Improving Teaching Practice in New York State The Regents Reform Agenda and Annual Professional Performance Review Process

The Regents Reform Agenda & Improvement of Teaching Practices

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A review or the Regents Reform Agenda in NYS, and how teacher improvement can affect student performance. A look into the standards and assessment, data systems to support instruction, great teachers and leaders, and turning around struggling schools as part of the Regents Reform Agenda.

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Page 1: The Regents Reform Agenda & Improvement of Teaching Practices

Improving Teaching Practice in

New York State

The Regents Reform Agenda and Annual Professional

Performance Review Process

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How is Race to the Top changing the P-12 school landscape, and what are the implications for

Schools of Education?

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• Dr. Karen Bell, Dean SUNY New Paltz• Dr. Stephen Danna, Dean SUNY Plattsburgh @

Queensbury • Dr. James Butterworth, Executive Director Capital

Area School Development Association (CASDA at UAlbany)• Rita Floess, NBCT Mentor Coordinator, Albany CSD• Joseph Pesavento, Director Mid-Hudson Teacher


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Standards and Assessment

Data Systems to Support Instruction

Great Teachers and Leaders

Turning Around Struggling Schools


Regents Reform Agenda

College and Career Ready


Highly EffectiveSchool Leaders

Highly Effective Teachers

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3 Initiatives


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100-Point Evaluation System


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Teachers AND Principals: Sixty Percent

-Based on NYS Teaching Standards or the ISSLC Standards

-Menu of state approved rubrics to assess performance on Standards

-Variance process available for district/BOCES who seek to use a rubric not on State-approved list.

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Teachers: Sixty Percent Cont.

•Multiple measures•At least 31 of the 60 points shall be based upon multiple (at least 2) classroom observations by Principal or trained evaluator, one must be unannounced.

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Teachers: Sixty Percent Cont.

•Remaining Points• Observation(s) by trained evaluator(s)• Observation(s) by trained, in-school peer

teachers• Feedback from students and/or parents

using state approved survey tools• Structured review of lesson plans, student

portfolios and or teacher artifacts•All Standards must be addressed each year

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New York State Teaching Standards

1. Knowledge of Students and Student Learning

2. Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning

3. Instructional Practice

4. Learning Environment

5. Assessment for Student Learning

6. Professional Responsibilities and Collaboration

7. Professional Growth

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Effects of Support and Challenge on Teacher Development

Retreat Growth

Status Quo Confirmation


low high







Vision LearningBarber, 2003

Mckinsey Global Ed Practice

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Teacher-Leader Effectiveness Continuum


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What is the research telling us about improving teacher effectiveness through evidence-based evaluation?

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Study: Measures of Effective Teaching


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Measures of Effective TeachingUnique project in many ways:

in the variety of indicators tested,

5 instruments for classroom observations

Student surveys (Tripod Survey)

Value-added on state tests

in its scale,

3,000 teachers

22,500 observation scores (7,500 lesson videos x 3 scores)

900 + trained observers

44,500 students completing surveys and supplemental assessments

• and in the variety of student outcomes studied.

Gains on state math and ELA tests

Gains on supplemental tests (BAM & SAT9 OE)

Student-reported outcomes (effort and enjoyment in class)

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Measures have different strengths …and weaknesses

Dynamic Trio

Measure Predictive power ReliabilityPotential for

Diagnostic Insight


Student survey









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Key Finding: Use Multiple measures

•All the observation rubrics are positively associated with student achievement gains

•Using multiple observations per teacher is VERY important (and ideally multiple observers)

•The student feedback survey tested is ALSO positively associated with student achievement gains

•Combining observation measures, student feedback and value-added growth results on state tests was more reliable and a better predictor of a teacher’s value-added on State tests with a different cohort of students than:

» Any Measure alone, Graduate degrees, Years of teaching experience

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Framework for Teaching (ASCD Danielson)

Four Steps






Yes/no Questions, posed in rapid succession, teacher asks all questions, same few students participate.



Some questions ask for student explanations, uneven attempts to engage all students.




t Most questions ask for explanation, discussion develops/teacher steps aside, all students participate.





All questions high quality, students initiate some questions, students engage other students.

