The Effects of Preschool Attendance on School Readiness and Future Academic Performance

The effects of preschool attendance

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  • 1. on School Readinessand Future Academic Performance

2. By Lisa Schira EDC 501 3. Introduction: Does preschool attendance enhance school readiness and future academic achievement? 4. Introduction contd: Most studies show that attending a high-quality earlylearning program strengthens kindergarten readinessand long term academic performance. Quality was implicated as the defining factor of asuccessful preschool program but those studied wereinconsistent. 5. Introduction contd: What does a high-quality preschool program looklike? Can we insure the level of quality in early childhoodeducation and therefore lessen the varying degrees ofeffectiveness? Can high-quality programs be widely and equallyaccessible to diverse populations? Can other forms of early intervention be as effective inpositively enhancing school readiness as preschoolattendance? 6. Research Methods: Compare/Contrast Diverse populations of children Those that have attended preschool and those that have not 7. Research Methods Contd: Analysis of Variance Kindergarten Skills(ANOVA)Assessments Standard Deviation Grade-level Proficiency Two-way MANOVA Tests Chi-Square Test Graduation rates 8. Research Methods Contd: California StandardsTests Georgia KindergartenAssessment Program Developmental ReadingAssessment, SecondEdition 9. Research Methods contd: Regression-discontinuity design Time-series design Pre-post design Longitudinal study design Quasi-experimental pre-post treatment design Descriptive method based on relational survey model 10. In most cases, attending preschool significantly enhancedschool readiness and academic achievement in the long-term. 11. Resultscontd: Variables such as race-ethnicity, English-language fluency,parent education and economic status can effect proficiency inkey subjects Disadvantaged children are more likely to start school behindand stay behind Disadvantaged children are the least likely to attend high-quality, center-based preschool programs Preschool appears promising for narrowing achievement gaps 12. Results contd: Supportive parental role has positive effects onchildrens learning Engaging in activities at home such as reading,painting, drawing, singing, and learning numbers havea big impact on childrens kindergarten readiness Literacy-rich environments correlates most closelywith childrens early literacy ability than any otherfactor 13. Results contd:Reading Achievement Reading achievement scoreswere consistently higher forchildren in early childhood Reading Achievementeducation programs.150 140 130 120Received PreschoolNo Preschool 110 100 90 Grade 3Grade 5 Grade 8 14. Results contd: Children from quality 55% early learning settings48% have been shown to 36% realize sizeable and31%preschoolprogram enduring achievements25% in the long-term.no14% preschoolprogram Attended 4 Retained in Placed in yr college gradespecialeducation 15. Discussion: Increase access, especially for underserved groups Raise quality across the board, especially fordimensions with the biggest shortfalls Advance toward a more efficient and coordinatedsystem Provide infrastructure supports 16. Discussion contd: Continue with bestpractice early childhoodeducation policies in theclassroom Connect with parents andempower them to supporttheir childs learning Continually enhance aliteracy-rich classroomenvironment Continue to advocate forquality early learningprograms 17. Discussion contd: It seems there is a significant difference in the academicperformance of children who attend a well-designedpreschool program with a curriculum that includes alldevelopmentally appropriate domains facilitated by aprofessional teacher in a safe, literacy-rich environment. 18. Discussion contd: The hypothesis is supported by the literature reviewed Future research may be more conclusive by limiting variables 19. References: Barnett,W.S (2008). Preschool education and its lasting effects: Research and policy implications. Boulder and Tempe: Education and Public Interest Center & Education Policy and research Unit. Retrieved October 21, 2011 fromhttp://epicpolicy.org/publication/preschool-educationBowens-McCarthy, Patricia and Morote, Elsa Sophia (2009). The link between investment in early childhoodpreschools and high school graduation rates for African-American males in the United States of America. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 10, 232-39. Brown, Jen (2002). The Link Between Early Learning and Care and School Readiness. Economic Opportunity Institute. Retrieved October 11, 2011 fromhttp://www.tes.co.uk/article.aspx?storycode=6006041 Canno, Jill S. and Karoly, Lynn A. The Promise of Preschool for Narrowing Readiness and Achievement Gaps AmongCalifornia Children. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2007. Dunlap, Katherine M. (1997). Family Empowerment: One outcome of cooperative preschool education. Child Welfare,Vol. 76(4), 501-18. 20. References contd: Fails Nelson, Regina (2005).The Impact of Ready Environments on Achievement in Kindergarten. Journal of Research in Childhood Education , 19(3), 215-21.Gormley, William T., Jr.; Gayer, Ted; Phillips, Deborah; Dawson, Brittany (2005). The effects of universal pre-K on cognitivedevelopment. Developmental Psychology, 41(6), 872-84.Gulay, Hulya; Ackman, Berrin and Kargi, Eda (2001). Social skills of first grade primary students and preschool education.Education, 131,663-79. Karoly, Lynn A. Strategies for Advancing Preschool Adequacy and Efficiency in California. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2009. Taylor, Katherine Kees, Gibbs, Albert S., and Slate, John R. (2000). Preschool Attendance and Kindergarten Readiness. Early Childhood Education Journal, 27(3), 191-95. 21. References contd:Volenti, Joy E. and Tracey, Diane H. (2009). Full-day, Half-day and No Preschool; Effects on Urban Childrens First-Grade ReadingAchievement. Education and Urban Society, 41(6), 695-711.Ward, Helen (2008). Preschool learning holds the key to childrens success later in life. The Times Educational Supplement,no. 4817, 22-23.Yoshikawa, Hirokazu, Ph.D. (2009). The Science Of Early Childhood development and the Foundations of Prosperity. Paper presentedat the Maine Business Leaders Summit on Early Childhood, Portland and Bath, ME, September 24, 2009.