Transformers (2007) - Directed by Michael Bay Studio - DreamWorks SKG As the opening credits play on the blank screen metallic sound effects accompany them, immediately establishing the genre of sci-fi and preparing viewers for the opening sequence. The screen is then black signifying that all the attention must be on the voice. The use of voice over in this particular film allows for background information and parts of the narrative to be told to the audience so that the director can cut straight into the action without having the audience confused. The voice used in the opening is the voice we learn to be Optimus Prime the leader of the autobots, his importance is indicated by his strong, deep vocals. In the first few words of dialogue 'The Cube' is introduced, this immediacy signifies it's importance to the narrative. Then a tracking shot across a rocky, dark surface cuts from the blank screen, the timing of introducing the cube and the shot links the two together establishing to the audience 'The Cube' is not from this world. As the voice over goes on to tell the power of this cube fast string music begins to build in the background, creating an anticipating atmosphere as the scene continues. As the tracking shot gets faster and further away from the surface the audience establish it is in space until we see the surface is infact a cube supposedly the one discussed in the voice over. This gives the whole beginning sequence a meaning of establishing the significance of this cube and the relation it has with the voice over. As the triumphant music builds the voice over continues to tell a narrative of their experience with 'The Cube' and the danger that goes along with it. The shot is then still as objects move into it, large asteroids crash into 'The Cube' and violently breakup yet the it remains strong with no sign of damage again reinforcing to the audience it's power. As 'The Cube' spins off into space planet Earth comes into view and the audience can anticipate the connection this alien race now has with us, building excitement into the developing narrative. As the shot cuts and TRANSFORMERS forms on the now blank screen the final words 'But we were already too late' are heard on the voice over. This not only suggests the start of the film by the fading to black and title but the use of the final words leave the audience questioning what it means and building further excitement for the start of the film.


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Transformers (2007) - Directed by Michael Bay

Studio - DreamWorks SKG

As the opening credits play on the blank screen metallic sound effects accompany them, immediately establishing the genre of sci-fi and preparing viewers for the opening sequence. The screen is then black signifying that all the attention must be on the voice. The use of voice over in this particular film allows for background information and parts of the narrative to be told to the audience so that the director can cut straight into the action without having the audience confused. The voice used in the opening is the voice we learn to be Optimus Prime the leader of the autobots, his importance is indicated by his strong, deep vocals. In the first few words of dialogue 'The Cube' is introduced, this immediacy signifies it's importance to the narrative. Then a tracking shot across a rocky, dark surface cuts from the blank screen, the timing of introducing the cube and the shot links the two together establishing to the audience 'The Cube' is not from this world. As the voice over goes on to tell the power of this cube fast string music begins to build in the background, creating an anticipating atmosphere as the scene continues. As the tracking shot gets faster and further away from the surface the audience establish it is in space until we see the surface is infact a cube supposedly the one discussed in the voice over. This gives the whole beginning sequence a meaning of establishing the significance of this cube and the relation it has with the voice over. As the triumphant music builds the voice over continues to tell a narrative of their experience with 'The Cube' and the danger that goes along with it. The shot is then still as objects move into it, large asteroids crash into 'The Cube' and violently breakup yet the it remains strong with no sign of damage again reinforcing to the audience it's power. As 'The Cube' spins off into space planet Earth comes into view and the audience can anticipate the connection this alien race now has with us, building excitement into the developing narrative. As the shot cuts and TRANSFORMERS forms on the now blank screen the final words 'But we were already too late' are heard on the voice over. This not only suggests the start of the film by the fading to black and title but the use of the final words leave the audience questioning what it means and building further excitement for the start of the film.