OCR – Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media Unit 30: UK Media Publishing Harrison Cole Candidate number- 2030 Centre number- 64135

Unit 30- UK Media Publishing

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Page 1: Unit 30- UK Media Publishing


Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media

Unit 30:

UK Media Publishing

Harrison ColeCandidate number- 2030Centre number- 64135

Page 2: Unit 30- UK Media Publishing

Content Slide LO1• Ownership structure – 5• Associated Products -6• Operating model – 7 • Rock sounds publisher-8• Rock sounds production process-9• Advertising in Rock Sound – 10• Product advertising and distribution- 11• Website analysis- 12 • Focus product- 13• Social media Rock sound-14• Meanings front cover- 15• Meanings DPS-16-17

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Content Slide LO1• Contents page -18• Form and Style- 19• News and regular features in Rock Sound- 20• Colour scheme- 21• Content of the magazine-22-23 • Audience Theories- 24• Section 2 Newspapers – 25• Free sheet Metro- 26• Broadsheet Daily Telegraph - 27• Tabloid The sun- 28- 49

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Ownership structure This company is part of a group called ‘Open company’. Open company is a group that help promote company's. They do this by advertising them on there website and by putting them on the social media websites. This way people will know about the publish company. The company first started the publishing 15 years ago. The publishing company is a private limited company so therefore has a ownership structure from the secretary to the directors. The company has different nationality’s working for the company. Some of the employees are British and some are French. The company is local and not global, according to the website they don’t have a sister company as well. The rock sound magazines website has been made by a company called sonic group. They are a company that provide company's with a high quality websites. Rock Sound paid the sonic group to do their website.

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Associated products

Sonic Publishing publish other Music magazines of similar genres of music. As you can see from the screen shot of the website it shows the other magazines they publish. One magazine being called “Rock louder” which is very similar to “ Rock Dance”. This is also a magazine that gets published once a month.

Source: http://www.sonicpublishing.co.uk/titles/

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Operating model

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Rock Sounds Publisher

• Free Way Press inc and editor Ben Patashnik distributing through out the UK which is published monthly.

Source: www.pressgazette.co.uk/node/47199

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Distribution Date of publication

Editorial and budgetary decision The company will decide what will go into the magazine. This a good chance to think about who will feature in the magazine. They can decide who to interview and what the necessary budgets are. They will also plan several issues ahead.

Managing the scheduleThe company sits down and discusses the schedule for when the dates of certain parts of the magazine has to be completed by. This way the company can have a good idea of when they need to have information and interview done for the magazine. This also gives the company a good structure to the work they need to produce for the rock sound magazine.

Content AcquisitionThis step is considered to be important as this will make an impact of the buyer. They will look at the graphics before they start reading so they need to make sure that the magazine looks presentable. The illustration will be put at its best as they will make the magazine look very professional and therefore make a lot of money

Sub-editing In this step they will brush up the finishing touches to the rest of the steps. Meaning they will make sure that everything is spelt correctly. They will also make sure that the grammar and the punctuation is correct.

Page Layout This is where they make sure that they know where they are going to put everything that they have worked on in the magazine. For example they will work on where they are going to place the advertisement and the pictures.

Proof readingThis will test all the other stages for how the magazine will look as the first copy will be printed out so that they can see if the magazine is able to be read correctly. If there is a problem they can then open the documents and then change what they need to so the magazine can be read easily without any errors.

File emailed to printer Once they have checked what they need to check they will print of a few more copies and then send them of to the editor, they will then be checked again and sent back to say they are okay before they print thousands of copies.

This is the final step of publishing the magazines, the magazines will be packaged then sent of to the warehouse where the copies will then be delivered to the shops where people will then buy the magazines.


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Advertising in Rock Sound

The magazine promotes the fashion company ‘Fashionably Great’, to buy a jacket from this magazine would cost £100. The leather jackets they sell stereotypically relate to the rock genre. Rock sound advertise mainly clothing with printed shirts of the bands that they feature in the magazine. This way the magazine knows that they are promoting products to the right target audience.

Here we have the cost of products for a monthly subscription. They charge £37.99 for a month. They sell around 14,000 subscriptions a year.

Source: http://www.rocksound.tv/

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Product Advertising and Distribution Rock Sound magazine can be found advertised in several different subscription websites. The subscription websites advertise different music magazines all over the country. You can find the magazine in the category section under rock. There is a screenshot example of how the subscription websites advertise the magazine. It gives you the full details about the magazine such as, the price and publication date. The website also gives the customers reviews of the magazines and rates the magazine using stars to identify how good the magazine is. The image is bold and shows the whole front cover of the magazine to catch the customers eye just like it would do on the supermarket. They have also made the price of the magazine bold to show how good the value of the magazine really is.

Source: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/rock-sound-magazine-for-very/id634889531?mt=8

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Website analysis • The rock sound music

magazine has the perfect website for finding out when the latest gigs are. They are presented underneath the navigation bar. The navigation bar gives you many features such as looking at all their new videos and photos that they keep in their gallery of all the bands that they feature in their magazine. Reviews and compotation's are also kept in the navigation bar. This is to make the viewers more interested.

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Focus ProductPublisher

• Rock sound magazine had their first published magazine in March 1999. They have been known to have always include a free CD with every magazine that they produce.

• Rock Sound speak exclusively to Gerard Way about the past, the present and the future in the newly published magazine.

• Rock Sound have gone up in sale by 24% year-on-year with 10,218 copies sold.

• The magazine has always have had completion of selling the magazine over Kerrang who sell a similar type of magazine in terms with the type of the rock music which that they aim to publish.

• Source- https://plus.google.com/+rocksound/posts

• Rock Sound Ltd is a Private Limited Company registered on 27 October 1998.

• The institution specialise in publishing of consumer and business journals.

• Patrick Napier is the Head Director of the company.

• Rock Sound LTD are part of a business group called the open company. The open company bring the business that are a part of it to people. So for example they post information o the website about the company's that are part of there group so rock sound become better known.



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Social media • This feature for the media product gives

its users all the up to date rock music. The feature also gives the users what bands and solo artists will be used in the next edition. The social media product can give the target audience the direct links on the FaceBook page to new rock album songs that are able for download. Pictures and other videos are posted on the wall so the users can see their favorite artists and bands in action. The social media product will provide all this exclusive to the FaceBook page that Rock Sound have.

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Puff Promotion- The Puff Promotion appeals to ‘Social climbers’ (Maslow) because the verbal code “exclusive free CD” is an opportunity for the consumers of the magazine to own a CD that may not be available through other outlets.The verbal code “exclusive” connotes that the CD has been restricted in distribution just for this magazine. You can only find this CD in the Rock Sound magazine.

The gender (Hartley) for this magazine would be aimed more at the men due to the front page displaying a boy band. There is a higher amount of boys who are into the band you me at six than there is for the girls.

Due to the style of the band members, the age group would be aimed around young adults age 17-30 (Hartley).

Meanings- Front cover

Main Image- The main image has been presented by being placed in front of the masthead to make the band stand out. This positioning connotes how the magazine want to show the lead singer is the main focus on the front cover. The rest of the band are in the background. This is because the magazine knows that the target audience prefer the lead singer being the main focus. The lead singer is the voice of the band.

Main Headline- The ‘Main Headline’ for the bands name has been made bright green. This makes the text stand out a lot better. This colour has also been used as part of the bands style. Green can connote how the band is quite rebellious and helps it stand out.

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The light shade of high key lighting on their faces connotes an element of a rebellious attitude they want you to see.

The magazine wants to make the quote bold by using a black back ground and white text. Then the red text at the end of the quote is the name of the singer that delivered the quote. This makes the singers name look important as the text is in a different colour which also stands out.

Meanings- DPS

These boxes have been provided for the interview on questions and answers. The questions have been put in red and the answers have been answered in a smaller and darker text. This then makes it a lot more easier for the reader to understand what is going on In the interview.

Using the black back ground connotes the dark and rebellious attitude. I am going to “repeat” (Steve Neale - 1980) the dark colour scheme. This is because it suits the genre of the rock being dark and mysterious.

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The ‘Headline’ of the spread page have a good contrast of colours due to having the bold red colour makes the text very bold and eye-catching

The ‘Main Image’ takes up the whole page to denote how the main subject is the band that the text is mainly based on. The image matches the tone of the text. The image is quite dark and mean which then matches the colour red.

This image is how the band converts there style over by using the back ground and the types of clothes and colour of the picture which then again also matches the text which is red.

Pull-Quote from the singer, here we have the captions that the singer had said to the magazine editor.

Meanings -DPS

This drop capital ‘signifies’ (De Saussure) to the reader that the interview will begin here. This is presented in the font style of the headline as well for further brand identity.

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Contents page

CategoriesAre split up using the colours and shapes to separate the sections.

Main image bands. The biggest pic is the one they have featured, making it look like the most important

Dark and light colour’s used to spilt the page in half.

Music description of the genre made bold with the

Messy text style to connote the genre of rock

Magazine telling you what they feature in each section

Pictures of all the bands that are featured within the magazine.

Page numbers located on the side in a small size

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Form and style • The brand identity of the magazine is a common theme of the Rock Sound ident in black across the top of

the front cover with a photo of the pop group or individual featured in that particular issue. This distinguishes the brand in the consumers mind from other similar magazines. The layout and design of the magazine is always similar, and follows the same order each month, namely:

– News and regular features– Exposure of new groups– Features / interviews– New Albums– Gig reviews

The form of my magazine is rock style as the front cover presents rock music features such as the dark colours with the crazy text which relates to the music style. This ‘informs’ (Katz) the reader that the magazine only cover the crazy style of rock, as the front cover connotes the colours that only symbolise the artistic rock font style. Black is used as the head mast to represent the mood of the music being quite dark and moody unlike the bright pink you would get on the cover of a pop magazine in ‘Binary Opposition’ (Levi Strauss). The form of the mag is presented with the band on the front cover with there own rock style. The front cover then has to adapt to using the right colours. Measurements for the magazine are 8 3⁄8” x 10 7⁄8.

