Thai Etiquettes and Customs Wednesday, January 18, 12

Thai Etiquette and Customs pdf

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Thai Etiquettes and CustomsWednesday, January 18, 12

Page 2: Thai Etiquette and Customs pdf

•Social relationships = one person being superior to the other

•Parents are superior to children, teachers to students, boss to subordinate

•Status being determined by clothing, appearance, age, job, education, and family name

Hierarchical Society

Wednesday, January 18, 12

Page 3: Thai Etiquette and Customs pdf

Thai Family Values

•More closely tied with family than in western countries

•Extended family with many generations living together.

•Parents are at the top.

•Children are taught to honor, respect, and obey parents.

Wednesday, January 18, 12

Page 4: Thai Etiquette and Customs pdf

Nature of Thais

•Extremely tolerant, forgiving, easy-going

•By-product of Buddhism

•Politeness, respect, friendly manner, self-control to keep harmonious relation

•Non confrontational society

•Open criticism is rare, always look for compromise

Wednesday, January 18, 12

Page 5: Thai Etiquette and Customs pdf

Thai Greeting

•Wai = sign of respect

•the lower the head, the more respect is shown.

•Sitting, walking, standing

•The younger initiate the ‘Wai’

•The senior return the ‘Wai’

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•Improper to wear revealing clothes

•Short shorts or skirt, low cut dress or top

•In temple, long trousers or skirts must be worn.

•Being influenced by western countries, Japan and Korea, teenagers become more open to what they wear

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Sacred Part of Body

•Head = the most sacred= not to be touched

•Foot = the least sacred = not to be pointed to anyone

•Pointing with foot is extremely insulting

•Feet to be tucked under body when seated on the floor

•Touching people = invasion personal space

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Sacred Part of Body

•Never pat a Thai on the head

•Rude to stand over someone older

•Lower your head when passing older person

•Always keep your feet down

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Sacred Part of Body

•Clothing from lower part should not be in a high position

•Socks, underwear

•Two clothes lines

•Separate clothes before washing

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Practice Thai Manners

•How to Wai (3 levels)

•How to walk pass an older person



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Land of Smile

•Thai smiles say many things

•Happy, amused, embarrassed, uncertain, wrong, annoyed, furious

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•Thais do not wear shoes in their house or a temple

•Happy, amused, embarrassed, uncertain, wrong, annoyed, furious

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Wednesday, January 18, 12