The Truman Doctrine & The Marshall Plan

Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan

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An explanation of the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan and what that meant for America.

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The Truman Doctrine &The Marshall Plan

U.S. Focus After WWII• War Against Communism

• Policy of Containment1. Help the smaller countries resist

soviet/communist advances.

2. Wanted to stop the spread of communism• Ex: Sending money, arms, and generals to South

Vietnam to fight against the Northern communists (Ho Chi Minh)

President Truman

• After WWII, Truman wanted to make sure a communist country never had the chance to cause as much damage as Germany did in WWII.

• Asked congress for economic aid to Turkey and Greece to support his new Doctrine…

The Truman Doctrine• Dedicated to uplifting anticommunist regimes

around the world.

• Many US citizens did not want to US to continue fighting Communism around the world

• Others did not want to interfere in other countries affairs

• Congress, however, quickly approved $400 million worth of aid

Communism and Poverty

• After WWII not only were there communism issues spreading throughout the world but poverty as well.

• In Western Europe many of the cities were in shambles. There was a shortage of jobs as well as food.

• Main Question:– How can the U.S. help?

The Marshall Plan

• George Marshall was the U.S. Secretary of State

• Wanted to help those in Western Europe who are living without shelter, jobs, and food.

The Marshall Plan

• An assistance program to help rebuild Western Europe.

– Would provide food and machinery – 12.5 billion dollar program in 1948– Any country left in shambles that was not

communist received aid from the U.S.

1948-195: Countries who received aid from the Marshall Plan

• Great Britain• France• Italy• West Germany• Holland • Austria• Belgium• Greece

• Denmark• Norway• Turkey• Ireland• Sweden• Portugal• Yugoslavia• Iceland• A Few More