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News and regular features

News and regular features

Aimed at regular readers and subscribers to keep them up to date with what’s happening

Exposure of new groups

Aimed at readers who want to experience new bands providing dark music and also to expose new groups.

Features / interviews

New Albums

Gig reviews

Provide an insight into stars personal lives and encourages readers to identify with the individual behind the facade

Aimed at people who want to keep up with the latest sounds and entices the reader to purchase albums

Aimed at concert goers and the more social side of rock. Readers can see another persons view of a gig they were at or get information on what they may have missed

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Colour scheme

• Rock Sound use a variety of bright and dark colours to make the magazine stand out and look cool. This relates to the genre of the music that they want to promote. The font style is kept very simple and bold. The background has been made dark with the font style being made bright. This is to make the masthead stand out on the front cover. The magazine is promoting the genre music of rock which is wild and bold which relates to the house style of Rock Sound.

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Content of the magazine • Rock Sound magazine mainly covers the individual lives of the singers and make sure that the readers know

all they need to know about the stars. The magazine also covers a lot competitions to get the readers more interested. The competitions are related to the rock music by giving away free tickets to the lucky winner to go and see this band. Like every magazine they bring one out every month which means that they need a new star or band on the front cover. They have made on the front cover who they are going to show their main focus on in the main story. They cover in the story exclusive info about the secretes that the fans may not all ready know. The magazine also uncovers all the facts and figures about the star to give the reader a good idea of where they are in todays charts and popularity rank. As the magazine is based on the rock the mag gives out free rock posters which cover the different features of rock. This way the rock fans get to read about what they love that’s related to rock. So for example they cover the guitars and what kind of band would use them. They then link them to the gigs the ads go to. The reviews also are very important because then the reader would know if the band is worth to go and see perform live at a gig.

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Content of the magazine • The contents in the magazine is similar in all issues of the magazine. It is:

– Laid out with two columns, images relating to a feature article– Prior to the contents page there is an editorial summarising the particular issue, together with named

employees and magazine facts such as circulation, ownership and contact details– Structured - page numbers on the images which anchors to the written contents– Regular features are highlighted

• The contents page uses the same, simple colour scheme as the front cover.

• The contents page is divided into categories and headings used to identify each feature. – Main categories – news and regulars written in the same conventional way– Page number– 1or 2 words which could be the artist’s name or ambiguous text to intrigue the reader in bold type and

often capitals– Sublines - giving more specific detail about what the articles are about

• The language of the contents page could be considered quirky, often changing tense mid way through a statement and clearly trying to draw the readers eye to particular articles

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Audience Theories • The target audience for the Rock Sound magazine is teenage rock fans between the age of 15 to 22

(Hartley). Using Katz’ Uses and Gratification theory, the target audience can relate to the musicians and bands within the magazine and feel a close bond with the subjects (personal relationship – Katz). This enables the audience to ‘escape’ from reality for a while, giving the publishers an opportunity to ‘educate’ and market to the target group.

• There is an argument that the target audience for “Rock Sound” are ‘social climbers’ (Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs), driven by improving their status in society and using the magazine to exist virtually in a fantasy world. This is evidenced by the way in which the narrative is directed at the reader.

• Dissecting the target audience using Hartley’s 7 subjectivities, the target audience could be considered as:1. Aged 15 to 222. Predominantly male (the articles and photographs are predominantly male biased)3. Predominantly middle class (the advertisements and “gig” calendars identify price points suitable for

middle income individuals)4. Gothic in style (the photographs and fashion comments suggest this)5. Predominately from native America (the origins of rock)

• As rock is a very loud and grown up kind of music the magazine is not for young children due to some of the images of the rock stars in their make up. This may scare children due to the images being inappropriate to them. Some rock stars in the magazine wear make up and have body piercing. Some like to give the image as a very dark and casual look with facial hair. As the tone of the rock period is moving on , different types of fashion are coming in to place. The magazine is therefore targeting young adults that like to keep up to date with the rock fashion. As make up and piercings are going out of style, the magazine wants to introduce more and more different types of rock fashion.

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Section 2 - Newspaper

Source: http://www.mailclassified.co.uk/advertising-tools/circulation-readership

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Free sheet• The Metro is an example of what a free sheet newspaper is. The

newspapers are usually collected and handed out in the tube stations for people to read on the train. They make the revenue for the magazine by the amount of advertisement that there is in the paper.

• The first free sheet was made In 1880 in Germany. They were give out to the train stations and other forms of public transport twice a week.

• The Metro newspaper was made in the year 1995 and has had quite an impact within the UK with 1.3 million readership. This was along with the 13 editions that they had.

Source: http://www.newspapers.co.uk/newspaper-types-and-formats/

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• A prime example of a broadsheet newspaper would be The Daily Telegraph. The stereotypical demographic for this newspaper would be the elderly, middle-class and business men. This is due to the amount of ‘intellectual’ depth that the newspaper goes into when featuring a story and because the newspaper contains formal facts and figures about the news, delivering less sensationalist news stories and a mass of celebrity gossip. This can be identified from the front cover of the tabloid

• The first broadsheet newspaper was published in 1618. This was first called the Dutch Courante Italien, Duytslandt, &c. The size of the newspaper is one of the largest newspaper due to the depth of the stories that it goes into compared to the Tabloid. The choice of text and imagery on the front cover of the sun newspaper is more appropriate for the young adult middle class range. The language is more informal compared to the Telegraph because the telegraph features on the front cover important people and lots of text.

• Source: http://www.journalism-now.co.uk/the-daily-telegraph/

• Source : http://www.historygraphicdesign.com/a-graphic-renaissance/the-german-illustrated-book/19-broadsheet

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Tabloid • This newspaper is know as the red top tabloid. A prime example of the Tabloid would be The

Sun, The Sun is one of the popular UK newspapers that are sold. The stereotypical demographics for this newspaper would be the young adults middle class range. This is due to the imagery that the newspaper uses along with the text that is used. The Sun uses more slangy words for the young audience that they use when featuring a story. The newspaper covers more celebrity gossip and sports. These are subjects that younger people are more interested in. The stories that the sun features are also shorter compared to the broadsheet newspaper.

• The first Tabloid newspaper came out in the year 1833, this was released in the city of New York. On the front cover of the newspaper you will be able to find the images of celebrity’s and footballers. Compared to the broadsheet where you would only be able to find pictures of MP’s. More important people rather than people like Katie Price for example.

Source : http://journalism.about.com/od/trends/fl/Whats-the-Difference-Between-Broadsheet-and-Tabloid-Newspapers.htm

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The Su- Genre• The genre of The Sun newspaper is aimed at young adults as this newspaper contains content such as the

up to date celebrity gossip along with the sports news. This is more appropriate for the younger audience. The genre contains a motor page which features new cars in every new edition. The cars are aimed at young males. The Sun also has the page 3 female model as this is also makes up the genre of being targeted for the young male adult middle class range.

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The Sun- Content• Global news • The Sun features news from all round the world from the United states to wild Asia. They cover all the business news and plans

from the government. This gives the reader other news to read other than what’s going on in the UK. The front cover of the sun newspaper(Thursday September 3rd 2015)denotes the Syria crisis with a large image of a young boy being carried by a coast guard with a Lack of text around the image, which connotes the importance of the situation which can be seen as a visual imperative. A news value (Galtung & Ruge) which can relate to this crisis is negativity as it involves death which is bad news.

• Girls• The page 3 girls that are located on the 3rd page are featured in each paper. They are modes that have all signed a contract

with the newspaper. A news value which relates to the page 3 girls is the continuity as there is always a page 3 girl in the sun newspaper.

• Football• This topic is located at the back of the news paper. They keep you up to date mainly with the football as this is the most

popular sport played in the UK. A news value for the football would also be the continuity as the football is always kept in the back of the sun newspaper. They always have a sports round up section also locates at the back of the sun newspaper.

• Cross words• This section is for the elderly mainly as they like to keep them self's busy with the puzzles that have been given in this section. They have the

cross words and other mind challenging games.

• Advertisement• All over the paper there are advertisement pages where there are things features such as news on the new cars that have come out.

Advertisement also comes from the companies that sell other relevant products to the newspaper such as the new collection of fashion clothes that had been released.

• Cars – motors • This section shows you the new up to date cars that have been featured into the new season. They feature the cars that are targeted towards

the male gender. • Source: www.thesun.co.uk

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The Sun- Content • Employment• In this section you are able to find many job openings that may interest you if

you are looking for a job. Sections for different types of jobs are kept in separate sections.

• Advice section• life tips are kept here for people who are struggling with the domestic life. • Fashion• The latest fashion to who wore it best is kept here. The latest designs will come

out with different models to see who wore it best. • Sun city• Features news on the city of London as this is the local area for the magazine. • TV Guide • Free view channels are displayed here as they have the times and what channels

they are on.

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The Sun Publisher- News Corp• The Sun is published by the ‘News Group Newspaper’s’ which is owned by Murdoch’s News

Corp. Another newspaper that was owned by this publisher was The News of the World, however was closed due to the phone hacking scandal. News Corp also owns The Times and the News of the world. The News Corp own many different types of newspaper. Below I have taken a screen shot of the News Corp website. The company In 1969, the Company ventured into the United Kingdom and later purchased The Sun newspaper.

source- www.news.co.ukhttp://newscorp.com/leader/rupert-murdoch/

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The Sun Readership• The target audience for the sun newspaper would mostly be is young male aged 17-40 year olds adults. The newspaper

target audience is related to the sports, page 3 model and new gossip. This relates to the Katz’ uses and gratification theory. This enables the readers to be able to catch up with all the gossip that has been going on. The newspaper has the chance to then give the readers the news that they want hear from popular people.

Dissecting the target audience using Hartley’s subjectivities, the target audience of the newspaper could be…• 40+ as they may only buy the newspaper to keep up with the sports news. Middle class and working class are related to

this as the football fans are able to afford to attend the match therefore, according to the Socio-economics graph the readership would be in the category E, D and C2.