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Student Feedback: related to student learning gains

Survey StatementSurvey StatementRankRank






• Students in this class treat the teacher with respect• My classmates behave the way my teacher wants them to• Our class stays busy and doesn’t waste time

• In this class, we learn a lot every day

• In this class, we learn to correct our mistakes

Student survey items with strongest relationship to MS math gains:

38• I have learned a lot this year about [the state


• Getting ready for [the state test] takes a lot of time in our class

Student survey items with the weakest relationship to MS math gains:

Note: Sorted by absolute value of correlation with student achievement gains. Drawn from “Learning about Teaching: Initial Findings from the Measures of Effective Teaching

Project”. For a list of Tripod survey questions, see Appendix Table 1 in the Research Report.

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Focus on 20 Points-Growth Measures

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ELA/Math 4-8 Teachers: Growth Measures

• State-provided student scores comparing student growth to those with similar past test scores (may include consideration of poverty, ELL, SWD status)

• Value-added model with additional controls when approved, which can be no earlier than 2012-2013

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Student Learning Objectives

…an academic goal for a teacher’s students set at the start of a course. It represents the most important learning for the year (or, semester, where applicable). It must be specific and measurable, based on available prior student learning data, and aligned to the Common Core, State, or national standards, as well as any other school and district priorities. Teachers’ scores are based upon the degree to which their goals were attained


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www.engageNY.orgwww.engageNY.org© 2012, Community Training and Assistance Center

*Please see caveat© 2012, Teaching Learning Solutions

NYSED SLO Framework


All SLOs MUST include the following basic components:

Student Population Which students are being addressed?

Learning ContentWhat is being taught? CCSS/National/State standards? Will this goal apply to all standards applicable to a course or just to specific priority standards?

Interval of Instructional Time

What is the instructional period covered (if not a year, rationale for semester/quarter/etc)?

Evidence What assessment(s) or student work product(s) will be used to measure this goal?

Baseline What is the starting level of learning for students covered by this SLO?

Target(s) What is the expected outcome (target) by the end of the instructional period?

HEDI CriteriaHow will evaluators determine what range of student performance “meets” the goal (effective) versus “well-below” (ineffective) , “below” (developing), and “well-above” (highly effective)?

Rationale Why choose this learning content, evidence and target?

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www.engageNY.orgwww.engageNY.org© 2012, Community Training and Assistance Center

*Please see caveat© 2012, Teaching Learning Solutions

Student Population, Baseline, and Target(s)SLO Target Approach 1: Set a common growth target.

90% of students, including special populations, will grow by 60 percentage points or more on their summative assessment compared to their pre-test for the standards. (e.g., Student E’s target is 60 more than 30, or 90.)


Student Pre-Test Score Summative Target

Student A 10 70

Student B 20 80

Student C 5 65

Student D 0 60

Student E 30 90

Student F 10 70

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This is how different levels of student growth will translate into one of four rating categories:

• Highly effective,

• Effective,

• Developing, and

• Ineffective


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Focus on 20 points-Local Measures


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• May choose growth or achievement measure from these options:• State Assessments, Regents exam

(different measure than growth component)

• List of State-approved 3rd party assessments

• District or BOCES developed assessment (must verify comparability and rigor)

• School-wide group, or team results • Structured district-wide goal setting


Teachers: Local Measures Cont.

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Instructional Shifts Demanded by the Core

6 Shifts in ELA/LiteracyBalancing Informational and Literary

TextBuilding Knowledge in the DisciplinesStaircase of ComplexityText-based AnswersWriting from SourcesAcademic Vocabulary


Implementing the Common Core

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How can IHE support educators with the Regents Reform Agenda?

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•Current Research

•Collaboration especially in high needs schools

•Preparation for new roles in teaching

•Teacher Leadership

•National Board Certification

IHE and CurrentPractitioners

SUNY New Paltz

Page 31: The Regents Reform Agenda & Improvement of Teaching Practices

www.engageNY.orgwww.engageNY.org© 2012, Community Training and Assistance Center

*Please see caveat© 2012, Teaching Learning Solutions

• State-wide system• Policy Board• Continuum of practice• Resources and expertise

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What is the impact of the Regents Reform Agenda on Higher Education?

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Impact of Reforms on Higher Education

• Integrate CCLS and Teacher Standards in all course work.

• Require all teachers to develop CCLS aligned lessons.

• Use state-approved rubrics for student teacher evaluation.

• Focus observations on CCLS and NYS teacher standards.

• Use current technologies• Assessment design and analysis, RTI…..

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www.engageny.orghttp://www.nysteachercenters.org/[email protected]@[email protected]

This webinar was sponsored by the New York State Teacher Center Higher Education Committee and CASDA and produced at NERIC. June 2012