Unit 5 digital publishing

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Page 2: Unit 5 digital publishing

The digitally published product is cd cover which represents the artist and his music. The theme of the cd cover is photo-realist. Is when artist studies photograph and makes the image as realistically as possible in another medium.The purpose of the cd cover is to promote the album. The tattoos on artists neck represent his music, for example; tattoo with lips and his song lyrics. The cd cover is used to promote or advertise the music. When audience see cd cover, it supposed to tell a story to the audience, for example; music genre. The cd cover is used to represent the cd and it can be used in cd player, cars, laptops and computers. However the iTunes, soundclound or any other music apps use album covers as well.

Page 3: Unit 5 digital publishing

The digitally published product is a flyer which represents, inform about event. The bright colours used in a flyer to represent a theme and creates a atmosphere. The shapes are also used in a flyer. The purpose of the flyer is to inform and promote. The flyer invites the audience to come and join them by giving information like dates, times and locations. The title of the flyer represents the theme of the event. The audience get information about event like, artists , location and dates. The audience don’t need search in internet about more information because the most important information they get in a flyer.

Page 4: Unit 5 digital publishing

The digitally published products is a leaflet which represents the people that works in that company. The leaflet use mise-en-scene like, smart clothing and computers creates effect that company is good and professional. They represent their offices and writes descriptions about their work, which makes audience believe them and choose services that can be provided. The purpose of leaflet is to provide advice and promote. The leaflet tries to convince customers that they are the best and that they should choose them. In that way they promote their company and increases their audiences.

Page 5: Unit 5 digital publishing

The digitally published products is a instruction manuals that represents instructions of the Mario game. The instruction manuals use visual examples of what to do but also uses text to inform the audience and make it clear. The purpose of instruction manuals is to inform and provide advice. The visual examples can be also very useful for young age children that cant read. The minimum text is written just for important information and instructions that audience should know.

Page 6: Unit 5 digital publishing

The digitally published product is interactive media. The interactive media product is in clothing shops website, it lets audience interact with the website, for example it lets audience to upload their pictures and write about their clothes. It can also let audiences sell their products on their websites. The website allows audiences to put different clothes on a model and create their own outfit. The purpose of this websites interactive media is to entertain and let audience to communicate with each other and share their own pictures. The another purpose is that, it lets audience create their own outfits from products that they providing. It makes website more interested and increases audience. The website can be used on internet but also on a app.

Page 7: Unit 5 digital publishing

The digitally published products is promotional material which is jumpers that promotes artist and his album. The promotional material has symbols that makes audience recognise the artist or album. The purpose of this promotional material is to promote album and artist. The promotional material increases more audiences and sales. It can also advertise the album.

Page 8: Unit 5 digital publishing

The digitally published product is charity advert. In the advert its used a lot of text and one image. The text is used to give audience information about suffering kids. They trying to make audience guilty and make them donate. The information is used where they can donate and how much would it help. The purpose of the advert is to inform, persuade and promote. The advert helps charity increase their audiences and spread awareness.

Page 9: Unit 5 digital publishing

The digitally published product is the e-newspaper that it can be accessed on a internet or app. The purpose of the e-newspaper is to inform the country about events around the world. The e-newspaper use white background and black text to make it easier for audience to read. The newspaper writes about events, weather and any other topic that could be interesting to their audience. They change stories everyday to increase audience and make it more interesting.

Page 10: Unit 5 digital publishing

The digitally published product is the e-magazine which can be accessed on internet or app. The purpose of the e-magazine is to promote, inform and tell a story. The e-magazine promote designers products to increase sales. The background of the e-magazine is white to make it classic and easier for audience to read. The e-magazine specialises on fashion and products. The e-magazine has a section with top stories to make audience access the most popular stories to read easier. The e-magazine also uses videos and images to make magazine more interested.

Page 11: Unit 5 digital publishing

The digitally published product is the e-book. The purpose of the e-book is to inform and entertain. The e-book is biography, which make book more informational than fiction book. The picture of the book supposed to give audience a little story without even reading the titles. In the picture there is main character to represent what book is about. At the back of the book they write little summary about the book to make audience get clearer image about the book.