• The newspaper has a page named “Sun employment” which we can see through the verbal code “the section that helps you find work”. This page may interest people such as the unemployed and students who have just finished College or University.

• Older people will take an interest in the puzzle page, this is stereotypical for the elderly people to like cross word puzzles. • Families will take an interest for the TV guide/ TV biz section of the newspaper. As watching TV can be seen as a social

activity and something common to do when relaxing. For example, on a Saturday night is a family subject that most families do on a Saturday night. TV channels shows the “ X Factor” and other family films which they can enjoy.

• Young female audience will take an interest in the fashion page. This page includes the latest fashion designs for young female. The verbal code of “ who wore it best” connotes the sun allowing the reader t become involved by asking who wore it best. The newspaper wants to know what the readers think.

• NRS( The National Readership survey) figures comment “the sun is the most read UK newspaper in print and online” (Ponsford, D 2013).

• According to Psychographics the audience would be explorers as this newspaper relates to a stereotypical younger audience and they will like to ‘seek’ discovery in the newspaper and will enjoy the pages such as Page 3, football and motors.

• Source: The Sun Newspaper Thursday September 3rd 2015• Source: Ponsford, D 2013 www.pressgazette.co.uk

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Graph 1 highlights the male/female audience split for the national newspaper print audience’s. It is evident that the majority of the readers are male (58%). This gives an indication of what is produced in the newspaper. For example, “sun motors” and the sports page found at the back of the newspaper, as these are seen as stereotypical male interest. Graph 2 depicts the percentage of national newspaper print audience aged under 34. we can see that The Sun newspaper is one of the highest selling (29%) compared to the Telegraph (15%).

Source: http://www.themediabriefing.com/article/youth-audiences-newspaper-old-demographics-advertising

Graph 1

Graph 2

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Codes and Conventions – Front cover

Main image is displayed on top of the main head

line to show that he is the front cover story.

Prizes are kept at the top of the paper to attract the

reader. Different colours are used to make the prize look

really good.

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Codes and Conventions- Front Cover Masthead – the denotation of the mast head is the verbal code “the

sun” which is the title of the newspaper. The colour red

connotes the sun being big and bright like the real sun.

The lead story denotes “Liam named as ‘Dad of love child” this

text has been made big and bold.

Display advert has the connotations of making a making a holiday offer look really good. You can see this by the way the

price is a bright warm colour. This relates to the summer sun that

you get when you go on holiday.

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Codes and conventions- DPS

Main Image:The denotation of the image is that is in the centre of the double page spread which connotes that the story is extremely important. Furthermore the main image focuses on the shelter for the refugees’ who have to move to England due to war. The refugees are at a train station in Hungary waiting to leave the country because they are not safe in Hungary. The non verbal code of the refugees in Hungary at the train station ‘signifies’ (De Saussure) the chaos and despair the families are going through.

Captions:There are 2 captions on the right hand side. The verbal codes “horror.. Body washed ashore after boat sank” and “desperate… refugees try to cross the border on foot from Greece” connotes how serious the story is and shocks the reader.

Headline:The denotation of the headline for the newspaper is ‘They named baby hope...but hopes in short supply’, which has been used as a pun to capture the readers attention. This could connote that the newspaper is presenting the story in a thought provoking way to capture and shock the reader to readers. One visual code is that the main headline is in bold and underlined which can connote the importance of the story.

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Opening Invitation:The forst sentence is in bold to grab the readers attention to the sotory and sums up what the story is going to be about.

News Values:The news values (Galtung & Ruge) that apply to this double page spread are “Threshold”, “Meaningfulness”, “Continuity” and “Negativity”. The news value “Threshold” applies because the story is seen as a big event which indicates importance. Furthermore, the news value “meaningfulness” is relevant because it effects our home culture and will have an impact on us. Lastly the news story relates to the “Continuity” and “ Negativity” because it has achieved importance and its an on going crisis and it is bad, tragic news.

Page Number:These are in the top right hand corners of the page, this is beneficial as people turn the pages usually using the top corners.

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News Values (Galtung & Ruge) Analysis

• The sun news paper has many different news values such as Recency, this means that the sun newspaper is very competitive at breaking news. The sun news paper is always one of the first newspaper to break the new news about sport and other celebrity updates. Negativity is also something that the sun newspaper holds in the news values. Any kind of natural disaster or other tragedy that breaks the news, the sun will have it on the front page. They then will have a story about it within the newspaper. The sun shares this news value with the rest of the competitors, this news value is called Exclusivity. The sun newspaper has the objective to get the news that’s exclusive and can only be found within the Sun newspaper.

• Source: http://mediaknowall.com/gcse/news/news.php?pageID=values

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Advertising and Marketing • Social mediaThe Sun newspaper has 10,398 subscribers on their you tube channel. They post relevant videos to the stories they publish in the newspaper. On face book they have 1,879,859 likes on their face book page. Here they post relevant stories, videos and photos. On Twitter they have 854K followers they post tweets about all the up to date news that’s going on. There are other pages linked to the face book page which relates to the sun newspapers news topics. Such as the sun sport, sun videos, and the sun showbiz. They all have their own page to separate news category's.

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Advertising and Marketing The Sun advertise their newspaper through the use of TV adverts. For example they have an TV advert about their football section in the back of the newspaper. The advert shows helicopters drowning the city in footballs to show that they drown the news in football. Another example is the Wayne Rooney advert which is about bringing football to life. In 2012 they advertised the Olympics which was a big event for Great Britain. So it was a perfect time to advertise their newspaper. The non verbal code denotes builders in high visibility jackets and helmets working on a building site which connotes the target readers will be from the working class background. According to the socio-economic graph the readership would in category E1 E2 D C possibly be in the B section. Further more another Non verbal code denotes the page 3 girls in a helicopter which connotes the importance of them being in the sun newspaper because they are high up in a helicopter. Finally they have a technical code of a close up of men and women in suites which connotes the readership could be from the category B because they are wearing suits which shows that they have a working job.

Source: http://gordonsrepublic.brandrepublic.com/2012/06/12/the-sun-dominates-chart-of-best-newspaper-tv-ads-with-the-guardian-second/

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Products promoted within The Sun

Two products promoted within The sun newspaper are Mercedes Benz world and Macmillan cancer support. Mercedes Benz world are promoting their new Mobiliovan. They are promoting the 65 number plate meaning that its time to buy a brand new van.

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Products promoted within The Sun

Macmillan is a company that will provide you with the support if you have cancer. This is located on the Double page spread names “Dear Deidre” this is relevant because everyone talks about their problems on this page. Therefore they are working together( synergy). They social media contacts so you are able to contact them easier. They provide contact information such as facebook messaging and live twitter feeds.

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Products conform to the stereotypes

• Some of the products that have been advertised in the sun newspaper relate to the skilled working class on the demographic chart. Products being advertised such as Aldi the super market are considered to be used for cheap grocery's. This falls into the class C2 of working class. The Sun newspaper also advertise new vans for sale. Skilled working class are described as skilled manual workers. Vans are considered as being used for manual work.

Source: http://adamhunterenbtec14.blogspot.co.uk/

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Newspaper website Analysis This is the main homepage of The Sun website. At the top of the page is the chance to log on to your own personal account. As soon as you navigate the page you see an advertisement adverting Mitsubishi. The main image has an a external link to the Mitsubishi home page. The website has slides that move along every few seconds highlighting different news stories that they cover. You also have a view option which allows you to view the new stories as a list rather than a slide show. So therefore the page is made for any type of user.

Many of the news stories o the home page are soft new stories for example celebrities and sport. There are evidence that there is interactive feature which allow the audience to become involved. For example the verbal code is “ Dream team is back this is what you have been waiting for enter here” connotes that you can become interactive with the website.

Source: www.thesun.co.uk

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Comparison between hard copies and website

On the websites you are able to read the most up to date information. You can also pick what news you want to read due to there being more content available online. Online gives you interaction features such as competition. However on the hard copies you are able to write on them to complete puzzles. Galtung and Ruge came up with the ideology of news values. News values are used to determine how much coverage to give a story. News values such as negativity when the news is negative for example the Refuge crisis in Hungary . Unexpectedness means getting the news that you wouldn't’t expect. Frequency means that you have stories that occur more than once for example pile ups, plane crashes and murders.

Source- owenspencer-thomas.com

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News selection- Website and hard Copies

• There is also a comparison that can be made through the news selection. The online version of the sun gives you a specific news selection on celebrity's and their latest gossip. The website gives you all the latest news on TV show biz, sport, football and prizes. The website also contains a lot of hard and soft news. The hard news being more serious in terms of natural disasters and politics. The soft news contains news that is not so serious, such as celebrity news that has occurred. This is all displayed on one big page on the home page. The hard copies separate the hard and the soft news by distributing them over different sections of the newspaper.

Hard News

Soft News

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Colour- The Sun • The sun have decided that the colour scheme for the news paper should be red.

This red has been chosen to be on the printed newspaper and the websites that they have produced online. The red connotes the name of the newspaper which is called The Sun. The sun is as we know it red and very hot, this also connotes the newspaper being hot with the latest news. Red can also be connoted as being powerful and bold.

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Contact page Here on the contact page The Sun newspaper gives you the chance to be able to share your story. They also except pictures that you think are relevant and important to the news. If you have an technical issues with the website they offer the support for you. Lastly they have a section which allows you to report any problems that you may encounter on the website.

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Content Page • Production Plan- 52• Production plan Release date -53• Process-54• Proposal 1- 55• Mind map-56• Mood board 2nd idea- 58• Mood board final-59• House style -60• House style- similar publications -61• Colour swatches – 62• Meanings- 64-66• Genre -67 • Intended Target audience- 68 • Spending power- 69• Readership- 70• Masthead final- 71

Flat plan 72-74Content overview-75-76Masthead font styles- 77Ideas to repeat- 78-81Draft article -82Location recce- 83-85Budget plan 87-91Influence on individuals, mass audience- 92Press complaints commission- 93 Copyright and Trademarks -94Water Marks-95IPSO- 96-98Legal and Ethical -99Survey Monkey 100-108Interview Analysis-109Conclusion slide- 110

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Production Plan

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Production Plan Release date • I have decided that the magazine will be released on the Friday 2nd August. I have

decided to use this date because it will be ready for the target audience in the summer holiday. This will bring out a good summer vibe for the magazine. Most of the content of the magazine are about the gigs in the summer time. Most of them involve the featured bands in the magazine that are playing. This will give the magazine a good start to the production. Everyone will be using the social media to enter commotions to win tickets for the summer gigs. This will then help promote the magazine towards the target audience of the music magazine.

