Social Medias Guillaume ERETEO [email protected]

Social Media Introduction Course

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Page 1: Social Media Introduction Course

Social Medias

Guillaume [email protected]

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little history of communication

« Is it a fact -- or have I dreamt it -- that, by means of electricity, the world of matter has

become a great nerve, vibrating thousands of miles in a breathless point of time?»

Nathaniel Hawthorne,The House of the seven gables. The Flight of two Owls.

London, Collins’ Clear-Type Press, 1851. P. 317-318.

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prehistoryprehistory• 1792 – Chappe brothers: optical telegraph• 1835 – 1838 : telegraph & Samuel Morse• 1858 – The first transatlantic cable• 1867 – Graham Bell creates the phone

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Computers1946 – ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer).

[Fabien gandon]

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A network

Connecting machines1955: SABRE (Semi Automated Business Related Environment)

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Internetconnecting networks!

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Link using references Through the networkThrough the network

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distributed system for information access through internet.

The world wide web

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web servers

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200 000 000 web servers in 2009

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Trillion of web pages in 2009

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2 billion internet users


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Read … Write web

"The Machine is us…ing us"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gmP4nk0EOE

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social media landscape

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based on Clay Shirky, TED 2009


1→n1→n 1→n1→n


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read-write webread-write web

internet n↔nn↔n

pages web classiques11↔n↔n

wiki, (µ)blog, forum, etc. n n↔n↔nWard Cunningham, 94

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So why is this no more sufficient?

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brands used to control communication about them…

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… due to their strategic position in the information flow


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but we filled structural holes…


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… which weakened brand voice...


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… and empowered costumers !


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yesterday broadcasting

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today and future networking

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a dramatic shift for public relationships


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example of social medias

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some problems to tackle

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are you visible online?

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you are here

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google gold triangleand you should be there

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become visible


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reputation management?

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They talking for you…

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how to prevent the visibility of this?

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Pareto: 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes

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join the conversation

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word of mouth

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how to make them spread your message?

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low cost visibilityhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1ZZreXEqSY

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low cost visibilityhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1ZZreXEqSY

how many for the same audience on traditional medias?

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Social media marketing

• pull people into your business.

• offer the public useful information, tools and resources to attract people to you

• interact and develop relationships with consumers on the web.

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harness the mass!

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(incredibly) low barrier to entry

Katie Laird – the social media for business

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main cost is human resources

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You are still puzzled?

but did you know?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ILQrUrEWe8

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In the social webIn the social webWelcomeWelcome

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Further Reading

• F. Gandon: Les début du web sous l'œil du W3C. Interstices. http://interstices.info/jcms/c_41560/les-debuts-du-web-sous-l-il-du-w3c

• M. Buffa: Du web aux wikis, une histoire des outils collaboratifs. Interstices. http://interstices.info/jcms/c_37151/du-web-aux-wikis-une-histoire-des-outils-collaboratifs

• T. O'reilly: What is web 2.0. http://oreilly.com/web2/archive/what-is-web-20.html

• J. Hendler, N. Shadbolt, W. Hall, T. Berners-Lee, D. Weitzner. Web Science: an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the web. Publication of ACM 2008. http://www.web2summit.com/web2009/public/schedule/detail/10194