders, please look at this. Teacher writes on the blackboard.

De los objetos que tienen o no tienen las personas

De las pertenencias de las personas.


Very good!

Oral Chalk and blackboard

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People’s possessions

Integration Teacher shows pictures of famous people, and says to the students:Look, what can you see?Who is this person?And this one?

Teacher explains to students what they have to do:Well, you are going to work in groups of four, each group has a sheet of paper, a picture, and markers.

You will describe the famous person in the picture you get: What do you think he or she has got? You can refer to his / her possessions.Then you write a short description on the paper and stick the picture.

At the end of the activity, you will vote which for the best poster prepare in the class.

You have twenty minutes to finish, ok?

Lionel Messi señoJustin Biever

¿Tenemos que hacer un afiche sobre el famoso que nos tocó?

¿Tenemos que comprar afiches?

¿Podemos usar las fibras que tenemos?

¿Tenemos que inventar que cosas tienen o que sabemos que tienen?

¿Qué tenemos que escribir?

¿Vamos a votar cuál es el mejor poster?

Veinte minutos



No, yo traje papeles afiche para que puedan armar los posters.

Yes, you can

Ambos, pueden decir si saben o pueden inventar.

Tienen que contar que objeto/cosa tiene el o la l famoso/famosa que les tocó.

Yes, good!

Yes, exactly.



Coloured papers, markers, pictures, glue

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Have you finished? Hurry up.

Teacher asks each group to show their posters and share what they have written.

Then students vote for the best poster. The winner group is clapped.

After this, teacher says: Let’s play a guessing game: Now, one student of each group will choose a famous person from the posters and you will ask him/her questions to guess if he or she has got the objects you have asked.

What can you ask me?

Let’s startI will answer Yes, he/she has got or No, he/she hasn’t got.

Seño estamos terminando

¿Vas a elegir otro famoso?

¿Le tenemos que hacer preguntas sobre lo que le gusta y lo que no le gusta?

Usábamos el has gotPreguntábamos diciendo Has he/she got……?

También usamos el whose para preguntar de quien eran los objetos. Usamos whose is the ….? cuando era singular y whose are the….? cuando era plural.

Vamos terminando.

Uno de los integrantes de cada grupo va elegir entre uno de los famosos que ustedes describieron y ustedes tienen que hacerle preguntas para adivinar de quién se trata.


Good!¿Cómo preguntaban si tienen tal o cual objeto?

Y si quiero preguntar que quien es tal objeto, ¿qué uso?

Very good!


What have we done today?

Well, we go on working next class.See you on Tuesday!Have a nice weekend and study for the test, bye!

Describimos a los famosos usando el has got y hasn’t got para contar que tenían. O de quien eran los objetos.

Hablamos de su comida favorita. Trabajamos con preguntas y respuestas usando el has he/she got?

Bye, bye!



Very good!


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Page 15: Unit 4-lesson-7-interrogative

WRITTEN TEST1st version

School: EP N° 27

Class: 6th year (EPB)

Teacher: Vanina Falleni

Trainee teacher: Wanda Fernandez

Theme: People and possessions

Lesson objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

● Use the structures taught during the development of Unit 4 (have / has got in affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences; whose is/are the…?)

Date: Tuesday, 6th, October.

Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Alternative Language Skills ResourcesWarm Up The teacher says: Hello!

How are you?What’s the weather like today?Yes, it is cold. And is it sunny?Yes, it is sunny.What day is today? Pointing at a calendarYes, it is Tuesday What month?So, it is Tuesday, 6th, OctoberWriting on the blackboard.

Fine, thank you.

It is Tuesday.


Fine?So so?

Is it cold? Is it hot?Is it cloudy?

Is it Tuesday? Is it Wednesday? Is it Thursday?  July? August? September?



Link in Ok, Can you remember what we saw the previous classes?

Usamos el verbo have got para hablar de pertenencia, para hablar de lo que tenemos o no tenemos y practicamos el has got con los famosos para decir que tenían o no y el whose para preguntar de quién era una cosa.


Very Good!

Oral Speaking

Integration Teacher gives each student a ¿Podemos hacerlo con lápiz? Yes, you can. Written tests,

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written test to solve the activities individually. Then she explains what they have to do in each point.

Teacher reads aloud the information that students need to solve activity 5:Listen to me and put in order pictures A, B and C. Which is number 1, number 2 and number 3.

1. Tom has got a mobile phone and postcards but he hasn’t got a watch.

2. Susan has got a camera and a MP3 player but she hasn’t got a kite..

3. Anna has got a Frisbee and stickers but she hasn’t got stamps

Then she tell sts that the tests must be finished at quarter to four.

¿Podemos empezar por la actividad que nos resulte más fácil?

¿Qué tenemos que hacer donde están las caritas?


Yes, you can

Escuchen lo que leo y numeren debajo de las imágenes el orden que corresponde.


pens, pencils and erasers.

Reflecting What have we done today?

Well, see you next Thursday, bye bye!

Hicimos el examen de repaso de los temas que estuvimos trabajando con la profe Carla y vos.Bye bye!

Good! OralSpeaking