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Proposal 1

This is my first proposal idea for the music magazine that I want to produce. In this word document that I have completed is a break down of what I needed to include within the magazine for my first idea. For example the first idea I wanted to produce has the genre of Indie rock. Every bit of content and house style was broken down into this document.

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Mind Map first idea

Rock sound

Aimed at people who like indie rock so age 15 plus.

Content is going to cover the gigs and interview from the latest artists.

The front page will feature the chosen band to interview

Bold colours for the mast head with a blank colour background that makes the text stand out.

The magazine will be sold every month so that the magazine can have a month to gather more information and content

The target audience will be aimed at people who like to dance. I have contacted a band member who will be featuring in my magazine. Here I have the evidence to prove.

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Mood Board alternative idea

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Mind Map Final 2nd idea

Hot Metal

This genre is going to be based on the more rock version of music instead of my previous idea which was based on the indie rock.

The colour scheme of the magazine will feature more wild colours such as bright red with a black back ground.

The font style of the magazine would look wild instead of the indie look that would tend to be more of a simple font

The target audience would be aimed at rock fans between teen and mid 20 years. This is due to the music bands inspired fans to wear different types of rock fashion such as piercings and make up.

The masthead name will be rock related in terms of the heavy metal such as mad rock returns.

The magazine will be sold monthly. This is due to the magazine gathering more content over the month to make the magazine better.

The main image on the front cover will feature the monthly band that the magazine interviews.

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Mood Board Final

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House Style

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House Style- Similar Publications To get some ideas of what kind of colour scheme that I think that would suit the magazine, I got my inspiration from a Indie Rock band called the COASTS, who have a tropical and stylish look. I liked the style that they present on their album covers and website. Because my magazine is based on the indie rock, I thought that I could produce something similar in terms of colour choice.

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Colour- Swatches • When using Photo Shop for my magazine I had to pick colours. The band that I

am featuring in my magazine, called the COASTS, colour scheme inspired me to use similar colours. I used the eye dropper tool on the COASTS album cover to capture and save these colours into my Photoshop swatches very early on. From the screen shot below you can see the colour swatches I intend to use for the DPS in Photoshop. I used green, blue and white in different tones. This suited the genre of my music magazine which is INDIE ROCK.

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MastheadThe heading is large and bold with a white back ground. This makes the text very eye catching. Has a mixture of colours including green, black and white to make the masthead more bold

Main imageYou me at six band has been put in front of the masthead to make sure that the front cover is all about the band

Main head line Goes with the main theme green which also makes it look very bold and eye catching.

Cover lines this relates to the main band which is a full out mad band. Confessing sins headlines relates to the band.

Cover lines that give nick names to other stories but use a different text to make you me at six more visible and important

Meanings- front cover


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‘Social climbers’ (Maslow) would appeal to the exclusive new CD because it is an opportunity for purchases of the magazine to own a CD that may not be available through other outlets

The gender for this magazine would be aimed more at the men due to the front page displaying a boy band. There is a higher amount of boys who are into the band you me at six than there is for the girls.

Due to the style of the band members the age group would be aimed around young adults

Meanings- front cover

Here the main image has been presented by being placed in front of the mast head to make the band stand out.

Here the main head line for the bands name has been made bright green. This makes the text stand out a lot better. This colour has also been used as part of the bands style. Green can be symbolised as being quite messy and stands out. This make the image of the band therefore stand out.

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The light shade of light on their faces to make them appear in the rebellious attitude they want you to see.

The magazine wants to make the quote bold by using a black back ground and white text. Then the red text at the end of the quote is the name of the singer that made the quote. This makes the singers name look important as the text is in a different colour which also stands out.

Meanings- DPS

These boxes have been provided for the interview on questions and answers. The questions have been put in red and the answers have been answered in a smaller and darker text. This then makes it a lot more easier for the reader to understand what is going on In the interview.

Using the black back ground connotes the dark and rebellious attitude. I am going to plan to repeat using the “Steve Neal” (1980) the dark colour scheme. This is because it suits the genre of the rock being dark and mysterious.

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The headline of the spread page have a good contrast of colours due to having the bold red colour makes the text very bold and eye-catching

The main image takes up the whole page to show how the main subject is the band that the text is mainly based on. The image matches the tone of the text. The image is quite dark and mean which then matches the colour red.

This image is how the band converts there style over by using the back ground and the types of clothes and colour of the picture which then again also matches the text which is red.

Pull-Quote from the singer, here we have the captions that the singer had said to the magazine editor.

Meanings -DPS

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Genre• The genre of the magazine is going to be pop, punk, pop-punk, emo, hardcore,

post-hardcore, heavy metal and extreme metal rock which is suggested by the dark colours the magazine uses. The magazine is of a type that should not be shown to kids as the images are only targeted at the teenagers that are into heavy metal rock. The magazine will highlight the type of music that it aims to promote which is rock. I have gone through Rock Sound magazine and found images that are aimed at the type of music that I have mentioned. Below I have taken a photo of what the image links to the genre of the magazine.

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Intended Target AudienceThe target audience for my magazine is teenage rock fans between the age of 15 - 22 (Hartley). Using Katz’ Uses & Gratification theory, the target audience can to the musicians and bands within the magazine and feel a close bond with the subjects which links to the personal identity . The social economic needs which highlights what social position that they stand it would apply to the people that are high education as this will then be aimed at the younger people that are into their rock music.

The target audience for my magazine are ‘social climbers’ (Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs), as they are going to be driven by improving their status in society and using the magazine to exist virtually in a fantasy world. This is evidenced by the way in which the narrative is directed at the reader.Dissecting the target audience using Hartley’s subjectivities, the target audience could be considered as:

• Aged 15 - 22• Predominantly male (the articles and photographs are predominantly male biased)• Predominantly middle class (the advertisements and “gig” calendars identify price points suitable

for middle income individuals)

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Spending power, socio economic graph

• For Rock Dance magazine I have to predict the target readership and the spending power they have. This is based on my magazine of inspiration which is called Rock Sound. I have chosen Rock Sound as this is a similar genre to my magazine. For example the content in both magazines are similar, such as the same star they feature in the interviews.

Source: http://ncrafts.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/socio-economic-needs.png

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Readership From looking at the statistics on the internet I can see that the typical target reader are 15-24 year olds. This is similar to Rock Dance because they share the rock music genre. The content contains images that are more suitable for younger audiences. This is in reference to Hartley's seven subjectivities and how age, gender, class, self image , nationality, family and ethnicity must be thought of when looking at spending power. The spending power of Rock Dance magazine will also be comparable to Rock Sound because the readers are in the socio economic bracket of E,D and C 2. This is more likely to have a lower income.

Source: rock-sound-media-pack-5-638.jpg?cb=1384439746

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Masthead – Final IdeaHere is the final idea for the masthead, I have been inspired to use the similar design to what the coasts use for there album. The text makes it look like its in a tropical atmosphere. The background gives out a ocean colour effect with the font style looking very smart and simple as this type of rock is a lot more calmer than other types of rock such as heavy metal. Below I have taken a screen shot of what their album colours and font style look like. I have then gone onto a cool text website and chosen a similar font style and colours to the album cover of the coasts.

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Flat plan

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Flat plan

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Flat plan

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Content Overview • I have based the flat plan content on my magazine of inspiration due to

the layout of content. I have decided to use a similar structure in terms of placing the interview in the middle of the magazine. The creates a good build up for the magazines content. New bands and other gig information will be placed at the front of the magazine for easy access if people want to access that information fast. The chances to be able to win tickets will be doted over different pages to keep the audience excited. Finally we have the advertisement related to music products after the DPS at the back of the magazine.

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Content Overview • I have been influenced by my magazine of inspiration Rock Sound. I have been

inspired by how the content and images have been placed within the magazine. I have used similar layouts to how Rock Sound have presented competitions for winning concert tickets to the featured rock bands in the magazine. I have also been inspired by the use of space on the DPS in Rock Sounds magazine. The space and structure of the DPS allows me to place columns for my interview and other variety's of space for images. Advertisement has been placed in small boxes within the first half of the magazine like Rock Sound. Then all the full page advertisement will be placed at the back of the magazine.

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Masthead – Font Styles• My mast head is going to be kept looking smart , bold and simple with a hint of

tropical. Bellow are some ideas of how I am going to convert the tropical ocean , smart, bold and simple look. The back ground represents the ocean and tropical colours. This then relates to the indie tropical rock genre that I am going to feature in the magazine.

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Ideas to repeat

Mast head

Main headline


Main image

Free Posters

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Ideas to repeat

Main image

Interview Q&A

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DPS Graphic layout




Ideas to repeat

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Repeated Conventions• I have decided to ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale- 1980) the main layout of the front cover

such as the main image and other features such as the puff promotion. I had also decided to repeat the colours which allows my house style to stay consistent. I have included the main image layout to promote the main singer for the magazine. Finally I had included the medium close up shot on the front cover to promote the featured star of the magazine.

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Draft article

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Location Recce

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Location Recce Pictures Here is the location that shows where I will be taking my photoshoot.

In this shoot the hazards will be over children walking across the playground during the shoot. This is a hazard because of the child protection act.

You cant take a picture of a young child without parent permission. So I need to make sure this shoot is out of school hours.

Source: http://www.barnardos.org.uk/MKeQURoCuqfw_wcB

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Location Recce Permission

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Budget plan• In the budget plan I had to make sure that the money that was going to be spent still made

me the profit in the end. If the magazine would have made no profit the magazine would have been a fail because there would be no profit on the magazine. This then means that I wouldn’t be able to pay my staff to produce my magazine.

