Becoming a Successful Student at Syracuse University By Rami Fayad , Anthony Cassera, Jack Durrani, & Christine Allawh

Unit 3 Assignment

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Becoming a Successful Student at Syracuse

UniversityBy Rami Fayad , Anthony Cassera, Jack

Durrani, & Christine Allawh

Page 2: Unit 3 Assignment


This presentation will consist of 5 topics incoming freshman college students should become familiar with:

- Grade expectations

- Studying

- Time management

- College writing tips

- Available Resources

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Grade ExpectationsNot every student can have a 4.0 GPA right off the bat, but setting reasonable academic goals for the semester can help you get an idea of what to expect from yourself in each course.

Students should know that their first semester grades may not be the most important of their college career, but they can certainly be the most impressionable, and can have a impact on what grades they are satisfied with in the future.

USAtoday.com states that the average GPA among four-year college students is about 3.11, or a B.

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StudyingGetting into the habit of studying often is one of the most important things you can do as a first-year freshman, as it can help you set a schedule for how many hours each week will be spent doing schoolwork.

You should set aside a certain amount of hours each day where you can be at a place free of distractions and catch up on homework, reading, or test preparation.

UMflint.edu suggests 24-36 hours of work each week would be exceptional for a course load of 12 credits.

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Time ManagementYour whole day can’t be spent writing papers and skimming textbooks. Deciding ahead of time when you’re going to work can help give you extra time throughout the day.

Losing track of time is easy with all the independence you’ve gained by living away from home, and procrastination is almost definite to happen.

While procrastination is very hard to avoid you can try by thinking about the consequences, realizing your excuses, and taking short breaks while doing assignments.

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Time Management (continued)

Many classes will give out assignments that allow you more than enough time to complete them, especially in your first semester.

Completing homework early gives you more downtime, but that doesn’t mean after your homework is done you can relax for the rest of the day. If you have plenty of hours free catch up on your classes every now and then to make sure you understand the material.

Making sure each day is a productive one is a good way to maintain a routine of good time management over the whole semester.

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College Writing Tips

Starting papers early gives you time later on to complete and revise them a few times.

Try to be yourself in essays, write about something significant to you rather than what you think will get a good grade.

Be honest about your work because colleges take plagiarism much more seriously than high schools. Punishments can range from failing the class to being expelled.

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College Writing Tips (continued)

Stay focused on your topic throughout your paper, always remain clear about your position.

Go over your paper once you’re finished at least twice to make sure your spelling and grammar are correct, as well as make improvements.

Don’t be afraid to start over, not every final draft will satisfy you on the first try.

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Available ResourcesSyracuse University has plenty of services for academic and personal help. The university’s writing center provides help for anyone who would like in-person assistance on any assignments, and can be reached at wc.syr.edu.

Your professors and advisors are always ready to help you during class and outside of class by email or their office hours when you can visit them.

Getting to know people in each of your classes can give you a second opinion on your work. Asking a friend to look over an assignment for you is always an option.

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High School You Vs. College You

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The End

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http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/11/21/college-grade-inflation-what-does-an-mean/3662003/ (Grade Expectations Slide)

https://www.umflint.edu/advising/surviving_college (Studying Slide)

http://www.communitycollegesuccess.com/2011/05/10-ways-to-stop-procrastination-today.html (Time Management Slide)

http://www.nacacnet.org/studentinfo/articles/Pages/Top-Ten-Tips-for-Writing-a-College-Essay-.aspx (College Writing Tips Slide, College Writing Tips (continued) Slide)

http://wc.syr.edu (Available Resources Slide)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-QOF-qUAUw (Video Slide)