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Taylor swift ft ed sheeran ehc

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Taylor Swift ft Ed Sheeran

Everything Has Changed

Page 2: Taylor swift ft ed sheeran ehc

Style; performance, narrative, mixture, cameo

• Cameo/narrative

• Taylor and Ed appear in the video but do not perform – attention isn’t on them it is on what they are showing through the narrative.

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Camera; shots, angles, shot, length, movement

• Extreme long shot at the start shows the landscape and the setting which is like a film (feels like a film) and sets the scene.

• Over the shoulder shot – of the girl on the bus that shows her walking slow as if she is not in a rush to find friends. Then there is a shallow focus of the girl in the shot which then changes to focus on the boy so we see his reaction to her.

• Shallow focus and a two shot on the bus when she is sitting down – shows her expression and her feelings as she smiles and becomes happier because he has let her sit next to him. She doesn’t feel invisible or alone anymore.

• There are a mixture of two shots and close ups in the cooking scene. They are used to show who other children are sitting next to (which are usually their friends) and what their cookies look like. You notice that they all have similar designs for their cookies. There is then a deep focus of the boy and the girl at the back of the class designing their cookies like everyone else. Close ups on their cookies shows us what their designs are like and we see that they are unique and different from everyone else’s designs.

• Extreme long shot – theatre scene – you can see the whole of the stage. Only the boy and the girl are at the front and also in the centre of the stage which shows that they’re the focus of the shot. This could represent them feeling that when they’re together, they don’t notice everyone else and they’re at their happiest (they are also smiling in the shot).

• Pedestal shot – the camera moves up from the ground to where they are sitting on the playground equipment. Everyone else is playing with their friends whereas they would prefer being away from everyone else.

• Like in the cooking scene, there are close ups of what the other children are playing in the music class. Then it changes to a shallow focus of the two together away from the rest of the class, doing their own thing. This again shows that they are happier being alone with each other.

• Extreme long shot – of them dancing in the gym – everything turns dark and the spotlight is on them. This can represent them feeling as if it is only them when they’re together.

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Editing; pace, cutting, special effects

• The shots are slow at the start when the girl gets onto the bus and sits down – links to the idea of her being sad and feeling lonely. She isn’t excited for school so she feels like it’s going to be a long day.

• As the pace of the music gets faster, the shots quicken – in the music class the shots are quick as you see what the other children are doing. However when it focus’ on the boy and the girl the shot of them is on screen for longer. This could represent them feeling as if time slows down when they’re together.

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Sound; Diegetic, Non Diegetic

• The only sound is non-diegetic – of the song that the artists had recorded. This is the only sound because it is telling a story in which they want the audience to focus on only.

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Mise en scene; Costume, lighting, acting, make up, props, setting, colour

• The bright setting at the start kind of sets the mood for the rest of the video as it is bright, sunny and colourful. This can suggest that it is going to be a fun and happy video. It gives you an idea of what the video is going to be like.

• The girl at the start is wearing a pretty white dress which can reflect her innocence however her bag is bright and colourfulwhich shows her youth and fun personality.

• The girl is on her own and is waiting for the school bus but she has a sad expression on her face when it comes which suggests that she may not like school. The fact that she is on her own and is not very excited suggests that she might not have many friends (as she would be excited to see them).

• When she gets on the bus you see children talking and sitting with other children and looking fairly excited to be going to school. The girl however looks around the bus for a spare seat. It shows a spare seat next to a little boy who is, like her, on his own and doesn’t look very excited. This reflects their likeness as they are in a similar situation to each other. The boy is reading a comic book and is drinking coffee, unlike the other children which shows his different personality. He lets the girl sit next to him and lets her read his comic with him which then makes them both happier.

• The video shows how they are both similar to each other but different to everyone else. For example it shows them in cookery class where everyone is making cookies. The other kids in their class all design their cookies in a similar and typical way. However it shows the boy and girl are different to everyone as their cookies are more creative (the boys cookie has a mountain of icing and decorations on it and the girls cookie is pink and has strawberries).

• They always seem to pair up in every class and do their own thing which shows a friendship is blossoming. On a number of occasions, they are not joining in with the rest of the kids they are happy in each others company and do what they want to do instead of doing what everyone else is doing (Being themselves).

• They learn about each others hobbies/interests and also find out how similar they are e.g. painting and messing around/music.

• At the end they separate when they go home and instead of being gloomy like at the start they look happier.

• Taylor and Ed (the artists of the song) appear at the end as part of the narrative. Taylor and Ed look at each other land smile as if they know each other or have realised that their siblings are friends.

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• The whole video represents how quick and how much things can change and what impact it has on us.

• The girl is lonely at the start but when she meets the boy she becomes happier as she feels she can be herself around him.