• On the budget plan on the following slide you will be able to see what payments I have had to made to make the magazine possible. This includes the staff that I would have to pay to make the magazine and the journalists who collect the information for the magazine to be interested.

• In the feedback, people have said that the plan is clear and works well. This has been told through the online survey monkey. The plan adds up the costs and the income of the magazine and proves that in the end that the magazine will make the profit.

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This was initially wrong. – THEN the correct breakdown on the NEXT slide

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Screenshot of printing costs from my presentation

This was initially wrong. – THEN the correct breakdown on the NEXT slide

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Budget plan

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Costs per yearOne off Annualised

10,000 copies 15000 copiesYear 1 Year 2

Salaries 255,000.00 262,650.00

Printing 8,538.00 12,807.00 £8,538 for 10,000 copies

Marketing and Distribution

12,000.00 18,000.00

Offi ce Costs 19,200.00 19,200.00 £1,600 per month

IT Equipment 15,429.00 5,210.00 5,210.00 Annualised license costs at £17.50 per month + £5k per year hosting

Total Costs per year

15,429.00 299,948.00 317,867.00

Monthly Cost 24,995.67 26,488.92

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Income Income per year

Magazine Sales 358,800.00 538,200.00Year 1, 10,000 X £2.99 - Year 2, 15,000 * £2.99

Advertising 45,375.00 81,675.001 page of Advertisement= £756.25�4 pages X £756.25= £3,025�

Total annual Income 404,175.00 619,875.00Monthly income 33,681.25 51,656.25

Total costs are £24,995 per month (£2.50 per copy)Total income is £33,681 per month (£3.37 per copy)Margin £3.37 - £2.50 – 87p per copy (£8,700 per 10,000 copies - £104,400 in year 1)

Income – Outgoings = £104,400 profit in year 1

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Influence on individuals, mass audience

• Within the magazine that I have chosen called Rock sound. There are many images in the magazine that have the impact on the audience. Most of the influences are based on the guitars and make up that many of the rock star effect. The content talks about the gigs that mainly take place but that is not the main attraction because many people who are into the rock all ready go to gigs. The magazine talks about how the rock music has been produced so therefore influence the audience to understand how the music is made and in a way what goes on behind the scene. How the stars get their make up on, where they get there guitars from. They all have the influence on the audience then going to do their make up and hair the same way that the rock stars do there's.

• The magazine shows you double page spread of the rock bans with their make up so then seeing that with the hair and the funny make up would then have the impact on the fans of the band to be the same. As the rock members of the magazine are also known as role models. The fans look up to them as being celebrity's therefore being the best at the music that are in which the audience are fans of. There are some negative effects on the audience because the magazine doesn’t give the audience the content about the back ground behind the stars. How they got this stage to become the famous people. All the magazine shows you is the images of the band and then the content talks about how the stars make the music. But doesn’t really tell you about the back ground of the band.

• This could then have an impact on the audience because they would want to follow the stars but not know how they then maintain and get to the stage they are at. So they end up looking like the band members but still having the simple job that they have. The behaviours of the audience changes due to the performance norms. http://education-portal.com/academy/lesson/how-types-of-group-norms-influence-individual-behavior.html#lesson

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Press complaints commission Here you are also allowed to be able to make the complaints about what the magazine has In anyway had any offence on you. They deal with things such as the pictures, text and even colour for the magazine. This is where I made my complaint about the magazine about. They then explain when you will hear back from them and talk about how they are able to deal with the situation. This is based In the UK and as I have sown it is free to use online.


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Copy right and Trade marks • This is when a piece of work created by someone has the right to own it and therefore cant be copied. For example you cant take

someone's song that they had written and then make another version of it. The original artists has the right to own it and therefore cant be taken. If this is the case of taking a song then selling it the artists then has the right to take the legal action that is required.

• Trade marks are things such as names, slogans ands designs of a product. Once they have been produced for the business they then belong to the business. If the trade mark has been made and then registered and checked it will then have a ‘®’on top of the trade mark. In the magazine industry making sure that you have all the rights covered is important. The law is in place to make sure that the magazine will not lose the money because of other magazine’s taking the originals magazines idea.

• Source- https://www.copyrightservice.co.uk/copyright/intellectual_property• • Rights covered: The law gives the creators of literary, dramatic, musical, artistic works, sound recordings, broadcasts, films and

typographical arrangement of published editions, rights to control the ways in which their material may be used. The rights cover; broadcast and public performance, copying, adapting, issuing, renting and lending copies to the public. In many cases, the creator will also have the right to be identified as the author and to object to distortions of his work.

• International conventions give protection in most countries, subject to national laws.1. Types of work protected

1. Literary song lyrics, manuscripts, manuals, computer programs, commercial documents, leaflets, newsletters & articles etc.

2. Artistic photography, painting, sculptures, architecture, technical drawings/diagrams, maps, logos.3. Typographical arrangement of published editions magazines, periodicals, etc.

• The Copyright (Computer Programs) Regulations 1992 extended the rules covering literary works to include computer programs.

• The magazine would have to ensure that they do not inform any laws above.

The magazine (See image above) is a registered trademark name so use of the ident and use of this would require permission from the institution and publisher.

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Water Marks • This is when a piece of work created by someone has the right to own it and therefore cant be

copied. For example you cant take someone's song that they had written and then make another version of it. The original artists has the right to own it and therefore cant be taken. If this is the case of taking a song then selling it the artists then has the right to take the legal action that is required. Below I have designed my water marks to make sure that people know that I legally own the image and cant be copied without my permission.

• Source- https://www.copyrightservice.co.uk/copyright/intellectual_property

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IPSO• This is a company that handles complaints about the media that may in any way have offended you in any w ay of from. This

could be classed as being racist or even being too stereo typical toward people . IPSO give you the voice so that you can be heard for the complaints' because of it being a huge company. They offer you the guidance and support for your concern about the editors that you have been offended by. You have to fill out this form that you provide online so that they know what they are dealing with online before that go through the process of the complaints. They are based within the UK and are only there for the public. The overall objective for this company is to make sure that the media have the standards at the correct level for the public. Bellow is the screen shot of the website and the information that I used for this assignment.

• 1. Initial assessment 2. Referral to the publication

3. The investigation

4. Adjudication by the Complaints Committee

5. Remedies 6. Review of the process

7. Complaints which are not pursued

8. Unacceptable behaviour by complainants and vexatious complaints


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IPSO- Codes to consider• Accuracy- when I publish my magazine I need to make sure that the information

that has been published is accurate. This will include information such as publishing wrong GIG dates in the magazine. People would then go to the IPSO website to make an complaint about the incorrect date.

• Confidential sources- The journalists for my magazine need to make sure that they are getting the correct information from reliable sources. For example when interviewing a band member. The journalist has to make sure that the band member is the actual band member.

• Financial journalism-”Even where the law does not prohibit it, journalists must not use for their own profit financial information they receive in advance of its general publication, nor should they pass such information to others” This means that the money that is being made for the interview goes to the magazine and not individual staff.

• Source : https://www.ipso.co.uk/IPSO/cop.html

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Making a Complaint

• When you want to make a complaint you must go online to a website called https://www.ipso.co.uk/oxbxApps/app/complaint1.html . This website deals with all magazine publishing complaints. They ask you to fill out a few questions to see how the codes have been breached in the complaint you have made. They then make you upload a file to show your complaint. This can be done through a JPG,PNG,PDF or DOCX.

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Legal and Ethical • When producing the magazine there are many things that the magazine has to be aware of before that can

start to sell the magazines. • Copyright is the main issue within the magazine industry today. Copyright is illegal because in basic terms

it means that you are stealing media pictures or even text from other sources of the media. For example taking a picture of a celebrity and not asking for permission would be classed as copyright.

• Copy and pasting text from an online magazine and then putting it in your magazine would then be classed as copyright. The ethical issues that stand today within the magazine is to do with the races. For example if you was to put on the front cover of your magazine as a white or black person and then used words that become offensive to the race would then be illegal. People could become offended and then have the right to sue the magazine. So the magazine company's have to be very careful of what they are writing because this could be the result of getting into trouble.


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Primary Research • I used an online survey to get feedback for my music magazine prior to

production. I created an online survey for my peers then emailed it to all of them. I then took a screen shot of all the responses and analyzed the answers that I received.

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Primary Research

So by giving away a free CD and Poster with the magazine. It would increase the sales of the magazine. Most people have chosen the option of yes having the free CD would have an impact on buying the magazine. The free CD and poster has caught the customers attention and encouraged people to be more interested in the magazine.

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This connotes how most of the people that have filled out the survey would be more interested in reading a much more older age bracket magazine. This means that they would want to see a magazine having better images, the use of text and house style. Only a few people have selected the 14-16 which suggests seeing a magazine that has more appropriate images and use of text within my magazine. As the majority have selected the 17 + I will therefore make sure that my magazine has more images and stronger use of text and house style to make it more interesting for the readers.

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Here you can see that the majority of people have gone for the pop magazine. My magazine is going to be based on the genre of rock because I have exclusive access to a band that is within the genre of rock. The genre of pop is very popular for this day in age because the pop stars appear everywhere on the social media and TV. The classic has come last in terms of having the least amount of votes on it due to people wanting to listen to the brand new music that comes out today.

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This connotes that the font style does over all have an impact on the reader. This could be In terms with the front cover having an impact as this is the first thing that they will see before they open the magazine. The font style that I have chosen will make an impact on the reader because of the colour use and choice of text. The text will encourage the reader to then go on and read the magazine because they will know that the effort has been made to make the magazine look good so they will then look inside the magazine. A few people have said no so this could mean that the front cover in terms with colours and pictures will be more appealing.

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This connotes you that most people prefer to look at the images in the magazine. This can be understood as the images are one of the first things that the reader will see. The images have a very big impact on the reader in terms of the style that they produce. Only a few people have said text because they think that the magazine is all about what the magazine produces in terms of the information.

