Chapter 16 The Child from Thirty to Thirty-Six Months of Age ©2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

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  • 1. Chapter 16 The Child from Thirty to Thirty-Six Months of Age 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

2. Materials and Activities Two year olds like large muscle activity They are developing fine muscles for controlled manipulation of objects Children represent their ideas in play and language, and they recognize pictures They listen to stories and enjoy participating in rhymes, fingerplays, music, and singing Materials may be homemade or commercially made 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. 3. Materials and Activities Activity Ideas Emergent curriculum is created for each specific child within a group based upon current knowledge of what a child can do, is interested in, and is ready for Holistic curriculum addressed the development of the whole child Ongoing projects result in challenges and problems to be solved 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. 4. Physical Development The older two-year-old is increasing stability in walking and running Older toddlers ride tricycles They jump up and down, they jump off objects, and they jump forward Handedness is established Fine motor skills for dressing are developed Self-help skills help older toddlers to prepare for nap, toilet independently and dress with some assistance 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. 5. Suggestions for Implementing Curriculum-- Physical Development Provide space and materials for active play Play games and sing songs that involve movement and jumping Play music for dancing, include scarves, etc. Allow children to hold book and turn pages Plan a routine that allows time for children to use self-help skills Be available to assist as needed 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. 6. Cognitive and Language Development Cognitive Development: Older toddlers use observing, questioning, manipulating, classifying and measuring to learn about their world Children construct physical knowledge by moving and observing Children construct logico-mathematical knowledge by discovering relationships between objects Children learn social-arbitrary knowledge from other people 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. 7. Cognitive Development Curriculum Implementation As you solve problems together, talk through your own questions Listen to childs explanation of classification Provide choices Encourage child to use art materials to represent objects and ideas Use words labeling quantity, number, positions in space Use time related words during daily experiences 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. 8. Cognitive and Language Development Language Development: The labeling process is part of childrens construction of the identity of objects Older toddlers speak in more complete sentences and are able to express several ideas in a sequence of sentences Play provides opportunities to combine language with imagination Reading aloud provides language patterns, reading pictures encourages self-expression, reading fosters larger vocabularies and story-telling abilities The ability to produce or express language during the toddler years has been associated with larger vocabularies and better reading outcomes during the early elementary years. Scribbling continues to involve children in writing 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. 9. Suggestions for Implementing Curriculum-- Language Development Provide dramatic play opportunities to combine language with imagination. Read aloud to provide examples of language patterns and expression Use correct tense and plurals when responding to childrens language Partner with families to support language and literacy development with literacy bags Write childrens names, sentences on their artwork papers, and dictated sentences on their pages of scribbling 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. 10. Emotional Development Older toddlers express a wide variety of feelings They are beginning to express feeling in a socially acceptable manner There are variations in cultural expression of feelings Toddlers express negativism and aggression in different ways Dispositions such as discipline and persistence enables success Toddlers can be encouraged to display caring behaviors and responsibility through class pets 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. 11. Suggestions for Implementing Curriculum-- Emotional Development Be aware of and respect the cultural differences that children bring with them to school Support caring behaviors with a class pet Provide opportunities for challenging, developmental and content-rich learning experiences Provide opportunities for children to work out strong feelings and the need for control through play and classroom responsibilities 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. 12. Social Development During the pre-conceptual stage, toddlers continue to work on perspective-taking Infants and toddlers are capable of building enduring friendships Children are increasingly aware of others as individuals They use adults as resources Self-control is increasing, with some ability to delay gratification Adults who use the 3 As consistently help children to learn how to interact socially 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. 13. Suggestions for Implementing Curriculum-- Social Development Provide enough toys and materials so child can control use of some of them Allow toddlers to use you as a resource Praise the childs spontaneous helping Encourage sharing by providing opportunities to share Use daily routines to demonstrate turn-taking, etc. 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. 14. Learning in Content Areas Traditional methods of instruction for preschool or elementary-age children should not be used with toddlers Use engaged, active exploration that is child-led for content learning as well as supporting development Integrate content across developmental domains Projects designed for toddlers illustrate how scientific and mathematical knowledge can be explored 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. 15. Spotlight on Research Toddlers and Media AAP recommends elimination of screen time for children under 2 years of age Comprehension is less from video than from real- life (video deficit) unless parents are engaged in shared focus Time spent viewing takes away from time spent on reading, playing and interacting 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. 16. Checkpoint Discussion Questions Compare how children learn physical knowledge, logico-mathematical knowledge, and social-arbitrary knowledge Explain the role adults play in toddlers acquisition of oral and written language skills. 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. 17. Checkpoint Discussion Questions What are the benefits to children of having a class pet? Provide two examples of cultural differences in expressing emotions. Describe which aspects of emotional expression those differences reflect. Describe how you would assist a child in demonstrating ownership of toys or security items. 2014 Cengage Learning. 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