Unit 19 Books Stories Poems and Rhymes For Children

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Unit 19Books Stories Poems and Rhymes

For Children

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Starter Activity

Sequence the Hungry Caterpillar cards in order

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All students will be able to:• Identify books suitable for 0-3yrs, 3-5yrs• Identify what a child gains from books, rhymes and

poems• Explore titles of books• List key features of books 0-3,3-5yrs Many students will be able to: • Explain the benefits of sharing books Some students will be able to: • Demonstrate a story sharing experience confidently

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Starter – Why are Stories Important?

• http://www.bbc.co.uk/guides/zyvhpv4

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• What are your favourite books?• What is the experience like when you are

reading ?• Who do you share books with? • What is your earliest memory of reading ?

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Board Blast

What did you gain from sharing books, rhymes and poems?

How did you start using books?

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Sharing books with children


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Matching game

Do you know these popular books?

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Have you met any objectives yet?

Write on your objective list if you have and how.

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Story Telling Time

Observe your tutor carefully and complete the observation sheet about the story telling session

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Over to you

• Get in to pairs

• Choose a story from a sack

• Read it to your peer

• Peer will observe and comment

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Suitable books

0-3 3-5

Sort the books on the table in to the appropriate piles 0-3 and 3-5Why have you chosen to place them there?

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Why is it important to select the correct age appropriate book?


You have until the music stops to write down your answers

Discuss in pairs then feedback

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Have you met any objectives yet?

Write on your objective list if you have and how.

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Poster - List the key features of books for 0-3, 3-5yrs 2.1

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Have you met any objectives yet?

Write on your objective list if you have and how.

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Write down two things you didn’t know at the start of this lesson.

THENWrite down two things you feel you need more

information on.

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All students will be able to:• Identify books suitable for 0-3yrs, 3-5yrs• Identify what a child gains from books, rhymes and

poems• Explore titles of books• List key features of books 0-3,3-5yrs Many students will be able to: • Explain the benefits of sharing books Some students will be able to: • Demonstrate a story sharing experience confidently

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Unit 18Books Stories Poems and Rhymes

For Children

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All students will be able to:• Identify poems and rhymes suitable for children

0-3, 3-5yrs• Describe how rhymes and poems can aid a child’s

language• List key features of rhymes and poems for 0-3,3-

5yrsMany students will be able to: • Explain the benefits of rhymes and poemsSome students will be able to: • Recognise the learning that would take place for a

child when sharing stories, rhymes and poems

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• How many books do you think there are in London’s leading library?

• How many are added each year?

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• There are approximately 1 million volumes in total in the Library's collection.

• Approximately 8,000 volumes are added to the Library each year across all of the subject areas.


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Think of a riddle or poem you know that is

suitable for children and recite to your peer

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The Land of the Bumbly Boo


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How can poems aid a child’s language skills?

Can it benefit speech? Why?What learning would take place?

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Let’s look at some poems on the book trust website

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Have you met any objectives yet?

Write on your objective list if you have and how.

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Rhymes and Stories Hand-out

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Rhyming books

Do you know any rhyming children’s books?


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Story Time

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Discuss and feedback

What did the rhyming book encourage?

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Poems and Rhymes Sorting Game

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0-3 3-5

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In pairs list ALL the poems and rhymes you know – Be prepared to share with the whole class.

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Have you met any objectives yet?

Write on your objective list if you have and how.

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Produce a poster listing the key features of the rhymes and poems for 0-3 and 3-5yrs


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Review Write a quiz of 5 hard questions about

today’s learning.

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All students will be able to:• Identify poems and rhymes suitable for children

0-3, 3-5yrs• Describe how rhymes and poems can aid a child’s

language• List key features of rhymes and poems for 0-3,3-

5yrsMany students will be able to: • Explain the benefits of rhymes and poemsSome students will be able to: • Recognise the learning that would take place for a

child when sharing stories, rhymes and poems

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Unit 18Books Stories Poems and Rhymes

For Children

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Starter activityComplete the questions written in review yesterday

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All students will be able to:• Identify where to access books• Explain the services a library offers• Identify what an ISBN number is• Describe what a child learns from sharing storiesMany students will be able to: Reflect on practice Some students will be able to: • Evaluate the importance of sharing stories and


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Class circle time

Where to access books? Why visit a library?

What are the benefits of a library?

What does a library offer?

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Our Local Library Services


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Join your local library and borrow some children’s book for next week’s session.

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College Library visit – Whole class

During the visit you need to:Research – What is an ISBN Number and what

do we use it for?

Find out all the services the college library offers.

Find the childcare and children’s books section.

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Reflect – What do you now know about library services?

What objectives have you met so far and how? Write on the table handout

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What makes a great story session?What do children learn from stories, poems and



Reflect back to our stories at the beginning of the week

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Task 1 ,1 Create a leaflet outlining to parents what children can learn from stories, rhymes and poems.

Be sure to use websites like bookstart, booktrust and literacy trust.

Explain to parents the importance of sharing books with their children.

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Share your leaflet with a peer, can they be constructive and add to your ideas?

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Have a go at home and make your own story

• http://www.learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/make-your-own/story-maker

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Review – What has been your favourite part of learning this week? Draw a picture to explain

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All students will be able to:• Identify where to access books• Explain the services a library offers• Identify what an ISBN number is• Describe what a child learns from sharing storiesMany students will be able to: Reflect on practice Some students will be able to: • Evaluate the importance of sharing stories and