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Here you can see that most people have gone for the monthly magazine because the monthly magazines seems to hold more information than the weekly ones. This is because the magazine has time to put in more stuff over the month of producing the magazine. This what the magazine I'm going to be producing.

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As you can see here the results have shown me that the exclusive news has been the favourite. This is because the news sounds more exciting to people when they read the magazine. People get to read some information that most over people may not get the chance to read. I will have this on the front cover of my magazine because it seems to have made an impact on the reader.

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Here you can see that the main image on the front cover is the best because the most people have selected it. This is the first thing that people will see on the magazine front cover. This will be the difference of people judging the magazine by the main image. This is because the main image usually tells people what is going to be within the magazine.

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Interview analysis • Before creating my music magazine I had

to make sure that I had collected the responses from the target audience for my music magazine. The genre of the magazine is rock, so this meant collecting some qualitative data from rock fans. For this analysis I will be asking 3 questions to encourage an informal response. To collect the data from the interview I will be writing down the response from the 3 questions that I will be asking. Here I have also included a screen shot of the interview.

Questions asked at the interview

1. Do you find the images or text more interesting?

2. Would you buy the magazine just for the free CD that comes with the magazine?

3. Would you download the magazine if it was available on I tunes?

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Conclusion slide• Within this LO I have analysed the feed back that I have been

given for the work that I have completed on my magazine. The feedback will now allow me to make the changes on the work I have completed. This means that I can progress my work and bring it up to a higher mark. I have used a virtual site to make a survey which I then sent to my peers.

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Page 112: Unit 30- UK Media Publishing

Contents • Production plan-113-114• Masthead 116-118• House styles- 119-122• Ideas to repeat- 122-123• House styles – 119-125• Hand drawn Drafts- 126-129• Proposals- 130-131• Safe working practice - 132 -135• Photography plan- 136• Production process-137• Equipment and staff- 138-139• Final front cover- 140• Final DPS-141• Masthead final idea- 142• Flat plan 143-145• Hand Drawn drafts- 146-149• Photography Plan- 150

Publicising job roles 151- 152Feedback on DPS-153Interview draft planning -154Interview analysis- 155Location Recce- 156-157Colour swatches- 158-159Photoshop step by step- 160-170Final Front cover- 171DPS Final- 172Risk assessment- 173-174Social media – 175Conclusion- 176

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Production Plan

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Production Plan Release date • I have decided that the magazine will be released on the Friday 2nd August. I have

decided to use this date because it will be ready for the target audience in the summer holiday. This will bring out a good summer vibe for the magazine. Most of the content of the magazine are about the gigs in the summer time. Most of them involve the featured bands in the magazine that are playing. This will give the magazine a good start to the production. Everyone will be using the social media to enter commotions to win tickets for the summer gigs. This will then help promote the magazine towards the target audience of the music magazine.

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Masthead - Ideas• I am going to relate the masthead to the band that I am going to feature in my

magazine called The Coasts. As I have mentioned previously in the slide I have a family friend in the band. I was able to ask James Gamage the bass guitarist some questions about the music magazine and how his music would fit in. I asked what genre would you class your music. James then explained what he classed the band as. At the end of the message James then said that “ as long as we make people dance we are happy” so this gave me the idea of naming the magazine ROCK DANCE. This is then linked with the ROCK SOUND magazine that I have been studying and the band I am going to feature.

• I had also come up with the idea of calling the magazine rocking sun as this brings the indie rock culture into the picture. As the music is partly tropical the sun can represent the tropical music along with the rocking. This is then linked with the genre of my music magazine.

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Masthead – Font Styles• My mast head is going to be kept looking smart , bold and simple with a hint of

tropical. Bellow are some ideas of how I am going to convert the tropical ocean , smart, bold and simple look. The back ground represents the ocean and tropical colours. This then relates to the indie tropical rock genre that I am going to feature in the magazine.

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Masthead – Final IdeaHere is the final idea for the masthead, I have been inspired to use the similar design to what the coasts use for there album. The text makes it look like its in a tropical atmosphere. The back ground gives out a ocean colour effect with the font style looking very smart and simple as this type of rock is a lot more calmer than other types of rock such as heavy metal. Bellow I have taken a screen shot of what their album colours and font style look like. I have then gone onto a cool text website and chosen a similar font style and colours to the album cover of the coasts.

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Masthead – Font Styles 2nd ideaFor my second magazine idea I have chosen to base the genre on heavy metal. This means that I need the font styles looking like they look bold and hot. I have chosen the colours red and black the make the mast head of the magazine stand out and look fierce to the readers. This connotes to the readers that this magazine is scary and full of hot metal music, this will be easily identified for the target audience.

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House Style

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House Styles

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House Styles

I based the house style on being red and black to connote the magazine being hot with the latest's heavy metal music. The metal connotes the genre of the music, the genre of the music is heavy metal. This is why I have decided that I need to include the name. This magazine will have the hottest heavy metal music. The black and red connote scary and powerful colours for the genre of the heavy metal music.

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Ideas to ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale 1980)

Mast head

Main headline


Main image

Free Posters

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Ideas to ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale 1980)

Main image

Interview Q&A

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DPS Graphic layout


Pull Quote

Main image

Main Headline


Drop Capital

Page number

Page number

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Ideas to ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale 1980)

Main image

Interview Q&A

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Hand drawn drafts 1(Rock Dance)

Under lined albums text to make it stand


Here I have included the colour change down the front cover so that the magazine has more style. Rather than one colour I have merged two colours down the front cover of the magazine.

Here we have two head masts in front of the image and then behind the image. The magazine I am producing will have the image in front of the text to make the main image look more important. My step dad will be on the front indicating that he is going to be the main story.

Included the free CD on my magazine so that the magazine become more interesting to the reader.

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Hand Drafts 2 (Hot Metal)

The mast head has been made a lighter colour compared to the back ground colour. This then makes the mast head stand out.

I have used the red background to connote the fire of the magazine being hot with the new albums.

I have made the main image the band that gest featured to show the importance of the new issue.

Here I have included a free CD with the magazine to make the magazine stand out when the magazine gets distributed to the shops.

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Double Page Spread 1 (Rock Dance)Here I have Taking the similar idea of making the background look the same. This covers the genre of the rock, over the double page spread I have introduced a band of rock that has been interviewed monthly. As this will be advertised in my magazine double page spread. Open my double page spread Bandai will be interviewing are going to be the coasts. The coasts are a band that my family friends are part of so I am able to interview them and get an idea of what kind of style and music they like. This double page spread is a good example when comparing to pop magazine. As the pop magazine would have much for brighter colours and bold text. For boxes I have drawn a double page spread are each questions that I would be asking the band. This displays a double page spread of a good structure to the interview. This makes it much more easier for the viewers to read.

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Double Page Spread 2 (Hot Metal)This double page spread is very similar to the one I have done previously. This double page spread that I have done reveals a more open plan for the band image. I have chosen this double page spread because of the layout of the text. As you can see I have highlighted implacable red how the text forms into an L-shape. This is a good layout because it gives their bands image in more Open View for how they wanted viewers to see them as a band. The only difference I have chosen on the double page spread in terms of colours. As for my magazines is going to feature indie rock, the colours of the magazine is going to have to be a lot more brighter than is going to be in a normal heavy rock magazine. Having the black and red background with the text will be shall reveal the band image in the top and corner more eye-catching than the previous double page spread.

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Proposal 1

This is my first proposal idea for the music magazine that I want to produce. In this word document that I have completed is a break down of what I needed to include within the magazine for my first idea. For example the first idea I wanted to produce has the genre of Indie rock. Every bit of content and house style was broken down into this document.

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Proposal 2

This is the template that I used for my second music magazine idea. Instead of the first idea being about indie rock. I have decided to make this one about heavy metal rock. Here I have explained what content I am going to include about the heavy metal rock.

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Safe working practice

• I made sure that the house style color's were secure by using the Eyedropper tool. This was to keep the consistency the same, using green and blue throughout the magazine house style. Once I had used the Eyedropper tool I added the colours in to swatches pallet. This allowed me to complete the work quicker and the house style was kept the same throughout. This was a professional way create my magazine.

• When editing the images I had taken I wanted to make sure that they were professional and high quality. Therefore I used command T on the keyboard and when resizing image I used shift so the image didn’t move and pixelate.

Command T to transform and resize an image.

Eyedropper tool

Colour Swatches

Page 133: Unit 30- UK Media Publishing

Safe Working Practice- Swatches • When using Photo Shop for my magazine I had to pick colours. The band that I

am featuring in my magazine called the COASTS colour scheme inspired me to use similar colours. I used the eye dropper tool on the COASTS album cover. From the screen shot below you can see the colour swatches I used for the DPS in Photoshop. I used green, blue and white in different tones. This suited the genre of my music magazine which is INDIE ROCK.

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Safe Working Practice-Pen Tool • This is the called the pen tool, I used the tool to wrap text around my drop capital I

used on my DPS. I had to first select the pen tool then click points around the drop capital. Once the shape had been made for the text I then joined the last point to the first point which the made a text box wrapped around the drop capital. The drop capital was used at the beginning of the interview on the double page spread.

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Safe Working practices- Linking/Grouping/naming layers for future

editions • Text and imagery was successfully integrated

on the page because I used the Pen Tool to wrap text around the image on the double page spread. I did this by using the ruler tool to outline where my text would go. Then I used the pen tool by pressing P on my keyboard. Which allows the text to remain inside the Pen Tool box. This kept my double page spread neat and tidy.

• Furthermore I linked, grouped and named my layers for future editions so that it can be adapted. If you name a layer its easier to find and if you group and link layers it speeds up your work flow and its easier to duplicate.

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Photography Plan

• Within this word document I planed out what kind of imagery I wanted in my music magazine. This imagery has to make sure that they suit the genre of the music I have chosen.

• I have explained that I need to include features to suit the genre such as clothing and other accessories such as sun glasses. Theses would be then used within the photo shoot for the front cover and Double page spread.

• Finally I had to make sure that I had included where to location of where the photo shoot would take place and why.

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Production Plan

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Publicizing job roles

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Final Front cover

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DPS Final

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Masthead – Final IdeaHere is the final idea for the masthead, I have been inspired to use the similar design to what the coasts use for there album. The text makes it look like its in a tropical atmosphere. The back ground gives out a ocean colour effect with the font style looking very smart and simple as this type of rock is a lot more calmer than other types of rock such as heavy metal. Bellow I have taken a screen shot of what their album colours and font style look like. I have then gone onto a cool text website and chosen a similar font style and colours to the album cover of the coasts.

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Flat plan

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Flat plan

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Flat plan

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Hand drawn drafts

Under lined albums text to make it stand


Here I have included the colour change down the front cover so that the magazine has more style. Rather than one colour I have merged two colours down the front cover of the magazine.

Here we have two head masts in front of the image and then behind the image. The magazine I am producing will have the image in front of the text to make the main image look more important. My step dad will be on the front indicating that he is going to be the main story.

Included the free CD on my magazine so that the magazine become more interesting to the reader.

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Page 148: Unit 30- UK Media Publishing

Double Page Spread 1Here I have Taking the similar idea of making the background look the same. This covers the genre of the rock, over the double page spread I have introduced a band of rock that has been interviewed monthly. As this will be advertised in my magazine double page spread. Open my double page spread Bandai will be interviewing are going to be the coasts. The coasts are a band that my family friends are part of so I am able to interview them and get an idea of what kind of style and music they like. This double page spread is a good example when comparing to pop magazine. As the pop magazine would have much for brighter colours and bold text. For boxes I have drawn a double page spread are each questions that I would be asking the band. This displays a double page spread of a good structure to the interview. This makes it much more easier for the viewers to read.

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Double Page Spread 2This double page spread is very similar to the one I have done previously. This double page spread that I have done reveals a more open plan for the band image. I have chosen this double page spread because of the layout of the text. As you can see I have highlighted implacable red how the text forms into an L-shape. This is a good layout because it gives their bands image in more Open View for how they wanted viewers to see them as a band. The only difference I have chosen on the double page spread in terms of colours. As for my magazines is going to feature indie rock, the colours of the magazine is going to have to be a lot more brighter than is going to be in a normal heavy rock magazine. Having the black and red background with the text will be shall reveal the band image in the top and corner more eye-catching than the previous double page spread.

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Photography PlanWithin this document that I have print screened I have gone through all the details for the photography plan. I have decided where the location will be, what to wear and what kind of wheatear conditions it needs to be.

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Publicising job roles

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Publicising job roles • As my music magazine will be

apart of the sonic publishing I have created a mock up page to show how the page will look on their website. This will be one of the ways to recruit people. On the page you will be able to see that I have included some social media on the page. This is also a good way to recruit people. This is because they then feel the same passion that the brand has.

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Feedback on DPS

For my DPS I requested some feedback to then help me improve the quality. In the yellow box with the red writing is the feedback that I have received from my teacher.

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Interview Draft planning

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Interview analysis • Before creating my music magazine I had

to make sure that I had collected the responses from the target audience for my music magazine. The genre of the magazine is rock, so this meant collecting some qualitative data from rock fans. For this analysis I will be asking 3 questions to encourage an informal response. To collect the data from the interview I will be writing down the response from the 3 questions that I will be asking. Here I have also included a screen shot of the interview.

Questions asked at the interview

1. Do you find the images or text more interesting?

2. Would you buy the magazine just for the free CD that comes with the magazine?

3. Would you download the magazine if it was available on I tunes?

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Location Recce

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Location Recce Pictures Here is the location that shows where I will be taking my photoshoot.

In this shoot the hazards will be over children walking across the playground during the shoot. This is a hazard because of the child protection act.

You cant take a picture of a young child without parent permission. So I need to make sure this shoot is out of school hours.

Source: http://www.barnardos.org.uk/MKeQURoCuqfw_wcB

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Colour- Swatches • When using Photo Shop for my magazine I had to pick colours. The band that I

am featuring in my magazine called the COASTS colour scheme inspired me to use similar colours. I used the eye dropper tool on the COASTS album cover. From the screen shot below you can see the colour swatches I used for the DPS in Photoshop. I used green, blue and white in different tones. This suited the genre of my music magazine which is INDIE ROCK.

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Step by Step Photoshop FC

• 1. background- used the bucket tool with a blue colour • 2. Barcode section – imported a barcode picture by going file

place. Made a white shape for the background. Used the text tool to add in information such as what issue it was. Added social media icons.

Photoshop Step by Step- FC

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Step by Step Photoshop FC- FC• 3. Created a puff promotion banner at the top of my page

using the shape tool “free COAST CD+POSTER”.• 4. Added in mast head+ cover lines by using the ruler and text

tool. • 5. added in my main image, by using the quick selection tool

to cut out the background. I used command T on the keyboard to resize the image.

Photoshop Step by Step- FC

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• 6. finally I then in other pictures by going to file place. For example , I added in an advertisement picture to include in the cover line.

Photoshop Step by Step- FC

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Step by step DPS • 1. I added in the background, using shapes as well.• 2. Divided by canvas into two pages.• 3. Masthead was placed on the canvas using colour effects.• 4. I then added in the columns using the pen tool to integrate

around the text. This then allowed me have the text wrapped around the drop capital.

Photoshop Step by Step- DPS

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Step by step DPS • 5. Page number was placed at the bottom of the canvas in the

bottom corners.• 6. I have now added in the main head line and quote for the

story that is being featured in the magazine about an artists. • 7. finally I had made sure that I included a drop capital at the

beginning of the story.

Photoshop Step by Step- DPS

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Step by step DPS

• 8. I then pasted my interview into the canvas from word. I resized the text and then made sure that the text fitted the columns.

• 9. For the final touches I placed my images of the artist on the canvas.

Photo Shop Step by Step- DPS

Page 166: Unit 30- UK Media Publishing

Pen Tool • This is the called the pen tool, I used the tool to wrap text around my drop capital I

used on my DPS. I had to first select the pen tool then click points around the drop capital. Once the shape had been made for the text I then joined the last point to the first point which the made a text box wrapped around the drop capital. The drop capital was used at the beginning of the interview on the double page spread.

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Photoshop step by step

• To get the image that you want onto the canvas at the top of the navigation bar click file then place. You will then have the option of being able to select the image that you want from your documents.

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Photoshop step by step ruler tool

The ruler tool was used for accuracy and for my work to be presented neatly. The get up the ruler tool you press command R and you can drag rulers down from the left of the page or the top of the page. You can see the rulers in this image with the blue lines around it.

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Here I used the eye dropper tool to be able to select the correct colour for my images and text boxes.

All the images had to have exactly the same colour to look very formal.

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Size Tool

Here I was able to re size the images. As the moment I can re size this image. Due to the grey lines surrounding the image. To get to this stage you must have the image selected. You can then push control T.


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Final Front cover

I felt like that the mast head wasn’t as important as the main image. This is shown as the mast head is kept behind the main image which is the rock star. I have used this from y magazine of inspiration. Making the image makes the artist look more important to read about rather than the masthead.

On the left hand side of the magazine I have listed secondary stories. These are kept in a smaller text with less boldness. This is because they re not important as the main story on the front cover about the featured artist as the main image.

In the bottom right hand corner I have placed a barcode. On the barcode I have included the price of the magazine and the date the magazine was issued. I have used this idea from my magazine of inspiration ”Rock Sound”.

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DPS Final Here I have used a drop capital at the start of the article. The drop capital is at a bigger size with a bolder color. This draws the reader into reading the article.

When tacking the picture of the artist I had to make sure that is connotes the genre of the music. This is why I have used the indie rock colour. The genre relates to the coast including the sea and rocks. I have used these as my back ground for the artist.

To make the interview more professional and more appealing to the reader I have used different colours for the text on the questions and answers. The reader then has a clear idea of what the questions are and what the answers are to the question are.

Page 173: Unit 30- UK Media Publishing

Risk assessment Before I could take an images for my magazine I had to make sure that I had the permission to take the pictures. This is because the pictures that I am going to be taking are going to be publicized and printed. To make sure that the pictures were legal and okay to publicize I had to make sure that a letter was sent to the artist saying where and when the shoot will be along with what to wear. The letter had to be signed by the artist as part of legal action. I also had to make sure that I had permission for the location of the images. I had to make sure the area was safe to shoot along with an email to to the owner of the land. The area was located in a secondary school play ground. This meant an email had to be sent to the head master of the school to get permission to shoot in the play ground.

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Risk assessment

I have filled out a risk assessment for my magazine. This risk assessment will ensure that the house style is secure

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Social media

I have decided to create and design a face book page for my magazine. This Facebook page will be featuring all the new rock bands in the new issues of the magazine. The Facebook page will help the promotion of the magazine. As my target audience for my magazine is aimed at younger people. Facebook becomes the perfect place as most Facebook users are young. Facebook has a lot of users online everyday which will mean that the magazine page will be visited by most of those users.

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Conclusion • Within this learning outcome I had to produce materials that I needed to be able

to make my music magazine. This meant I had produce a production plan for the magazine. In the production plan were things such as the deadlines and the step by step guide to making the magazine.

• The next plan I had to put together was for the location recce where the images would be taken along with the equipment that was needed for the photo shoot. The costumes and time and date for the shoot was all included within a letter that I had sent to the artists that he had to then sign and send back to me.

• The most important section of the learning outcome then came. I had to work out if I was making a lose or a profit when producing the magazine. This meant working how much the equipment and office space was going to cost me. I found that most of the profit will come from the advertisement within the magazine.

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• Prezi presentation- 179- 194• Pitch Resources- 195-200

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Prezi Presentation

• In this LO I had to put together a presentation to promote and sell my music magazine. The following slides have been taken from my Prezie presentation.

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Budget plan

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Costs per yearOne off Annualised

10,000 copies 15000 copiesYear 1 Year 2

Salaries 255,000.00 262,650.00

Printing 8,538.00 12,807.00 £8,538 for 10,000 copies

Marketing and Distribution

12,000.00 18,000.00

Offi ce Costs 19,200.00 19,200.00 £1,600 per month

IT Equipment 15,429.00 5,210.00 5,210.00 Annualised license costs at £17.50 per month + £5k per year hosting

Total Costs per year

15,429.00 299,948.00 317,867.00

Monthly Cost 24,995.67 26,488.92

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Income Income per year

Magazine Sales 358,800.00 538,200.00Year 1, 10,000 X £2.99 - Year 2, 15,000 * £2.99

Advertising 45,375.00 81,675.001 page of Advertisement= £756.25�4 pages X £756.25= £3,025�

Total annual Income 404,175.00 619,875.00Monthly income 33,681.25 51,656.25

Total costs are £24,995 per month (£2.50 per copy)Total income is £33,681 per month (£3.37 per copy)Margin £3.37 - £2.50 – 87p per copy (£8,700 per 10,000 copies - £104,400 in year 1)

Income – Outgoings = £104,400 profit in year 1

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Pitch Resources

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Pitch Resources

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Pitch Resources

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Pitch Resources

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Pitch Resources

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Page 202: Unit 30- UK Media Publishing

Contents • Production Plan Changes- 203-204• Feedback- 205• Changes to the Financial Breakdown- 206-209• Pre production task- 210• Magazine pages before and after- 211-212• Survey monkey pitch- 213-217• Changes to the plan based on feedback- 218• Pitch resources- 219-223• Interview Analysis – 224• Feedback from the publisher- 225• What Went Well & Even Better If-226• Conclusion-227

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Production Plan Changes For my production plan I have made a few changes to improve the quality of the production for my magazine. The first thing that I had changed was the release date of the magazine. This was because I had researched and found out that It would be more effective to rerelease the magazine in the summer. This was because all the featured bands that my target audience prefer are playing gigs in the summer. This would then create a good summer vibe for the magazine at the gigs. I have allocated more time to the stages of the plan, for example – give an example. I have also ensured the Production Plan is presented in an Industry standard format as well.

14 th November

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Production Plan Release date • I have decided that the magazine will be released on the Friday 2nd August. I have

decided to use this date because it will be ready for the target audience in the summer holiday. This will bring out a good summer vibe for the magazine. Most of the content of the magazine are about the gigs in the summer time. Most of them involve the featured bands in the magazine that are playing. This will give the magazine a good start to the production. Everyone will be using the social media to enter commotions to win tickets for the summer gigs. This will then help promote the magazine towards the target audience of the music magazine.

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Feedback • After receiving feedback on my budget plan, I incorporated

some additional costs that hadn’t previously been considered and I re-examined the cost model to ensure that there was still a solid business case for the magazine. I modified the equipment costs, reviewed advertising income (benchmarking the revenue against similar products) and examined other revenue streams.

• One important area of feedback was to examine other income streams and I have investigated running competitions for the reader to win tickets by entering at a low price point – even recovering costs through telephone entry.

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Changes to the Financial breakdown from the witness statement

This is my witness statement, filled out by my Media Teacher Mr Crafts. I have been given feedback on the pitch I completed. I have reflected on the feedback that I have been given such as a few spelling errors that I have made.

From this feedback I have been told that my Financial breakdown doesn't’ make sense as the figures are incorrect. From the witness statement I have now produced a new breakdown to the Financial plan.

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Original Financial Break down

This was initially wrong. – THEN the correct breakdown on the NEXT 4 slides

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Costs per yearOne off Annualised

10,000 copies 15000 copiesYear 1 Year 2

Salaries 255,000.00 262,650.00

Printing 8,538.00 12,807.00 £8,538 for 10,000 copies

Marketing and Distribution

12,000.00 18,000.00

Offi ce Costs 19,200.00 19,200.00 £1,600 per month

IT Equipment 15,429.00 5,210.00 5,210.00 Annualised license costs at £17.50 per month + £5k per year hosting

Total Costs per year

15,429.00 299,948.00 317,867.00

Monthly Cost 24,995.67 26,488.92

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Income Income per year

Magazine Sales 358,800.00 538,200.00Year 1, 10,000 X £2.99 - Year 2, 15,000 * £2.99

Advertising 45,375.00 81,675.001 page of Advertisement= £756.25�4 pages X £756.25= £3,025�

Total annual Income 404,175.00 619,875.00Monthly income 33,681.25 51,656.25

Total costs are £24,995 per month (£2.50 per copy)Total income is £33,681 per month (£3.37 per copy)Margin £3.37 - £2.50 – 87p per copy (£8,700 per 10,000 copies - £104,400 in year 1)

Income – Outgoings = £104,400 profit in year 1

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Pre-Production TasksBefore I created both of my magazines I had to come up with different ideas and complete a range of Pre-Production tasks such as mood boards, mind-maps, flat plans, test photography and production plans. The tasks that were successful was definitely test photography because this allowed me to choose from a range of photos rather than just taking one that may not of been correct for my Front Cover or DPS, therefore having lots of pictures gave me a better choice. Furthermore, creating mind-maps was really successful as it allowed a detail plan for my magazines, for example I tested out different names for my magazine and this allowed me throughout the course to go back and check my mind map to make sure I was following the correct ideas I already planned out.

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Magazine Pages Before and After – Front Cover


I have made some changes to my front cover photoshop. I have changed the main image to help improve the quality of the photo. I have also changed the background colour to make the front cover more presentable. I have finally made a change to the barcode. The barcode price and release date has been changed

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Magazine Pages Before and After - DPS

For my DPS I requested some feedback to then help me improve the quality. In the yellow box with the red writing is the feedback that I have received from my teacher. I have taken some new images for the magazine pages of the same person to look more presentable. I have also changed the colour of the text in the interview so you are able to see the text a lot more easier.



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Survey Monkey – Pitch

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Survey Monkey

• Here you can see the screen shots I have taken from the survey monkey website. I created this survey so that I could get feedback from people in the class.

• The feedback that my peers have given me through the survey monkey has been fairly even on negatives and positives. This then suggests the points that I need to improve on when it comes to pitching a product.

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Survey Monkey• Some of the feedback I received I have embraced, such as making sure that

I don’t use the word “stuff”. Positive feedback was also embraced such as “the financial slide clearly explained the costs” which helped me to understand where my pitch was at the right level for the audience.

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Survey monkey Here are some of the questions put to my peers. I asked questions such as “what were the areas you think I need to improve?”

One area of feedback I found encouraging was my peers commenting on the clear and focused ideas that I pitched.

The comments I received enabled me to embrace ideas that would improve my pitch.

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Survey Monkey

• Some slightly negative feedback I received were comments that I didn’t cover every piece of detail within the pitch. I can address this by having clearer speaker notes.

• I have then taken all the feedback and modified the Prezzi that I created to include comments that I agree with.

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Changes to the plan based on feedback

• In my financial analysis, I didn’t mention cameras and other pieces of equipment. Based on this feedback I investigated how much the equipment cost and incorporated into my presentation. This was important to ensure that all costs were covered

• After incorporating additional costs, I then revisited my cost model to make sure that I still made a profit. Costs such as the software licenses to produce the magazine which will be a monthly charge.

• The following page is a screenshot from my presentation identifying the production process.

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Pitch Resources

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Pitch Resources

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Pitch Resources

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Pitch Resources

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Pitch Resources

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Interview analysis • Before creating my music magazine I had

to make sure that I had collected the responses from the target audience for my music magazine. The genre of the magazine is rock, so this meant collecting some qualitative data from rock fans. For this analysis I will be asking 3 questions to encourage an informal response. To collect the data from the interview I will be writing down the response from the 3 questions that I will be asking. Here I have also included a screen shot of the interview.

Questions asked at the interview

1. Do you find the images or text more interesting?

2. Would you buy the magazine just for the free CD that comes with the magazine?

3. Would you download the magazine if it was available on I tunes?

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Feedback- Publisher I arranged to sit down with my publisher to gather some feedback from my pitch. By doing this it enabled me to reflect on my pitch and magazine ideas for the future. One bit of advice that I took on board was my production plan needed to be in more detail as this is the plan on how my magazine is going to be produced and what steps I will be completing by when. Therefore, this is something really important as there is a deadline that needs to be met. Furthermore, I got some advice on my magazine pages. For example on my DPS the columns needed to be moved over and presented neatly and also my images needed to be made bigger. I therefore took this advice on board from my publisher to make sure my magazine is successful.

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WWW/EBI• WHAT was/is successful about your Proposed Idea(s)?• The working title “Rock Dance” was something that was really successful about my proposed ideas because I based a

magazine on a band my friend is in and the main objective of the whole music band was to make people dance therefore, I tied the genre with his quote therefore I thought this was successful as I went outside the box and gathered information from people in the music industry. Another proposed idea that was successful was creating a Survey Monkey for the public to answer. This was really successful and it gave me insight on what to do for my magazine, how much I should price it at, what content I should put in it and how is should be placed within a magazine. Allowing the public to answer these questions gave me positivity on distributing my magazine as I knew I had made sure I had done everything to fit the audiences needs.

• WWW• The colour scheme of my magazines went particularly well because I was consistent throughout with my colour scheme

and also the font style as I tied it in with the colour of my magazine.• EBI• It would have been better if I included more images in my DPS as I only had one image and if I made sure all the columns

were in line so I did not need to go back and do this. Also, if I made the Puff Promotion on the Front Cover stand out better as this is something that will really pull the audience in as I am promoting something free within the magazine.

• WHAT changes do you need to make (Budget, Production Plan, Calendar Events you have to consider, release date etc.) and WHY?

• The changes that I need to make are the Calendar Events and the release date because the magazine is covering Rock music and links to the festivals and gigs that are being held in the summer. Releasing the magazine in the summer will help promote the magazine. This is because the magazine will feature and show all the festival dates and pictures.

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LO5’s outcome was to be able to evaluate feedback gained from a pitch or presentation. I did this by gathering feedback from my Pitch via Survey Monkey and a video interview with my publisher. The feedback I was given was taken on board and enabled me to reflect on my music magazine ideas.